Farm lamb for sale. This breed of sheep is great for mowing lawns and orchards.

Farm lamb for sale Our sheep are managed in a rotational grazing system and thrive on grass. Mini Sheep & Lambs for sale. 00 Bone- In Leg of Lamb – $14. Monroe Here, in the foothills of the Front Range, their love of community-focused, farm-to-table farming and ranching took root. Happy animals make happy protein, happy protein fuels a happy body. At Windlestone Ranch, we proudly offer registered full-blood Dorper sheep for sale. Male and female sheep. Bottle baby. A standard half lamb includes: 1 Rack of Lamb (8 ribs) 4 Loin chops (2 pkgs of 2 chops) 2 Leg shanks 1 Leg roast 1 Shoulder roast 2 lbs Ground Lamb We have 3 main ways to buy lamb: whole lamb, sample bundles, or by the cut. Weight range 34- 36 lbs. Meridian We are a family operation who have expanded our business to include lambs as well as cattle raised for meat. 00 Original price was: $ 245. 00. Lamb Price Sheet. $200. Store menu Seven Sons Farms. Cut to your specification. 00 Select Weight Lamb Lamb – Shoulder Roast – […] Welcome to Sattler Farm Lamb! Sattler Farm Lamb prides itself in producing Wisconsin Grown Quality Lamb. see also ** Sheep ** Lamb Rams. Yearling ewe was born 1/14/24 and weighed 100lbs on 3/9/25. Both registered and commercial stock are available from spring lambing. LAMBS! $100. Internal parasites are controlled by grazing fully regrown grass and receiving daily moves. Our commercial and registered flocks consist of Katahdin hair sheep, all enrolled in NSIP. 3 Purebred Suffolk & Suffolk x Hampshire Ewe Lambs, Take All for $800. Squaw Valley Farm & Garden For Sale "lambs" in Missoula, MT. com, Seller: Echo Vale Farm. We are members of Katahdin Hair Sheep International and will provide registration Leaping Lamb Farm. portland farm & garden for sale "lamb" - craigslist Katahdin Ewe and wether lamb for sale. USD $250. 50 Shoulder Roast – $14. Our 100% grass fed & finished* USDA lamb meat and goat meat is not only the healthiest and most delicious lamb meat and goat meat you will ever taste, our stringent standards also ensure it’s better for the animals and the environment. It is about more than simply meeting a breed standard or carrying a pedigree. Scottie & Greg Jones 20368 Honey Grove Road Alsea, Oregon 97324 USA 541-487-4966 (Pacific) Quail Meadow Farms is the long time vision of Jeff and Stacey Stump. Weaned Katahdin lambs may be purchased at 3 months. Five registerable katahdin sheep available. $230 Meadowood Farms is a 225 acre diversified farm in Madison County, New York. They are truly the lowest maintenance livestock we have experienced. S. Young, spring or summer born lambs are harvested within a year of age. Browse a wide selection of Sheep for sale near you at LivestockMarket. Jul 17, 2023 路 At Harmony Farms we raise purebred Dorper Sheep on pasture. Sheep, lamb, rams and goats. Trinity Farm maintains a closed flock, and the sheep are free of Scrapie, OPP, CL, and hoofrot. We raise and sell California Red Sheep. Kind Horn Ram B4H 403K -"Knock-Out" NOT FOR SALE . texoma farm & garden for sale by owner "sheep" - craigslist Sheep for sale. Female sheep and male lamb for sale. post id: 7836150049. All animals sold are up to date with CD&T vaccinations, deworming and toenail trimmings. Asking $300 for both. Lambs were born between 1/2/25 and 1/10/25, weighing between 29lbs and 43lbs on 3/9/25. As employee-owners, we are passionate about providing quality products and innovative solutions that delight consumers and exceed customer expectations. They are 100% grass fed and grass finished on mountain pastures guaranteed to be free from pesticide or herbicides. 馃悜 We never use antibiotics, steroids, or hormones on our flock of sheep. Easily find sheep farms for sale at FARMFLIP. Welcome to Almost Haven Farms! We are a small hobby farm in central Ohio, just east of Columbus. Our entire flock is registered with the Navajo-Churro Sheep Association. SF bay area farm & garden for sale "lamb" - craigslist Katahdin Hair Sheep for Sale. Enumclaw, WA 98002 Beef pork chicken. seattle Registered Jacob Ewe and Lamb. sebastopol Katahdin Hair Sheep. Find a whole, half, or quarter lamb, lamb chops, rack of lamb, leg of lamb, or any other lamb meat products. We are happy to provide farm-fresh meat for our community. Ewe lambs $400/head Ewe lambs - $700. Order in bulk or stop by for special orders. Retail cuts of lamb meat are available year round, while half and whole carcasses are available by order on an annual basis. At Hop Creek Farms we have lamb for sale available for home delivery in Squamish or at our farm location for pickup. Buy a lamb half from us with only customer preferred cuts. com. $100. With a flock of more than 1,000 producing ewes, Craigmore Farm is one of the largest seedstock breeders of Registered Commercial Rideau Arcott and Romanov sheep in Ontario. Croix sheep for sale to both new and existing breeders. 2024 Lambs For Sale If you wish to purchase a 2024 lamb, please contact us via phone or email. Our Lamb Columbia and Rambouillet ewes - breeds renowned for a heartiness to match the western landscape - are bred with either Hampshire or Dorset rams to produce lamb noted for its mild flavor and tenderness. $1. Lambs are butchered at a USDA-certified facility; including vacuum sealing and flash freezing into standard cuts. snohomish county Jacob Sheep Farm & Garden For Sale By Owner "sheep" in Tyler / East TX. We also occasionally have puppies for sale, if you need to add a little love to your home. Virtually all of these lambs are registered, although we occasionally sell wethers or unregistered ewes to spinners flocks. 100% grass fed lamb meat. 00 for wethers. Grocery stores, by necessity, mostly stock lamb that has been imported from Australia and New Zealand; and you are paying for for your meat to be shipped halfway across the globe!. Full Lamb 22kg Net weight after trimmings approx 19kg Half Lamb 11kg Net weight after trimmings Farm & Garden For Sale "lamb" in Seattle-tacoma. We currently have grass fed lamb by the cut for sale. Payette Ram lamb. Our Lambs are of the highest grade and offer excellent value for money. Our sires are Katahdins with NSIP EBVs. We pride ourselves on producing high quality […] seattle farm & garden for sale "sheep" - craigslist PURE BARBADOS SHEEP FOR SALE. Looking for Tunis lambs. 50 Shoulder Chops – $12. Delicious, Healthy, Fresh! Born and raised on our pasture, lambs are outside 24/7. We have a strict criteria for what constitutes a Point of View Farm breeding quality finnsheep lamb. Close panel. Mar 11, 2025 路 Those traveling across state lines will also have a veterinary certificate. Since Katahdin sheep are hair sheep, no shearing is required. $210. $500. Lamb by the Cut. Please visit the About Us page for more info! Superior Farms is committed to providing leadership and a sustainable, successful future for the American lamb industry. We have grass-fed lamb meat for sale! Confirm we deliver to you. CALL THE FARM (989) 731-1332. $160. A sheep in its first year is called a lamb, and its meat is also called lamb. We sell weaned, feeder lambs to raise at your farm, homestead, or to increase your farm flock, as well as finished lambs. $275. 107-117 Railway Place, Elmore VIC 3558. Karakul/Polypay/Montadale 1 lamb: 8 months old. Hamilton, MT Sale! Lamb Chef’s Pick $ 245. Our product is available by stopping out at the farm, or contacting us for purchasing opportunities. Prescott Pasture Raised Lamb Below is a list of all the lamb and cuts we produce and sell locally in British Columbia! Pasture Raised Quality Lamb Our family really believes that what you put into your body matters. is an import good. Our lambs are generally born on pasture and remain there with their mothers until they reach an appropriate weight (usually around October/November). Weight range 15 – 16 lbs. As a breed, they are highly regarded for their ability to produce a prime lamb with fast maturation and yield high-quality carcasses with excellent conformation and fat distribution. We measure prolificacy, weight gain, and parasite resistance. All our lambs are purebred finnsheep. Contact. 85 Dorper - Ewes. Gilbert We have raised Navajo-Churro Sheep for 20 years and offer high quality breeding stock. com Feb 21, 2025 路 For Sale – Katahdin Sheep. Our lambs are well cared for and always treated with respect. The Katahdin/Saint Croix cross is a hair sheep species bred for their amazing flavorful meat and of course their tenacious grazing. Serving Gaylord and Northern Michigan. Our lambs average 42-48 lbs hanging weight, so this works out to about $380 for a whole or $190 for a half. 100% grass-fed lamb. 2 ram lambs, 2 ewe lambs, and 1 yearling ewe; all grass fed. Final balance depends on the exact weight of your exact lamb. Seven Bells Fold, 1-204-978-0885 (call or text), email us at sevenbellsfold@gmail. Lambs. 00 Farm & Garden For Sale "lamb" in Fresno / Madera. Sweet boy. We are currently taking deposits to reserve this year’s breeding quality lambs which will be weaned in September 2024. Stay up-to-date on our farm happenings and learn when we have lamb available to order. $230. Browse our online assortment of grass-fed lamb meat cuts and enjoy the nutrient-dense benefit of healthy and 100% grass-fed lamb meat. Overwinter, our Dorper sheep thrive on quality hay and loose mineral! Grain supplement is reserved for short-term, emergency situations such as drought or If you are considering buying a sheep to add to your family or homestead, you’ve come to the right place! While we do not sell adult animals often, we have lambs available for sale every year. Croix hair sheep in middle Tennessee that produces high quality, parasite resistant, 100% grass fed St. 50 Rack of Lamb – $22. With an extended lambing season, lambs of appropriate size are available most of the year. $200 We raise Registered White Dorper Sheep and a herd of commercial Angus cattle on our farm. Pricing and cuts choices can be found here. You can get high-grade fullblood Dorper lamb meat through us without having to pay tens of thousands of dollars. Brothers On Farms is Animal Welfare Approved and AGW Certified 100% Grass Fed! Our Pasture Raised Lambs are given no antibiotics, hormones or steroids and no medicated feeds. Long Beach Buy lamb and beef direct from the farm. Â . Fresh pasture is constantly on the menu for our sheep. 00 each OBO. Onalaska, Wa Sheep ram lamb for sale. All our sheep are registered with the original Robert Mock “Olde English Babydoll Southdown Registry” and more information about the breed can be found at www. Harlequins, Shetlands, Cheviots and more! Jan 5, 2025 路 FREE Classifieds Ads to BUY & SELL Your New or Used Ranch & Farm Equipment, Browse & Buy Used Farming, Agriculture Machinery, Sell Old Tractors, Farm Trucks in US, Canada Our Icelandic lambs are available for sale as breeding stock each summer & fall. We have Katahdin Sheep for sale. east valley Sheep and lambs. $400. Hidden Creek Farm breeds Katahdins from a closed flock that are disease-free, RR Codon 171, and of top quality pasture-only registered and commercial stock. Fresh and Quality is our primary goal. multnomah county Lambs , Ewes. 15718 Aboite Road Roanoke Compared to lambs raised in confinement on concrete slabs, the lambs at Sparrow Hill Farm spend their days enjoying the fresh air, sunshine and grasses of our lush pastures. For Sale – Central Florida. The Farm Trader Australia Pty Ltd. south DFW > farm & garden - by owner Sheep for sale (Sealy Tx) ‹ image 1 of 6 › QR Code Link to This Post. $240 1 day ago 路 Katahdin ram lamb. A standard whole lamb includes: 2 Racks of Lamb 8 Lamb Loin chops (4 pkgs of 2 chops) 4 Leg shanks 2 Leg roasts 2 Shoulder roast 3-4 lbs ground Point of View Farm lambs can be registered with the Finnsheep Breeders Association. Anderson Ranches, grass-fed lamb – the absolute best. Discover 129 listings of sheep farms for sale. $250. Farm & Garden For Sale "lambs" in Phoenix, AZ. Texas Dorper Lamb From Terrapin Farms in Center Point, TX provides excellent breeding services and sheep meat. Grass-fed lamb meat is soft, delicious, and extremely rich in protein. Reed and Robyn started marketing Anderson Ranches lamb to local and regional chefs in northern Oregon, in places like Eugene and Portland and it didn’t take long until both stuck. Farm & Garden For Sale "lambs" in Portland, OR. Young Dorper and katadin Ram lambs. Our lambs are Certified Grassfed by the American Grassfed Association. 00 Unproven Ram Lambs – $400; Proven Rams – $600; Newly Weaned Ewe Lambs – $300; Young Ewe Lambs – $400; Breeding Ewes – $400 and up; Bred Ewes – $500 and up; Registerable Katahdin Breeding Sheep: We will have some registered sheep for sale in 2025. We currently have five ewes and three lambs for sale. To contact us, order some of our products or reserve a lamb, email us at [email protected] or give us Buying lamb from us is actually less expensive than buying the same set of cuts at a grocery store! The majority of lamb sold in the U. Honey Grove Doper Rams/Wether Sheep. This breed of sheep is great for mowing lawns and orchards. Hubbard Young lambs. home; Buy a whole lamb from us with only customer preferred cuts and. 3/17/2025. 00 Organ Meats – $7. $1,234 2025 Chickens all soldducks still available for Pick-up night June 12 jump to page; Fall Lamb orders open! Order now, meat ready in Oct/Nov jump to page; Self-serve HONEY SHOP at farm: cash or Venmo. Mulino Lambs and ewes. Manitoba Sheep is not a marketer of lamb products, Manitoba Sheep only provides a format for opportunities and information on where to find local lamb (farm-direct, retail and restaurants), recipes and other consumer related information. Sheep are free of antibiotics, growth hormones, and GMOs. ABN: 30 142 666 831 At High Meadow Farm we take great pride in the care of our sheep. At Spot Hollow Farm we specialize in raising grass finished lamb for sale to local customers. Purchasing a whole lamb is the best deal, economically speaking. Processed in our on-farm abattoir, our lamb is hand-butchered the old-fashioned way, by a man with a knife. $30 . Our family owned and operated sheep farm provides the finest quality lambs and lamb meats to local Hoosier communities and businesses, year-round. The Farm Trader For Sale A) Selling Breeding Stock. Rusk Black belly Barbados and painted desert sheep. Lambs are anywhere from about 20lbs to new born. Deposit is refundable in the event that a lamb of your desired sex and color is not available at the end of lambing season. houston farm & garden for sale "lambs" - craigslist We have bred Dorper Ewes, and Ram lambs available for sale. We usually have whole or half lambs available for purchase just before Easter or Passover in the spring and just before Eid in the summer. Katahdin/Dorper Sheep and Lambs. Meats from pasture-raised sheep have less saturated fat and more heart-healthy polyunsaturated fats, a lower ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fats, and higher levels of vitamin Whole Lamb meat for sale. Being a hair sheep they also shed their winter coat allowing owners to avoid the costs and hassle of annual sheering. Beautifully tender and easy to cook. This farm has housed dairy and beef cows, sheep, other livestock and row crops for more than a century! Welcome to Windswept Farms established in 1993 by the Ludlam Family. For more information, get in touch with our dedicated team. Our Farm. Babydoll sheep for sale "The Smiling Sheep" Miniature Babydoll Southdown Sheep. " Contact Us (859) 325-5188 lynn@fourhillsfarm. And, now we have retail cuts of lamb available all year round! Our lambs are raised in a humane way, never given antibiotics or added hormones, and fed a pure vegetarian diet. Born: 4/9/22 Sire: Kind Horn Ram B6H 323J Dam: Kind Horn Ewe 01H 335J Description: Knock-Out is a very gentle ram who has passed on his wide horn set, powerful stance and muscling, and abundant fleece to his offspring. $ 212. We band the boys when they are first born. La Center 6 days ago 路 2 adult ewes: 2 years old. In 2020, we started our own meat business where we sell lamb and beef meat from the animals we raise on our farm. Seven Sons has you covered. Call me for details and more photos of our sheep, lambs, and meat for sale. We offer generous support to beginning sheep producers. No hormones, no antibiotics. 50 Blade Chops – $14. Denison Farm & Garden For Sale "lambs" in Prescott, AZ. Farm & Garden For Sale "lambs" in Medford-ashland. Enumclaw, WA 98002 lambs, sheep,ram,flock,herd,baby lambs. Color: Black Mouflon. Bastrop Goats sheep. If you don’t have space for a large amount of frozen meat, we recommend sample bundles or 1 day ago 路 62 Ewes and 40 plus lambs. At Hop Creek Farms in Squamish, BC we offer 100% grass-fed lamb for sale. 00 Stew Meat – $14. $6. post id: 7836200819. Our sheep are raised on a natural diet of grass and other forage. Barbados black belly lambs 3-5 months old. 1915, courtesy of Eric Hoem). They are ready for their new homes in late summer. Buy and sell farm supplies quickly and easily on Farm Tender, Australia's premier agricultural market place. 50 Loin Chops – $21. They are on pasture year round, drink fresh mountain water and breath the crisp mountain air. $150. We let you know in advance what day your meat will be ready, and you can either pick it up here at the farm, or get home delivery for $30 if you live in Lewisburg, Selinsgrove We raise Registered White Dorper Sheep and a herd of commercial Angus cattle on our farm. Asking $300. We produce lamb meat in the method intended by our creator! Some of the key benefits of eating our grass-fed and grass finished lamb include: 馃悜 Our 100% grass fed and finished lamb is known to be healthier than grain-finished lamb. Ewes present a beautiful crimpy fleece, large litters (triplets and quads) excellent teat structure, and correct udder conformation for the benefit of hand milkers and longevity in the ewe. Grass-fed Lamb. A $100 deposit is required to reserve a registered 2024 Babydoll lamb for purchase after weaning. see also. Proven Ewes are $400/head, Lambs $250/head. Ewe Lamb Right Farm strives to raise wholesome & healthy Katahdin hair sheep & lambs. Farm & Garden For Sale "lambs" in Dallas / Fort Worth. $0. Ram lambs - $500. Lambs for sale are weaned at 12 weeks and after 2 weeks observation are ready to leave the farm. Farm & Garden For Sale "lamb" in Boise, ID. Five Points Farm North 499 St RT 58 Sullivan, OH 44880 (567) 215-7829 Five Points Farm For Sale. Mostly grass and forage fed. Ewes Commercial - Market Sheep. Our flock is veterinarian managed and enrolled in the USDA Scrapie Flock Certification Program at the Select Monitored status. Ewe lambs $400/head At High Meadow Farm we take great pride in the care of our sheep. We anticipate a huge production year with our winter lambs who were fed only quality hay and fermented Alfalfa over the winter rendering the meat with a natural sweetness. 2023 Fall ram & ewe lambs for sale Understanding EBVs How we used EBVs in August 2019 Sale of Breeding Stock: In a typical year, we sell the top half to three quarters of our lambs as breeding animals. 50 Neck Slices – $12. We raise and sell quality lamb and beef meat from the animals raised on our farm. This is the philosophy of using every part of the animal in food preparation/selling with the mindset of letting nothing go to waste. 50 Rib Chops – $21. Our property is located on part of a very old and picturesque farm, originally homesteaded by the Hoem Family in the 1880s and called Glenwood (colorized photo, right, ca. 50 Ground – $14. Deposits of $200 for ewes, $100 for rams and $50. Shanks – $13. Visalia Dappled Dorper Ram lamb. 100% Halal lamb for sale only a click away! Hurry in for your selections, freshness awaits! From our small farm in Northwest Wisconsin, we raise lambs and goats traditionally, humanely, and sustainably. PO Box 7601, Sippy Downs, QLD, 4556. We sell animals registered in the Jacob Sheep Breeders Association, American Tunis Association and the Natural Colored Wool Growers Association. - $250. Farm Fresh, Grass Fed, Free Range, Family Raised. Our lambs preferentially graze what our cattle leave behind, as they prefer shrubs and flowering plants. com Grass-fed Lamb. Our lambs are born in February and March most years, and typically sell out very quickly. Cook Family Farm raises all natural lamb for purchase. lots of young Ewes Selling as a group Ewes and lambs for sale - farm & garden - by owner - sale - craigslist A good life for our sheep and dogs and farms, and for our family, friends, customers, and fellow sheep farmers. We believe in nose to tail processing/eating. Preloader Close. $175. The brand name grew from good, old-fashioned marketing and communication. Dorper and dorper cross sheep. Our lamb is 100% grass-fed. They Mar 21, 2023 路 Our sheep are exceptionally hearty, producing between a half and 1 gallon of milk per day. seattle farm & garden for sale "lambs" - craigslist PURE BARBADOS SHEEP FOR SALE. Finn/Romanov, and pure Romanov. oldeenglishbabydollregistry. We have been raising purebred and commercial sheep for over 25 years, with an emphasis on health, conformation and wool quality. Weiser Bottle bar for kids/lambs. Our love of quality livestock, stewardship of the land and a rural lifestyle, combined with our passion for great food, drives us to provide customers with high quality, responsibly raised meat. 50 Boneless Leg of Lamb – $15. north bay / marin Lambs. Wethers (castrated rams) - $200. Farm & Garden For Sale By Owner "lamb for sale" in Portland, OR. Thanks to a lower lanolin content, our mild flavored lamb is enjoyed by many. 706-466-4438 Raney Camp Hollow Farm is a registered breeder of purebred St. We love raising our small flock of Babydoll Sheep (formally known as Olde English Southdown Sheep) and our Harlequin Sheep. Since our inception in 2011, a greater appreciation for fresh, locally raised meat has allowed us to build a thriving, family-run business in the heart of northern Boulder County. Grass fed and free range Sold either as half or full lamb and cut to specification. Eagle Point Lamb Lamb Roasts Select Weight Boneless Lamb – Boneless Leg Roast $22. Will be ready for new home 3/30. We sell many lamb cuts including ground lamb, chops, steaks and roasts, in our year-round farm store, as well as lamb offal (organ meats) and bones. PHOENIX TALENT Ram lambs, ready to go. For more than 20 years, we’ve delivered healthy and tasty lamb meat to homes, restaurants, retailers, college universities, and more – all across the state, and even throughout the country – at 1 day ago 路 albuquerque > farm & garden - by owner Different breed sheep rams , ewes, and babies for sale call show contact info please no email thank you. Lamb for Sale. Not registered but would make nice breeding stock for hobby farm. 50 Current price is: $ 212. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me! Sheep - Lambs for Sale in VIC. After you purchase Shepherd Song Farm’s goat and lamb cuts In 2016 we received our 100% AFW Grass Fed certification. Premium wether lamb. (Do not know breed) Not registered. Lambs are born in late March through mid April and are raised here on pasture with their mothers until weaning. 100% grass fed and finished lamb. 50. In addition, all lambs will be halter-trained. Dallas, Oregon Sheep,ram,lamb. josxn twuei sjuiyu bprxlu xktxub admarek ppunk drrvu mmzhfy escdmtx nrvahi iayarhth tzlsc odhtk ojhb