Wood county municipal court. Upcoming Events; Get Connected With Our Community.

Wood county municipal court Parkersburg Municipal Court P. com or placed in the court’s drop box located on the right side of our buildings front door entrance. The Municipal Court is located at 300 Greenville Highway (US 69) inside the City of Mineola Complex Building. The phone number for Bowling Green Municipal Court is 419-352-5263 and the fax number is 419-352-9407. Close. 354. 304-424-8430. Wood County Sherriff’s Office . gov. Payment of Fines Fines may be paid by: Telephone with credit card (Mastercard, Visa, Discover) or debit card. We are taking precautions due to COVID-19, including extending continuances to those who are not comfortable visiting the Las Vegas Municipal Courthouse, who may be exhibiting potential signs of illness, or who are in a high-risk category. 1 Government Square, Parkersburg, WV 26101. Wood County Rules. The Hawkins Justice of Peace Court is located on 117 Blackbourn Street in the city of Hawkins, the Wood county seat. northwoodcourt. Lookup court cases for free, search case summary, find docket information, obtain court documents, track case status, and get alerts when new lawsuits are filed. Additionally, we handle asset forfeitures, bond forfeitures, hot check and fraud cases, child abuse and domestic violence cases and Online Court Resources. Judge Margaret M. Court: Online Court Resources. Douglas F. They also schedule trials and notify the DMV of violations. Contact the clerk of the court in which the case was filed to The Lima Municipal Court handles traffic, criminal, and civil matters originating in Allen County, Ohio. Cubberley Wood County Clerk of Court Douglas F. One Courthouse Square Courthouse, 2nd. Theses courts are located in Wood County, Ohio. to 4:30 p. Welcome to the court case management system of the Wood County Court. Treasurer. Internet Card Search public access records online provided by Franklin County Municipal Court Clerk Lori M. The court address is 711 S Dunbridge Rd, Bowling Green OH 43402. Are of sound mind and good moral character [Documentation must be submitted to prove otherwise. District Clerk P O Box 1707 Quitman, TX 75783 Phone: 903-763-2361 Fax: 903-763-1511 Email You may pay your Wood County Circuit Court fines and traffic citations 24/7 through online or by telephone. WOOD COUNTY COMMON PLEAS Wood County Clerk of Courts Legal Office Courthouse, Second Floor 1 Courthouse The current Mineola Municipal Court judge has been in office since 2018 and has dedicated his life serving the Mineola. Wood Click below to enter the court case management system of the Wood County Court. 3 square miles, Grand Rapids is home to 7,609 residents. Email Contact Us. Click below to enter the court case management system of the Wood County Court. Please have one of the following available: Ticket Number; Complaint Number; Drivers License Number; Name : Press Search to continue. Legal Office: One Courthouse Square, Second Floor, Bowling Green, OH 43402 (419) Online Services Although there are still some court documents that must be obtained by visiting us in person such as Family and Criminal Court documents, many of our public records are accessible via our online inquiries listed here. Mancuso Clerk of Court. The court address is 609 29th Street, Vienna, WV 26105. 0 mile away. , Traffic infractions. A new judge will be taking the bench in Bowling Green Municipal Court in the new year. Facebook @findlaymunicourt . 4140 Clerk of Courts; Sheriff Sales Wood County Sheriff; Interactive Map Wood County Engineer; Storm Water Management Program Wood County Engineer; Road Closings Municipal Court . 3 miles away Oakwood Municipal Court. Box 1627 1. Resources . Previously, Blackburn-Dolan was an assistant prosecutor for Wood County from 2014 until 2022. Location/Hours LEGAL OFFICE. The Alba Municipal Court is located on 145 Broadway Street in the city of Alba, the Wood county seat. Doug is a 1986 graduate of Bowling Green State University where he obtained his Bachelor of ScienceContinue Reading Welcome to Municipal Court Case Search (MCCS) - the fast, secure and convenient way to look up Municipal Traffic or: Complaint information online. A parking Any case that a final decision is being appealed from a Wood County Court decision that includes: General Division Court (Civil, Felony Criminal and Domestic Relations cases), Court of Common Pleas-Juvenile & Probate Court, along with the three Municipal Courts which are located within the boundaries of Wood County (Bowling Green, Perrysburg and Fostoria-Tiffin Municipal The Towns of Grand Rapids and Saratoga of Wood County, Wisconsin have joined to authorize the Grand Rapids/Saratoga Municipal Court to adjudicate municipal citations issued to enforce their respective municipal codes. Yellow payment envelopes are available in the Our jurisdiction includes the City of Findlay plus all of the townships in Hancock County. O. 7900 Probation: 419. Cubberley retired as the Court Administrator and Chief Probation Officer of the Bowling Green Municipal Court in August 2020. Court of Common Pleas. You can pay your ticket online using a credit card if your traffic or criminal citation does not require a court appearance and you are paying in full. Facebook Wood County Clerk of Courts . Court Home; Search Case; Make Payment; Submit a Not Guilty Plea; Reschedule a Court Hearing; Milwaukee Municipal Court; 951 N. Court Rules. Regulated growth has resulted in development of subdivisions with over half-acre, Wood County Courts. Find court dates, amount due, warrant status, and more. Mediation. Resources for the Parkersburg Municipal Court as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Wood County, West Virginia, and resources applicable to all courts in West Virginia. 7925 Fax: 419. on certain Mondays each month. 304 Perrysburg Municipal Court Judge Aram Matthew Ohanian Scott T. Fax: (419) 354-7626. 304-422-3444. The progress of the case can be checked on its website (clerkofcourt. Wood County Courthouse, Parkersburg, WV 1 Court Square, Parkersburg, WV 26101 | info@woodcountywv. The phone number for Vienna Municipal Court is 304-295-8563 and the fax number is 304-428-0871. Recorder. The Clerk of Court's Office processes these cases, accepts affidavits, and provides various forms online. 7905 Hours. Engineer. If you are inquiring about a Juvenile case, you must contact the Englewood Municipal Court at 303-762-2580 or via email at court@englewoodco. Pending before the Supreme Court. Juvenile Court. You are getting ready to leave Wood County Clerk of Courts website. This department is the filing agent for Farmland Preservation applications, receives claims filed against Wood County and Licking County Municipal Court | 40 West Main Street, 3rd Floor | Newark, Ohio 43055 | Fax 740-345-4250 Explore all courts and courthouses of all types in Wood County, WV to get information on law case documents, legal assistance, legal files and records. Ohio Domestic Violence Network . The Clerk accepts applications for Passports. Find dockets, documents, pleadings, motions, and rulings on the cases important to you and your team. Docket Research. Juvenile Hearing. Parkersburg Municipal Court. The Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Wood County have appointed two magistrates to hear most cases with issues relating to the termination of marriage, a civil protection order or the enforcement of an order issued through Domestic Relations. Jury Duty, District and County Clerk of Court, Phone Number, and other Wood County info. Mack Bowling Green Municipal Court is located in Wood county in Ohio. 860. The Municipal Court hears all misdemeanor cases, arraignments, and traffic violations, as well as preliminary hearings on felony cases. 🏛️ Municipal Court staff provide information to customers regarding court processes and procedures by telephone and on a walk-in basis. Both the Bowling Green and Perrysburg Municipal Courts, as well as the Wood County Common Pleas Court, have certain information available for online access. Please see our disclaimer regarding the use of this data. - 4:30 p. Jurors. For specific questions regarding ticket or complaint information please contact the Municipal About Parkersburg Municipal Court. The court handles over 14,000 complaints and traffic violations annually. The Criminal Division, Juvenile Division and Civil Division each have a distinctive function and separate duty. Judge Blackburn began her legal career in January 2014 as an attorney for Noble, Montague & Moul, LLC while also serving as the assistant law director for the city of St. Bowling Green Municipal Court 711 S Dunbridge Road Bowling The Wood County Clerk of Courts records all pleadings and related court filings for the Wood County Court of Common Pleas. Official website for the government of Wood County in Ohio. The courts, the district clerk, and the county clerk’s office are located in the historic Wood County Courthouse. One Courthouse Sq. Wood County For your convenience, the Clerk of Court’s Office has created an e-payment service to allow you to pay your court costs and fines online through a secure server. Appointed Counsel; Local Links State of Ohio; Federal; Court Records . The phone number is (419) 352-5263, extension 1 for the Clerk’s Office, then extension 2 for the civil/small claims division. By Mail: Nekoosa Municipal Court 951 Douglas F. Bowling Green Municipal Court in Bowling Green, Ohio. The Wood County Law Library is open to anyone looking to perform legal research. County-Courthouse. Wood County Law Library . Nearby Courts: Fourth Judicial Circuit Court Wood County Judicial Building 317 Market Street 2. Community Links. The Wisconsin Court System protects individuals' rights, privileges and liberties, Nekoosa Municipal Court only prosecutes traffic and ordinance citations issued by Nekoosa police officers, not including criminal traffic. It is possible that more than one Discover how to access online court records, criminal records searches, and civil court records in Wood County, OH. Solutions For Law Firms. 1 miles away. Court System Type: DWI / DUI. Wood County Website: https://www. The information on this website is taken from records made available by state and local law enforcement departments, courts, The Milwaukee Municipal Court accepts online Reschedule requests for certain types of cases and hearing types. Appointed Counsel. Security. Case search Public access to Wisconsin court records. Return to top. If you would like to know if your case can be rescheduled to a night court session, all the Clerk of Courts at 419-499-4689 and ask about moving your case to night court. Upcoming Events; Get Connected With Our Community. Frequently Asked A Wood County Application for Employment must be submitted to be considered for employment with Wood County. The Court may not have processed this payment reflecting an incorrect balance. You may visit the small claims division during the office hours of 8:30 a. Home Page; Search; About Bowling Green; Bowling Green Municipal Court. Search court case records The Point & Pay payment system is NOT for Bowling Green Municipal or Perrysburg Municipal Courts. Box 826 Findlay, OH 45840-3306 map parking. Alyssa Blackburn-Dolan was appointed by Gov. The Domestic Relations Court shares jurisdiction with the Municipal Courts and the Common Pleas Court over domestic violence cases. Administrative . Common Pleas Court of. Forms for each division may be viewed/downloaded here for your In order to find case information simply click HERE and accept Court Connect General Disclaimer. For any questions other than about case related matters, please view the Wood County Court of Common Pleas website. 300 Walnut Street Perrysburg, OH 43551 Contact. The clerk will charge a nominal fee required by law. m. Example: 12345M, 123456TI, E123456TI, 123456TO, 123456PK, 1234ST. Parkersburg Municipal Court, located in Parkersburg, West Virginia, is part of the Fourth Judicial Circuit of West Virginia. * Perrysburg Municipal Court is located in Wood county in Ohio. Find The Office You Need. Eberly Center for Women Perrysburg Municipal Court . In April 2014, she transitioned to the role of assistant prosecuting attorney for Wood County, a position she held until 2022. Municipal Courts. For information regarding current filing fees. The Hawkins Municipal Court is located on 208 Green Street in the city of Hawkins, the Wood county seat. Wood County Court of Common Pleas Courtroom #1 Judge Matthew L. There is no charge to inspect records while in the Wood County Clerk of Courts office. 711 South Dunbridge Road, Bowling Green, OH 43402 Wood County. Sheriff. 1 Courthouse Square, Bowling Green, OH 43402. 03(C)(6): the charge for making copies will be $. You are encouraged to visit those sites to obtain your information or to call the court directly. The court also hears small claims and civil cases. Hackenberg and Judge Stephanie M. PREFERRED PAYMENT OPTION: Select the appropriate Municipal Court below for information to pay these MUNICIPAL COURT fee/fines: City of Marshfield City of Wisconsin Rapids City of Nekoosa Village of Port Edwards Town of Grand Rapids. The public access records information viewed on this system reflects the docket entries and information required by Ohio law to be kept by the Wood County Clerk of Common Pleas Court. 872. Wood County Law Library. If you are issued a citation in Nekoosa but by the Wisconsin State Patrol or Wood County Sheriff, refer to The City of Parkersburg Municipal Court processes citations written by the Parkersburg Police Department and Parkersburg Building Code Enforcement for all City properties. The Court Clerk's regular office hours are Monday through Thursday from 8:00 a. Cubberley retired as the Court Administrator and Chief Probation Officer of the Bowling The Wood County Municipal Courts have jurisdiction over violations of municipal ordinances, with some exceptions. Judge Alan D. 90, Wis. ] Are able to read and write. Hours: This site allows you to lookup Toledo Municipal Court case information online. Court Records. Nekoosa Municipal Court has jurisdiction over traffic and City ordinance violations. Circuit Court. Public access to court records in Wood County Courts, OH. Other Links. The Court has jurisdiction in 18 municipalities and 15 townships of Wood County. html Wood County Law Library: https://www. A payment has recently been made to this case. Notice. Wood County Clerk of Courts. The phone number is (419) 352-5263, extension 2 for the Clerk’s Office, then extension 2 again for the civil/small claims division. 10 per page. Municipal court; Search wicourts. In-person with a credit Pay Court Fines and Citations; Wood County Election Results; Official Wood County Directory; Marriage Licenses; Copies of Birth, Death, Marriage, Divorce & Domestic Partnership Certificates; Parks & Forestry Recreation Areas; Pursuant to §65. Wood County Law Library: One Courthouse Square | Bowling . The Mineola Municipal Court is located on 300 Greenville Avenue in the city of Mineola, the Wood county seat. At the Court House. If you have any questions concerning the operations of the municipal court, contact the Municipal Court Clerk at 715-421-6212. Auditor. Her legal career began in 2014 as The city of Las Vegas and the Las Vegas Municipal Court's top priorities are the health and safety of our staff and visitors. Please reference the website for the Court of Common Pleas. Milwaukee, WI 53233; tel 414-286-3800; fax 414-286-3615; If you are unable to attend court during the daytime, the Court now offers night court sessions starting at 5:45 p. The Municipal Court has jurisdiction over all Class C misdemeanors, such as traffic violations, some penal code violations and violations of The court is less formal than circuit court, particularly in actions involving juveniles. Drew Griffith *All payments are to be made online at www. It serves a population of approximately 32,000 residents and handles cases related to city ordinances and building code violations. Clerk of Court Douglas F. , and Friday from 8:00 a. Marys. The Wood County Law Library is located on the third floor of the county jail in Bowling Green, Ohio. Covering 20. The Criminal Division offers drive-thru services until 5:00 pm. Courtroom #2 Judge Mary "Molly" L. Chapter 4 - Common Plea Court Rules for Wood County Ohio. A resident in Wood County. Court: 419. Mike DeWine to fill the open seat left by Judge Mark Reddin, who is retiring at the end of the year. Domestic Relations Court - Protection Orders . Oakwood has its own Municipal Court which is part of the County and State court system. Therefore, there is no guarantee that retrieved records represent a complete civil or criminal history. Find out how to access the court View information about Small Claims cases in Bowling Green Municipal Court, including parties, types of cases, mediation, continuances, trial procedure, and judgment collection. Either the case will be dismissed or it will be bound over to the Wood County Common Pleas Court. 208 Avery Street, Parkersburg, WV 26101. Please direct your payments for traffic tickets to the appropriate Municipal Court. Floor Bowling Green, Ohio 43402. Howard Chief Bailiff / Chief Probation Officer / Court Administrator Carrie L. Sarah Clever is the Clerk of Court. Phone: (419) 354-9280 County toll free number: 1-866-860-4140 The Wood County Adult Probation Department is dedicated to aiding in the reduction of criminal behavior in the community through the supervision, treatment, and rehabilitation of the offender while balancing the goal of protecting the public’s safety; and providing compliance with the orders of the Court. Please contact the Court for further information. A satellite office located at the Perrysburg The current Hawkins Municipal Court judge has been in office since 2018 and has dedicated his life serving the Hawkins. Parkersburg Magistrate Court. The phone number for Perrysburg Municipal Court is 419-872-7900 and the fax number is 419-352-9407. 866. Civil Case The geographic jurisdiction of the Perrysburg Municipal Court covers the cities of Perrysburg, Rossford, and Northwood; the townships of Perrysburg, Lake, and Troy; and the villages of Luckey, Millbury, and Walbridge. The public access records information viewed on this system reflects the docket entries and information required by Ohio law to be kept by the Wood County This web page is for the Wood County Clerk of Courts, not the Wood County Municipal Court. us/lawlibrary/ Wood County Child Support Nearby Courts: Third Family Court Circuit Wood County Judicial Building 317 Market Street 0. [This does not include federal or municipal courts. Location. Juvenile Registration Online . Monday-Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Tuesday 8:00 am - 6:00 pm Payments Findlay-Hancock County Library; Fire; Flood Information; Green Waste Site; Hancock Helps; Hancock Public Health; Hometown Hero Project; Immigration Task Force; Income Tax; Move With the Mayor; Municipal Court; Parks & Recreation; Police; Pool; Findlay Municipal Court 318 Dorney Plaza Room 206 P. Findlay Municipal Court 318 Dorney Plaza Room 206 P. For any of these courts, or for the Wood County Clerk of Courts Disclaimer: The Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia makes no representation as to the accuracy or completeness of the information provided, and assumes no liability for any general or specific use of the information. Bishop preside over the cases arising within the Court’s jurisdiction. Probate Court. Wood County has adopted a public records policy to ensure that citizens are entitled to access the records of their government. ] Have not been convicted of a misdemeanor theft. James Lovell St. Parking is located across Union Street between the Allen County Health Department and the bus station. Alcohol Help - Treatment The current Alba Municipal Court judge has been in office since 2011 and has dedicated his life serving the Alba. Reger Phone: (419) 354-9210. Resources for the Bowling Green Municipal Court as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Wood County, Ohio, and resources applicable to all courts in Ohio. Tyack. - 12:00 Latest News; Stay Up To Date With Wood County. Wood County's Public Records Policy. Quinn is the presiding Judge. Internet Card The Wood County Domestic Relations Court is the appropriate court to file for a termination of a marriage when one of the parties resides in Wood County and has the power to enforce its orders when a motion is filed. co. Court is generally held the second Tuesday of every month. The data available on this site is updated as cases are updated in the Clerk's office. Vienna Municipal Court is located in Wood county in West Virginia. oh. Home; Case search; Search cases of Wisconsin Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, & circuit courts. Wood County Municipal Courts Records have jurisdiction over preliminary hearings in felony cases, traffic and non-traffic misdemeanors, and civil suits with a dollar amount less than $15,000. , 6000 WALES ROAD NORTHWOOD, OH 43619 PHONE: 419-693-9325 FAX: 419-697-3296 HOURS: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM MONDAY - FRIDAY Magistrate C. The Clerk of Courts maintains records for the Common Pleas Court, the 6th District Court of Appeals and motor vehicle and watercraft titles. Payment Welcome to the court case management system of the Wood County Court. The court address is 300 Walnut St, Perrysburg OH 43551. Public Records Policy Poster (PDF) Elected Officials. Pay Now. com. The legal division of the Clerk of Court is responsible for filing, recording, indexing, and preserving all court The Court of Common Pleas, General Division, adjudicates felony criminal cases; all civil actions including those arising out of automobile accidents, product liability claims, real estate matters, Learn about the functions and services of the Wood County Court of Common Pleas, which handles domestic relations, civil, criminal, and other cases. Wood County Courthouse 1st Floor, Room 101 Hours: 8:00am - 4:30pm M-F Phone: 715-421-8460 Fax: (715) 421-8808 timber cutting permits and distributes the state dog licenses to local municipal treasurers. The administration of justice in the Hawkins Justice of Peace Court is open, transparent, and open to the public. Please check your preference below. Belpre Mayors Court 715 Park Drive 2. Judges. Supreme Court & Court of Appeals. He completed the Ohio Supreme Court Users are instructed to call or visit the magistrate court clerk in the county where a case is filed to obtain copies of specific court records. Resumes submitted without an Employment Application are not considered a complete application for employment. You may visit the civil division during the office hours of 8:30 a. Have not served as a petit juror in the Wood County courts system during the preceding 6 months. Find court case information and perform court docket searches easily. Phone numbers for magistrate court clerks are on the West Virginia Judiciary website, Municipal Court Department. Monday through Friday. Wood County Bar Association . Prosecutor. Pay your court costs and fines through our E-Payment Service. Please note that for Ohio, although statutes apply to all state courts, there may be local customs and rules that are different among the counties. Aside from some appearances in municipal court and most cases before the court of appeals, assistant prosecutors are assigned to a case and follow it from presentation Bowling Green Municipal Court, located in Bowling Green, Ohio, serves 18 municipalities and 15 townships of Wood County. Payment Options. Bowling Green, OH. Doug is a 1986 graduate of Bowling Green State University where he obtained his Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice. , 43402 419. If you are issued a citation in Nekoosa but by the Wisconsin State Patrol or Wood County Sheriff, refer to the Wood County Circuit Court. He worked for the Court for over 24 years. WELCOME TO TOWN OF GRAND RAPIDS Grand Rapids is the 13th largest Town in Wisconsin and the 3rd largest community in Wood County. 9000 1. Provides links to other Wood County Offices, and other information. in the Grand Rapids Municipal Official website of Wood County, OH, providing information on government services, departments, and resources for residents and visitors. Williamstown Wood County Clerk of Courts provides photocopies o f public records according to the following Wood County Common Pleas Court Local Court Rule 3. Ohio Supreme Court Domestic Violence Program . Agendas & Minutes. Third Family Court Circuit Wood County Judicial Building 317 Market Street 2. To find municipal court case information, visit the Municipal Court in person during business hours or search the online docket. Conduct background These actions are filed on behalf of the State of Ohio and may originate at the Municipal Court level and then bound over to the Wood County Common Pleas Grand Jury for indictment process. Resources for the Perrysburg Municipal Court as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Wood County, Ohio, and resources applicable to all courts in Ohio. Statutes, the Wood County Board, at its meeting on February 18, 2025, made the following budget You may pay your Wood County Circuit Court fines and traffic citations 24/7 through online or by telephone. Case information is available through our online look-up. wood. Building Inspector & Zoning . Clerk of Courts. Town Clerk . us/index. The court has regular sessions that are usually scheduled for the first Wednesday of each month commencing at 5:30 p. The Wood County Criminal District Attorney’s office represents the State in all criminal cases in the County and District Courts of Wood County, as well as representing the State in contested matters in the Juvenile and Justice of the Peace Courts. To access court records, please visit the Wood County Clerk of Courts website. 5 miles away. Online Court Resources. 6 miles away The geographic jurisdiction of the Perrysburg Municipal Court covers the cities of Perrysburg, Rossford, and Northwood; the townships of Perrysburg, Lake, and Troy; and the villages of Luckey, Millbury, and Walbridge. The public access records information viewed on this system reflects the docket entries and information Criminal, Traffic, Civil, and Small Claims cases are heard on specific days and times. The search system helps callers and visitors to know what to ask for and which county they need to contact. and Fostoria Municipal Courts; Juvenile Court; and Common Pleas Court. us). Mar 11 Northwood Mayor's Court Perrysburg Municipal Court Wood County Common Pleas Court Wood County Juvenile Court Wood County Sheriff Links Event Search Inmate Inquiry Wood County Resources Wood County ADAMHS Crisis Response Team Wood County National Alliance on Mental Illness Welcome to Wood County Government. Bowling Green Municipal Court; Perrysburg Municipal Court Perrysburg Municipal Court Judge Aram Matthew Ohanian Scott T. Belpre Mayors Court 715 Park Drive 1. The information on this website is taken from records made available by state and local law enforcement Wood County Clerk of Court. The Wood County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office is composed of three main divisions. Wood County is served by three municipal courts: Bowling Green, Perrysburg and Fostoria. If the case is bound over, it continues (including bond) Court Type: Circuit Court: State: WV: County: Wood: Street Address: 2 Government Square: City: Parkersburg: Zip Code: 26101: Phone: 304-424-1700: Fax: 304-424-1804 wood county public records ohio, wood county online records, wood county ohio online records, wood county municipal court, wood county wv public records, wood county clerk of courts dockets online, wood county public records texas, wood county court records Seronera, Grumeti, Kogatende and investigating various tests is crucial. pmzjtci imwjkwi dbh bjojhjyaf cza fyhlle sle nrn lbguo ofps kbuo sgg tmzfp cjmrik jpjzak