Ford e4od transmission not shifting.
Jun 9, 2022 · I appreciate this reply.
Ford e4od transmission not shifting Still the same issue. Oct 23, 2015 · 1987 - 1996 F150 & Larger F-Series Trucks - 1990 F150 with E4OD not shifting - Truck sat for a few years because I did not have time or funds to fix . I have about 148000 on the truck too. This will reset the computer so it will relearn the shifts. I recently have been having some issues with it shifting. fluid is red and full, Jan 5, 2008 · I have a 1990 f-250 with a 7. E4OD solenoid packs control fluid flow through rebuilt E4OD transmissions to accommodate fluent shifting. Most of Feb 13, 2023 · 1987 - 1996 F150 & Larger F-Series Trucks - 1995 F150 351w E4od Transmission Won't Shift Into 3rd Gear - Hey there, I have a 1995 f150 351w e4od transmission truck. The screws are tight at the column shifter and shift cable connection. 3 IDI 2wd E4OD transmission (?) problems - Hello everyone. After moving the lever from 1st through to D it might clear up, or maybe after May 28, 2019 · 1994. CM Codes = 21,41,77. I was towing my Jeep and trailer out for Jul 29, 2007 · Pre-Power Stroke Diesel (7. Have not ruled out solenoid pack or wiring harness. Also sometimes it will not shift into 3rd gear. Following that the truck wouldn't want to fully go into park, when parked on an incline the parking pawl Jan 15, 2012 · 1987 - 1996 F150 & Larger F-Series Trucks - E40D shifting hard - I have a 94 250 w/ an E40D, 95K on the clock. 3L IDI, 1985 Ford F350 DRW 6. It goes into gear fine but take off down the road and it won't shift out of 1st. It receives input from sensors located throughout the vehicle Jan 1, 2008 · 1987 - 1996 F150 & Larger F-Series Trucks - E4OD overdrive shift problem - So here's the story, I went offroading about 3 weeks ago and got stuck in a huge hole, half of the truck was sunk. But anyway, I drive a 95 Bronco EB w/ a 351w and E4OD. The E4OD transmission is a popular gearbox used primarily in heavy-duty Ford F150, F250, F350, and Bronco models. 3 Power Stroke with E4OD transmissions. My truck runs strong but seems to shift ok 1-2 and 2-3 but 3-4 and 4-od almost seems like it's trying to cram all 3 shifts together in one shift. Nov 26, 2009 · I thought hard shifting in an E4OD was good. One common problem that owners of vehicles with the E4OD transmission may encounter is overdrive problems. Jul 10, 2012 · I am having this weird problem with the E4OD transmission on my 94: it doesn't shift with pressing gas (accelerating); and it only shift when I release gas with speed. Also while accelerating it seems the torque converter isn't engaging all the way. Jun 21, 2019 · After driving it for a couple of weeks it began to intermittently shift hard. 3L IDI & 6. Based on core components of the C6, this transmission was used in many light and heavy duty vehicles including the Bronco, F-150, F-250, and F-350. The transmission oil got water in it so I changed all the fluids and took it for a test drive and it is not Dec 20, 2008 · Clutch, Transmission, Differential, Axle & Transfer Case - E4OD erratic shifting - Hello, I'm brand new to FTE and hope this is the correct place to ask my question. I have a 1994 F250 4x4 7. Now i am rebuilding the whole truck trans and engine new panels interior and paint. I've read your threads on Ford Truck issues and have always found them useful. 8 E4OD Shifting issues - Problem: The transmission seems to hunt for gears when coasting, it shifts up and then down rhythmically. I have a check engine light that pops up occasionally, but have not been able to find a reader at any of the parts stores that will read it. The other day I took off (or attempted to) from a stop light, and the engine just revved like the transmission was low on fluid or something. Jan 30, 2023 · E4OD / 4R100 Transmission Shifting Problems- Solved! Easy & Cheap Fix! Transmission not shifting in your F-150 F-250 Bronco? Hard shifting? Erratic shifting? Sep 6, 2016 · 1987 - 1996 F150 & Larger F-Series Trucks - E4OD won't shift past 2nd gear? - I have a 93 F-150 4x4 with a E4OD transmission and I was driving it about a month ago heading home from work and I noticed when I came to a stop and took off the transmission would not shift past 2nd gear. I do let Not shifting. 8 and Nov 12, 2011 · TRANSMISSION: E4OD SUBJECT: FIPL troubleshooting & adjustment procedures APPLICATION: Ford DATE: Jan 1994 E4OD FIPL Trouble Shooting & Adjustment Procedures (Diesel Applications Only) Poor transmission performance and/or premature transmission failure may be caused by a defective Fuel Injection Pump Lever (FIPL) sensor, or sensor signal. Their failure points are diverse and extensive, and understanding these failures will help you ensure you have the most reliable and capable E40D transmission possible. 3 E4OD won?t shift outta first gear randomly. The truck seemed to run fine and I didnt notice any problems with shifting or slipping. Read this Drivetrain 101 to become an expert on the E40D transmission! Aug 26, 2024 · Ford E4OD Transmission Overdrive Problems. 9L IDI, 1985 Ford F350 wrecker 6. Jun 30, 2019 · E4OD Nagging Neutral Nonsense & Pinpoint Test; "One of the most-difficult problems to diagnose on a Ford car or truck is a sudden neutral condition while the vehicle is cruising in 4th gear. It runs 2000 Feb 12, 2010 · So basically it is not shifting correctly. - Hello, I have a 1992 F-150 4x4 with a 5. Now this can have a number of causes, depending on which transmission is in the car or truck, but the cause we are going to discuss here is that #(~! Nov 30, 2024 · The Ford E4OD transmission, short for Electronic 4-speed Overdrive, was introduced in 1989 as an electronically controlled, heavy-duty transmission. checked for voltage on 1 and 12 and had 12v on each, dont have access to a breakout box, thought about picking up a a pigtail for the solenoid pack to test if i can directly send ground and power to the appropriate pins, and get solienoid clicks/ shifts manually. After starting my truck, I shift it into drive and Jan 30, 2024 · Small Block V8 (221, 260, 289, 5. 0V or even 1. Nov 22, 2009 · The connector on the passenger's side of the transmission is the shift solenoid connector. 9L IDI, (2) 1994 Ford E350 7. 3 with E4od and just randomly it will not shift from first to second in drive but if i go from drive to second it will shift no problem, then shift back to drive and it will got to third and so on and it will down shift in drive and Reverse will work no problem. 3 (non-turbo), It has a E4OD (giving me trouble), and I have swapped the front Axel for a Dana 60 from an older f350. Only about once a week at most. The Ford E4OD transmission is a popular automatic transmission used in many Ford vehicles. 0 and an E4OD Transmission. I hear the engine shift but the rpm's barely Aug 30, 2020 · i have a 1995 f350 460 motor with e4od transmission. Truck is a daily driver. Here's the deal: I've spent the better part of the last year working with my transmission on my 95 f-150 4. Problem: will not shift from second to drive or overdrive most of the time. Not really 1991 ford Econoline 2500 5. Nov 11, 2011 · Check the MLPS, if it is out of adjustment or bad the transmission will not shift properly. Jan 29, 2025 · 1987 - 1996 F150 & Larger F-Series Trucks - E4OD shifting back and forth - When up to speed the transmission shifts back and forth. I can get it to shift manually in the strange way that I described. I have owned two (still have one)1997 Ford F250 HD with 7. $340 part, not replacing it unless I have to. i dint go more than a mile when i starter hearing a The E4OD transmission has multiple clutch packs and bands that are activated or released as needed. I can manually shift it to 2nd, and it stays Mar 24, 2014 · So i have read through some of the E40D transmission threads and i have not came across one that is having somewhat of a problem that i am having and on top of it all a lot of them end up getting off subject which is tiring. When easing away from a stop sign at moderate Oct 14, 2003 · Clutch, Transmission, Differential, Axle & Transfer Case - E4OD won't shift into 3rd gear, Please Help. It jumps up and down like this no matter what. Electronically Controlled 4 Forward Gears OD = Over Drive. 5 and E4OD. 2011 and swapped my E4OD in May 2012 (was at school all Dec 13, 2024 · Background info: 1994 Bronco Xlt, 302, e4od, all fluids changed 1000miles ago, trans filter changed and my trusted mechanic sees no physical issues. it commanding 2nd but its physically in 1st with high rpm lift of accel pedal and it goes into 2nd. 3l turbo diesel dually 2WD with 300,000+ miles on it and E4OD trans. The transmission started leaking from the front so we took it out and replaced the front pump seal. occasionally tries to shift to third but never follows through the shift ive gone through and dropped the trans fluid and pan, changed filter. Feb 8, 2022 · 1987 - 1996 F150 & Larger F-Series Trucks - 94 f150 5. Oct 15, 2012 · Unplugging the connector will not fix the issue, the E4od is completely pcm controlled. Cleaned up ground connects. The most common cause of shifting issues is caused by a bad solenoid in the solenoid pack. as soon as I hit the highway it fail to shift past 3rd and jolted when it Sep 2, 2011 · My 94 5. 1995 f250 5. 1V and she'll shift like she should (like a 5-speed). 3L 5 speed 1966 Mustang 200 I6, auto, 4 wheel disk, power brake retrofit, Corvette master. 8l E4OD. It just winds up in 2nd gear and then it won't do anything more May 21, 2024 · 1994. Why does it shift extremely hard. I have a new problem that I need help with. 3l with the automatic E4OD transmission (223,000 Miles), and this morning I experienced some sudden shifting issues that I'd like some help with. i just changer the shift solenoid . The neutral safety switch has nothing to do with shift position. Mainly highway driving. I found that over the next few weeks with continued to happen more frequently. Introduced in 1989, the E4OD was Ford's first electronically controlled transmission. Feb 23, 2007 · 1999 - 2016 Super Duty - E350 transmission problem - 1994 E350 with a E40D transmission. the Feb 1, 2010 · E4OD Hard Shift Transmission Repair - Ford Tranny Tech '94 1/2 To '97 E4OD Hard Shift Fix. The first time it happened it did so for about a minute. When you first pull out it will pull out in first but shifts hard into second and drive. Today with our first significant snow, I locked the hubs and Jun 24, 2021 · Pre-Power Stroke Diesel (7. tps,and a netral safty switch. The tachometer also seems to be off. i dont have any codes the over drive light isnt blinking, no problem with the speedometer. Ecm has seen something out of parameter,, tps wrong volts, speed sensor erratic, etc. 0 E4OD not downshifting, when I stomp on the gas or pulling a hill. abs switch. I recently created the thread “LED’s and Torque converter” thinking my Mar 18, 2006 · Sensor on the left center where the linkage attaches is the neutral switch (has a fancy name from Ford), the connection on the right side is for the shift solenoids, tailshaft sensor is the speed sensor/speedometer drive, (your speed sensor may be on the differential) driver's side of IP is the FIPL (TPS), front of IP by oil fill is the engine speed sensor. But it doesn’t come without its share of problems. 9L E4OD, 2WD The tube that sits on top of the steering column broke, I replaced it. i was having problems shifting from 2nd to 3rd. I had transmission failure in Oct. My Bronco is in great mechanical condition, this isn’t an off-road beater. . a set off ebay that were listed for the transmission 95 E4OD valve body gaskets 1990-1995 36320EA,36321EA. fluid is red and full, Jul 31, 2014 · 1987 - 1996 F150 & Larger F-Series Trucks - transmission won't shift out of first - i have a 1993 5. thought I needed a fuel pump but was able to determine from reading here that my problem was a fuel pump Feb 24, 2016 · 94 f150 5. So, I finally had a shop fix my leaky E4OD. I know, stupid. Jun 21, 2023 · 1987 - 1996 F150 & Larger F-Series Trucks - E4OD Wont shift out of 1st in drive - As stated in title E4OD Wont shift out of 1st in drive. Shift kit, new solenoid pack, all new clutches, new TC ect. I had a BTS E4OD and loved the hard shifting all the way through. 8L auto and all the sudden my rmp's shot up and couldn't get it to come out of first gear. Before taking it that far, do a test gauge pressure check of line pressure and other external pressure port tests. It sorta glides through the shifting, down shifts fine when you get on it. From the advice of a family member I had the Ford E4OD Transmission Solenoid Wire Harness replaced by a friend. I have a 95 F250 with 7. Since then the tranny will not shift into 3rd Oct 15, 2011 · 1987 - 1996 F150 & Larger F-Series Trucks - E4OD Transmission - I have a 1991 Ford 4. Get some electric contact cleaner and spray down the connectors on the harness and the transmission thoroughly. I have a '97 F250 HD with 5. 60? outside I didn?t try Aug 13, 2013 · 1987 - 1996 F150 & Larger F-Series Trucks - transmission not shifting - i just put my97 f250 5. When I put the pedal down, Jun 7, 2009 · 7 HAVE NOT REPLACED the MAF or Inlet Air Temp (IAT) yet. 3L Power Stroke Diesel - E4OD won't shift into 3rd - This afternoon truck was running fine and I came to a stop. The Ford E4OD and 4R100 Transmissions. 3L Power Stroke Diesel - E4OD won?t shift out of first sometimes - 1996 f250 7. rebuilt trans still doing what it was before. Started going again and it won't shift into 3rd gear whether I try to start off in Drive or I try to shift the E4OD manually. Here it goes: I bought this truck with 145k miles about a month ago. No blinking OD light. I am very happy to finally be a member of your site. 9L that is having transmission problems. 20 minute drive to work and in mornings is when it seems to do it. 5 liter gas OHV and E4OD. 3l 4x4 Transmission was stuck in first so i rebuilt it. Codes: 11. 3L PSD 1985 Ford Ranger 2. as far as Valve body gaskets. It shifts great now, but it feels like its not in OD. I just bought a 1989 F-350 with the 7. 8 e4od together after converting into 2wd the truck ran fine around the block. There was no shudder or hard shift and the the rpms jumped up from 1400 to 2k then back down in a matter of seconds. The engine runs great (aside from it needing glow plugs) but the transmission is not working right. What is the problem? Need Apr 10, 2022 · 1987 - 1996 F150 & Larger F-Series Trucks - E4OD not shifting properly. There are a lot of common problems that arise when using this automatic transmission, like not being able to shift to overdrive, an intermittent overdrive, an O/D off the sensor, or truck shaking when in overdrive. If im just going through town and hit 2nd gear it Jun 26, 2008 · 1994. 9L) - E4OD WOT shift behavior - I have been trying to get my shifts dialed in just right and I feel like I am getting close but i am uncertain about how the E4OD should respond to full throttle. Jul 18, 2003 · Clutch, Transmission, Differential, Axle & Transfer Case - E4OD Hard Shifts? - I've seached the old posts and didn't find any posts that addressed the exact problem i'm having. The trans has been rebuilt and worked fine up until just recently. Your first step should be to scan the computer for trouble codes. Owned it for a couple months, transmission has always shifted normally. I looked up how to adjust it in the Haynes manual, but it has me a little confused (instructions are very vague). 3L Power Stroke Diesel - E4OD shifting issues - 1996 F-250, 205K miles. The seller wasn't the previous owner and had little Oct 24, 2024 · If you own a vehicle with an E4OD transmission, understanding its shifting problems can ensure long-lasting performance and avoid costly repairs. However, some of the time it shifts correctly. Mar 24, 2015 · Manual shifting works fine, including the OD button. Down hill, uphill, Jun 9, 2022 · I appreciate this reply. It will be hard shifting at first but will eventually Feb 16, 2014 · 97-11-11 transmission - 4r70w - erratic or prolonged 1-2 shift transmission - aode - erratic or prolonged 1-2 shift publication date: may 27, 1997 ford: 1992-1997 crown victoria 1994-1997 mustang, thunderbird lincoln-mercury: 1992-1997 grand marquis, town car 1993-1997 mark viii 1994-1997 cougar light truck: 1994-1997 econoline, f-150 Dec 1, 2010 · Clutch, Transmission, Differential, Axle & Transfer Case - e4od shifting issues when cold - So let me start by saying, I tried searching the site for similar threads, but just couldn't quite find what I was looking for. So im between the eeciv is no longer commanding shifts, or the trans is shot. Control Module: The E4OD transmission is electronically controlled, and the control module is responsible for managing and coordinating the various functions of the transmission. 9L) - 1989 Ford F-350 7. Nov 30, 2024 · The Ford E4OD transmission, short for Electronic 4-speed Overdrive, was introduced in 1989 as an electronically controlled, heavy-duty transmission. i dint go more than a mile when i starter hearing a Mar 23, 2009 · Clutch, Transmission, Differential, Axle & Transfer Case - E4OD transmission shifting problems - I have a 94 ford f-250 4x4 with the E4OD. i do have led tail lights. Possible causes: I'm thinking it's a transmission input, like the TPS or VSS. Checked codes with engine running and not running, nothing. The shift lev Jun 2, 2016 · 1994. 9L IDI. Jul 30, 2015 · Drivetrain - E4OD kickdown issues - I've been having issues with my 92 5. Jul 16, 2021 · I have a 91 F150, has inline 6 300, and E4OD transmission. No CEL. I can manually shift first and second shift up to drive and it goes back to first. will not shift out of first gear stays in first gear even - Cars & Trucks question Search Fixya Press enter to search. My '92 300-6cyl E4OD with 105K is shifting hard. Out of the blue the other day the tranny starts shifting later in then rpm range than it ever has and the shifts are harsh especially from 1st Oct 7, 2024 · 1987 - 1996 F150 & Larger F-Series Trucks - E4OD Hard Shifts - I have a 1995 F-350 with the 460 and E4OD, has 134k miles on it. Sep 18, 2011 · 1987 - 1996 F150 & Larger F-Series Trucks - e4od not downshifting???? - I have a 1993 f-150 with a 6 cylinder gas engine and an e4od tranny. Truck shifts this pattern > Hard 1st shift around 2k rpm maybe a little lower > 2 seems normal > 3 seems Nov 2, 2024 · Pre-Power Stroke Diesel (7. I ended up not replacing the TC because I was sent the wrong one, 6 lug when I had ordered a 4 lug. Once the engine comes up to operating temperature (Tstat opens at 190 deg), the transmission will require me to put the throttle at 1/3 to 1/2 position to cause the The E40D transmission of the 80's and 90's is one of the most commonly rebuilt transmissions in America. Feb 24, 2024 · Clutch, Transmission, Differential, Axle & Transfer Case - E4OD overdrive shifting conditions - Hi to everyone, I got a problem with my transmission, not very bad, but still got me thinking about it Is it normal the overdrive works only on 50-60 mph and just downshift to 3rd after 60 mph, but in uphills, when I put Feb 16, 2023 · 1987 - 1996 F150 & Larger F-Series Trucks - E4OD Won't Shift Out Of First? - I have a 92 F250 that has transmission gremlins. Using their transmission diagnostic kit (which eliminates the PCM doing the shifting) the tech found that transmission wasn't doing the 1-2 shift. Im not really sure Dec 7, 2015 · Accessing the oil pump screen (not the service replacement filter) requires the equivalent of a rebuild on the E4OD transmission. 0 4X4 151K with e4od is having shifting problems It shifts extremily hard in the 1-2 shift and sometimes other gears as well. You might be able to pull the battery cable and leave it off for a few minutes. Now this can have a number of causes, depending on which transmission is in the car or truck, but the cause we are going to discuss here is that #(~! Sep 25, 2021 · My tranny will not shift unless I column shift from 1 to 2. Jun 1, 2005 · 1987 - 1996 F150 & Larger F-Series Trucks - '92 F150 E4OD Trans shifting hard problem - Realize this belongs in the trans forum but wanted to post it here as well in the hopes someone has experienced/fixed this problem. I have replaced the TPS, the MLPS, the transmission pigtail for the solenoid pack, and BOO switch. I bought the truck knowing it didn?t want to shift from first to second gear unless you let off the throttle. 0 with a e4od transmission. Last night I was driving home and about halfway through the trip, the transmission started shifting hard. It controls the shifter for the transmission. I've just replaced the tps and mlps and I disconnected the battery to do the tps so the codes should have Aug 24, 2023 · Sorry for longer gaps between posts, life gets busy fast. 5 - 1997 7. Past that, Mark knows best about whats going on. It needed a good tune-up as it Feb 1, 2016 · Hard shifting means trans is in limp mode,,,computer demands high pressure to keep the trans from slipping. 8l E4OD transmission Takes off in third gear and won’t shift But if manually shift to . no wireing problems. If it isn't, check the fuse for it and replace it. Oct 7, 2017 · 97 f350 7. Oct 3, 2013 · Clutch, Transmission, Differential, Axle & Transfer Case - E4OD won't shift into any forward gears, but reverse works - Hey guys, I've been searching around here and Google for a while now but haven't found anyone with my exact same symptoms. I started off by buying a Bluetooth May 5, 2023 · We all love the first Ford Automatic E4OD transmission or ‘tranny’. PROBLEM first thing when cold, the transmission will shift through all the gears and into OD with smooth operation. It also never seems to lock the torque converter. However, like any mechanical component, it can experience issues over time. I can stop use reverse and go back into drive again still stays in first gear. nothing in the bottom of pan Jan 20, 2021 · 1999 - 2016 Super Duty - E4OD Shifting Problems - So I have a 1995 F250 XLT SuperCab 2wd with a 460 and the e4od. Shifts hard and it jumps into reverse after a delay. I have about 17,000 miles on it since the last rebuild. 8. Pull these connectors and inspect them and the wiring very thoroughly. 3L Power Stroke Diesel - E4OD Sudden Transmission Shifting Issues - I have a 1996 F-250 Crewcab 4X4 7. trans was built years back and the project got set aside til last fall. It is fine when I manually select 1 or 2 when the problem happens, no check engine though. Now how that 5-speed action is achieved I'm not 100% certain on - my feel of things is that she shifts 1,2,3,3-lock,4-lock but others claim it's actually 1,2,3,3-lock,4,4-lock with the lockup in OD happening nearly instantaneous with the upshift hence the feel of a single Aug 13, 2013 · 1987 - 1996 F150 & Larger F-Series Trucks - transmission not shifting - i just put my97 f250 5. Smooth shifting would be considered bad. My initial issue was lugging and not downshifting on time while in 3rd with OD off and Apr 12, 2013 · 1987 - 1996 F150 & Larger F-Series Trucks - E4OD Shifting Hard, please help!!! - Hey experts, This is my first post. Newbe here. before taking it on its first long drive to Pennsylvania from North Carolina I checked all fluids and found the transmission fluid low and added DEX/MERC to the proper levels. 3l power stroke. Overdrive seems to come in just fine. 8, e4od. I swapped to a deep pan with drain plug and used the following parts: Dec 28, 2015 · I have a 97 7. 9L) - E4OD shifts hard -fixed- - Here's a short summary of the steps I took to correct my harsh shifting transmission issues. It will not go to 3rd. Jan 18, 2025 · 1987 - 1996 F150 & Larger F-Series Trucks - E4OD shifting back and forth - About 2 weeks ago I was driving and I heard my truck rev up. but when i went to the bigger road to get more speed i t would shift into 2nd and stay . 9l. I was not able to match t Feb 12, 2010 · So basically it is not shifting correctly. I will go into reverse. Built for high-torque engines, the E4OD became a popular choice for larger Ford vehicles like the F-Series trucks, the Bronco, and various E-Series vans, especially for those who need rugged performance and towing capabilities. Former vehicles, 1994 E350 7. Just started getting really hard up shifts last couple of days. Dec 28, 2015 · Until you get time to go get codes read, check to see if your odometer is working. 0/302, 5. The symptom is more obvious when start from a full stop. 3L Power Stroke Diesel - E4OD shifting problems - I bought a 1996 f250 with the 4x4 7. new fluid, filter lucs transmission fluid. The yellow light on the gear shifter is on sometime and sometimes it is off. E4OD Hard Shift Transmission Repair - Ford Tranny Tech Jun 2, 2019 · 1994. Jun 2, 2016 · 1994. I did give in and take it to Ford. so I decided to fix and put her back on the road. (Gear selector issue, not transmission) - '93 F150, 4. Jun 17, 2010 · Your TPS voltage is on the low side, bring it up to 1. 8/351W) - Trouble with my o4 f150 4x4 E4OD transmission not shifting into gears - I have a 94 Ford F150 with a new motor that was installed decided to take the fuel injection off vehicle and do a carburetor installation. when in OD the truck won't move after coming to a stop until about 2500 RPM. 4 of them no sure if that could be the Dec 15, 2017 · 97 F250 - E4OD Not Shifting Jump to Latest 2K views 3 replies 2 participants last post by transfixer Dec 15, 2017 Dec 15, 2022 · 1987 - 1996 F150 & Larger F-Series Trucks - rebuilt E4OD not shifting - 1996 f-250 5. I have a throttle cable and what I guess The E4OD transmission is a popular gearbox used primarily in heavy-duty Ford F150, F250, F350, and Bronco models. Aug 23, 2024 · Clutch, Transmission, Differential, Axle & Transfer Case - 1997 E4OD Transmission Shift Problems - Hi, New user here. Nov 13, 2023 · Clutch, Transmission, Differential, Axle & Transfer Case - E4od not shifting - Trying to fix my 97' F-250 5. The problem is sometimes when you drive the truck as you shift into reverse or drive the truck just slams into the gear but as you drive it down the road in drive the truck shifts Mar 17, 2019 · 1987 - 1996 F150 & Larger F-Series Trucks - 1990 F350 E4OD transmission shift Issue! - Hello all, 1990 F-350 Dually V8 460 Gas E4OD 2WD 78k miles. fine maybe shift Solenoid. The transmission has worked fine most of the time but lately there is an intermittent problem of not shifting out of 1st or sometimes 2nd gear. I called my mechanic he didn't have any ideas Dec 20, 2009 · Excursion - King of SUVs - e4od OD light flashing??? - Last week I noticed on two seperate occassions that the OD light on the shifter was flashing after starting my X. Jul 12, 2017 · Clutch, Transmission, Differential, Axle & Transfer Case - E4od not shifting - Trying to fix my 97' F-250 5. I have recently started to try and diagnose the issue. I am having some strange shifting problems that I've seen around the internet, but not specific enough. Sep 27, 2024 · I own a 1995 Ford F350 7. 8 xlt 4x4. May 27, 2013 · 1994 ford f150 auto e4od transmission shifting problems. Jan 20, 2021 · 1999 - 2016 Super Duty - E4OD Shifting Problems - So I have a 1995 F250 XLT SuperCab 2wd with a 460 and the e4od. No Oct 24, 2017 · 1987 - 1996 F150 & Larger F-Series Trucks - E40d wont down shift to 1st - Hello thanks for the help in advance. 5. I have checked fuses. I bought my 1994 f350 CCLB 4x4 ATS diesel about a month ago with a firm shifting transmission. The e4od won't shift out of first gear half the time. Jan 23, 2007 · 1997 Ford F350 SRW 7. 9L) - E4od Not Going Into First Gear When In D - Hi I have a 1991 F-350 w/7. Feb 2, 2017 · 1987 - 1996 F150 & Larger F-Series Trucks - E4OD Overdrive not working? - My old E4OD trans recently took a crap on me, so I replaced it last weekend. It is mostly happening when I first start driving on the way to work in the mornings. Seems like the 1-2 and perhaps the 2-3 shift. In this article, we will explore the most common shifting issues associated with the Ford E4OD transmission, their causes, and the steps you can take to prevent or fix these problems. I have a working speedometer which should rule the vss. Dec 24, 2013 · Pre-Power Stroke Diesel (7. Started having shifting issues, I noticed first that the O/D off light on the stick would blink after driving a few miles, was not sure why, but it would shift hard and go into Limp mode after a few miles. I have a 1993 F150 5. It also intermittantly will go from OD to neutral (falls out of gear). 215000 miles. Sep 24, 2013 · 1987 - 1996 F150 & Larger F-Series Trucks - E40d transmission problems - 1994 F250 460ci E40d 4 wheel drive shifting first and second just fine. It will shift 1-2 on its own, but not 2-3 without shifting from D to 2 and back again. The Nov 29, 2015 · 1987 - 1996 F150 & Larger F-Series Trucks - E4OD shift problems '97 F250 HD - Hello Ford Truck enthusiasts. 3 liter diesel, and a e4od tran. Feb 28, 2024 · 1987 - 1996 F150 & Larger F-Series Trucks - 1993 E4OD Odd Shifting After Servicing and Cable Replacment - Greetings All, 1993 Ford F250, single cab 4WD, 460 gas and E4OD Auto. completed,so it at 325 thousand kms i started with the trans as it was already giving problems. 3 idi with an ats turbo kit. Dec 30, 2022 · 1996 Ford F250 XLT extended Cab 7. Trans temp about 150? @ 6PH. HOT ROD Staff Writer Feb 01, 2010. i bought. 3 and e40d transmission. 3L IDI, 1985 International 1654 rollback, 6. Nov 18, 2024 · Clutch, Transmission, Differential, Axle & Transfer Case - E4OD Deep Transmission Pan Part Numbers and Shifting Issues Help - Been fighting a harsh shifting E4OD in my 1995 F350 2x4 with a 460 for over a year and need a sanity check on part numbers. ozarppcjpmyrqrcdtnpmapsppwgvjarianatylzacsipploexkvdnxhcfxrtdznhnpcm