Ark best stats 2020 Best Place to Live ; Agri Park (Cross Country) Arkansas Natatorium (S&D) Barnhill Arena (VB & GYM) Martin Family Basketball Performance Center Season Stats: 2020-21: Jason Watson: 14-8: 14 Oct 13, 2020 · [Top 10] Ark Survival Evolved Best Dinos [Top 10] Ark Survival Best Base Locations And Why They're So Good [Top 15] Ark Survival Evolved Best Mods [Top 5] Ark Survival Evolved Best Fishing Baits; 10 Best Weapons in Ark: Survival Evolved Top 5 Best Ark: Survival Evolved Flying Mounts; 25 Best Ark: Survival Evolved Settings That Give You An Advantage Does forcetaming create unrealistically high stats? Was trying to get a similar level Dino to the one I had previously, but this rex seemed to have insane stats. I was looking all over for any posts regarding these settings to make non-meta dinosaurs viable for boss fights without making it trivial. All of which have . In 2021, he joined the Falcons as an undrafted free agent. Therizos are actually my favourite. Nov 10, 2020 · One more thing i recommend is, when you tame 2 dinos, get 2 babies (1 male 1 female) with best stats from both and make them your new breeders. (Fast at that). Posted by u/thelikelylad182 - 2 votes and 1 comment Health is 4884 and melee is 440. Stam: 2478 Oxy: 960 Food: 18600 Weight: 980 Melee: 424% Aug 14, 2020 · Breed health and melee on the rexes but throw in all of your best stats on them then start mutating. Each point of food heals 1 hp, at least I think. The official subreddit for ARK: Survival Evolved and ARK: Survival Ascended Not an official support… Well if your starting a breeding line you want to start with best stats possible, according to Dododex this gigga has abnormally low health and melee and average everything else, this means when the game rolled the proverbial dice on where to put each level into a stat it picked move speed a lot 94 times to be precise, so it is not a good breeder, I’m sorry if that upsets you but it is what Welcome to the Ark: Survival Evolved and Ark: Survival Ascended Subreddit Members Online currently my largest (3. Best Place to Live ; Agri Park (Cross Country) Arkansas Natatorium (S&D) Barnhill Arena (VB & GYM) Martin Family Basketball Performance Center Season Stats: 2020-21: Jason Watson: 14-8: 14 Aug 1, 2020 · Best boosted breeding settings? Theres probably a topic out there with this but I can't find it. Get the male and female to breed until you start getting all stats on one animal and work to get one female with all stats and one male with all stats and then breed those two up for your first imprinted stated animal. Share; Ark Smart Breeder is the best for stats. I have an ankylo and an argentavis but I currently cannot get any big flyers like a quetzal. Any help would be appreciated! thanks, smick For PvE activities, the best classes in Lost Ark as of now are Paladin, Artillerist, Artist, Arcanist, Bard, Sorceress, Summoner, and Deathblade, while the strongest PvP classes now are Paladin, Gunslinger, Deathblade and Shadownhunter. The melee stat does boost the monkey poop throw but the projectile only does 1 damage (before armor) so it's fairly negligible. Apr 22, 2020 · Top Stats For Dinos Ok so let’s chi chat for a moment. gg/QQadheb ️SUBSCRIBE HERE. Jan 25, 2020 · Can someone suggest me the best breeding stats My tribe leader wont tell me the settings he has for breeding,he has it so large creatures like wyverns and Rex's take a little over 4 hours and need care only 3 or 4 times. The Reddit home of ARK: Survival Evolved on the mobile (iOS/Android) platform. Feb 7, 2020 · "Good" (base) Deinonychus stats? Hi all, What is considered to be "good" base (non-mutated) Deinonychus stats? What are the highest base stats you have seen? I have acquired 1250 health and 308% damage ones and just wondering where this falls in terms of tiers for stats. I’m also breeding one with weight getting a high leveled one with melee is fun. For terrestrial dinos, they do have points in speed and therefore a lower distribution. The best character stats in ARK Surviv al Ascended for PvE are Health, Weight, Stamina, and Movement Speed. 8% Are these good enough to start breeding Edit :These are post-tame stats. And also I have a level 320 scorpion. i would love to have those settings on single player but while using single p The levels you add afterwards don't affect breeding. The highest stat pre tame will likely remain the best stat post tame. Im thinking Rexes for the Broodmother and Megapithicus but I don’t know what stats is good for the alpha. For alpha i had like 30k hp and 800-1k melee but crap saddle 30 ish armor bp. Boost does not stack. What are the minimum HP and minimum Melee? ARK: Survival Evolved 2020 @ 11:56am #3 Feb 23, 2020 · Snow Owl Stats So my snow owls pop out with no imprint with 4030 hp 2530 stam 757 weight and 419 melee and I was wondering if this was below average, average, above average or like top stat? Sep 27, 2020 · ARK Trader Rating. Early Birds; 8 ARK Trader Rating. But high movement speed and decent weight at end game is a must because a good pvp kit is heavy. These classes shine in the current meta and you can't miss by playing them. ) That said, different maps can have different values relating to stat points I think. Mar 26, 2020 · Best cave mount raptor or sabertooth So I have a raptor and a sabertooth in my sp game and both are 400+ in level. Also wild levels do help stats but you won't see the difference comparing a level 10 to 50, try comparing level 10 to a 150 or higher though and the HERE ARE JUST 4 TOP RAIDING METHODS USED TODAY ON BOTH OFFICAL AND UNOFFICAL. I was able to push through with veggie cakes and daeodon support but I don't know if rexes can mirror that with the same stats. You need to go into a breeding stat calculator to find out how many points are in each stat, 40 is good, 45 is amazing, 50 is godly. And for the Overseer I have no clue For breeding purposes males are always better, as you can take a male with a good stat and breed it with 100 females if you want. That seems to be the best mid to late game. Oct 13, 2020 · A short guide explaining what all the player attributes do and how to spend them effectively, whether you play PVP or PVE this guide will show you all you ne Nov 18, 2017 · Dododex a companion app for ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended. Hey guys Epic here and is this video ill be giving yall the best pvp stats for ark in 2020 its updated so its not the same if i helped you out or if your ne Feb 29, 2016 · This tool helps to retreive the values that matter for breeding. Action Movies & Series; Animated Movies & Series; Comedy Movies & Series; Crime, Mystery, & Thriller Movies & Series; Documentary Movies & Series; Drama Movies & Series For some extra information relating to E), the torpor:damage ratios for the different tranq arrows are as follows: Tranq Arrow: 2 torpor per 1 damage instantly, plus 2. With that said, I suggest to boost some of the stuff, like resource gathering, since trying to play official settings solo is a nightmare. Sort your library to see which creatures are the best for breeding and compare which stats are inherited to the offspring. Aerial dinos don't have any levels in speed before taming so they have a higher distribution of points in other stats. Everytime I have restarted or the unofficial server i was on dissapeared, I have found that I'm distributing my stats differently each time. A health of at least 200 will allow you to survive most creatures’ few bites and a minimum of 300 weight to carry structures, resources, and equipment. Basically i wanted my breeding pair of dire wolves to sire a pack that can take on single player bosses in alpha difficutly without resorting on rexes or therizinosaurs. Yutty around 4K Stan rest all health. The latch is nice, but Apr 2, 2020 · ARK: Survival Evolved. For breeding purposes males are always better, as you can take a male with a good stat and breed it with 100 females if you want. Jun 7, 2020 · What is the BEST stat distribution for PvE Hello fellow Ark Survivalists I'm pretty new to Ark, been playing a couple months only with PvE. For reference a 220+ stat (not max) ancient bracelet was something like 150k last time I checked. I’ll have one or two follow me around and use them as pack mules. Welcome to the Ark: Survival Evolved and Ark: Survival Ascended Subreddit Members Online I know I’m super late to the game, but I got my first Artifact today, thought I’d share Dec 29, 2020 · What are you planning to do with it? Turret? food Body guard? health Taxidermist? Oxygen 29K subscribers in the playarkmobile community. Health is also really good. Carpenter. Just mentioning because Poison Wyvern for PvP Lighting for PvE Fire for Alpha Fire Wyverns I usually aim for 12-15k health, 1500 stamina and the rest into melee dmg. Pre tame stats Posted by u/Spartan_Ninos - 8 votes and 20 comments If you tame a level 10 and level it up to 50 it still only makes level 10 babies, the wild tame level is what matters for baby levels and that's why you should always tame the best you can find. Depending on the boss I level the daeodon to 21k hp and then put the rest in food. The health is a 26 stat according to the ark smart breeding and damage is 31. Breed eretin' on the yuti's. For relic, 200 is the max stat total possible. good stats early on are health, fortitude (helps a lot of things), weight, or movement speed I don't know for dragon though, the dragon is hell for rexes thanks to the % based fire breath. 05) and smallest (0. The official subreddit for discussing Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms, a Dungeons & Dragons strategy video game that brings together D&D characters from novels, adventures, and multiple live streams into a single grand adventure. I always run a mated pair to extend the range (place one to cover half of the barn, place second to cover other half of barn, but within mate boost range) and get oviraptor eggs as a bonus. Oct 13, 2020 · [Top 10] Ark Survival Evolved Best Dinos [Top 10] Ark Survival Best Base Locations And Why They're So Good [Top 15] Ark Survival Evolved Best Mods [Top 5] Ark Survival Evolved Best Fishing Baits; 10 Best Weapons in Ark: Survival Evolved Top 5 Best Ark: Survival Evolved Flying Mounts; 25 Best Ark: Survival Evolved Settings That Give You An Advantage Does forcetaming create unrealistically high stats? Was trying to get a similar level Dino to the one I had previously, but this rex seemed to have insane stats. Welcome to the Ark: Survival Evolved and Ark: Survival Ascended Subreddit Jan 30, 2020 · I like to farm as many as I can for the best roll in stats (ie, look sat stat rolls within levels 140 to 150 on official). Posted by u/cotton4421 - 3 votes and 2 comments May 11, 2020 · Posted May 11, 2020. 5k health and 300% dmg. 02) sized dodo in the middle for scale. 6K subscribers in the ARK_pc community. Occasionally, I’ll use one to get extra narco berries if I can’t get my hands on a Moschops to satisfy my narco needs and to alleviate the fiber bottle neck. With a 60000 food daeodon I can heal my stuff for about 3200hp each before beginning to starve. I look for dinos that are ideally 40+ points in the stat you are looking for, such as HP, Melee or Stamina but 35+ points is decent enough. Mar 28, 2020 · What's your best Tek Rex stats found on Genesis so far? Mine are after tame: HP: 12100 . Is it normal for a rex that started with 400% damage and 7k health, to be at 700% damage and 16k health after 30 levels? Or is forcetaming creative overpowered stats. Early game you will fight a lot on foot though. Welcome to the Ark: Survival Evolved and Ark: Survival Ascended Subreddit I just tamed my first Bas, even though dododex stat calculator is for PRE-TAME, I still use it for POST-TAME to see if it's Average, High, or Very High. Hey guys Epic here and is this video ill be giving yall the best pvp stats for ark in 2020 its updated so its not the same if i helped you out or if your ne Clearly op is playing with official stats so you mentioning your unreachable stats isn’t going to help at all. Stam there one of the best Dino's for boss fights and Stam makes it so they can latch on longer stamina is a solid stat (Id rate it #3). But you are right, OP’s rex’s MUST be imprinted for them to stand a chance. Action Movies & Series; Animated Movies & Series; Comedy Movies & Series; Crime, Mystery, & Thriller Movies & Series; Documentary Movies & Series; Drama Movies & Series. Please do not post complaints or issues you have with the game here. The megatherium is level 202 You can either use Ark Smart Breeding or Dododex and see what they’re best stats are. Total Rating N/A. What are good breeding settings, I want something OP but not within 10min a giga is finished. Archived post. Apr 2, 2020 @ 11:53am Daeodon, what are the best stats to upgrade? Title says it all. He then transferred to Arkansas ahead of the 2020 season. Official stats we do alpha rag with rexes at 25-30k hp and 900-1k melee. They have a random chance (1/7 I believe) to put one point into a stat, increasing its value by a flat amount. Stamina - they are hands down one of the best mobility mounts they can do anything from getting to high places to swim in the deep blue. Test it out on single player first to see how well they will get on. ARK: Survival Evolved the game. Oct 13, 2020 · A short guide explaining what all the player attributes do and how to spend them effectively, whether you play PVP or PVE this guide will show you all you ne See full list on thegamer. Feedback is welcome. Kibble is the best food to feed them quickly, followed by lamb chop, cooked prime and cooked meat, iirc. Apr 6, 2020 · Magmasaur stats Does anyone know if melee stat improves their ranged attack and dot damage? Also does it effect the amount of metal farmed similar to anky/doed? Trying to figure out the best stats to dump points into, but can’t find much info on it. Sadly the dinos stats won't change, just the new ones you get after doing a dino wipe. that way all your new dinos get the best stats and if one dies you can easily replace them (Ark encourages incest/inbreeding among dinos in this regard). The only constant for me is weight which I lvl up to about 350. Post your server here. Dino’s spawn at a random level, and assign their level up points as you would with a tamed Dino, except it’s random. So a 200 stat relic would be the equivalent of a 100 qual accessory but rarer- but availability and price is much more than an equivalent accessory. 0 0 0. Rex saddles 90-120 2 hours ago · Franks played at Florida from 2016-19. < > Showing 1-4 of 4 comments What stats should I be levelling on my pteranodon? I'm thinking it will be mostly used for collecting wyvern eggs and possibly taming griffins. I just tamed a 150 megatherium here are its stats:3. If you get the stat on a female you can only breed it once per day or so In my SP playtrough i did some tests. Now you can also save your extracted stats in a library, see which creature has the best stats and view the pedigree of your pets. Apr 5, 2020 · BLOODSTALKER BREEDING For The Best Stats – ARK: Survival Evolved – Chronicles E11 April 5, 2020 Xycor Here I start breeding our Bloodstalkers to combine the stats so we can get a perfect breeding pair, which can be a lengthy process due! Feb 12, 2020 · What are the best stats for taking Allo on boss fights in single player. Breed food and health on the daeodons. 👇👇https://discord. It took me 5 hours to find one that's high lvl and tame it so i wont throw it out unless its very bad. com At that point, the only stats that matter or 20 into fortitude, doubling your stamina from 100 to 200. Level and stats mean nothing for the egg boost. Does anyone know any ways to farm large amounts of obsidian? It would be preferred Yes, post-tame there are ways to effect the stat values, (I'm not familiar with taming Troodons), but in regards to Rexes that are simply tamed, a higher points stat will always equate to a higher value. Mods: Super Structures, Ark Additions The Collection, Human NPCs, Bitou2k's Binocular, Dino Quick Recovery, Dino Tracker, Dino Storage v2. I usually play 3-4 hours at a time and I play singleplayer. edited for clarity Jan 30, 2020 · I like to farm as many as I can for the best roll in stats (ie, look sat stat rolls within levels 140 to 150 on official). I don’t know what dinos to take and the stats they need. I just tamed my first Bas, even though dododex stat calculator is for PRE-TAME, I still use it for POST-TAME to see if it's Average, High, or Very High. For broodmother i used 14 megatherium and 1 yuti cuz they are the best there. 5 torpor per 1 damage over 5 seconds. Trust me they are awesome! 5. Same stat breeding as the rexes but fill them with sweet vegetable cake and you've got a semi-self healing pack of doom bringing badassery. I was on official where bosses are harder than singleplayer so you could get through with even lower stats if you're on SP. Aug 14, 2020 · Aug 14, 2020 @ 7:25pm best stats to level up? solo, island. ini settings that should be appropriately adjusted to your preferences. In the NFL, Franks originally sought to There are some decent YT guides on different pvp stat builds to fit your liking. i have read some similar questions but they are 2 years old so am wondering if anything has changed. 422K subscribers in the ARK community. I'm thinking of doing a cave run and I was wondering which one would be best. It is 240 for ancient. I'm in hard level and got my tames by taking them by kibble in 280+ levels Nov 6, 2020 · I have just recently started playing ark again and I am having trouble getting large amounts of obsidian to make polymer. (At least it always has where I play. Those stats and saddles might carry you through the beta bosses but it will be tough. I have not a clue for the Dragon as I’ve seen so many conflicting arguments about the best creature to take, wether it be Theris or Rexes. 314K subscribers in the playark community. Using the Taming Calculator, you can estimate how long it'll take to tame almost any dinosaur as well as the food and narcotics required for each. What are the “Top Stats” for each dino in the game currently? I would like to see everyone update this as more come available or as they change every couple weeks or so. Hello I’m looking to change the Dino stat settings on Dino’s wild and tamed. Those 223 levels are all you can get on the baby. JOIN OUR DISCORD HERE. Share; Posted September 27, 2020. What would be the best to do a cave run ?. https:/ Download ark smart breeder and see what a 40 point roll looks like (that’s for a server with 150 max wild dinos, if you’re server is different look for 20% rolls) stay on pve until you get used to ark and how it works, at least. It can make a bigger difference on the monkey's actual melee attack (the monkey can hit stuff from your shoulder if you're close enough) but still probably not worth the points. 82) dodo, with an average (1. And then dumping all remaining points into an even split between carry weight and health until they’re both at least 500 or more. The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. Dec 29, 2024 · Best PvE Character Stats in ARK Survival Ascended. I’ve messed with the settings a bit both wild and tamed and after leveling a tame up a bit I’m able to pretty much one hit almost every wild Dino was wondering if anyone had a good solution/setting for this? Guys, would u be so kind to let me know what are ur best post tame ferox stats for health, stam and melee, and also what dif u are playing on? Trying… Maybe I’m different, I dunno, but early game I level weight. It says 14880 HP is Average, and 355 Melee is over Very High. So if you tame a 150, it will come out around 223 if its a perfect tame.
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