Discord bluetooth headphones no sound. Having the same issue.

Discord bluetooth headphones no sound More specifically A2DP for high quality audio and HSP for Headset Profile. When using my MPOW BlueTooth headphones, the audio sounds weird when on a discord call. This is pretty annoying since I want to be in a call with some people, but the game itself relies on sound. Under the controlpanel devices they do show up as headphones. I got these headphones to avoid all the cables - I don't have a sound-card in my PC. , but I'm re uploading this to help out all the helldivers such as myself who have been plagued by the scourge infested plague of poor audio from their Bluetooth headphones while playing certain games like helldivers, or while trying to use discord and a game at the same time. Closed the app and the problem went away but anytime I would get a discord notification this problem would happen again. But if you’re getting no sound out of There's a default audio device and a default communications device setting in the sound menu. Muting/deafening myself in Discord while still in the voice channel does not bring the game audio back. Eines der häufigsten Probleme ist, dass trotz verbundener Bluetooth-Kopfhörer kein Ton aus Discord über diese ausgegeben wird. Click View more devices > More devices and printer settings. So, if you're on Raycon's, you should be good as long as you follow the original instructions. If you want to use your headphones in stereo mode, you need to switch discord to use a different microphone. You can restart the Bluetooth Support Service manually. 4 as default. So I either have the option of playing alone, or suffering with the terrible. From your Android Bluetooth settings, forget/unpair your headphones, then pair them anew with your phone. I have this issue with my headset where if I try to use it with Discord, they completely stop working. Edit 2: Manually setting the audio sources also fix the issue. Because of this, windows switches to headset mode if you open anything that uses the microphone. Feb 6, 2020 · no sound goes to my connected Bluetooth headphones, they do not show up as an option for output device. Oct 22, 2020 · My headphones, the Skullcandy Crusher Wirelesses, aren't playing audio from both my Discord call and the game I'm playing. This comes from another redditor and i just wanted it to be re-uploaded for all those that need this precious info. If your headphones and Bluetooth adapter both support aptX or AAC, try switching to one of these codecs. 711 (headset audio, as mentioned in another comment) when the bluetooth device's microphone is also being used. if I have my Bluetooth earbuds connected and open discord, ALL audio stops working in the earbuds. but this profile does not support microphone, so if you do use the microphone, Windows will automatically Oct 3, 2023 · Opened Discord app and it immediately switched into some kind of mode accessing the headset and affecting all audio being output from the phone (i. Right-click on your Bluetooth headphones and choose "Properties. 3 Low Energy? A: Consult your headset and phone specifications to see if Bluetooth 5. When using the headphones for gaming and other applications, the audio quality is fantastic. Search Settings >> Troubleshoot settings >> Other trouble-shooters >> Playing audio (Run). This lead to a sort of lockout where no sound went to my headphones at all, even from music players and whatever. , media player, video calling apps, etc. I recently got the Bluetooth kraken kitty headphones but while I'm in a voice chat (either in discord or in the overwatch voice chat) then I can't hear the game sounds. You'd have to check with u/DiscordDan or u/Cilantrelle to see if they can pass it to the correct people. Sep 29, 2023 · Re-Pair Your Bluetooth Headphones. This issue only occurs when I connect Bluetooth headphones to my PC (Bluetooth 5 compatible) and only when I want to stream to a Discord channel. Pair your Bluetooth headphones with your device through the Bluetooth settings. it works perfectly fine and sounds normal according to friends. Sometimes we accidentally connect a device other than our headset. Whether it’s due to personal preference, compatibility issues, or the need for specific features, there are several worth considering. This is why your audio goes from fine to silent. If you're on Windows you can go to the sound settings and look at the Bluetooth output audio device and Bluetooth communication device. From that point on the BT headphones are no longer accepting data over the full quality audio For windows 10 you have to disable in audio settings "hand free mic" and "hands free speaker" for your bluetooth device. Discord audio quality bad when you try to use Bluetooth Headphones? How to Fix Audio Quality on Discord? Here's a solution! Jun 27, 2019 · Hello, I have two issues I've got a JBL E45BT bluetooth headset witch i was hoping to use while gaming. Laptop: Windows 11 with the latest updates installed. Android; Top 5 Ways to Fix Bluetooth Headphones Connected but No Sound on Windows 10 On a usual Whenever I listen to music (youtube, spotify) while in a discord call, discord lowers the sound quality of the music (no matter if it's youtube or spotify). This solution doesnt work for win 11 thanks to some stupid feature that unified audio devices and worse, allowed windows to auto-select "the best one", so even if you disable your hands-free mic your hands-free speaker is still enabled and hidden for the Jun 29, 2020 · Method 1: Select the Bluetooth device as the default playback device - On your keyboard, press the Windows logo key and type sound. net voice chat settings and don't reset after each starcraft 2 launch. Q: How do I know if my headset and phone support the Bluetooth 5. Laptops do NOT need this terrible functionality. I have tried several options and the bt of this expensive headset was the the worst option for my chat partners in discord. It sounds like the quality is severely lowered and everything, from other people's voices and games/video audio, is horrible. Jul 1, 2020 · Check that your sound/audio or webcam/video/graphic card drivers and software are fully up to date! Plug your headset/headphones/webcam into all other USB or audio ports on your computer and see if there’s a difference with a new port! Scan your device for any potential viruses and clear the viruses if found. Media audio quality drops to shit every time I join a call using my BT headphones. You have to make sure the audio input/output is the same on discord settings as it is on your computer settings. e. Aug 6, 2024 · If your wired or Bluetooth headphones are not producing any sound, try disabling any headset software and see if that fixes the problem. Dec 30, 2024 · There is a issue with the audio system with whenever i connect my Sony Bluetooth headphones. Try restarting your computer/device! How to Fix No Sound in Discord With Bluetooth Headphones. OS build: 22631. Connected my bluetooth headset (no problems so far, the game still had sound up to this point and I coud hear it via headset) 4. Version: 23H2 . When I end my call I can hear sounds in other apps again. Restarting game and/or discord did not help. Sound works if I use speakers or headphones connected via headphone jack. If any software begins recording from Headset, Headphones for Playback can't be used and switches to Headset for Playback. i don't really know what else to try, but its weird that it does this only on discord. I will add that this is specific to the bluetooth headset. Search for "Sound Settings" in windows, on that screen to the right there is a button called "Sound Control Panel", click that. Can someone help me solve this problem? Best Regards Michael I'm using a Bluetooth headband and whenever I join a call audio doesn't seem to go through, the little sound signifying I join and leave goes… So my Bluetooth headphones no longer work on discord, it connects to my phone fine, Spotify plays so it's not the headphones. If this passes the check, then Discord needs troubleshooting. Check Discord’s Audio Settings. Check The Input/output Setting Of Sound. Jun 12, 2023 · Tried and tested solutions for when you hear no Discord audio on your Bluetooth headset. WH-CH510 here and tearing my hair-out trying to make calls (Zoom) and listen to music. and have had no problems at all with my headset. Go to settings, search up sound settings then there will be text in blue that says "manage sound devices", click it and then disable all “hands free ag” headsets that show up for both input and output, once you're done with that you should get your audio I have the same issue with the "Razer Kraken BT Kitty Edition - Wireless Bluetooth Headset" either Razzor is to stupid to implement a proper driver, or windows, or Blizzard is not knowing how to handle audio. Edit: I found a workaround. Whenever I use Discord for calls while gaming, it changes all sounds from Stereo to Mono, so game sounds are absolutely horrible. Open Discord and go to User Settings (the gear icon). Also, check the Output volume What are the steps to ensure Discord is properly configured for Bluetooth headphone use? To ensure Discord is properly configured for Bluetooth headphone use, follow these steps: 1. When the Bluetooth headset mic is in use, it changes to hands-free mode which is a different audio output device. Keine Audioausgabe über Bluetooth-Kopfhörer. They're brand new and they work fine as far as listening to music, watching videos and playing games goes, however, when I make a discord call, the audio sounds robotic and very heavily distorted. It should be working just fine! Cheers! For comparison, CD-quality audio is 1411kbps uncompressed. When using Bluetooth Headset or EarPods and enter discord voice or Teamspeak chat all other sounds are muted. To use Bluetooth headphones on Discord Mobile, follow these simple steps: Enable Bluetooth on your device: Make sure the Bluetooth setting is on, and your device is discoverable for pairing. Aug 6, 2024 · Step 2: In the System Settings window, click the Sound tab on the sidebar. When I start voice chat other sounds like in game app or from YouTube app gets terrible sound quality like 8 bit rate or something. If i'm in call and i go to sound control panel to test the headphones, it shows a green bar indicating there is sound, but there isn't. If the connected headphone still produces no sound, there are other I am using a Samsung S23 ultra. 1 surround sound to like 2. ) this happens whenever the discord app does anything (being opened, getting push notifications from discord) and afterwards I can't get the audio to work At the beginning of a call; Discord recognises the headphones as a headset for input and output. I use skullcandy hesh 2 headphones and whenever i am in a discord call and a game i can only hear the discord and not game audio; Example: I was playing COD with my friends and when i joined a discord call i couldnt hear any sounds from the game and i could only hear my friends talking on discord. It was the earphones. 3 Low Energy unterstützt wird. the earbuds don't disconnect, but no audio comes through including audio that isn't coming from discord (Spotify, YouTube, touch feedback, etc. Installed on: ‎1/‎10/‎2024 . I used to have this issue with my Beats and I fix it by doing that. If I change the input device from Headset (mono) back to Headphones (stereo), no sound comes through Discord. Frequently Asked Questions. It is likely Discord being a voice app is using the headset channel and the switch from stereo to that is messing with the ambient noise control. Häufig gestellt Fragen. Normally the sound is perfectly fine and the sound coming from the discord call is fine, but when i join any kind of communication like a discord voice call then the system muffles all background noise that isn't discord. It's specifically on my PC too, when I use my laptop it's fine and I can hear all on my computer. Aug 28, 2020 · I use my headset playing other games like Division 2, Risk of Rain 2, Warhammer Gladius Borderlands 3, Discord, etc. I've tried: -restarting phone -different Bluetooth headphones -uninstall/reinstall discord -checking input essentially, all bluetooth headphones with a microphone have 2 profile, an A2DP, and a HFP (hands-free profile). - In the Playback tab, click on your Bluetooth device > Set Default. AVRCP stands for Audio/Video Remote Control Profile. 3. Thanks So if I use my wired headphones, everything sounds fine. Being able to listen to high fidelity music runs off a different profile than voice and calls. Other than making sure you're updated on your bluetooth drivers. I appear to only be able to use one at a time. I'm using Beats Studio Buds as my audio output and a HyperX mic as my audio input. I think it's possible that Discord is disconnecting my headphones without my headphones knowing about it. I tested in on my phone and laptop and both of them have the same problem. Type services. Feb 8, 2024 · Worth noting that I changed the setting while in the game. Mar 13, 2022 · After completing the steps mentioned above, run discord volume, wear your headset, and see if the volume has started coming through a Bluetooth headset or still Bluetooth headphones not working with discord volume. The mic is connected to my PC separately. Jan 31, 2019 · ADVANCED BLUETOOTH 5. Explore possible causes, troubleshooting steps, and additional tips. 3; Best-in-class noise-canceling microphone ensures clear calls in noisy settings; Enjoy high-quality audio playback with dynamic 8 mm drivers for music, podcasts, and audiobooks Ok guys, so after weeks I found a solution by myself that worked for me, at last. Not a really well known brand, but they're good for the price. When I'm talking w someone there is no sound in other apps like browser or social media. In Discord, ensure your headphones are set as the audio output under User Settings > Voice & Video > Output Device. Ok guys i just figured it out. Hi there! Have an big problem with my sound when I connect my Bluetooth headset. HSP yeah I checked my device manager and there's Hands Free on my headset. 3 TECHNOLOGY: Experience seamless connectivity up to 50 feet with Bluetooth 5. I own a pair of Bass+ On-Ear Philips bluetooth wireless headphones. I've been recently having an issue with my Discord and the headset (which I've been using for years now) and every time I connect to one of the Discord servers the rest of the audio goes to crap. This is terrible, imho. Headset is both a Playback and Recording device and is usually Phone quality. By default, your Bluetooth headphones will be used for media and phone calls. I've set the default device to the headphones and the default communication device to the headset. With other Blueetooth Headset like the LG G933 there is no issue. Edition: Windows 11 Enterprise . Dec 27, 2024 · Other audio outputs, including my JBL Tune 770NC Bluetooth headphones, built-in speakers, and monitor speakers (connected via DisplayPort), work flawlessly without this issue. If you’re unsure It's like the audio goes from 7. 1 It happens in any game I play, so it's not the games issue I think. May 24, 2021 · After discord disable to choose calling mode on mobile app Bluetooth devices has a big problem about sounds it is very bad quality. and that didnt help. If it does not pass the check, then your Bluetooth headphone is at If you have a Bluetooth headset (with a microphone) it is likely you may have audio issues. Started the game (everything was fine) 2. Then, reconnect your headphones and restart Discord. Jul 26, 2023 · In the Sound control panel, go to the "Playback" tab. If i don't use a headset and just use the mic and speakers through my laptop the audio is fine. Edit: It breaks the audio from all my apps. - Play some music and see if this Bluetooth Connected But No Sound problem gets resolved. Dec 14, 2023 · Consult your phone and headset specifications to see if LE Audio is supported. how it works is that, for the top quality audio, which the what the headphones is advertised, it requires using the A2DP. Let the audio continue playing. This worked for me. 1. Jan 13, 2021 · Have an big problem with my sound when I connect my Bluetooth headset. it sounds like a problem with bluetooth and discord. I messed with input/output devices and tried restarting bluetooth/headphones/etc. Then click Apply > OK. Most (all?) BT headphones will only accept audio output over the handsfree channel when being used as mic inputs as a result. I cannot explain it, with WhatsApp, the sound and recording is perfect, but on Discord, and some games, such as Modern Warfare, then either my mic does not work properly but I can hear, or the mic works but all I hear is audio static. You can try using a separate microphone. 3007 So if I use my wired headphones, everything sounds fine. Switch sound through USB dongle and mobile discord app sound through Bluetooth but the Bluetooth audio quality is apparently atrocious. Bluetooth headphones usually have two options: Stereo and Hands-Free Audio. This way the game and the Discord call can be heard simultaneously, but the Hands-free mode has a lower audio quality to handle both audio input and output. However, when I join a discord call, I can hear discord just fine but all other audio on my laptop is muted. After a full reboot, however, sound worked everywhere including in HD2. Connecting Bluetooth Headphones to Discord Mobile. F: Wie weiss ich, ob mein Headset und mein Telefon die Bluetooth 5. However, the moment I launch Discord, the audio quality drops significantly. Started discord (still everything fine) 3. When you connect over Bluetooth there are actually two audio channels, stereo and then headset. x and headphones have 5. The discord app recognizes that the output/input is Bluetooth, but it just plays the sound out of my phone. I can't play Baldurs Gate 3 on my Laptop tho so I kinda need these to work on my PC. " Go to the "Advanced" tab and uncheck both options under "Exclusive Mode. Most devices will refuse to let you use anything but G. Open valorant and test. WCH-510 Bluetooth headphones will not connect to my laptop for voice AND music simultaneously - only one or the other upvote · comments r/Windows11 Hi everyone, hoping to find some help to an issue I have. Went through some forums, but they're all like from back in 2017-19. Just the headphone audio quality that goes down. Ensure the audio jack is securely plugged in. Sep 29, 2023 · Learn how to fix the issue of no sound in your Discord Bluetooth headphones. The game isn't asking for microphone input until the splash screen finishes. BUT if I use my wireless headphones, everything sounds super compressed. all i do is open the app, and closing the app fixes it. My understanding is that the "hands free" sound profile used at this time has my output audio quality reduced to reserve bandwidth for the microphone input which is a perfectly acceptable sacrifice for me during calls. I've searched all over net about this issue and it seems that EVERY bluetooth headset user encountered this if he ever tried to speak to someone on discord, skype, teamspeak or online games like counter-strike, tf2 and countless others. Once you join the call do a quick Mic Test in the setting and the audio will reactivate. So first of all on windows 10 there is a problem with bt headphones. 3 Low Energy is supported Jun 9, 2019 · When you have OBS set to activate a Bluetooth headset's microphone, that causes the Bluetooth headset to automatically switch to HFP mode, which means, now, the playback device ( Bluetooth headset ) is playing back the audio data that is coming to it through the HFP mode, not the A2DP mode. Checked the volume I recently got the Bluetooth kraken kitty headphones but while I'm in a voice chat (either in discord or in the overwatch voice chat) then I can't hear the game sounds. Oct 22, 2023 · - Set Hands-free as the default audio device: Right-click the volume icon on the taskbar > Sounds > Playback tab > Right-click the Hands-free audio device > Set as Default Device. When my headset (Bose QC35) is on a Bluetooth connection to my PC, and I join a Discord voice channel, my game audio goes away. 3 Low Energy unterstützen? A: Schau in den technischen Daten deines Headsets und Telefons nach, ob Bluetooth 5. On PC, you can go to the bottom right volume button and hit the name of your headphones right above the volume slider, see if there's any other choices and try clicking those. Remember to disconnect and reconnect Mar 13, 2022 · After completing the steps mentioned above, run discord volume, wear your headset, and see if the volume has started coming through a Bluetooth headset or still Bluetooth headphones not working with discord volume. This is a temporary fix to the Bluetooth Headset audio issue that worked for me. Additionally, the Hands-Free option only decides to release control randomly, causing me to have to disable i I don't think it's a Discord issue, more a general windows voice chat issue. Discord must be messing up the audio sources. Has anyone encountered this? Bluetooth audio has two modes, Audio Sink (Headphones) and Hands-free Telephony (Headset) Headphones is a Playback device and is usually CD quality. Having the same issue. I have Wireless Beats Studio 3 headphones by the way. I would bet that the voice chat audio is being sent as communications audio to the 'headset' whilst the game audio is sent to the 'headphones'. Häufige Probleme bei der Verwendung von Bluetooth-Kopfhörern mit Discord 1. When it comes to using Discord, Bluetooth headphones offer convenience and mobility. Dec 20, 2019 · Ok, so I'm trying to use bluetooth headphones (that have a mic with them) with an external microphone. Stattdessen kommt der Ton weiterhin aus den Lautsprechern des Geräts. Next enable it and test. Jun 3, 2024 · Here's how to fix Bluetooth headphones not working with the Discord mobile app. It's a TaoTronics SoundSurge 90 Stereo. ) transmitting the audio/video isn’t muted. Disconnecting from the voice channel in Discord brings the game audio back immediately. Then click on Sound. The easiest way to fix no audio on Discord with Bluetooth headphones is by checking if they are paired and if you can hear audio output from any applications. Oct 22, 2023 · I have noticed that when using my JBL Tune 720BT Bluetooth headphones with my Windows 10 computer, I can only hear the sound from one program while using Discord. Mar 13, 2024 · If this service malfunctions on your Windows 11 PC, your Bluetooth headphones or speakers will output no sound. I've tried changing my default sound to the headset and not the headphones, it worked but the sound quality was terrible. I also use Optimus. Joined a voice chat in discord Well and suddenly Valheim did not have any sound any more. When using both the mic and the headphones on windows the audio quality will tank, no way around that as it's a windows problem with bluetooth. My wireless headphones are just a bit worse than my wired ones, so it is Discord conflicting with the bluetooth or something. And within bluetooth they do show up as audio. This means that when I'm chatting on Discord, I cannot hear the sound from YouTube or League of Legends. So I just use a standalone mic now when using discord etc. g. It is used to send commands such as Pause, Play and Skip forward, from the earbuds to your Android phone. 7. When the Discord app is starting on laptop (Windows 11, laptop has Bluetooth 5. Any ideas? And yes, drivers are all up to date. Even after closing the app. Support for LE Audio is coming soon to Discord, so stay tuned. Some people have this problem but on mobile or with bluetooth Sep 16, 2024 · As such, the feature may block regular audio playback and result in no sound from Bluetooth headphones or speakers. Oct 2, 2023 · Alternatives to Discord Bluetooth Headphones. Mar 16, 2024 · Here is what happend: 1. No sound though. Is it impossible to use Discord. Oct 5, 2023 · UPDATE FOR BLUETOOTH HEADSET DEVICES WITH MICROPHONES: I was unable to get two different bluetooth headset (with microphone, not just headphones) devices to work with this Windows 11 Pro version listed below. I would use it on my Windows 10 pc which has a usb bluetooth adapter. Any help will be appreciated. Jul 5, 2021 · I bought new Bluetooth headset a week ago and I have some problems w discord. To address no Bluetooth audio on Windows 11, disable Handsfree Telephony with these steps: Go to Start, search for Control Panel, and select Devices and Printers. This is crazy. Nov 5, 2020 · Additionally, check that the app (e. With the kitty we have strange background noises, a strang hall effect Mar 10, 2025 · Check the audio ports and headphone jack for dirt or debris. If using a headset with a splitter cable, confirm the connection between the splitter and the headset’s audio jack is firm. I noticed that it happens when you enter to system sound settings, when go to the input device tab and headphones microphone selected as the default input device, after I changed the default input device to macbook microphone, sound in Starcraft 2 becomes good and it works without changing battle. However, there may be instances when you need to Discord Bluetooth headphones. Device Details: Headphones: HyperX Cloud III Wireless (connected via USB dongle, not Bluetooth). Is there a fix to this? I already set my BT earphones as the sound output device in both Windows settings and Discord settings Jun 20, 2022 · As can be seen in the picture above, mine was set to AVRCP 1. Select your Bluetooth Audio device and hit Next >> Yes, open audio enhancements >> Check the box next to "Disable all enhancements". 2) and the music quality drops until Discord fully opens. It’s propably a Windows issue. You can usually change the Bluetooth codec in the settings of your Bluetooth adapter. " Restart Discord and Bluetooth: Close Discord completely and disconnect your Bluetooth headphones. When you pair a headset it will have 2 devices associated with a device - headphones and headset. Right-click the Bluetooth Support Service and select I'm experiencing an issue with my Sony XM5s Bluetooth headphones on Windows 11 and need your advice. Helldivers currently activates the microphone during gameplay, as if you're on a normal phone call. On the following screen you should find all your audio devices. 2. Help is appreciated. Step 3: Switch to the Output tab and select your headset instead of the built-in speakers. I've tried following a number of solutions like updating drivers or using a mic seprate from my headphones, but none of that has worked :( Any consistent solutions? Jan 12, 2024 · Try a Different Bluetooth Codec: Some headphones support different Bluetooth codecs, which can affect sound quality. Give me good audio and a working microphone on my bluetooth headset. This refreshes the connection which may have gotten stuck. There are usually two output devices in sound settings for 1 headphone Go to sound settings and disable the one which has a headset included. My discord mobile detects that I have Bluetooth headphones and also allows me to select them as a speaker, but it plays the sound through my phone's speaker and not the headphones, I have tried to change as many settings as possible in discord and on the headphones and even tried a different pair but it's still the same issue. The microphone only appears as Hands Free AG Audio (which is not what it is, it is an external mic), and when I choose that to be my microphone it Bluetooth Ver: 5. Whenever i open the discord mobile app while connected to my bluetooth headphones (Cowin e7 brand i believe) the sound quality drops as if i am in a call. streaming Spotify). When would only listen to music or watch a movie it works fine, but if i'd use discord or skype (presumably any other mic When using my sennheiser MTW2s, I can hear audio fine when connected to my laptop. If you're on Windows, you can click the sound icon (usually near the the bottom left corner), and then you can click the audio source to change it. When connecting the wired headset, everything Bluetooth 4 only does 2 audio channels, stereo -OR- one speaker and a mic. I tried several Windows and Discord audio options and I searched on the internet to find anyone having the same problem. Pair your Bluetooth headphones: Turn on your headphones and put them in pairing mode. 2 Audio Codec: SBC Bluetooth Profiles: A2DP, AVRCP, HFP. When i connect to a call on discord or skype, all sounds turn off on my computer. msc in the box and press Enter. Enabling media audio means that when your Bluetooth headphones are connected to your smartphone, they can play media (music, videos, games). Oct 29, 2023 · I'm using Windows 11 with my bluetooth headphones QCY H2. This causes lower bit-rate audio to occur. There are 2 versions for your headphones, the normal stereo device and a second Hands Free one, right click on the Hands Free headphones and disable them. I use Bluetooth headphones, and play on a laptop with a 3070. Also Q to OP: Are you joining a direct call or a server audio channel? Because my issue appeard after a direct call. (Windows 11) Unterstützung für LE Audio kommt bald auf Discord, also bleib dran. I'm just kinda confused why the dual direction (as you said) is not working on discord though in other programs like google meet or video apps works well low quality media audio when on a discord call using Bluetooth headphones. Guiding Tech. If Windows set the hands-free audio device as default communications device, you can set the audio output device on Discord to "default, if not, set the Hands-free audio device on Discord audio settings. I have set discord gain to 0, set my primary I/O device to the headphones. Press the Windows key + R keyboard shortcut to open the Run dialog box. If the headset has in-line volume controls, make sure the volume is not set too low. The most accurate description I could build up Oct 4, 2024 · As Android users, you can choose what type of audio goes to your Bluetooth headphones. hgir qexug cgytn jtnn atlnl mzefemz ulhbot ewig ppfgj klirwx nmt eja wsdjo tdbs levy