
Bdo mystic guide reddit. The best for me was awa mystic.

Bdo mystic guide reddit No other hybrid build has any relevance in PvP because Mystic damage is a meme. Secondly your hardest hitting skills such as Wave orb, Rising Dragon and Sea Burial I would recommend have max shards as they increase your damage tenfold so find fillers that can fill up your shards in between these 3 skills Honestly if you don't know much about crystals, I would just rock 4x macaloids and 4x hooms, maybe two corrupts for crit damage and two accuracy vipers (doesn't even have to be jin. Many classes in bdo can be considered “assassins” the most traditionally thought would be ninja or kunoichi, but lahn, tamer, sorc, dk, all play similarly, high levels of movement with high burst but squishy, and then there is maehwa and musa which are very linearly inclined (they dash forward and back really fast). Black Desert… I stopped playing BDO a while ago, came back for Dark Knight and got bored quickly, but I leveled my Mystic to 51 yesterday in about 5 hours, but I'm at a loss for gear. I started there 281/360 with fg chest on mystic and woosa, you should be fine, i find the blue ones caused the most problems since the red mobs are slow and the purple ones dont seem to hurt really. Any attempt to abuse this system or overly spam the reddit without actually contributing outside of posting your own guides, videos, and clips will simply be removed and people will be warned. Mystic is like 7. DK - MUCH MUCH better PVE, succ is one of the strongest 1v1-er right now while the other 2 is average at best, and all 3 of these classes suck at large scale anyway, i still laugh at people thinking strikers, mystics, and warriors are noticebly tankier and could frontline compared to other classes in sieges when the truth is once PA is down everyone is as tanky as each other Succession is far superior in damage for both PvE and PvP, the only time you would use awakening is if you are node warring or siege and need the utility that awakening gives, or if you go to sycraia abyssal because the survivability matters more there. they are dead even in PVE right now. Succ Maegu did 22k there after the nerfs of the class and the adjustment of the spot. It isnt a knowledge or information issue, as your guide tries to imply. Two new starting quests, seasonal characters with a tutorial system of rewards to guide you. Start with watching the guide for your class that focuses on pvp (many guides assume people only do pve in this game), try to learn as much as you can and practice that, remember you knowing your pvp combo is less important than you being able to catch opponent or dodge dmg/cc, so know your protected ccs, general protections and ccs that are usable even though they arent protected (re-ccs But ya BDO has a much much stronger new player experience today then it did even a year ago. Members Online SyntripP and HD215 (Faital 10FH500 + Celestion CDX14-3040) 192 votes, 13 comments. That said, if you're a new player you'll be better off going a standard DR build. Mystic would be the best class even if you don't stick to it. Jun 23, 2023 · The Mystic class is the female version of the Striker class and uses Gauntlets as their primary weapon and Vambrace as their secondary weapon. Awakening: constant dps, very good PvE, you can often grind in spots where normally you would struggle tanking damage, nice visuals but PvP is definitely not even close to succession's potential Official subreddit of Asmongold (as seen on Netflix) aka ZackRawrr, an Austin, Texas based Twitch streamer, YouTube personality, and gaming organization owner and content creator of One True King (OTK), a group of mostly Austin, Texas based content creators and owner of Starforge Systems, selling prebuilt gaming PCs. ). The Mystic class uses melee-range punches and kicks. PEN Heve is m Honestly, if you really enjoyed mystic before but didn't stick with her due to how terrible she was for such a long time, now is a really great time to pick her back up, she is at least A+ tier in PvE currently and only getting better as the meta swings back towards evasion for PvE, her only real weak point at the moment would be large scale You can surround a sorc from all sides and angles with constant CC and enough AOE to kill a DP mystic in half a second, doesnt matter. com) DO NOT ASSIGN CORES TO BDO IF YOU'RE RUNNING WINDOWS 11! Windows 11 allocates your CPU cores adequately, so assigning cores with Process Lasso will cause Windows 11 to give you poor performance or more crashes while gaming in BDO. yeah its off and some skills are out of logic like for example one of her skills is Shift + C the most USELESS skill on all Skills on BDO. At least for me. (mostly grind hexe, gyfin, orcs and sycraia) i've played both classes (tagged) for 1,5-2 years now, i'm 302/305 ap. Example PvE Rotation: Shift + LMB (Rapid Stream 2-Hits)S 92 votes, 16 comments. Jun 12, 2024 · Awakening Mystic PvP Guide 2024. I was main Mystic but after the nerf it got I quit. that are all connected in the 40k universe. Succ Striker, Succ Sorc, Succ Guardian, both Ninja specs, both Woosa specs, both Maehwa specs, both DK specs, both Mystic specs, Succ Witch for sure (idk about awakened atm but she is so hilariously broken I wouldn't be surprised. Lahn awakening has good HP and WP sustain but is somewhat squishy. succ drak is already nerfed and garbage now awk musa while being busted himself is nowhere near as strong as succ mystic I tried at gyfin with 313 ap 401dp double kabua (pen main bs and tet godr awakening) awa sorc, awa mystic, succ dk, awa dk, succ guardian, awa guardian, awa striker, awa ninja, succ maegu. I kinda want either mystics Banha or mystics Khamsin for sorc mostly but there are so many good ones they could pick from I made a mystic, guardian, and wizard and found myself having the most fun on the Wizard, which is fairly similar to Witch I personally would recommend Witch, as guardian gets kind of boring once you hit awakening (repetitive abilities with little movement) Mystic was fine too, but her playstyle wasn’t my favorite. Mystic is not horrible for PVE. slow winding spin skill with a Slow debuff it is protected but your stuck on one place and the range is so utter disgusting its so damn small, like turtle pepe small. Ive only found guides based on the old BDO skill window which makes no sense to me at all :/ Also im wondering what skill mods/addons i should take with these classes. The main reason this combo is so effective is that it allows you to chain super armors together while threatening stun and stiffness without interfering with any of your other combos. I also have Lahn as well as Mystic. Reply reply I find Succ good in PVE because you can maintain your martial spirit points at its full level easily. Aug 12, 2022 · Succession Mystic relies on chaining her prime skills together in quick succession to build Martial Spirit shards before spending them on hard hitting damage skills. A lot of the mystics awakened abilities flow well with each other so just practice some combo rotations until you find your bread and butter. thinking about rerolling, haven't played for a good few months. BDO Ultimate Performance Guide Update 2022-JL-16 (Intel core affinities, kind of a vague overclocking section, debloating Windows, hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling. I made the . Most of the Awakening skills perform better than non-Awakening skills, but Dragon Shatter and Whirlpool are regarded as weaker than non-Awakening skills so some players Feb 29, 2024 · Leveling 59 – 60 Guide (Questing) Leveling 60 – 61 Guide (Questing) Book of Training – AFK Leveling guide; Marni Stone Guide; Tag Character Guide; Combat/Skill EXP Buff List; Gear Guides. I have at least a few hundred hours on both. Just to elaborate on a few points that was missed here. For me personally, I get around 37k+- trash at Primal Giants on Succ Woosa/Awakening Guardian, around 35k+- on Succ Maegu/Awa Mystic and around 30-32k on Awa Witch/Succ Nova. Please dont link dead discords. This goes for PvP but aswell PvE? Is that right, do i have to get Evasion to tgive Mystic a real shot? This is taken from ACanadianDude's guide: (1) BDO Ultimate Performance Guide - Rewrite : blackdesertonline (reddit. My first main was Witch. mystic/striker spiral cannon travels through frontal guards and can knock you down after their hitbox has gone through the guard kuno delighted blast sends a projectile that hits the guard and the skill blows up at the end and the explosion hits behind guard Awaken/succession Striker. And why in gods name would you want less memes!? Mar 22, 2018 · So, if you’re just getting started with Mystic in PvP, or you’re looking for ways to improve your performance, then this guide is for you! Basic Mystic Combos. She would then spend years honing her skills as a martial artist under the same master as Striker’s. Pure AP build can also be done without any accuracy accessories. If you throw on weapon striker can get a 20s 20% attack speed buff AFTER building shards and Mystic has 20% for 10s on demand. Has great damage, iframe vacuum grab and tanky vs magic classes (which ends up being a lot of strong PvP classes, including Tamer, Sorc, Hash, etc. Could do, but the things I need are really really pricey like for example two PEN distos thats 82b each and idk about you but farming alot would burn me out FAST its easier then archage tho but still bdo is no casual gameplay and ive been casual and been struggling lol I play like 3 times a week and thats just to attend garmoths, vells, guild Mystic succession is pretty powerful with higher AP, and yes it is playable. I just don't think it's as OP as you are making it out to be. You dont even need to c-swap because if the sheer volume of ootions the class has for changing stances. What are their strengths and weaknesses. but if i had to give an overall placing for them, i'd say (based off of trash) succ mystic =awa striker > awa mystic >succ striker. She is pretty easy and farm around 28-29k with simple buffs and food while I watching tv shows on second monitor. for animation cancel please refer to Travesty gui Mystic and striker both have innate 20 dp and crit and a 10% eva passive. Then there's awakened sage, succ Drakania (her like, 1 good spot lmao), both Lahn specs Mystic awakening has a lot of skill points needed to invest to unlock all awakening skills, so make sure you do this first. Mystic is more tanky than Lahn. The official subreddit for the PC MMORPG Black Desert, developed by Pearl Abyss. Example PvE Rotation: Shift + LMB (Rapid Stream 2-Hits)S Feb 21, 2025 · Mystic was discovered and rescued under the rubble of her war-ravaged village. Disney Dreamlight Valley is a hybrid between a life simulator and an adventure game rich with quests, exploration, and engaging activities featuring Disney and Pixar friends, both old and new. My second main was Mystic. Posted by u/cloudydaydreamer - 2 votes and 16 comments 239K subscribers in the blackdesertonline community. But yeah, Lahn can do what Mystic can do, but better. Succ striker is very tanky with great damage but pretty narrow aoes. I do not think this means the skill is bad. The true BDO enjoyer. Its supposed to be a quick hint at what to do next. Mystic is super tanky though. . I made a 5 min Guide on how to play Awakening Mystic in PvP :) https://youtu. Sure, 261 can work for 1v1, but now anywhere else. I'm wondering if there is any updated skill template/guide for these classes since i cant find anything new. Theres plenty good class to start: Archer, Lahn, Musa, Striker and Warrior. Mystic vs Striker Honestly curious whst everyones opinions are on the matter. But ya BDO has a much much stronger new player experience today then it did even a year ago. So I've had this issue every since I started playing bdo, me and my friends are a bit of customization addicts which was something that I really enjoyed about this game, I personally have a lot of fun customizing both characters faces and outfits, however there's a slight issue with my favourite class Mystic, more specifically its skull model, the issue is clear with certain hairstyles and Mystic is also very mobile and immune to cc in most of her skill rotation, which makes the class somewhat too good… Striker is similar but slower with being more vulnerable to cc than mystic, and has higher burst damage compared to mystic. The only "busted hybrid" for Mystics is 269/346. Yeah, Lahn can fly, but I have the feeling the mystic is faster because of her Fluid battle. Mystic is better in my opinion. Enhancing Guide; Gear Progression & Failstacking Guide; Jetina PEN Accessory Guide; Jetina PEN Boss Gear Guide; Garmoth’s Heart Guide; Crystal Preset Warhammer 40k is a franchise created by Games Workshop, detailing the far future and the grim darkness it holds. Corsair's Awakening took like half her skills from other classes, with her w+f just being awaken mystic's w+f painted grey and most of her ranged shots That's true, but in order to do that in BDO you have to extend the pelvis outward which is unnatural as well, it's not a big deal just really weird Also from the perspective of a CPT (Certified Personal Trainer,) no glutes means no jumping, sprinting, or lunging power; which in BDO is all your character does. He goes to hunt khalk and whales with his friends. Succession has loads of flows/mix-ups available to him, most of which easily flow together with a bit of practice. ) Mystic has high sustained dmg -> god tier in high end pve Striker is one of the worst classes for high end pve if not the worst, and mystic one of the best if not the best In low to mid tier pve striker is okayish/good, while mystic is also top tier Also mystic has a bit more mobility I'd make another thread for the updated combos, but it's pretty much reverted back to the old Mystic stuff. There is no "counter" when half decent sorcs can move freely through 10 of the best PvPers in NA without issue. Plus this focuses on solely gear progression and not everything else around it. At elvia serendia spots though she has issues, mainly because the elvia buff doesn't affect summons (and Succ Nova has a lot of damage coming from her summoned pawns). Sorcs need Iframe nerf, period. Mystic mobility is absolutely garbo. awa sorc is harder to catch (one of the most difficult classes to catch due to excessive iframes), but they deal less damage. Have a Tamer atm at 192 ap or so. Mystic is the only class in the game where you can either go Succ or Awa for both pvp and especically pve without "missing" out. #blackdesert #mystic #pve #guide I'm a level 66 Awakened Mystic degenerate -- do your due diligence. Black Desert for… as for your problem thinking succ lahn is squishy, well she is but you don't have to follow some guide telling you do x skill then y then z, you use your spin if you know you about to get hit by the mobs, spinning through mobs usually takes no damage as the mobs don't lock on you, they just hit the initial direction. Currently on my villain ark to get every class 60 and hopefully find a class i like enough to main. Ash Forest itself was released in 2020, when even Sycraia Abyss was out-of-reach for 98% of NA players and Star's End was often empty because of how few people had enough gear to make it worth grinding Dec 13, 2017 · The Mystic will be playable in Black Desert Online NA/EU as of December 13th. My point is, Mystic's utility skills have weaknesses. If u like a very Fluid battle, go for mystic awakening. It's also not really optimal to change into pre-awakening just to get that one stiffness off now. Here, MMO enthusiasts gather to discuss their favorite games, share news, insights, and connect with like-minded individuals who share a passion for immersive online gaming experiences. Nothing goes well for him, his rng is shit, his class is shit, the game is shit, the devs are shit, south korea is shit. Did they fix… Awak mystic is tier S in all endgame spots that dosnt need big aoe like thornwood, im mystic with Guardian tag, and i think guardian is only better at thornwood Reply reply &nbsp; Please help contribute to this list by adding discords that matter in the comments below. succ wiz is the golden child of BDO and will never be nerfed, the class was only allowed to be below fotm for a few months between its nerf and the class reboot patch. And ranking Mystic higher is big nope. But you need to learn Hella lot of combos. Also Booba Best guess was someone thought "Succ Sorc requires high elo teammates to be truly effective" and ranked up to 50 on a Mystic or who knows what. be/hFIBH8g6bg4?si=SOlPu2RjP0sW6jbM she is about equal with striker at any spots beside oluns iirc. Helmet you can choose between a PEN Heve, TET Giath or Griffon. 5k trash/hr without Elixirs on Dehkia Thornwood with Succession Mystic, if that's D tier, then OK. Archer and Lahn are great starter classes, you cant go wrong with them. Mystic hasn't been "OP" in bdo sense her release days, and even then, she was in a Decent state for along time until its was always nerfs, with only skill description changes to her spec. I have a Level 56 Mystic, and a Level 56 Lahn ^ so this opinion is based of my own Experience. mostly play mystic nowadays tho Mystic is an evasion class, we have the highest evasion scaling in the game with our passive giving an additional 10% evasion. PA loves releasing zones months/years before they're grindable. Mystic has a very fast play style when you get your awakening at 56. So it's difficult to justify playing awk mystic when succ is so much better. Because of the way the Evasion stat works, you may find that you are squishy for a long time and that your Evasion isn’t really doing much for you. 4 sec cd and 15sec cd + tranquility 40sec cd for 3 shards and using tranquility forces mystic to be stationary so catching up after time lost will cost basically those shards + shards which can only be recovered via hitting enemy. Jan 3, 2018 · Like the Striker’s Echo Spirit, the Mystic’s Sea Dragon will be summoned and will fight next to her to deal additional damage to enemies and give extra buffs to the Mystic. Naru. The Mystic can also use a new Flow skill and Flow: Bombardment after Ankle Hook and Deva King, which makes a very simple and effective combo. Like many other classes, she shines more at certain mobs and densities. came back to the game last week after a long break and looking for a succession class to focus on and main . bon skill on hammer smash is KD on atk 2 Succession for low end zones (like seasonal) is major pain bc of her stamina and mobility, awakening will always be monumentally better in PvE early game, mid game and late game. Basically the title. Below I've listed several combos that can be used depending on your situation, but one general tip I will provide is that Succession Mystic has a lot of room for freestyle. Since they nerfed human dmg crystals, you can now get a lot more DPS out of using Maiming Lighstone set+ACC OH and accuracy crystals. She can also be very strong. how's the awakening?? Early classes had a little bit of it (Lahn's pre-awk s+lmb+rmb charge animation is partially shared with one of Mystic's taunts IIRC) but the more recent classes have been reusing more and more. Actually knows about the lore, 30k+quests, shai music skill A, ecology buff 20%, finished summer mysteries without guide. 247K subscribers in the blackdesertonline community. ) on min pre order. true. i like the hair but the rest of the outfit isnt doing it for me. Succession: good burst damage, not very chill for PvE, PvP is great and has a very good kit of skills, doesnt struggle agaisnt any class. If your looking for pve potential and grinding top areas with lantern better off tagging a different character. Mystic awakening skills have good effects to look at, make you feel like a waterbender with power to summon dragons. Unlike valk though, it leaves the mystic open to being grabbed. Now let me be very clear. For PVP in particular Awakening is the better spec if you can oneshot people with the lower killpower Awakening brings just by nature of how much more utility the spec has. 249K subscribers in the blackdesertonline community. Awk 2 dashes. bat file exactly as you provided, found my affinity for Ryzen 7 1700x (5500), set admin rights, but when I'm in game and check task manager, it shows a checkmark next to all my cores - including the first line that says <All Processors>. Then her succession was released and was topish class for awhile, but this is a Person option on how that spec is and Succession Mystic is most boring thing I Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Awak striker or awak mystic . Their pve grinding speed is average, but 1v1, mass pvp are both top tier in the game at the moment. People are absolutely allowed to meme about the game, pvp, pve, guilds, etc. + Spiral for unprotected Doubt it. Still good enough to grind and have fun, but succ mystic has insane damage, great skills that are fun to use and great protection. First I would join the Mystic discord they have plenty of answers for you there. Last Edit [BDO] List of Black Desert Online Class & Community Discord Servers. (edit) To add to this as I assume you are new. BDO has stunning graphics, absolutely great detail and feel, but if you want to grind efficiently or pvp, you have to turn your graphics down to reach an "optimal" fps. In terms of sweatiness I'd give witch a 2 or 3. awa mystic>succ lahn=awa dk>succ maegu=archer but that's just my opinion. Evasion builds are extremely expensive, require ridiculous amounts of caphras to lvl up the gear, and even with all the investments some classes with some accuracy are still going to have over 80% hitrate against you. This guide is based on my experience on Mystic class which I continue to refine. Out of the 4 specs, awk mystic is the weakest. Also Booba r/MMORPG is an online community dedicated to all things massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs). So clap clap there. I am Full DR and often i hear that Mystic requires Evasion (?) or dont go Mystic. And even after that a little guide book of things every player might want to do depending on interest with some more rewards. I like awakened spec of both the classes. They then tried playing on Succ Sorc for a few days and dropped like a lead balloon. The eternal complainer. Posted by u/Zekki17 - 1 vote and no comments Hey ACanadianDude, I've been following this guide since you made it and simply cannot, for the life of me, get the CPU Affinity to work. play 3000 hours on spot and it will be pretty fluid regardless. Sorry for the late reply. from zero to hero with you. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. MP7 Jun 8, 2024, 19:27 (UTC) 1661 3 3 0. Tho play Mystic if you like it, the chances of you enjoy the game and stay in the game greatly increases if you play a class that you like. 5 for awa and 8 for succ. Succ Mystic is really good in 1v1 now. TET Dim, Urugon and Bheg. I don't know how the class discords are these days, but a while back every time it was brought up, they just shunned the person asking as if it was 100% normal or reasonable to Of course my guide isnt the only guide, just as its not THE guide or the only way how to progress. I main mystic also around the same gear score with evasion build 1250+ m; evasion works well with most grind areas and perfect for PvP. As long as you kill the mobs before the aoes you shouldnt have any issues. Even the average node war group fails to capitalize on sorc ults which likes much longer. Bdo bingo winter 2023 edition #blackdesert #mystic #pve #guide I'm a level 66 Awakened Mystic degenerate -- do your due diligence. I'll edit and add their invite links to this page as soon as I see them. The best for me was awa mystic. At level 56, Mystic unlocks their awakening weapon which is a Cestus, and can summon a sea dragon to give her more damage. Mystic’s skills showcase a fine mix of eastern martial arts and practical combat skills. Your overall progression speed will be way higher than the other two classes. For pvp, there's more nuance. Well I just passed 17. As of the April 21st stiff changes, you can no longer combo adamantine/Hidden Claw/Elbow Edge for a stiff lock. Such as Pollies, she has plenty of ranged engagement skills like dash + down rmb lmb, dash + rmb lmb, forward f +f +down f + f, dash + shift lmb, forward + rmb, and numerous dashes. would be a nice change to reroll to mystic. Jun 23, 2023 · Generally, you are recommended to build Damage Reduction on Mystic at first, then swap to Evasion later on, this is because Evasion performs better on Mystic at high gearscore. currently at 286/344 So after testing alot of trials, berserker and mystic are the most enjoyable, and both works well within my limits however due to a lot of balance changes and such stuff its been hard to find good critique and comments regarding both, maybe not comparably as much as their pros n cons mid/early high endgame. The official subreddit for the PC MMORPG Black Desert, developed by Pearl… Jul 22, 2017 · Another major difference between the Striker and the Mystic is aht the Mystic can use Ankle Hook and Deva King by holding RMB after Adamantine. Awa sorc is better than succ sorc at all pve except in places where the mobs dont move like gyfin. The main attraction of 40k is the miniatures, but there are also many video games, board games, books, ect. Since the Mystic is the female counterpart of the Striker, the two classes share a lot of common features, including skill Feb 25, 2025 · #blackdesert #mystic #awakening #guide Awakening Mystic is a powerhouse in Arena of Solare, but knowing how to string together protected combos is key to do Better if u look up some guide, but: Tooth fairy forest (Ronaros) Blood wolf settlement (Kagtums) Sherakhen necropolis (Sherakhans) And some times - like now - there is a treasure hunting event so u can grinde other location too, check the event page for details Reddit's original DIY Audio subreddit to discuss speaker and amplifier projects of all types, share plans and schematics, and link to interesting projects. - You gain more spirits as you chain succ skills and you hold this rate as long as you keep hitting, which is the succ mechanic imho - Nearly 100% martial spirit uptime = maximum damages from skills. The subreddit for the PC MMORPG Black Desert, developed by Pearl Abyss. Members Online SyntripP and HD215 (Faital 10FH500 + Celestion CDX14-3040) Feb 25, 2025 · #blackdesert #mystic #awakening #guide Awakening Mystic is a powerhouse in Arena of Solare, but knowing how to string together protected combos is key to do Better if u look up some guide, but: Tooth fairy forest (Ronaros) Blood wolf settlement (Kagtums) Sherakhen necropolis (Sherakhans) And some times - like now - there is a treasure hunting event so u can grinde other location too, check the event page for details Reddit's original DIY Audio subreddit to discuss speaker and amplifier projects of all types, share plans and schematics, and link to interesting projects. So after 4 years been away from BDO I Decide to return because of the corsair. I don't have any boss gear and can't find any "pre-boss" recommended sets. dmwccc oadzun dfd fndo syl ehseu zikhnk amqty heijd okmu bkkzo dqxqc xno idkg qgqsbgj