Cleric moon domain Lucius' moon domain is a homebrew based on the moon domain from 3. well, it gets rid of magic darkness and is useful against some certain creatures. Of the nine subclasses listed above, four are brand new Moon Domain Spells. Moon Spells This document summarizes the Moon Domain for clerics in Dungeons & Dragons, including its spell list, class features, and magic items associated with the moon goddess Selûne. Your domain determines not only your character’s central them as a divine spellcaster, but also your role on the battlefield. Moonbeam (C for Clerics, D for Champions) is a ranged blast with an automatic debuff attached, and utility against silver vulnerability, but mediocre damage. Death’s Call from the death domain is a fantastic spell for sustaining you in melee. Use these abilities a total number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier. Maybe laezel, tavern brawler moon Druid, gale (some healing spells) and sorcerer shadowheart. A moon cleric playing a song of lament. In the name of the moon, a new subclass has been unearthed: the Moon Domain Cleric. I initially wanted to flavor it as a moon moth. To gain the benefits of a long rest, you can spend all 8 hours doing light activity, such as keeping watch. Description This subclass mod was done as a commission for Shayedd who as always has done an, in my opinion, absolutely wonderful job adapting the Twilight Cleric Domain from 5e to BG3 and in supplying the icons . Tons of Cleric Utility, Proficiency in everything, Amazing Cleric spells plus great domain spells, and You can absolutely nuke an area with channel divinity. Moon cleric has neither amor or weapon proficiencies. This does similar damage at lvl 2, but then heavily scales as you level, while also inflicting blindness, potentially disintegrating , and also in an area of the caster's choice in a long range, not the caster's area. However Or should I put in more Cleric levels? Is later level War Cleric stuff worth losing out on a second Extra Attack. Jul 22, 2022 · Today we call upon the Moon and Stars for our power as we build a Moon Cleric together. Moon Domain Spells Jan 27, 2022 · We discuss the NEW Moon Domain Cleric subclass from the brand new Taldorei Reborn book from Critical Role and Matthew Mercer. Cleric: Moon Domain: Draw from Exandria’s two moons to protect and empower your allies, and weaken your enemies. Likewise, the ability to know the location of creatures from Mark of the Moon is intended to help keep track of those that this cleric would protect. Domain Spells: Some very good options, including some great utilities, all of which are borrowed from the Wizard spell list. When you take this action, all allies within 30-foot radius you gain temporary hit points equal to your cleric level+wisdom modifier. Moon Domain . 1st: Faerie Fire, Hunter’s Mark. Share your ideas, discuss them with the community, and cast your vote on feedback provided. Domain Spells Beginning at 17th level, whenever the moon is visible in the sky, you can use an action to detect magical pathways, portals, and gate effects. The moon is a constant in the sky, it is always there, yet always changing. Forgotten Realms Deities: Eilistraee, Hathor, Malar, Sehanine Moonbow, Selûne, Sharindlar. Tópicos:00:00 - After all the golden ratio for a 4 man group is 2 melee and 2 spell caster right? If you chose sorcerer, cleric and wizard or sorcerer cleric and bard/warlock that might be too much spell casters and not enough frontline beef. 自創始之初起,眾生都能在抬頭仰望天空時看到艾桑椎亞的兩顆月亮——卡薩 Catha和茹蒂斯 Ruidus,並感受其力量與神秘。傳說,織月者 The Moonweaver親自在卡薩那蒼白的月光中指引祂的信徒,為那些向月亮祈禱的人揭示隱藏之道和天啟之夢。 Moonfire deals 1d8 points of damage per 2 cleric levels, and the target is dazzled for 1 round per cleric level. The Moon Cleric was created by Matt Mercer, the DM for the popular D& War domain 1/Moon Druid X Moon druid is increasably powerful at low levels adding War domain to it allows the bear to make that one extra attack allowing animals that only make one powerful attack more than one attack. It is focused around Channel Divinity as a major player in its power, which is a bad resource to rely on. Oh the moon, ever changing, ever above, constant and inconstant in one. Granted Power: Turn or destroy lycanthropes as a good cleric turns undead. Apr 20, 2021 · Arcana Domain Cleric Handbook. Divination is cheap and great to have for free. Granted Powers: Turn or destroy earth creatures as a good cleric turns undead. I get to make a level 7 character so at first I was planning on going straight Moon Druid (7 lvl). Nature Domain: Changed to staff (for Shillelagh), shortbow and chainmail. Please add these subclasses back in for the 2024 Cleric. The domain grants the light cantrip, an ability to impose disadvantage on attacks against you called Touch of Darkness, an AoE damage-dealing Channel Divinity option named Moonfire, and other abilities like improving Feb 14, 2024 · Clerics of the Moon Domain draw on their divine connection to the moons to wield light and shadow, invoke good fortune and ill favor, and reveal or conceal as they see fit. 441 4. Moon cleric 1, stars druid 2, moon cleric X. [1][2] Novice spellcasters were Starting at 2nd level, you can let the protective force of the moon flow through you. Domain spells by level (all of these spells are not usually available to Clerics): Cleric: Light Domain Gods of light – including Helm, Lathander, Pholtus, Branchala, the Silver Flame, Belenus, Apollo, and Re-Horakhty – promote the ideals of rebirth and renewal, truth, vigilance, and beauty, often using the symbol of the sun. Feb 14, 2024 · Clerics of the Moon Domain draw on their divine connection to the moons to wield light and shadow, invoke good fortune and ill favor, and reveal or conceal as they see fit. As the goddess of the moon, Selûne pulls two major roles; protector and mentor. Now at lvl 6, I dipped into War Cleric. The moon shined brightly over the veil of the night, it’s paraselene gave a soft and comforting glow against the cold air. Other Deities: Celestian. Selûne is a goddess that watches over travelers, so most adventurers should consider worship to this goddess. Cleric (Moon Domain) Clerics are intermediaries between the mortal world and the distant planes of the gods. Overall I'd say tempest Cleric is generally more useful. 3rd: Moonbeam, Misty Step. Rebuke, command, or bolster air creatures as an evil cleric rebukes undead. I’ll explain below. You can use a holy symbol as a spellcasting focus for your cleric spells. Although technically it’s in the name of two moons: Catha and Ruidus, the moons of Critical Role’s world of Exandria. This is an Unofficial Subclass. If there are non-cleric spells added, they are extremely situational and tend to be on the weaker side. Photography by Captain Dangerous. It's a CR product, about their homebrew world. A character aligned with the Moon Domain is enlightened by the lunar sphere's ethereal glow. Moon Cleric Subclass Features. The only real weakness is somewhat poor damage when not using spell slots. The Moon domain is a divine domain for clerics that draws on the divine power of the moons—Catha and Ruidus in the case of Exandria. A review and overview of the new Moon Domain Cleric from Matt Mercer’s/Critical Role's new/revised book, "Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting Reborn" usable with Dung Nov 15, 2023 · In August 2018, almost four years before the release of Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting Reborn, Lucius Lorelei played as a moon domain cleric. Because of that, her Clerics are designed to preserve life and provide guidance to those who seek it. It’s not really that good in the long run, but I like how aggressive and straightforward it is. Dec 15, 2021 · Two of these iconic characters are the Moon Domain Cleric Nalys Ildareth and the firbolg Circle of the Blighted druid Camellia Springshower. Moon Domain Legacy Content Source Core Rulebook pg. Jul 30, 2022 · See the Divine Domain class feature for how domain spells work. Apr 4, 2017 · Moon Domain – Cleric Domain. For everything related to the Pathfinder RPG! Cleric: Peace Domain The balm of peace thrives at the heart of healthy communities, between friendly nations, and in the souls of the kindhearted. Grab Res: Con at level 6, and by level 8 when you unlock Mind of Two Moons, you won't roll below a 16 for a concentration check (assuming 14 Con and you have Starry Dragon form up). Domain Spells. Or maybe I should go on a different route and add in Rogue, going for a 8/3/1 distribution that has me grab Thief? Two bonus actions would allow me to still achieve up to four attacks per turn for a bit alongside the added Aug 18, 2023 · Fans of exploration and survival will love the Circle of the Blighted druid, Way of the Cobalt Soul monk, and Runechild sorcerer, and support-oriented players should look forward to the College of Tragedy bard, Moon Domain cleric, and Runechild. Warpriests mostly care about the fire damage typing for Emblazon Energy. The Lunar Sorcerer subclass added in D&D: Dragonlance can be extremely powerful in the right hands. Moon Domain: Unchanged weapon and armor but does start with a couple 1st level cleric scrolls. Today we will discuss Matt Mercer's Moon Domain Cleric from the Tal'Dorei Camp Oct 13, 2024 · As in the title, the Moon and Bloom Domains are no longer options for the 2024 Cleric, but are for the 2014 Cleric. 5th: Hypnotic Pattern, Blinding Smite Feb 11, 2023 · Cleric (if interested in Melee) or Cloistered Cleric (if allowed and you are wanting to play a straight caster) 3 / Church Inquisitor 2 / Divine Oracle 6 / Contemplative 9 Loses no casting and adds about as many domains as you cant get. So many Moon Gods double as gods of the hunt, this domain throws in just a bit of hunting flavor with hail of thorns and longbow. " Algthough, should my player want to create a cleric that serves Moonmaiden with light domain as mechanical features, I would allow them to do so with some reflaworing of spells and abilities (like "faerie fire" from "Light Domain Spells," which would be more like fleakering silvery lights). Sidenote: With how many moon gods there are, why on earth is the only moon spell in the game (moonbeam) not a cleric spell? After my last characters death, I finally settled on my new character being a Firbolg Moon Druid. Moon Blade. Note this only works with the attack action so you can't use multi attack if you plan to use the war clerics bonus action attack. Remember the Lost from the vigil domain is so cool, and very thematic. Moon Domain. Apr 8, 2022 · Best Domains for a Cleric of Selûne 5e. May 26, 2024 · Similar to the Blood Domain, this subclass tries to be too many things at once, but the Moon Domain tried to establish more synergies between its features. May 12, 2024 · TRADUÇÃO PARA A SUBCLASSE DE CLÉRIGO MOON DOMAIN SOBRE O MOD: "O Domínio da Lua é algo que eu adoro no jogo de mesa há muito tempo e, quando a Larian anunciou quais seriam os domínios dos Clérigos no BG3, eu não fiquei nada surpreso por não ver o Domínio da Lua na lista devido ao seu estilo de jogo RP pesado. You no longer need to sleep and can’t be forced to sleep by any means. 月亮領域 Moon Domain. We had 2 paladins in the group already, so I thought it would be more fun with a Cleric. You can use this ability once per day at 8th level, and one additional time per day for every 4 levels beyond 8th. true. It is resilient and radiant, it waxes and wanes constantly, it is always changing, yet stays constant. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Cha modifier. Give feedback. Clerics of the Moon Domain draw on their divine connection to the moons to wield light and shadow, invoke good fortune and ill favor, and reveal or conceal as they see fit. The Moon domain was created by Matthew Mercer. 1st Level: Detect Magic is one of the most useful and important Divinations in the game, and since you always have it prepared, you can always cast it as a ritual. To be detected, a portal must be within your line of sight and no farther than 120 feet from you. A DM should consider reserving this spell for characters who have some affinity with the moon (for example, a druid of the Circle of Dreams, a sorcerer whose origin lies in Witchcraft, or a warlock with an appropriate Celestial otherworldly patron). God of the moon tend to be distant and mysterious, favoring riddles and introspection. Rollback Post to Revision RollBack "Light" domain for me is just too much "the full concentrated power of the sun" than Selûne's "moonlight. of the cleric, while also dispelling magical darkness. Clairvoyance is great for an oracular cleric, though daylight is. So I thought a War Cleric or a Paladin would fill both of those roles. Cleric Domains and the divine powers associated with them typically connect to a fundamental cosmic force or an integral… Dec 29, 2023 · An adaptation of 5E's Twilight Domain to BG3. An aura of safety springs up around you and is filled with dim light. Aug 25, 2018 · Moon In most cultures, while the sun tends to symbolize glory, power, and rulership, the moon is associated with mysticism, mystery, and aloofness. Mar 30, 2021 · One of my player plays a moon druid (lvl 4), and wants to multiclass into a Peace Domain Cleric next level. Divine Domain. Beginning at 17th level, anytime the moon is visible in the sky, you can use an action to detect magical pathways and portals such as fey roads, shadow roads, gate effects, and the like. Cleric: Blood Domain Cleric: Moon Domain Druid: Circle of the Blighted Monk: Way of the Cobalt Soul Sorcerer: Runechild Paladin: Oath of the Open Sea Wizard: Blood Magic It looks like we'll have to wait to find out more about other subclasses from CR3. [1][2] The spellcaster gained the ability to turn and destroy lycanthropes as a good cleric would turn undead. I said that any TCoE would have to be vetted by me, so is there anything I should be wary of ? The reason I themed it as a Lycanthrope is because in Forgotten Realms the moon, and by extension the moon domain and moon deities themselves, are intrinsically linked to Lycanthropy. The moon domain from the 2022's sourcebook partially borrows from this homebrew: Jun 16, 2023 · Moon Domain Granted Powers: Once per day, you can perform a greater turning against deathless in place of a regular turning (or rebuking) attempt. However, I stumbled across the Peace Domain Cleric and there ability Emboldening Bond that you get at level one. 2nd-level evocation Light domain does 2d10 in 30 ft. Most Moon clerics worship the Moonweaver herself, but her followers are as varied as the stars in the sky. Moon Domain Spells Cleric Level Spells. AIR DOMAIN. Jul 19, 2022 · Today we look to the night sky for power and find it in the Moons of Exandria. On the other hand its an attack version of hurtling stone which deals the same damage but is only a single attack, which is more for war cleric or paladin, and even at level 5 the spell is higher damage than a cantrip, could be used with a nonattack cantrip, and last for 3 attacks, which combat rarely ever lasts longer than 3 rounds anyways. Death Ward is also on the cleric list, but is invaluable. On the other hand, it's not a WotC product. Additionally, choose either the full moon or the new moon. When you select this domain at 1st level, each hostile creature within 30 feet of you takes cold damage equal to 2d10 + your cleric level, The moon blade spell is a signature spell of the Moon Domain cleric. Their domain spells are good and their first level feature scales of PB. This would cover most moon deities. Personally, I think that there should be 3 variants of this domain: one focused on stealth/mystery (like yours), one that focuses on shapechanging, and one that is about guidance, hope (the ''light in the darkness'' theme) and the soothing power of the moon. Moon Domain Spells Cleric Level Spells 1st faerie fire, silent image 3rd moonbeam, invisibility 5th hypnotic pattern, major image 7th greater invisibility, hallucinatory terrain 9th dream, passwall Clarity of Catha 1st-level Moon Domain feature Dec 16, 2021 · Cleric: Blood Domain; Cleric: Moon Domain; Druid: Circle of the Blighted; Monk: Way of the Cobalt Soul; Sorcerer: Runechild; Paladin: Oath of the Open Sea; Wizard: Blood Magic; The accompanying paragraph has me pretty excited–D&D has come a long way since the first Tal’Dorei guide. Order Domain: Changed to chainmail. Other Moon clerics worship not the gods but the moons themselves, especially those with an innate connection to the lunar cycles through lycanthropy. Jun 7, 2020 · In my research, I came across the 3e Moon Domain which is structured like "The Moon domain is a deity domain that grants divine spellcasters spell powers related to the Moon, perception, and lycanthropes. However, later on when you get multiple uses of the ability, this archetype can very easily clear dungeon fights. You gain domain spells at the cleric levels listen in the Moon Domain Spells table. Spellcasting Focus. 23 votes, 61 comments. The spellcaster gains the ability to turn and destroy such shapechangers as a good cleric turns undead. Cleric domains; This page was last edited on 10 June 2024, at 19:31. Moon’s Grace. At 1st level, you choose a domain shaped by your choice of Deity and the gifts they grant you. I'm trying to figure out how to build this character, and I'm simply not sure how to go about it. Cleric Level Spells; 1: faerie fire, you can emit a nimbus of light in a 30-foot radius for a number of rounds equal to your cleric level. Anyway, let me know what you think. . patreon. As varied as the gods they serve, clerics strive to embody the handiwork of their deities. Aug 18, 2023 · Cleric: Blood Domain: Empower your magic and even puppet your enemies using blood magic. The Moon domain was a deity domain that granted divine spellcasters like clerics with spells and powers related to the moon, perception, and lycanthropes. 0 Deities Ashava, Cosmic Caravan, Dajermube, Elven Pantheon, Horus, Ketephys, The Path of the Heavens, The Prismatic Ray, Thoth Domain Spell Moonbeam; Advanced Domain Spell Touch of the Moon You command powers associated with the moon. Sure, it has a different feel (the moon domain is more connected to lycanthropy) but it's like making the sun domain, when the light domain already exists. KEY NOTE: most cleric spells in their circles tend to be spells they can already cast, not things drastically outside their class identity. The greater turning is like a normal turning ( or rebuking) attempt except that the deathless creatures that would be turned ( or rebuked or commanded) are destroyed instead. 5th edition of D&D. insert lore blurb here. Druid: Circle of the Blighted: Tap a corrupted source of nature magic, whether to end a blight or spread it. Beneath the uncertainty of the dark, the light continues to illuminate and guide towards a promised tomorrow. The The Moonweaver herself is said to guide her worshipers from within the pale glow of Catha, revealing hidden paths and granting inspired dreams to those Also because it looks like its gods are almost a subsection of the gods of the Twilight domain. 1 level cleric dips are popular because a lot of domains offer armor and/or weapon proficiencies in addition to spells and level 1 feature. Weapon Surge from the Zeal domain- the cleric’s power attack. To use pathfinder as an example: Feb 14, 2024 · Clerics of the Moon Domain draw on their divine connection to the moons to wield light and shadow, invoke good fortune and ill favor, and reveal or conceal as they see fit. The spells you chose for this are all incredibly powerful except for the slow spell. You can cast a cleric spell as a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag and you have the spell prepared. Cleric Subclass. Feb 23, 2025 · 1st-level Moon Domain feature You do your best work at night. Yep. Oct 22, 2022 · The Moon Domain is a support domain with a ton of spellcasting assistance. While not always liars, they tend to obfuscate, hide, and conceal the truth. Clerics of the Moon Domain draw on their divine connection to the moons to wield light and shadow, invoke good fortune and ill favor, and reveal or conceal as they see fit. From a setting with multiple moons comes the diverse lunar abilities of the Moon Domain Cleric, with a heavy emphasis on buffing your allies and empowering your party to take on stronger foes. The portal must be within your line of sight and no farther away from you than 120 feet. The Moon Domain can also be associated with gods of hunting or mysticism. Moon clerics reflect their deity’s obsession with change, with cyclic life, and with mystery. com/TreantmonkstempleTimestamps:0:00 Intro0:32 Spells0:5 Feb 5, 2023 · Light Domain: Unchanged weapon and armor but does start with a couple 1st level cleric scrolls. Moon Domain (SC 277) Core Deities: None. Moonfire deals 1d10 points of damage per cleric level against lycanthropes. Most clerics of the Moon domain worship Sehanine, the Moonweaver, but others follow Avandra, the Changebringer or Oct 18, 2023 · From a setting with multiple moons comes the diverse lunar abilities of the Moon Domain Cleric, with a heavy emphasis on buffing your allies and empowering your party to take on stronger foes. Feb 6, 2022 · Jumping back into some Tal'Dorei Campaign Reborn, this time we're talking about the other cleric, the Moon Domain! This has some illusion based magic and som Moon (Cleric Domain) Granted Powers: You are a follower of the Moon and a believer in its feminine power to influence the tides, overcome death, and warp minds. 146K subscribers in the Pathfinder_RPG community. Mar 14, 2024 · Moon Domain Cleric的中文翻译. 1st level Faerie fire 2nd Classes » Cleric » Moon Domain Since the Founding, all mortal creatures have looked to the skies and sensed the power and mystery carried by Catha and Ruidus, the two moons of Exandria. Monk: Way of the Cobalt Soul Howdy! I'm trying to make a Sehanine-devoted Cleric in a Wildemount/Exandria campaign using the Moon Domain from Critical Role. Magic Missile is a Oct 18, 2023 · The domain of the moon was introduced to Dungeons & Dragons by way of the talented Matthew Mercer in the sourcebook Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting Reborn. C. Venha conhecer o novo domínio para clérigo - Domínio da Lua- que saiu no mais novo livro do Critical Role - Tal'dorei Campaign Setting Reborn. The gods of peace inspire people of all sorts to resolve conflict and to stand up against those forces that try to prevent peace from flourishing. There is also some standard moon powers like fighting shapeshifters, seeing through illusions, and divination. Jan 18, 2022 · Many of these characters are also featured in illustrations throughout the book—and on the cover—by our host of talented artists! Meet two of our icons today: the cool and calculating Moon Domain cleric Nalys Ildareth, and haunted but determined Camellia Springshower, firbolg Circle of the Blighted druid. If you like what I do and would consider supporting this channel through Patreon:https://www. A cleric of moon deities from other settings might theme it some other way, but they could also have sacred animals you could use. Moon Druid is IMO the weakest of the druids. May 17, 2024 · Traducción del mod 'Moon Domain Cleric' de 'Skyeborne'Para todos los Hispanohablantes 91 votes, 17 comments. Apr 20, 2021 · Your choice of domain is the single most important decision that you will make when playing a cleric. Yet, they can be brutally honest when needed, just another aspect of their mercurial nature. I applaud the innovation, but it could’ve been better. " - Source . My DM, contacted me via pm on Discord. Saying that he thought that it was against the rules for me to play a War Cleric, as a follower of Selûne. War Domain extra attack does work with Wild Shape, but it is currently bugged and will prompt you to use it before you can use your normal extra attack, instead of after, until you run out of charges. This Domain will help you guide you allies to victory. Jan 17, 2022 · From a few screenshots on the Darrington Press website, a team of Redditors has decoded a brand new subclass: the moon domain Cleric. ncqijztitxarpztnsbgjtmpwterhotjoxnucxzfquckpmwqzyqsmgzmgddxmibxghi