District 6 bus transportation. Student bus passes are $254.
District 6 bus transportation Bus drivers will write up students for misbehaving. About the Transportation Department. There are approximately 3,300 students enrolled in the District. Hours of Operation: 6:00 a. Bay District Schools provides limited free transportation. Darlington Bus Office - 843-398-3575; Hartsville Bus Office - 843-857-3774; Lamar Bus Office - 843-326-7511; Mission Statement: Transportation Safety Plan (EC 39831. Bus drivers merit the respect due all school personnel. For any questions or concerns please contact us at 928-288-8241 or 928-288-8107 VC Section 34501. Students on approved inter-district transfers do not qualify for transportation outside the school district boundaries. If the bus is not there after 10 minutes call the Transportation office. Please allow 10 minutes either way. During the registration process, please indicate if your student will need bus transportation. Blue Bird Lane, 84098; Phone: 435-645-5660; Fax: 435-645-5669; Summer Office Hours: 7:00 am to 1:00 pm; Office Hours (resume on 1st day of school): 7:00 am – 3:45 pm Mon-Thursday / 7:00 am - 2:30 Fridays Mukilteo School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Bus Service. Maintenance and servicing of the buses is handled by the State Department of Education, Office of Transportation - Bus Shop. Download the My Ride K-12 app to confirm your child’s bus routes. 8-mile walk to bus stop. Please be patient as we are running double routes to get every child to their home safely. The District's 64 transportation and maintenance vehicles are maintained and serviced at the transportation facility shared with the Township of Derry. Policy 810: Transportation Policy 810. We have 29 district-operated schools and six charter schools. Directions to the Bus Garage: The DCSD Transportation Department covers Society Hill, Lamar, Darlington and Hartsville public schools. Understand and support school district transportation and school bus policies and procedures. Provide for security, safety and any necessary supervision of your student before loading and after unloading from a school bus. 3. Each day, the safety and security of your child is always treated with the highest priority on our buses and throughout our District. Anoka-Hennepin is Minnesota's largest school district, serving more than 40,000 students. You should arrive at the bus stop at least 10 minutes ahead of time. Golden Zone Bus Routes 2024-2025 District Practice 7000, Transportation of students on regular school bus routes. New Lenox School District 122 contracts with Lincoln-Way Community High School District 210 to provide bus service for our students. 1. org. If you drop something near the bus leave it there-get an adult to help Fremont County School District #6 Transportation Department for the 2024-2025 school year. The Transportation The Transportation Department acknowledges that the environment created on the bus sets the tone for the beginning and end of a child’s learning day, so they work to recruit and hire drivers and support staff that are qualified, observe all applicable laws and regulations. Greeley School District 6 was first established in 1870 by the founding fathers of the Union Colony. In addition to our daily routes, we also provide service for academic field trips, athletic practices, games, and meets, extracurricular events, and afterschool programs. Pictured back row from left: Rose Hines-Moreno, Candace Miller, Donae Bezanson, and Rick Bezanson; and front row, Transportation Supervisor Toni Downing, Jim Nelson, Joseph Bragg, and UPDATE: The Transportation Department has an important update for parents and caregivers of students in grades K-6 seeking transportation to daycare facilities. We also have bus rules and consequences in place that all students must adhere to. With professionally well-trained and experienced employees, the team's goal is to provide the best riding experience available. 376. For instance, if your bus is scheduled to pick-up at 6:00am, the 90-minute delay pick-up time is 7:30am. student. The Central Point School District partners with First Student to provide bussing for eligible CPSD students. To enhance student safety, the district has implemented a student bus pass program for those students who will be using a school bus for transportation to and/or from school. When crossing railroad tracks, remain silent as the bus comes to a stop so the driver can listen for trains. Minooka Road, Minooka, IL 60447 Phone: 815-467-5133 Fax: 815-467-9484. Students must meet these requirements to be approved for district transportation. The Kettering Transportation Department is proud of the fact that it has received perfect “Excellent” ratings for bus safety for 25 years in a row. (formerly Apple Bus) to provide student transportation. David Barrett Transportation Director email: dbarrett@min201. -Fri. Academy District 20 provides safe, dependable, and efficient daily bus service for students. m. Service Accountability Focus Engage Teamwork You Information about transportation services in Travis Unified School District. Alvin ISD is leading the way with more than 4,000 staff members and a fleet of 350+ buses and support vehicles. Tronstad has worked in transportation since 2009, first as a mechanic and then as the head mechanic. Bus stop locations and times are subject to change. 150, does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, religion, age, national origin, disability or marital status in employment or educational programs. Transportation will be provided for resident students, public and non-public, who live more than two (2) miles from the assigned secondary school, which is Grades 9 through 12; more than one and one-half (1 ½) miles for Grades 7 and 8; or more than one and one-fourth (1 ¼) miles for Intermediate school Grades 5 and 6 and Kindergarten through Delay Transportation Information: In the instance of a 90-minute delay, students and staff will report 90 minutes later than their normal start time. 2. It is the distances that determine eligibility. School Bus Routes. Why does my student have to ride 2 buses per day? Park County School District #6 operates multi-tiered routing, meaning that our routes service every Park 6 student in that area regardless of which school they attend. org As part of our transportation scheduling system, the Cascade School District has access to and is using a parent app called Stopfinder. If you are having trouble, school sites also have an alphabetical list of students where each site can locate student's bus assignments. Additionally, when a violation Due to the continued shortage of bus drivers, Fox C-6 will have several no-transportation zones within our school district for the 2024-2025 school year. Opening the app will allow you to see more detailed information about the route on a map including stop specific alerts, such as stops that have been closed or moved. Grades 6–12: 0. He previously oversaw the district’s fleet of 72 buses, organized the maintenance of the team and provided instruction on bus system operations to aides and drivers before taking on the director's The Transportation Department is responsible for developing and executing District Five's transportation program in accordance with applicable state and federal laws and to support the policies of District Five. 5, a district is only able to charge up to the difference between transportation income and expenses. Feb 8, 2025 · The route map shows you an overview of all the stops served by the Cache Valley Transit District 6 bus to help you plan your trip on Cache Valley Transit District. The Transportation Department’s main concern is the safety of the children they transport. 2024-2025. Greeley-Evans School District 6 supports staff members in receiving the necessary training to work in Transportation Services. 3020 Transportation@laveeneld. WELCOME TO DISTRICT 6! Greeley-Evans School District 6 serves more than 23,000 students in the communities of Greeley and Evans, Colorado. To determine your student’s drop-off/pick-up times, enter your residential location and your student’s grade level into the location query. To view 2024-2025 bus routes, click here. Transportation services will be provided for students to and from their neighborhood school, consistent with Oregon Law. Students shall be eligible for transportation service to and from school if the distance between their school-established bus stop and the school is beyond the minimum listed below: For elementary school students: Grades K-6: 1. Transportation handles the school bus transportation of students to and from school and field trips. We provide all required training to staff and pay staff for all training hours. If you would like further information regarding bus routes and stops, please contact our transportation department at 864-342-8988. School Bus Transportation is limited to transportation between Home and School and School to Home Address. Please contact the Transportation Department at the following number with any questions and/or concerns you may have and someone will be happy to assist you: (856) 988-0568. Pay attention to the bus driver and follow directions. 4-mile walk to bus stop. to 5:00 p. New technology to enhance school bus safety Watervliet City Schools has partnered with BusPatrol and the City of Watervliet to launch a new school bus stop-arm photo enforcement program aimed at reducing the number of drivers who illegally pass stopped school buses. Wait away from the edge of the road. To find information regarding the District Wide Bus Pass, Bus Safety, Kindergarten Students, Activity Bus Schedules, please go to Menu/ Support Operations(use drop Thank you for visiting our Transportation Department web site. 6 Schoolbuses Reduced Visibility 34501. 3): The county superintendent of schools, the superintendent of a school district, or the owner or operator of a private school that provides transportation to or from a school or school activity shall prepare a transportation safety plan containing procedures for school personnel to follow to ensure the The district prohibits discrimination and harassment on any basis protected by law, including but not limited to, an individual’s perceived or actual race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national or ethnic origin, marital status, age, mental or physical disability, pregnancy, familial status, economic status, or veterans’ status. There are 239 bus routes (not including shuttles) that cover 4,144 miles each day and 745,920 annually. Call BUNKER & BUNKER AND GLACIER VIEW TRANSPORTATION: Late buses; No-shows or pre-arranged absences for Special Education students; Seat assignment changes; Lost items; Issues with a bus driver Safety Protocol; Personality conflicts "Kudos" or thank yous; Property damage from bus; Bunker & Bunker: 907. Geographically, the District covers approximately 182 square miles. But remember, even with a full staff the lines may be busy. 5 miles ; For students attending middle school: Grades 7-8: 2 miles ; For students attending high school: Grades 9-12: The district’s maintenance department has been recognized by the New York State Department of Transportation as “among the best” vehicle maintenance programs statewide with a 96. Spartanburg School District Five transports more than 6, 249 students to and from school each day . Due to the continued shortage of bus drivers, Fox C-6 will have several no-transportation zones within our school district for the 2024-2025 school year. 700 E. Once the bus door closes and the bus leaves the pickup area, students will not be allowed to board the bus. During the hours of 5:30 AM - 9:30 AM and 1:15 PM - 4:45 PM, BSD Transportation office staff are primarily focused on meeting the needs of our students, which may limit our availability to answer phone calls. The Transportation Department provides home-to-school transportation to traditional, year-round, and special education students who reside within the board-approved busing guidelines, as well as transportation for field trips. Should a family have questions regarding their child's attendance area, please contact your child's home school or the District office. May 24, 2022 · Below are high-resolution maps that illustrate the Fox C-6 School District's adopted school boundaries by parcel size. Students may be eligible for free bus passes if they qualify under one of the following criteria: Bus drivers are people too! They are doing the best they can to make sure that your children get to school safely; they have one of the hardest and most important jobs in the district! Be patient. Spartanburg County School District 6 Transportation Services now requires ALL bus riders to complete a School Bus Registration Request to ensure your child is routed and assigned to the closest bus stop available. Let the bus come to a complete stop before Bus stop locations and times are subject to change. The same is true for bus pick-up times. The department has 4 area zones and 2 bus staging locations within the district. RCSD drivers travel approximately 1,207,312 miles transporting students to 7 public schools, 11 non-public schools and 8 special education schools. Use the links below to review maps of each school's attendance boundary area and the current no-transportation zones. Do not speak with, or otherwise distract, the driver while the bus is in The purposes of the transportation policy and related administrative guidelines are to provide for the safe and efficient transportation of district students to and from school for the consistent application of the policy and administrative guidelines to all district students. On the maps below, the green shape indicates a school's attendance Qualifications for Bus Driver Positions The following are eligibility requirements for employment as a Distrist Six School Bus Driver: Have no more than 4 points against driver's license within the last 12 months Pass DMV and SLED checks Have a valid South Carolina Driver's License All Bus Drivers are required to submit to a pre-employment drug screen and will be subjected to random drug and Feb 8, 2025 · The route map shows you an overview of all the stops served by the Cache Valley Transit District 6 bus to help you plan your trip on Cache Valley Transit District. All district buses utilize video and audio recording equipment. They need to share seats with others; be seated at all times when the bus is moving; sit facing the front of the bus; and remain seated until the bus comes to a complete stop and the driver opens the door. 2: Audio-Video Monitoring Seating Procedures. If you have a concern about a bus or students safety, please contact one of the following: 1. Location: 8460 N. SMART Tag System Transportation's phone number is 573-842-2199. Transportation services are not provided to students who choose to transfer from their assigned school. gov Transportation Overview. Stopfinder is the easy-to-use, all-in-one app that allows you to have the most accurate information about your student’s bus schedule at anytime from anywhere. 5 million miles a year and transports more than 10,000 students each day. Address. If your student's Due to a shortage of bus drivers, we are experiencing delays. Any student earning a third write up will automatically be suspended from transportation for ten days. All bus driver training is completed on site by our safety trainers. District Transportation Administrator Vermont Agency of Transportation 2178 Airport Road, Unit A Berlin, VT 05641 Phone: 802-241-0172 E-mail: gregory. to catch shuttle buses to Scarlet and Laurel. Our vehicles travel a total of 5,300 miles each day; There are six elementary schools, one middle school, and one high school in our District. Phone: (631) 791-4261 Christine Pierre, Senior Office Assistant for Transportation. Let the bus come to a complete stop before Barrington 220's school bus service provider is Barrington Transportation Company. Christina Kerekgyarto, Transportation Supervisor (973) 543-7107 x 5002. The Minisink Valley Central School District spans 115 square miles, and its buses travel over one million miles per year. Welcome to Spartanburg County School District Six! To find what elementary and middle school your home is zoned for, please use the document provided below. There are three bus offices that supervise the buses traveling within the school zones. Bus route start times are approximate as buses may be running early or late due to weather or traffic conditions. The D6 Transportation Services Department provides school bus transportation for district boundary students in Greeley and Evans to school sites, athletic events, non-public programs, and field trips. If your student’s school has closed or merged with another school and you will need bus transportation provided through the Penn Hills School District for the 2024-2025 school year, you must register the building change with the district by contacting one of the PHSD registration offices at 412-793 To help with securing safety on the bus and to keep the bus moving on its designated route and on time, we ask that you do not stop the bus in anyway. If, at any time, you have questions or concerns about bus safety or driver performance, please feel free to contact both our contractor and the Appoquinimink Transportation Department (phone 302. In the Parent Portal, parents will have access to the following items: The district prohibits discrimination and harassment on any basis protected by law, including but not limited to, an individual’s perceived or actual race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national or ethnic origin, marital status, age, mental or physical disability, pregnancy, familial status, economic status, or For pupils in Grades 6-12, who live at least one mile, or more, from the school they attend. We offer various transportation options based on your student's grade level and distance from school. us). Transportation Facility: 5520 Maxwelton Road - Langley, WA 98260 The software also helps the District determine transportation eligibility as it is capable of accurately determining the home to school distance for each student in the District. The Board of Education approved the updated plan on March 12, 2024. k12. This proactive effort will help combat reckless driving around school buses and protect … Continue reading "Transportation" Please Note: Florida law specifies that each parent is responsible for the transportation of his or her child to and from the VPK program. Parents can also subscribe to receive transportation, school and general alerts via email. The Childcare Transportation Request Form must be returned to [email protected] by August 10, 2025. Teresa Zalewski Transportation Policy No. The transportation department serves more than 12,000 students every day over a 250 square-mile area. The district’s buses travel more than 2. Dispatch (602) 237-9107 (602) 237-9100 ext. This form is only for students who are riding the bus from home to school and/or school to home. The transportation staff prepares bus routes and conducts school bus driver training for new drivers. 401 E H St, Tehachapi, CA 93561. The Ray-Pec School District contracts with First Student Inc. In addition, it provides bus service for various athletic and extracurricular events. Pre-Kindergarten: Door to door. According to Education Code Section 39809. 3 Oxford Hills School District Transportation Department 36 Brown Street Norway, Maine 04268 Telephone (207) 743-5621 Office Hours 6:00am - 4:00pm. Our Transportation Department's school bus staff strive to accommodate your trip requests. Refer to and follow the district's Field Trip Procedures provided to Office Managers. Route Guidelines Director of Transportation 785-286-8440 Bus transportation is provided to all in-district Seaman students. Park County School District #6 operates multi-tiered routing, meaning that our routes service every Park 6 student in that area regardless of which school they attend. On the maps below, the green shape indicates a school's attendance Park County School District #6 operates multi-tiered routing, meaning that our routes service every Park 6 student in that area regardless of which school they attend. The District operates the largest public sector bus fleet in Maine. If there is an infraction to the bus rules, a referral is turned into the school administrator, who is responsible for contacting the student and parent to resolve the situation. Mon. a. smith@vermont. 6 The governing board of a local educational agency that provides for the transportation of pupils shall adopt procedures that limit the operation of schoolbuses when atmospheric conditions reduce visibility on the roadway to 200 feet or less during regular home-to-school transportation service. This includes the student's transportation, address and contact information, media files, if any, which would include any documentation from SD6 as it pertains to transportation. The Transportation Department helps support student learning and engagement through equitable transportation services for families throughout the District. In addition, a network of bus drivers provides localized road information. de. This report goes directly to the school principal. Our vehicles travel more than six million miles annually. 4132, transportation@appo. Thank you for your understanding and trusting us with your child. Our team is committed to providing safe, reliable, and efficient transportation for all of our students. Transportation Department Mission Statement The transportation department’s mission is to provide safe, reliable, efficient, and professional student transportation for the Mead School District. Aug 13, 2024 · Tehachapi Unified School District Home Public Hearing Notice Bus Transportation Survey. We are pleased to provide transportation to the 11,000 public and non-public students of the district. This will not apply to students who ride a Welcome to the Cumberland Valley School District Transportation Department. Pick up Patrol will only have bus routes listed for parents to choose from. To ensure we can prioritize your needs effectively, we kindly ask that you call between 9:30 AM - 1:15 PM or 4:45 PM - 6:00 PM. Bus Schedules are generated by the district’s transportation’s software system. Forms. 495-6311. The Transportation Office will be open 6:00 am to 4:30 to answer calls and solve problems. Upper Perkiomen School District Transportation Department. Important information for parents of students who attend a recently closed or merged school. Delay Conversion chart for pick-up times. The District Transportation Manager contacts the Department of Transportation road Supervisors who are out through the night to provide a detailed account of road conditions in the district. 6% pass rate. Transportation Staff To provide safe, efficient, and professional transportation service in support of the district’s vision. District 49 is seeking qualified applicants for school bus driver openings. Transportation. On the maps below, the green shape indicates a school's attendance Qualifications for Bus Driver Positions The following are eligibility requirements for employment as a Distrist Six School Bus Driver: Have no more than 4 points against driver's license within the last 12 months Pass DMV and SLED checks Have a valid South Carolina Driver's License All Bus Drivers are required to submit to a pre-employment drug screen and will be subjected to random drug and Spartanburg School District Six, where children are always first, ensures the highest quality education for all children by providing a highly qualified staff, a challenging curriculum, first-class facilities, and a safe and nurturing environment. This means a transfer is necessary to ensure students get to their school. YSD1 Board Policy AR EEAEC-R Student Conduct on Buses. 1312 by 6:30 AM. The district's transportation department provides safe, reliable, and efficient transportation services by utilizing approximately 380 school bus vehicles every day. ckerekgyarto@mendhamtwp. TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT CONTACTS. Per RSA 193:12 , students who are deemed legal residents of the school district pursuant to a divorce decree or parenting plan developed under RSA 461-A, transportation will not necessarily be provided for students admitted under this provision and under Bus 18 & 25 pick-up Scarlet and Laurel students throughout the district starting at 6 a. Transportation Department (P) 864-342-8988 (F) 864-342-8999 David Poag, Director of Transportation (P) 864-342-8988 [email protected]. Sign up at enrollment (online or in person) • verify info • get pick up & drop off times • review transportation handbook Changing information Busing requests or changes require a 3-day notice, prior to becoming effective. Bus Safety Rules. The safety of our students is the main priority of District Transportation employees. The bus pass (Student school ID) is REQUIRED to be scanned on and off the bus as the student embarks or disembarks the bus. The Derry Township School District Transportation personnel safely negotiates approximately 440,000 miles annually to accomplish the district's transportation needs. The support staff consist of Supervisors, Clerks, Routers, Dispatchers, Field Trip and Fleet personnel. Rocky Mountain School Welcome to D5 Transportation Department. Glacier View Transportation: 907. VOLUNTARY PRE-KINDERGARTEN (VPK) PROGRAM 4. Bus passes will be sent out on or about August 20, 2025. The Mission of YSD1 Transportation Department is to transport students to and from school activities safely and timely each day. 00 (includes processing fee) per semester. Denise Vanderver, Assistant Director Central Point School District 6 contracts with First Student for student transportation to and from school. Our dedicated team of drivers, mechanics, routers, and support staff work together to maintain high standards in bus safety and service quality. If your child will not be riding the school bus call the transportation department at 563-243-4441 ext. Resident pupils of the Port Jefferson Union Free School District #6 scheduled to attend or continue to attend or anticipate attending private or parochial schools are entitled to bus transportation in accordance with distance limitations provided for public school students and if the distance Bus Routes. We are strictly adhering to the bus rosters so we know who is on the bus at all times. The Transportation Service Plan is a summary of our services to show how we will prioritize planned transportation services for pupils in transitional kindergarten, kindergarten, and any of grades 1 to 6, inclusive, and pupils who are low income to the extent that's possible. District 303 bus drivers carry “the world’s most precious cargo” on over 1 million plus miles of road per year. Students entering the bus should go immediately to a seat without crowding, shoving or disturbing others. . All bus assignments (including Bus Number, Bus Stop Location, and Pick-up/Drop-off Times) can be accessed through your Parent Portal account. Student bus passes are $254. org Central Point School District 6 is an Equal Opportunity Employer, and in accordance with Federal and State legislation, including Title IX, title VIII, ORS 659. Special Education and Transition Program: Transportation accommodations per IEP and Disability . Behavioral expectations on the school bus are much like those in the classroom. Transportation Contacts. The District will provide pupil transportation services consistent with applicable law. Kindergarten–Grade 5: 0. Our school bus drivers complete over 2200 athletic and activity trips annually, reducing travel costs by 50% while providing extra work opportunities. School Office your child attends. All students transfer to Bus 18, which takes them to Live Oaks by 6:50 a. The transportation department recently placed first in the special needs category of the Colorado School Bus Championship Road-e-o, and then placed seventh nationally. Transportation is only to and from regular school bus stops during the regular school times. Drivers, bus assistants, mechanics, trainers, and office staff work seamlessly together to provide the highest level of service. Distances from all homes in the district to all schools serving those homes have been calculated. It is imperative for school sites to communicate all off-site movement of students with Student Support at the district office and the Transportation Department. Bus Stop Guidelines . Additionally, bus drivers must meet mandatory annual in-service training requirements with complete recertification required every 6 years. Ensure your student understands the policies and procedures, and encourage them to comply. Both buses meet at the corner of 28 and 48 (Family Dollar/ Circle K) at 6:40 a. The department has a fleet of 90 buses and two bus runs: One for students in grades 6-12 and one for students in grades K-5. 809 includes guidelines for eligibility, bus conduct and discipline, transportation for children with special needs, transportation of non-public students, kindergarten policy and other pertinent information. mqxl otjmrfx ujolly lskqn uozqvzs ksfoyv jrjmh mxurwk tykgu ylxccwvc taxumtb dkle gxfz gwfy bvhipcw