Edtpa task 2 video requirements. NOTE: These guidelines and instructions also apply .
Edtpa task 2 video requirements Refer to the . Compressing and Exporting Video to Upload to edTPA submission platform (Taskstream) 1. These videos were created by our team of teachers and subject matter experts based on the official edTPA submission requirements. e. Aug 18, 2020 · However, teacher candidates may encounter situations in which the setting or reason prohibits video recording due to safety or security concerns or other factors that inhibit candidates from collecting evidence for Task 2, Part A video evidence as directed in the edTPA Submission Requirements . METRC supports licensing through edTPA technical support as well as through study guides for the Praxis and other licensing exams. The main page includes remote learning recording suggestions and task 2 has details for all recordings. intended. If your program requires you to submit artifacts and commentaries for official scoring, refer to . Use a video editing tool to produce a new video with a single audio track. In some states, a four-task Elementary edTPA has been selected which includes Literacy Tasks 1-3 and the Mathematics Task 4. impact. Planning Rubrics 14 . • Candidates are encouraged to familiarize themselves and their students with the video conferencing platform and available tools (e. Instruction Task 2: Instructing and Engaging Students in Learning 19 The edTPA trademarks are owned by The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. Additional instructions to support Task 2 related to training, editing, compressing, and exporting video files based on your use of Mac or PC can be found here. •Select a class (your handbook defines the minimum number of students for a class) •Select 3-5 consecutive lesson sequence for the focus of the edTPA The edTPA trademarks are owned by The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. The following have been identified as settings and reasons for which candidates may need to collect . Task 3- Assessment: Candidates must be able to offer a full analysis of their teaching and student learning for this task. Task 2: Instruction •Based on the teaching of your 3-5 lessons •You will video record your edTPA lessons •Provide video evidence to support your responses over the following areas: •Promoting a Positive Learning Environment •Engaging Students in Learning •Deepening Student Learning during Instruction •Analyzing Teaching However, teacher candidates may encounter situations in which the setting or reason prohibits video recording due to safety or security concerns or other factors that inhibit candidates from collecting evidence for Task 2, Part A video evidence as directed in the edTPA Submission Requirements . Gain insights for prompt 5 commentary. Task 2 of the edTPA focuses on instruction. a. When reading through Instruction Task 2, make a note on TASK 4: ELEMENTARY EDUCATION MATHEMATICS ASSESSMENT Task 4 focuses on elementary mathematics assessment. Access the EdTPA site to find recording technical assistance. com/Store/Edtpa-W The edTPA task 2 support video (9:42) provides an overview for how students can begin recording, trimming, and compressing videos. If there is also a written component to the assessment, the written evidence can be submitted in Task 4 Part D: Evaluation Criteria at the end or Task 4 Part G: Assessment Commentary. enacted. Provide Your State ID Number e. In Task 2, you will put your plans in action! You will video record yourself teaching students in a 3-5 day learning segment. Check Out and Provide In some states, a four-task Elementary edTPA has been selected which includes Literacy Tasks 1-3 and the Mathematics Task 4. Additional videos can be used as evidence for parts of this task, so candidates should be aware of this as they are recording for Task 2. edTPA Overview •While the tasks are the same for each content area, requirements and prompts vary based on content area and grade level. Instruction Task 2: Instructing and Engaging Students in Session 2: Mastering Task 2 – Video and Commentary. This session focuses on Task 2: Video and Commentary, where candidates showcase their teaching in action. enacted Guidance for edTPA in an Alternative Arrangement: Virtual Learning Environment. Use of the edTPA trademarks is permitted only pursuant to the terms of a written license agreement. Recording the candidate's interactions with students is is a required element of this edTPA task (review “Tips for Using Video to Improve Practice” cited in the Resources section on page 4). Getting Started 2. Each UMN-TC teacher licensure program has the autonomy to determine program and licensure completion requirements, including Task 2 of the edTPA. • Within Task 2, • Review expectations of task 2 and 3 to assist with writing task 1. Candidates are advised to check in with their license program lead for the current program policy on Task 2. Task 1 Requirements and Considerations • If the learning environment changes (e. Your partnership teacher can also help with the video recording. teacherspayteachers. complete the edTPA shared that Task 1: Planning takes the longest. com for complete and current • Two 20-minute videos that serve as exemplars of edTPA Task 2 (instructing and engaging students in learning) • Six videos that serve as exemplars of work samples for Task 3 (assessing student learning) • One 7-minute video showing a sample cooperating teacher conference each task. edTPA Overview ; First Steps; Tips and Tricks; Support; Task 1 Overview; Part A: Context for Learning; Part B: Lesson Plans Candidates may wish to review the tips and guides for compressing and exporting their videos, as well as recommended video formats and settings, that are available here. •Select a class (your handbook defines the minimum number of students for a class) •Select 3-5 consecutive lesson sequence for the focus of the edTPA NOTE: The video clip should be labeled as Part A: Psychomotor Demonstration to be added to Task 2, Part A: Video Clip 1. In general, your video(s) should be no longer than 15 minutes in length. safety or security concerns or other factors that inhibit the candidate from collecting evidence for Task 2, Part A video evidence as directed in the . Refer to Task 2, “What Do I Need to Do?” for video clip content and requirements. (Note: The length and number of recorded clips varies by handbook area. Templates associated with The edTPA requires the submission of a video clip from your teaching. alternative to video evidence for Task 2, Part A : Before you record your video, obtain permission from the parents/guardians of your students and from adults who appear on the video. Compress video down to 100 MB (Task stream requires that the file is around 100 MB) 3. NOTE: These guidelines and instructions also apply the ability to capture edTPA Task 2 materials that meet the technical specifications for artifacts as outlined within the edTPA Submission Requirements. Consult your subject specific (i. Instruction Task 2. This section contains information about how to process your edTPA video(s) so Pearson / edTPA can accept them. Video Length. Candidates should carefully follow all of the guidelines in their assessment handbook to properly record, prepare, and submit their videos. NOTE: These guidelines and instructions also apply complete the edTPA shared that Task 1: Planning takes the longest. Task 2 requires unedited video recordings of the candidate’s teaching in a classroom, with an emphasis on instruction that engages and responds to the diverse needs of students. Professional Responsibilities section of this handbook for important information about permissions, confidentiality, and other requirements. Acquiring a complete understanding of the evidence that you need to submit in Tasks 2 and 3 will help guide you as you plan the learning segment for Planning Task 1. www. edTPA. *Special Education, Early Childhood, and PE are slightly different •Task 1: •Context for Learning •Planning •Task 2: •Instruction (3-5 lessons; video recording; keep student work examples) •Task 3: Session 2: Mastering Task 2 – Video and Commentary. The three edTPA tasks represent a cycle of effective teaching(i. The first being right of the bat in the warm ups. • For Task 3, the table identifies the number of focus learners required, work samples information, and the number of assessments to be analyzed. , from face -to-face to virtual), after candidates completed Task 1 , they may offer reflection o f the changes in the Task 2 and/or Task 3 C ommentaries. Access online training for using the Pearson ePortfolio system. #edtpa #edtpatipsandtricks #passthedtpa”. . • Read the handbook carefully. *Note: Tasks 2 and 47 Likes, TikTok video from edTPA Tips and Tricks (@edtpatipsandtricks): “Learn effective strategies for selecting video clips for EDTPA Task 2 by reviewing your handbook. Assessment Task 3. Follow along with your Making Good Choices document and your handbook. ) TIPS FOR CHOOSING RECORDED CLIPS Just as there is no specified pedagogical approach required to be successful on Task 1 of the edTPA, there Below is a complete list of the Core Videos included in all of our edTPA Online Prep programs. Planning Task 1: Planning for Instruction and Assessment 8. , synchronous instruction for Task 2, Part A: Video) are able to be met, it is not necessary for candidates to submit a request for an alternative edTPA handbook and submission requirements. In task 3, candidates demonstrate the impact of their teaching on student learning. , recordin g function and chat), so the candidate and students become knowledgeable of its features. Commentaries are your opportunity to describe your artifacts, explain the rationale The edTPA is a performance-based assessment teacher candidates complete during their student teaching, which was designed by the Stanford Center for Learning and Assessment Equity (SCALE) and is currently being used in 35 states, as well as the District of Columbia as a summative assessment of teacher preparation. The notorious edTPA Task 2 has been known to frustrate many teaching candidates and higher ed program administrators. Need more support? Join m See the Making Good Choices Guide and view the video below for additional Task 2 information. the ability to capture edTPA Task 2 materials that meet the technical specifications for artifacts as outlined within the edTPA Submission Requirements. Video: Any required video components of your submission must conform to technical specifications. The three edTPA tasks represent a cycle of effective teaching (i. Task 3: Assessing Students’ Learning Candidates are asked to remove their name and use pseudonyms or general references (e. What Do I Need to Write? 10 . The edTPA Tasks and the Cycle of Effective Teaching . NOTE: These guidelines and instructions also apply The edTPA trademarks are owned by The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. 1. • Select a class (your handbook defines the minimum number of students for a class) • Select 3-5 consecutive lesson sequence for the focus of the edTPA • This does not have to be an entire unit! • In this task, you will describe the central focus of your edTPA TASK 2: INSTRUCTING AND ENGAGING STUDENTS IN LEARNING Task 2 focuses on the teacher-candidate’s instructional practice. What Do I Need to Think About? 8. If ALL requirements (e. In addition, while there is no minimum length for other instances of video evidence outside of Task 2, the clips should be long It is important that teacher candidates submit edTPA materials that meet the technical specifications within the edTPA Submission Requirements and the applicable edTPA handbook. Review Your Registration 4. If you are working on any edTPA, this resource can be a lifesafer! The Task 2 Videoing Chart is a edTPA Registration Overview . In this case, candidates should review how to Request an Alternative to Video Evidence and work with their educator preparation program or Feb 3, 2025 · Meeting the EDTPA Task 2 video requirements demands careful planning and preparation. edTPA stems from a twenty-five-year history of developing performance- based assessments of teaching quality and effectiveness. Promoting a Positive Learning Environment Refer to scenes in the video clips where you provided a positive learning environment. teaching, Instruction Task 2 documents your . Create an Account 3. Task 2: Instruction Overview. Candidates may still be required to submit video evidence for Task 3: if the assessment or feedback to the learner is demonstrative or related to learning objectives that are performance-based, video/audio evidence must be submitted. Dec 20, 2017 · edTPA Task 2 Video Lesson How To - Top 5 Tips from edTPA the easy waySubscribe here! http://youtube. Policies and Guidelines. How much should I video? You should video the entirety of the 3-5 lessons that are the focus of your edTPA. • Video: Any required video components of your submission must conform to technical specifications. Participants will learn how to effectively record and analyze a classroom lesson while addressing the key elements of Task 2: rubrics, to ensure that your edTPA submission meets all requirements for scoring. (e. I plan on using Zoom to record my lessons for this (as my students are currently split between virtual and hybrid; most are virtual). com for complete and current • For Task 2, the table indicates the number of required videos, the length of the video(s), and any specific video requirements. of Guidance for edTPA in an Alternative Arrangement: Virtual Learning Environment. Assessment Task 3 . However, candidates must ensure that their final video file contains only a single audio track. After uploading or transferring your video, you must review it in the Pearson ePortfolio system prior to submitting your assessment, even if the video file was playable prior to upload or transfer. For each of the rubrics in this task, submit video footage and written commentary that explains how the chosen video clips meet the rubric’s standards. teaching, and Assessment Task 3 documents the . Thus, you cannot take 2 minutes of video from one portion and combine that with 3 minutes from a different part of the lesson for one 5-minute clip. By understanding the specific requirements, focusing on showcasing your best teaching practices, and adhering to ethical guidelines, you can create compelling videos that accurately reflect your skills and expertise as a teacher. • Task 1: Context for Learning & Planning • Task 2: Instruction • Task 3: Assessment • Type and save directly on the template documents on your computer (it might be helpful to save these files on some type of cloud-based service) • Upload completed templates to C&W as you finish each (his is not your “final” submission. goreact. Planning Rubrics 14. How did you demonstrate mutual respect for, rapport with, and responsiveness to Feb 2, 2021 · So you have planned, taught, and filmed your lessons Now what? Check out the process I used to help select the best teaching clips and write awesome comme a. • Review expectations of task 2 and 3 to assist with writing task 1. (NOTE: You will be asked to verify this response prior to submitting your edTPA portfolio. ) For Task 4 re-engagement student work samples, video or audio clips should be uploaded for Task 4 Part F: Examples of Student Work from Re-engagement Lesson. Refer to the Professional Responsibilities section of this handbook for important information about permissions, confidentiality, and other requirements. evaluated using rubrics especially developed for each task. The observation notes should be added in Task 2, Part A: Video Clip 2. Teacher-candidates using the Elementary Education edTPA Handbook must complete the Literacy Tasks 1-3 and the Mathematics Task (Task 4). In addition, while there is no minimum length for other instances of video evidence outside of Task 2, the clips should be long A video recording is the most authentic evidence of teaching and learning. Answer the Score Reporting Options Questions d. When it comes to effectively navigating the process of edTPA Task 2, which involves video recording of teaching, helping teaching candidates to plan for the camera from the very first day can significantly simplify the task. ] 2. What Do I Need to Write? 10. NOTE: These guidelines and instructions also apply Jan 31, 2021 · Are you worried about video recording for Task Two of the edTPA? Check out my video planning guides on TpT: https://www. com VI. In Task 4, teacher-candidates describe a learning assessment and select a formative assessment. alternative to video evidence for Task 2, Part A : Aug 18, 2020 · However, teacher candidates may encounter situations in which the setting or reason prohibits video recording due to safety or security concerns or other factors that inhibit candidates from collecting evidence for Task 2, Part A video evidence as directed in the edTPA Submission Requirements . The Teacher Performance Assessment Consortium (Stanford The three tasks that structure edTPA (Planning Task 1, Instruction Task 2, and Assessment Task 3) are connected together. Videos created by a consumer-grade camera with two or more connected microphones should generally produce an acceptable video. When reading through Instruction Task 2, make a note on Task 1: Planning (Central Focus) Task 2: Instruction (Content of the edTPA Video) Length of Video Clip(s) Business Education: The central focus should support students in demonstrating their ability to use business-related concepts, technical skills, and problem-solving strategies to complete a project or product. , you may not edit a video clip to remove "quiet time" when students are working independently, edit out physical transitions, or edit out disruptive behavior). What Do I Need to Think About? 8 . or images that are not clearly visible in the video or a The three tasks that structure edTPA (Planning Task 1, Instruction Task 2, and Assessment Task 3) are connected together. [ Lesson 2 is shown in video clip 1 and Lesson 4 are shown in video clip 2. Condition Code F may be assigned for the following reasons: Your video is edited. Mrs. Planning Task 1: Planning for Instruction and Assessment 8 . What Do I Need to Do? 8. In this case, candidates should review how to Request an Alternative to Video Evidence and work with their educator preparation program or include lesson plans, copies of instructional and assessment materials, video clips of your teaching, and student work samples. Commentaries are your opportunity to describe your artifacts, explain the rationale Templates associated with Task 2: Instruction Commentary. Register a. Review the Prior to Filming tips and the edTPA Video Guidelines to determine the best placement for yourself, students, and the video camera in the classroom. , elementary literacy or secondary science) edTPA handbook, artifact and commentary specifications section for requirements for your specific video submission. When reading through Instruction Task 2, make a note on Guidance for edTPA in an Alternative Arrangement: Virtual Learning Environment. , format, file type), and be viewable by scorers. ) Stay on Track and Ace Your edTPA: The Task 2 Videoing Chart That Simplifies Success!This resource was created for the edTPA Secondary Mathematics, but is helpful for other edTPA's that require videoing. How Will the Evidence of My Teaching Practice Be Assessed? 13 . Choose Your Assessment b. s. They must be continuous. ) and thoughtful commentary that describes their intended teaching. After uploading or transferring your video, you must Preparing for your edTPA? We’ve created a simple, concise edTPA Requirements Overview which lists the most important steps you need to take when getting your submission ready. See full list on get. Exception: Video evidence of video student work samples, assessment feedback, and video evidence of academic language use can be edited to include multiple clips. Select video clips to submit and verify that they meet all the requirements. You can E16 Task 4(ELE or EME) Duplicate re-engagement work samples loaded F F1 Video in Task 2 has been edited and is NOT "continuous and unedited, with no interruption in the events" F2 Candidate's face does not appear in at least one of the Task 2 video clips, or the video has been edited to intentionally blur the candidate's face must align with the video evidence submitted for Task 2. *Note: Tasks 2 and It is important that candidates submit edTPA materials that meet the technical specifications within the edTPA Submission Requirements and the applicable edTPA Handbook. I am currently moving into Task 2 for the edtpa, and know that they will not accept a video that has been edited. g. include lesson plans, copies of instructional and assessment materials, video clips of your teaching, and student work samples. This guide provides an overview of the edTPA registration process. Essential tips included! #edtpatipsandtricks #passthedtpa #edTPA”. Planning Task 1 documents your . Your video clips can be from any lesson in the edTPA lesson segment. Save the video clips as a file (one file for one 15 minute clip; two files for each continuous clip). It is important that candidates submit edTPA materials that meet the technical specifications within the edTPA Submission Requirements and the applicable edTPA Handbook. Reflecting on the lesson, there are a couple things that I would have done differently or changed. Once you have reviewed the guidance, please indicate in which setting your Task 2 video evidence of synchronous instruction will be recorded. A video recording is the most authentic evidence of teaching and learning. An example of what may be included in the video, Part A: Psychomotor Demonstration: The teacher candidate demonstrates the forearm pass in volleyball. 5. For Task 2, candidates should choose 1-2 recorded clips from the Task 1 learning segment. Participants will learn how to effectively record and analyze a classroom lesson while addressing the key elements of Task 2: A blog post with tangible tips and edTPA task 2 examples to help teacher candidates take charge of the classroom and pass edTPA Teacher Education | 3 MINUTE READ 5 edTPA Video Requirements to Review with Candidates EDTPA. , teaching that is focused on student learning). Refer to Suggested Timeline edTPA binder for more information. Dec 22, 2017 · edTPA Instruction Task 2- Want to know how to pick the best time to film your video lesson for edTPA Task 2? In this video I share my top tips for picking th The three tasks that structure edTPA (Planning Task 1, Instruction Task 2, and Assessment Task 3) are connected together. However, teacher candidates may encounter situations in which the setting or reason prohibits video recording due to safety or security concerns or other factors that inhibit candidates from collecting evidence for Task 2, Part A video evidence as directed in the edTPA Submission Requirements. Based on the official edTPA specifications, it outlines what you need to do for Task 1, Task 2, Task 3 - and even Task 4, for those that need it. How Will the Evidence of My Teaching Practice Be Assessed? 13. In this case, candidates should review how to Request an Alternative to Video Evidence and work with their educator preparation program or edTPA Visual Arts Tasks Overview 5. edTPA Submissions Requirement. Do not edit the videos. Requirements for the content, length, and number of clips vary. However, they are still required to complete and submit Tasks 1 and 3 of the edTPA. 2. Use timestamps to refer to specific scenes from the recording to provide evidence *Refer to rubrics 6-10 as you complete Task 2 and the URLP. , synchronous instruction for Task 2, Part A: Video) are able to be met, it is not necessary for teacher candidates to submit a request for an Submitted video clips for Task 2 must be continuous and unedited, with no interruption in events (e. However, teacher candidates may encounter situations in which the setting or reason prohibits video recording due to safety or security concerns or other factors that inhibit candidates from collecting evidence for Task 2, Part A video evidence as directed in the edTPA Submission Requirements . What Do I Need to Do? 8 . and . , “the district”) for their state, school, district, and cooperating/mentor teacher. 226 Likes, TikTok video from edTPA Tips and Tricks (@edtpatipsandtricks): “Explore how to effectively score rubrics 6-9 in edTPA Task 2 with video evidence. Yates explains all the details of Task Two of the edTPA. Review the candidate webinars for an introduction to edTPA and a walk-through of each task's requirements and associated rubrics. updated July 2023. When naming each clip file, include the number of Jan 1, 2020 · Personal Checklist for edTPA Task 2: Instruction Before Video Recording Yes or No Notes Obtained required permissions for video recording Identified learning experiences from Planning Task 1 to be video recorded The identified tasks provide opportunities to show me interacting with children to promote language and literacy I have thought about how to create a respectful learning environment to edTPA Secondary Mathematics Tasks Overview 5 . Respond to the Commentary clips AFTER you watch the videos. NOTE: The Texas Education Agency has developed a sample video release form for Texas’ edTPA pilot. Answer the Background Questions c. Based on SCALE’s experience in California with PACT, two edTPA handbooks were available originally because CA programs had a choice to assess teacher candidates in either literacy or mathematics teaching. com/subscription_center?add_user=edTPAtheeasyway Want to Nov 20, 2018 · Video Requirements. zdiz zdmso rpvhr zkqzf tzr gqcz hcjhu tfkm ghv qeibit vyzx ullrddo ccwr ffu tkyfwx