Central european university Phone to main reception: (+36-1) 327 3000. 2020-ban a Central European University három interdiszciplináris alapképzési szakot is elindított. The ability to communicate and research in multiple languages is a real advantage within the academic community and beyond. It has a regional and global focus on open society issues, with a diverse and international community of faculty and students. With a worldwide academic reputation, we offer you the educational opportunity of a lifetime. Andrea Peto is a Professor in the Department of Gender Studies at Central European University, Vienna, Austria, and a Doctor of Science of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. In economics, CEU ranks #101-150 in ARWU ShanghaiRanking 2019 and #151-200 in QS World University Rankings 2019. Die Central European University Private University (CEU PU) ist eine österreichische Privatuniversität. undergraduate degree, and equipped with a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, you’ll be ready to launch a career in business, public service, intergovernmental organizations, or politics, pursue further research, or start an advanced degree. For my master’s I went to a university in Europe that had tons of faculty/scholars who had previously been affiliated with CEU and who all spoke very highly of its political science programs. Among them was George Soros, the Hungarian-American financier and philanthropist, who founded Central European University two years later. The Center for Academic Writing has been at the forefront of addressing this need for over 20 years with its team of dedicated professional language instructors. CEU is an English-language university in Vienna founded in 1991 by anti-totalitarian intellectuals. [ 2 ] The Institute for Advanced Study CEU is a university-based Institute for Advanced Study which hosts every year a group of outstanding scholars from around the world. The field is constantly developing, and new research themes, journals and programs keep emerging, testifying to the profound and far-reaching significance of the knowledge produced. The CEU Alumni Relations office is here to help you tap into this global support network, and to connect you with great alumni benefits and services, career support, events and networking opportunities. We salute you. Sep 1, 2024 · Tuesday, June 3, 2025. Az Egyetem Budapesten csak posztgraduális, New York államban és Bécsben posztgraduális és graduális képzéseket is Postal Address Austria: Central European University Private University | Quellenstraße 51 | A-1100 Wien, Austria | Vienna Commercial Court | FN 502313 x Postal Address Hungary: Közép-európai Egyetem | Nádor u. CEU is a research-intensive university. Postal Address Austria: Central European University Private University | Quellenstraße 51 | A-1100 Wien, Austria | Vienna Commercial Court | FN 502313 x Postal Address Hungary: Közép-európai Egyetem | Nádor u. Find open access versions of scholarly works authored or co-authored by CEU faculty and students. Its programs are among the finest in Europe, enabling students to obtain a solid grounding in fundamental legal concepts in civil law and common law systems and to develop unique skills in comparative analysis. 12:30 – 1:30 p. Üdvözöljük a Central European University magyar nyelvű honlapján! Egyetemünk az Amerikai Egyesült Államokban, Magyarországon és Ausztriában felsőoktatási tevékenységet végző New York állambeli, budapesti és bécsi központú felsőoktatási intézmény. Join the trusted support network of more than 18,000 professional alumni in 150 countries. and Austria, CEU offers bachelor's, master's and doctoral programs in Postal Address Austria: Central European University Private University | Quellenstraße 51 | A-1100 Wien, Austria | Vienna Commercial Court | FN 502313 x Postal Address Hungary: Közép-európai Egyetem | Nádor u. CEU offers three undergraduate programs in Culture, Politics and Society, Philosophy, Politics and Economics, and Data Science and Society. The Undergraduate Studies programs are led by world-class faculty specializing in the social sciences and humanities. 中欧大学(英語: Central European University, CEU)是一所私立人文社科研究型大學,从事人文科學、社會科學、法律和管理领域的教学与研究。该校在美国 纽约州注册登记,总部设在奥地利 维也纳,共设有維也納和布达佩斯2个校区。 Apr 19, 1991 · Postal Address Austria: Central European University Private University | Quellenstraße 51 | A-1100 Wien, Austria | Vienna Commercial Court | FN 502313 x Postal Address Hungary: Közép-európai Egyetem | Nádor u. We’re looking for talented , passionate, and dedicated students from all backgrounds who want to bring about the change this world needs. The Postgraduate Opportunity Scholarship is open to students pursuing a Master’s at CEU and who are citizens of any of the 30 eligible countries, primarily located within Central & Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. Learn how to apply for undergraduate and graduate programs at CEU, a leading academic institution in Budapest, Hungary. Nov 28, 2024 · Postal Address Austria: Central European University Private University | Quellenstraße 51 | A-1100 Wien, Austria | Vienna Commercial Court | FN 502313 x Postal Address Hungary: Közép-európai Egyetem | Nádor u. Partnerships. The program ranks #1 in Central Europe and world #50 in the QS Masters in Business Analytics Rankings 2019. Occasional exemptions from this rule are granted. In-house medical center: Available for the entire CEU community. Its faculty members typically devote at least half of their time to research including participation in European and international projects. Based in Vienna and Budapest, Central European University (CEU) brings together students and faculty from over 100 countries to exchange ideas in an open and dynamic community in the heart of Europe. . Professor Randeria is the first woman, and the first person from the global South, to take up this position since the founding of the university 30 years ago. Marie-Pierre Granger, Department of Visiting students from Ukraine. Director of the Shattuck Center for Human Rights. The programs are tailored for students who seek an international BA experience in small classroom settings, who appreciate having the choice to tailor their programs to meet their own interests, and who relish a challenging academic experience. 2024 Summer University Participants and Faculty Reflect on CEU Summer Program September 23, 2024 Video - From the Field to the Screen and Back 2024 summer course Jan 10, 2025 · Postal Address Austria: Central European University Private University | Quellenstraße 51 | A-1100 Wien, Austria | Vienna Commercial Court | FN 502313 x Postal Address Hungary: Közép-európai Egyetem | Nádor u. The Department of Legal Studies provides high quality advanced legal education and education in human rights. Nov 11, 2024 · Mathias Moschel, Welcome Address, Head of Legal Studies Department, CEU, Prof. Gender Studies is an academic discipline with deep roots and an enormous resonance in the contemporary world. Registration Fee. Find out the application requirements, deadlines, and privacy statement. To express solidarity with the victims of the invasion of Ukraine and assist with their academic future, CEU is welcoming students enrolled in degree programs at Ukrainian universities in the academic fields represented at CEU: social sciences, humanities, legal studies, economics and business, environmental sciences and policy. Having launched a new undergraduate offer in 2020, CEU’s distinctive educational program builds on the research tradition of the great American universities; on the most valuable Central European intellectual traditions; on the international The Enrollment Fee entitles students to use computer labs, email and Internet access, and contributes to university residential life programs, and student activities. The language of instruction for all master's, doctoral and non-degree programs offered by Central European University is English. Gain resilience to thrive in the turbulent global business environment with the Executive MBA for the Open World® at Central European University – one of the most densely international universities in the world, according to The Times Higher Education. Where will you go from CEU? With your dual Austrian and U. CEUの入り口(ハンガリー) 中央ヨーロッパ大学 (Central European University、略称:CEU) は、1991年に創立された、オーストリアのウィーンとハンガリーのブダペストにある英語で授業を行うスタイルの国際的な私立研究大学である。 Postal Address Austria: Central European University Private University | Quellenstraße 51 | A-1100 Wien, Austria | Vienna Commercial Court | FN 502313 x Postal Address Hungary: Közép-európai Egyetem | Nádor u. Számos programunk inter- és multidiszciplináris, több tanszékhez is kapcsolódik, a tematika és a képzési szükségletek szerint. S. The Erasmus Mundus Program provides fellowships for students from around the world. Unit/People Contacts. Learn from top-notch professors, join a diverse community, and earn a dual Austrian and American degree in one of Europe's most beautiful cities. Quellenstraße 51 1100 Wien. Following the intellectual tradition of Collegium Budapest and similar academic institutions in Europe and elsewhere, IAS CEU invites senior and junior Fellows to pursue their diverse disciplinary interests in an environment Postal Address Austria: Central European University Private University | Quellenstraße 51 | A-1100 Wien, Austria | Vienna Commercial Court | FN 502313 x Postal Address Hungary: Közép-európai Egyetem | Nádor u. It offers degrees in social sciences, humanities, law, and more, and attracts students from over 100 countries. In June 2021, The Board of Trustees of Central European University elected Shalini Randeria as CEU's 6th President and Rector. The Master of Arts in International Relations is a full-time MA program (one and two years) that prepares students for careers in academia, government, international organizations, NGOs, journalism, think tanks or private business. | 1051 Budapest, Hungary Central European University (CEU), and its Political Science Department in particular, excel in both teaching and research while offering a truly international educational environment. Postal Address Austria: Central European University Private University | Quellenstraße 51 | A-1100 Wien, Austria | Vienna Commercial Court | FN 502313 x Postal Address Hungary: Közép-európai Egyetem | Nádor u. Network science, as a maturing field, offers a unique perspective to tackle complex problems impenetrable to linear-proportional thinking. CEU offers bachelor's, master's and doctoral programs modeled on the finest examples offered by American universities. Central European University. The program is implemented by Central European University (Budapest Campus) in cooperation with Imre Kertész Kolleg, University of Jena, as well as other Ukrainian (Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukrainian Catholic University) and global university partners and research institutions (such as the Center for Urban History of East Central Europe in Lviv). Oct 15, 2024 · Postal Address Austria: Central European University Private University | Quellenstraße 51 | A-1100 Wien, Austria | Vienna Commercial Court | FN 502313 x Postal Address Hungary: Közép-európai Egyetem | Nádor u. At the Department of Public Policy we embody the quintessence of CEU’s mission, committed to advanced research and teaching, with socially and morally responsible intellectual inquiry, and an emphasis on the promotion of real-world applications of established and new interdisciplinary knowledge. Gerd Oberleitner, Director of the European Training and Research Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, and UNESCO Chair in Human Rights, University of Graz , Elizabeth Lambert, CNRS Research Professor, Nantes, Paulina Rundel, Scientific Researcher, University of Vienna, Prof. Mission . This also prevents potential degree recognition problems when applying for doctoral study in continental Europe or on the continental European job market. COHRS November 29, 2022 - 5:30pm: Perspectives on Democracy: A Conversation Between Eleni Kounalakis and Michael Ignatieff June 14, 2021 - 7:00pm: The Flying University April 29, 2021 - 7:00pm Professor at the Department of Public Policy at the Central European University (CEU) in Vienna. You now join a community of more than 17,000 amazing individuals making a difference in 147 countries around the world. 1051 Budapest, Hungary. CEU Budapest Postal Address. D'Universitéit ass bekannt fir hir Stäerkt an de Sozial- a Geeschteswëssenschaften , fir hiren nidderege Rapport Student-Fakultéit, an hiren Postal Address Austria: Central European University Private University | Quellenstraße 51 | A-1100 Wien, Austria | Vienna Commercial Court | FN 502313 x Postal Address Hungary: Közép-európai Egyetem | Nádor u. Soros championed the project because he understood that open societies can flourish only with people in positions of responsibility who are educated to promote them. The Department is a thriving part of Central European University (CEU), the only transnational, English-language graduate school in Europe that is accredited both in the European Union and the United States. During my time at CEU, most of my courses were taught by deeply knowledgeable professors who are well-recognized in their respective fields. Austria Phone to main reception: (+43) 1 25230 7111. A private research university founded by George Soros in 1991 to promote open societies and democratization in Central Europe. Sie ist durch die österreichische Akkreditierungsbehörde AQ-Austria seit 2019 als österreichische Privatuniversität akkreditiert und unterliegt daher formal dem österreichischen Privathochschulgesetz (PrivHG). Central European University ("CEU" or the "University") was founded in 1991 to support the democratic transitions in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. Academic Freedom in the Balance: Central European University and New College Florida March 10, 2023 - 9:00pm: THE NEW ATLANTIC ORDER - PATRICK O. However, they had all been at the university 10+ years ago at this point, so I’m not sure how it’s changed. m. More than one-third of CEU students are pursuing doctoral degrees and thus are also actively involved in research, normally on par with faculty members. Your health and wellbeing are important to us, therefore CEU is offering a wide range of benefits. Ugyancsak 2020-tól a diplomát illetve fokozatot nyújtó képzések a LEX CEU rendelkezései miatt CEU’s Summer University (SUN) program is the extension of the university’s mission of promoting research, teaching and social engagement by hosting high-level, research-oriented, interdisciplinary and innovative academic courses as well as workshops on policy issues for professional development in the social sciences and the humanities. Central European University (Centraleuropeiska universitetet, CEU) är ett privat universitet med campus i Wien som är ackrediterat i Österrike och USA. Jan 15, 2025 · July 2 – 4, 2025 Applications submitted for the July 1, 2025 deadline undergo a formal review by the Admissions Office, and are subsequently either passed on to the academic programs for academic evaluation or rejected for formal reasons. Students may apply to CEU as an Erasmus student by first contacting the Erasmus coordinator in charge at their home university. University Postal Address Austria: Central European University Private University | Quellenstraße 51 | A-1100 Wien, Austria | Vienna Commercial Court | FN 502313 x Postal Address Hungary: Közép-európai Egyetem | Nádor u. To be considered for this scholarship, applicants need to: Sep 22, 2022 · Central European University is delighted to announce it is now accepting applications for the AY 23/24 and that students who are interested in studying at CEU may begin to submit their documents. If selected, applicants should complete and submit an online application to CEU with all the required documents, a Certificate of Erasmus Status, and a preliminary Learning Agreement as uploaded attachments. The Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy at the Central European University is an international center of excellence in environmental and sustainability research and teaching with a focus on interdisciplinary and critical scholarship in energy transitions and climate change; environmental governance, politics and justice; resource and disaster management and pollution control; and In CEU’s bachelor’s degree program in Philosophy, Politics and Economics, you will study with peers from around the world, address some of the key questions for humanity today from several perspectives, learn to present your ideas and knowledge effectively, and prepare for exciting careers, all in beautiful Vienna. Central European University, Wien, Österreich. Explore Central European University’s 47,207 photos on Flickr! This site uses cookies to improve your experience and to help show content that is more relevant to your interests. In 2020, CEU launched a new undergraduate offer. When you accept the offer of admission, confirming you will attend CEU, you’re required to pay a one-time Registration Fee of €500. It has a campus in Vienna and a non-degree presence in Budapest, and offers graduate and undergraduate programs in the social sciences and humanities. Accredited in both the US and Austria, CEU offers several joint degrees with other leading European universities as well as exchange opportunities and shorter courses for students and professionals from around the world. Nador u. CEU is an accredited institution that offers English-language programs in the social sciences, humanities, law, management and public policy. Candidates must demonstrate proficiency in English by submitting standardized English language test scores. SPARK YOUR CAREER WITH A CEU UNDERGRADUATE DEGREE. Deadline for submission of Spring term grades of graduating students: Friday, June 6, 2025: Public Holiday in Austria The Department of Network and Data Science at Central European University provides an organizational platform for research in network science, with a special forcus on applications to practical social problems. Central European University offers three exciting new BA programs, taught by our world-class faculty specializing in the social sciences and humanities, and with the added value of offering dual Austrian and American degrees. ; The doctor on duty (in Vienna): provides regular medical consultations, examinations, treatments, prescribes medications, and further referrals to specialists Postal Address Austria: Central European University Private University | Quellenstraße 51 | A-1100 Wien, Austria | Vienna Commercial Court | FN 502313 x Postal Address Hungary: Közép-európai Egyetem | Nádor u. The CEU Democracy Institute strives to enable the renewal and strengthening of democratic societies. Candidates whose first language is English are normally exempt from this requirement. European and participating countries must form a consortium of three or more partner universities for the purpose of developing a master's-level or doctoral curriculum and delivering it jointly. Central European University aims to secure a stimulating and supportive working, teaching, learning, and social environment which promotes equality and equity, and respects the rights and dignity of all academic and administrative staff, prospective, current and former students, associate members, bidders, contracting parties, and visitors to the University. D'Central European University ass eng privat Fuerschungsuniversitéit, déi an Éisträich, Ungarn an an de Vereenegt Staate vun Amerika akkreditéiert ass, mat Campussen zu Wien a Budapest. The Department of Public Policy (DPP) at Central European University (CEU) offers a one-year MA in Public Policy (one-year MAPP) degree program that seeks to provide students a solid foundation in theories, which contribute to our understanding of the design, development, and reform of public policies in different institutional contexts, and at various levels of governance. 9. You must have one (for bachelor's programs), two (for master's and most doctoral programs), or three (for some doctoral programs) confidential letters of recommendation submitted as part of your application, assessing your ability to conduct graduate-level work, and potential for a successful academic or professional career. Feb 6, 2025 · CEU Open Research Repository Access the research output of the CEU community. In Austria, CEU's Austrian entity Central European University Private University (CEU PU) is recognized as a private higher education institution persuant to §§ 24 and 25 HS-QSG and § 1 Private University Act (PUG) in conjunction with § 14 Private University Act (PrivHG). Ett centralt inslag i CEU:s verksamhet är att främja det öppna samhället [ 1 ] och det är ett högt rankat universitet inom samhällsvetenskap och humaniora . Holders of a three-year bachelor’s degree in philosophy should, as a rule, apply for the two-year MA program rather than the one-year program. Welcome to the Department of Public Policy. The University is deeply international: it is home to students from more than 100 countries and faculty from over 50. . Accredited in the U. 58,155 likes · 453 talking about this · 24,943 were here. Martin Kahanec acted as the Dean of CEU's School of Public Policy in 2017-19 and 2020-21; he was elected to continue as the Head of the unit when it was renamed to Department (2021-2023). Central European University is an institution of advanced research and teaching, dedicated to socially and morally responsible intellectual inquiry. Continued their studies in highly ranked PhD programs, for example at Boston University, Duke University, University of California San Diego, University of Michigan Embarked on careers in banking, finance, or consulting, for example at BlackRock, Raiffeisen Bank, Morgan Stanley, McKinsey, PricewaterhouseCoopers, KPMG Postal Address Austria: Central European University Private University | Quellenstraße 51 | A-1100 Wien, Austria | Vienna Commercial Court | FN 502313 x Postal Address Hungary: Közép-európai Egyetem | Nádor u. At Central European University we deliver excellent Bachelors, Masters, and Doctoral programs in the humanities, social sciences law and management. It is most effective to directly contact the specific person or unit you are Postal Address Austria: Central European University Private University | Quellenstraße 51 | A-1100 Wien, Austria | Vienna Commercial Court | FN 502313 x Postal Address Hungary: Közép-európai Egyetem | Nádor u. chru jyq vyrz pmkf enm curntcx uye hyjzm stqcsc pkuuxpcv dfkcs qrquwq odffg zeraeay zrsrgi