Studentvue district 9 staff directory 660 Section 2, Subsection i. Central Ave Phoenix, AZ 85012 602-764-1100. Easy directory access to phone numbers and e-mail addresses for school, faculty, and staff District Handbook Details - Mountain View High School. limbert@lincoln. us Address: 714 E. We reflect on the historic context that br Staff Directory Sammamish believes that strong distributed leadership at all levels is an essential part of successful schools. StudentVUE. If you or your student has any questions, please contact the school office. We reflect on the historic context that br Grades and Attendance (ParentVUE, StudentVUE) District Calendar (opens in new window/tab) PTSA (opens in new window/tab) Payments (opens in new window/tab) Volunteer (opens in new window/tab) Enrollment and Registration (opens in new window/tab) Rent Field or Performing Arts Cetner (PAC) (opens in new window/tab) ParentVUE and StudentVUE are tools to help families stay informed about student progress in school. Hillsborough County Public Schools. Bookmark the link on your computer for easy access! CONTACT US. ParentVue/StudentVue: Online Gradebook. Ms. Skip To Main Content. or. Charlotte Ellis, Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment, 2510 First Street CONTACT INFORMATION. District Handbook Details - Twin Peaks K-8. Newberg Public Schools. org Name (last, first) Job Title Kim Roth Interim Superintendent Gary Tempel Director of Charter Schools Chelle Mask Payroll/HR Tracy porter Business Manager Anissa Zelenka Accounts Payable/Food Service Coordinator Nikki Ferguson Secretarial Support Harley Stephenson Maintenence Manager Jim Mask Athletic Director / Technology Sep 24, 2020 · StudentVUE Account Access. k12. To help navigate areas within StudentVUE, click on the PDF below. Email Parent Help Grading Practices in the Bellevue School District We acknowledge that we are on the indigenous land of the Coast Salish peoples who include the Duwamish, Muckleshoot and Snoqualmie peoples. gov: FRANZESE, RICHARD: ASST PRINCIPAL OF SAFETY AND SECURITY: RFranze@schools. STEP 5 – Sign in using your Student ID and Password (same as logging into your Chromebook) StudentVUE Web Access. Lisa moved on to become a principal of an elementary school in District 30 Queens, a position she held for 9 years. us About Me Assistant Principal Darryl Coppedge darryl. Central Point School District 6. We reflect on the historic context that br We acknowledge that we are on the indigenous land of the Coast Salish peoples who include the Duwamish, Muckleshoot and Snoqualmie peoples. Lopez (PTA) -ELopez89@schools. Government and Politics Beck, Stacey GastronomyBiology Beach, Suzanne ELD / LA 4ELD / LA… Read More The North Santiam School District shall promote nondiscrimination and an environment free of harassment based on an individual’s race, color, religion, sex, national origin, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, marital status or age or because of the race, color, religion, sex, national origin District Staff OFFICE Phone: 503-394-3261 E-mail: info@sciok12. Mari-Linn School: 503-859-2154 Sublimity School: 503-769-2459 Stayton Elementary School: 503-769-2336 Stayton Intermediate/Middle School: 503-769-2198 To help students get the most out of school, you want day-to-day insight into the academic experience. Email Parent Help Grading Practices in the Bellevue School District Read More about North Medford Gym Roof Collapse - Feb. Facebook; Twitter; Instagram (opens in new window/tab); Linkedin Our top-notch office staff at Queen Creek High School is here to assist you. coppedge@lincoln. StudentVue and ParentVue accounts give parents/guardians and their students the ability to see an online gradebook that shows grades, missing assignments, and more. With the Synergy StudentVUE web portal, students can access near real-time information on attendance, class schedules, report cards, course history, graduation status and more. We reflect on the historic context that br ParentVUE and StudentVUE are tools to help families stay informed about student progress in school. StudentVUE and ParentVUE are excellent resources that will allow parents and students to keep up to date on any news or data relevant to student suc cess. gov 160-05 Highland Avenue QUEENS, NY 11432 . She continued her work in this district as an ESL Coordinator and spent several years in a leadership role as an Assistant Principal. We reflect on the historic context that br Northern Humboldt Union High School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, or disability in its program or activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Employee Benefits; Contracts (Licensed & Classified) Dashboard (access employee apps) Employment Opportunities; Frequently Asked HR Questions; Google Login; Human Resources (HR) HR Staff Documents and Forms; IV Portal; Payroll; Staff of Color Affinity Group; Synergy Supports We acknowledge that we are on the indigenous land of the Coast Salish peoples who include the Duwamish, Muckleshoot and Snoqualmie peoples. Sep 24, 2020 · StudentVUE Account Access. Staff Directory; Strategic Plan 2023-2028; ParentVUE/StudentVUE (opens in new window/tab) District Handbook Details - Roadrunner Elementary School. Staff Directory - Bellevue Digital Discovery is an accredited, online school in the Bellevue School District that serves K-12 students from across Washington state. Please contact your student’s school if you have questions or need any additional information. QUINLAN, ROBERT DR: PRINCIPAL: Rquinlan@schools. S. District Office; 1920 Long Street, Sweet Home, OR 97386; Phone: 541-367-7126 Fax: 541-367-7105 We acknowledge that we are on the indigenous land of the Coast Salish peoples who include the Duwamish, Muckleshoot and Snoqualmie peoples. We reflect on the historic context that br TITLE NAME EMAIL RESOURCE Principal Janna Limbert janna. Search for people on this page 1 day ago · February 14, 2025 - Work Session - 8:30 - 10:30 a. Adams, Sada Curriculum SupportSkills for Success Apple, Tracy English 3Advanced English 3English 4 Ardans, Christine Integrated Math 1Financial Algebra Bailey, Tim U. Superintendent Teresa Caccavale Family Support Coordinator Donna Murphy Phone 718-592-3357 Address 98-50 50 Avenue, Queens, Ny 11368 Education Council President School Directory; Licensed Private Career Schools held every Thursday at 9:30 AM. We reflect on the historic context that br If you experience any issues logging in to StudentVUE or ParentVue, please contact Parent Help at (425) 456-4222. us About Me Health & Records Assistant Emily Bacon emily. To help students get the most out of school, you want day-to-day insight into the academic experience. User Name: Password: More Options Contact your school if you do not have your account details. Hillcrest igh School. District Handbook Details - Marana Middle School. - District Office Staff Development Room February 21, 2025 - Executive Session - 8:30 - 10:00 a. Parents and students can view near real-time information on attendance, grades, assignments, and more. org. Connect With Northshore. 842. Board Agendas District Office (916) 686-5085. Search for people on this page If you experience any issues logging in to StudentVUE or ParentVue, please contact Parent Help at (425) 456-4222. DDHS TEACHER/CLASS DIRECTORY Click the links below to access course outlines for teachers’ classes. Email Parent Help Grading Practices in the Bellevue School District Oregon City School District shall promote nondiscrimination and an environment free of harassment based on an individual's race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, marital status or age in its programs and activities. 7 LinkedIn 3 Twitter 4 Facebook 5 RSS @ Instagram 0 Pinterest 9 YouTube 6 Vimeo Departments Directory Accessing StudentVue Mobile. EAGLE POINT SCHOOL DISTRICT 9. If you experience any issues logging in to StudentVUE or ParentVue, please contact Parent Help at (425) 456-4222. If you need your access codes please contact the main high school office at 503-824-2311. More Options School District Performance Data Available in Latest Report. Find contact information for Tumwater Middle School staff members. Most recently, Lisa was the Deputy Superintendent in Community School District 32 in Bushwick. Charlotte Ellis, Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment, 2510 First Street StudentVUE Account Access. us About Me TAPP Family Advocate Crystal Hinds @lincoln. Tucson, AZ 85718. To help parents get the most out of school, you want day-to-day insight into the academic experience. Kearney Public Schools - District 7 - is located in Kearney, Nebraska. STEP 3 – Type 97365 for zip code and select Lincoln County School District. All staff emails follow the same format: firstname. StudentVUE Instructions. kowtko@lincoln. Grades 9-12 Salem-Keizer Public Schools promotes equal opportunity for all individuals without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, marital status, age, veteran’s status, genetic information or disability. gov: JACOBS, SUZANE Persons having questions about equal opportunity and nondiscrimination should contact the Superintendent at the District Administration Office, 2510 1st Street, Tillamook, 503. Our school counselors play a crucial role in providing support to students. This issue of our report to the community represents some of the major measures and target outcomes from the Palm Springs Unified School District’s Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) and the District’s overall performance levels on annual accountability measures. Email Parent Help Grading Practices in the Bellevue School District Google Classroom is a set of online tools that allows teachers to create lessons, collect student work, grade, and return graded papers. Superintendent: Dr. Parent/StudentVUE is a secure web-based tool that provides parents and students the ability to view student information such as class assignments, grades, report cards/progress reports, course history, attendance, and health information from a computer or your phone. Contact Info. Email Parent Help Grading Practices in the Bellevue School District Persons having questions about equal opportunity and nondiscrimination should contact the Superintendent at the District Administration Office, 2510 1st Street, Tillamook, 503. us About Me Counselor StudentVUE provides a single sign‐on for students to access all of their information, regardless of school. We reflect on the historic context that br Overview; Notice of Budget Hearing on June 18, 2024 (opens in new window/tab); 2024-25 Adopted Budget (opens in new window/tab); Goods & Service Providers - Contractor Request (opens in new window/tab) Title I Parent Involvement Policy 918; Title I - Parent Involvement Meetings; Mifflinburg Elementary School - 2023-2024 School-Level Plan; Mifflinburg Intermediate School - 2023-2024 School-Level Plan Faculty & Staff Directory (opens in new window/tab) Lunch Menu (opens in new window/tab) Title IX (opens in new window/tab) Public Complaint Policy; Standard Response Protocol; Safe Oregon (opens in new window/tab) We acknowledge that we are on the indigenous land of the Coast Salish peoples who include the Duwamish, Muckleshoot and Snoqualmie peoples. User Name: Password: Forgot Password. Phone: (718) 658-5407 Fax: (718) 739-5137 English: 425-408-6001 Spanish: 425-408-6024 Bilingual Message Line: 425-408-6014 Athletic Fields Rain-Out Line: 425-408-6020 Yorkville CUSD 115 School District’s User Guide Logging Into StudentVUE . More Options Activate Account; Forgot Password Staff - Bethel School District 403. ParentVUE For Parents/Guardians of Monroe Students ParentVUE Login StudentVUE For Monroe Students StudentVUE Login Please contact your student’s school if you have questions or need any […] ParentVue/StudentVue ParentVUE is our tool for families/caregivers to view their student's demographics, schedules, attendance, grades, and more! ParentVue & STudentvue We acknowledge that we are on the indigenous land of the Coast Salish peoples who include the Duwamish, Muckleshoot and Snoqualmie peoples. They are assigned based on the student's last name and can assist with a variety of issues, including attendance, behavior, and other support needs. Employee Benefits; Contracts (Licensed & Classified) Dashboard (access employee apps) Employment Opportunities; Frequently Asked HR Questions; Google Login; Human Resources (HR) HR Staff Documents and Forms; IV Portal; Payroll; Staff of Color Affinity Group; Synergy Supports Grades and Attendance (ParentVUE, StudentVUE) District Calendar (opens in new window/tab) PTSA (opens in new window/tab) Payments (opens in new window/tab) Volunteer (opens in new window/tab) Enrollment and Registration (opens in new window/tab) Rent Field or Performing Arts Cetner (PAC) (opens in new window/tab) Login to StudentVUE; Enrollment Information; Staff Directory; Staff Directory. Email Parent Help Grading Practices in the Bellevue School District ParentVUE is a secure web portal that allows parents and guardians easy access to their students’ real-time information. Click the following link: StudentVUE Dashboard Login If you receive a message warning you that you need to enable pop-ups, allow them. Main Office Phone: 520-209-8300. We acknowledge that we are on the indigenous land of the Coast Salish peoples who include the Duwamish, Muckleshoot and Snoqualmie peoples. Please use your Remind, ParentVUE or StudentVUE account to contact teachers or other school-based staff directly. District Handbook Details - Marana High School. We reflect on the historic context that br Disclaimer: Due to the ever-increasing issue of cyberattacks, we are no longer listing staff emails on our website. Email Parent Help Grading Practices in the Bellevue School District Kearney Public Schools - District 7 - is located in Kearney, Nebraska. Sixth St, Newberg OR 97132-3406 Phone: (503) 554-5000 StudentVUE accounts are activated by the middle school they attend. StudentVUE allows students to access their: Attendance; Class We acknowledge that we are on the indigenous land of the Coast Salish peoples who include the Duwamish, Muckleshoot and Snoqualmie peoples. To access school-, program-, or department-specific contact forms, please see our directory of contact forms. Sunrise Drive . To access StudentVUE, click the button below: StudentVUE Login. We care about our students and their parents and will do whatever we can to meet your needs and keep the communication between home and school open and positive. These web-based (and mobile) applications are designed to help students and parents monitor the student’s education by providing the latest academic and attendance information about the student. The faculty and staff at Queen Creek High School take great pride in nurturing and educating our students. 3330 Monte Villa Parkway Bothell, WA 98021 Phone: 425-408-6000 If you experience any issues logging in to StudentVUE or ParentVue, please contact Parent Help at (425) 456-4222. Gaston, OR 97119. We thank these caretakers of this land who have lived and continue to live here since time immemorial. ParentVUE Login Request a ParentVUE Account Code. STEP 4 – Select Already Activated. We reflect on the historic context that br Catalina Foothills High School. Login. , Mill City, OR 97360; Phone: 503-897-2321 Fax: 503-897-2322 Google Classroom is a set of online tools that allows teachers to create lessons, collect student work, grade, and return graded papers. Email Parent Help Grading Practices in the Bellevue School District StudentVUE Account Access. Login to the Gresham-Barlow School District portal to access student and parent resources, grades, and attendance information. STEP 1 – Download the StudentVUE App. 503-985-0210. Links to ParentVUE and StudentVUE to get real-time access to attendance, grades, assignments, and discipline. To contact a Teacher via email you must login via ParentVue or StudentVue We acknowledge that we are on the indigenous land of the Coast Salish peoples who include the Duwamish, Muckleshoot and Snoqualmie peoples. bacon@lincoln. Each custodial parent with education rights for the child(ren) has an individual ParentVUE account. One personalized news feed for school, district, and social media stories you care about. Wickenburg Unified School District #9. After you have your access code or your account, you can log on HERE. Email Parent Help Grading Practices in the Bellevue School District Cafecitos (Coffee Talks) School Calendars; Cartwright Community Garden; Cartwright Connection; Center for Strong Families & Thriving Children; Forms; Parent Liaisons Strengthening Our Community Through Excellence in Education. We reflect on the historic context that br 5 days ago · Centennial School District does not discriminate on the basis of age, color, disability, marital status, national origin, race, religion or creed, sex or gender identity, sexual orientation, or veteran status. Please contact your child’s school. Login with Google; More Options If you experience any issues logging in to StudentVUE or ParentVue, please contact Parent Help at (425) 456-4222. Stephen Phillips email: phillipss@newberg. StudentVUE allows students to access their: Attendance; Class StudentVUE Account Access. Attendance Line: 520-209-8318 : Adams, Helen The Escondido Union HS District is glad to provide students and parents access to student information via the StudentVUE and ParentVUE applications. Assignments and scores, attendance, discipline, health office visits, immunization requirements, transcripts, graduation requirements, and more are all available for students to view 24/7 with this web‐based solution. 300 Park St. Santiam Canyon School District 129J; PO Box 197, Mill City, OR 97360; 150 SW Evergreen St. STEP 2 – Follow Directions. Phoenix Union High School District 4502 N. With the Synergy ParentVUE web portal, parents and guardians can access near real-time information on attendance, class schedules, report cards, course history, graduation status and more. m. Google Classroom is a learning management system (LMS) that aims to simplify creating, distributing, and grading assignments and engaging students in learning online or remotely. ParentVUE and StudentVUE are tools to help families stay informed about student progress in school. 4300 E. Medford School District. - District Office Board Room The School Board will be meeting in executive session to discuss the evaluation of the superintendent under ORS 192. Consolidate the calendar sources important to you. GovernmentAP U. 4414 Coordinator Information: Title I (disadvantaged students) ~ Dr. We reflect on the historic context that br StudentVUE; StudentVUE Instructions; Latest News for Students; Employees . lastname@district6. Accessing ParentVUE & StudentVUE. nyc. Effective 9/24/20, students must login with Rapid Identity username and password. Please call 347-510-3101 to pre-register. Sammamish has several leadership teams that are focused on establishing a positive learning culture. STAY CONNECTED. These changes will go directly to the building secretary for review. District Office Manager : 347-510-3138 Martin Van Buren High School serves students and is located in Queens Village, NY. us About Me School Secretary Tasha Kowtko tasha. StudentVUE Account Access. 11, 2025 Frequently Asked Questions Parents are able to submit changes like an address or phone number through Parent VUE. gkv rwuuqk ppdfcio niki nso eid dkpvuf gcrumwc kzuf eyoee huuc cvhplj pbuvk xzptb gvtu