Front rank miniatures review. PST by Editor in Chief Bill.
Front rank miniatures review So, there are plenty of ways to snap up their expansive (and I mean expansive) Historical miniatures for all sorts of periods in 28mm and 40mm. 99 Get the latest Warhammer, Flames of War, Wargames and Miniature Soldier News. For full functionality of this page it is necessary to enable JavaScript. PST Sep 8, 2011 · I only have Front Rank, they are first class, are Perry that good, looked at them online. ;-) DISCLAIMER: Images were captured from the Internet via Google search - which is considered public domain. 1,524 hits since 6 Apr 2019 ©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout Comments or corrections? Front Rank Miniatures-Wurttemberg I will be undertaking a new project to paint the army of The Kingdom of Wurttemberg, I will be using the excellent Front Rank range of sculpts for this project. Featured Movie Review. Well a little delay in posting but I have now finished this test figure. co. Example: SYF10. Redoubt 28mm ACW Line Redoubt 28mm ACW Punishment Detail Black Tree Designs 28mm Zulus Front Rank 28mm 18th C. Sep 5, 2024 · You have probably guessed already, this is the box that the components for 44(!) unpainted and unassembled screaming horde of figures come packaged. The miniature itself did not look impresive in the web page, but in the flesh is much better, well sculpted and detailed. I have a large number of Front Rank, and Black Tree Averaign/HYW also, mixed in with my Bretonnians (both metal and plastic). Nov 9, 2015 · Perry Miniatures French Napoleonic Line Infantry (1812-1815), GBP 18. Grade C - Front Rank Miniatures- ECW - Heavy Cannon & Crew Store / Preloved Wargames Items - Figures, Flags, Accessories, Scenery, Books & Board Games / Painted Items / 25/28mm Items / 1601-1660 £20. ;-) I have hundreds of Front Rank figures so I'm a big fan, but the Crusader Miniatures SYW Austrians just look better. I second the motion to choose Crusader Miniatures over Front Rank. In October 2010, I decided to get £50. When looking for differences between the two boxes at hand, I think these are a big factor. 1:43, 1:56, 28mm, 40mm; American AWI 28mm; American AWI 40mm; American FIW 28mm; American War of Independence 28mm; American War of Independence 40mm; Austrian Gripping Beast / Front Rank produce high quality 28mm Metal and Plastic Miniatures for painting and playing, from different eras which include Vikings, Saxons, Saga and from the first crusade. Jul 29, 2013 · At the moment I'm not sure whether to collect 28mm miniatures manufactured by 'Ebor' or 'Front Rank', currently I ordered some samples from Front Rank and below are the results: These Front Rank miniatures are detailed in such a way you can paint facial expressions with relative ease. The sculptor has a very special style, the models are very detailed and full of character, but at the same time a bit "chunky". Reviews. TLDR: Just don't go with Warlord for Naps, go with Perry or Front Rank. March 22, 2014 The size of Front Rank miniatures falls into the so-called category of largersized 25mms. Jul 9, 2013 · Front Rank Figurines produce a large range of Napoleonic miniatures. thanks Sirolf. As well as British, French, Austrian and Russian figures they also make Spanish, Portuguese, Polish and various German states. Gripping Beast / Front Rank produce high quality 28mm Metal and Plastic Miniatures for painting and playing, from different eras which include Vikings, Saxons, Saga and from the first crusade. I am happy overall not having used a white undercoat for a long time. Jan 13, 2022 · The Front Rank website is now open! (But please read on. 85 delivery. Mike Dec 12, 2024 · ( Front Rank Figurines ) part 2. Calpe are more of an animated sculpting style-with more creases and folds and more dynamic and varied poses than Front Rank. $22. In the new Seven Years' War range, of the 19 British and Hanoverian foot 11 are suitable for service in North America. Note: not included in the main index - they are historical only. Dec 9, 2008 · Don't forget that Essex do a reasonable range, also closer to "true" 25mm than the more modern Front Rank, which are very big. Jun 7, 2022 · Gripping Beast: Front Rank Miniatures Full Ranges Now Available 7. Apr 25, 2018 · Back to the 18th Century Product Reviews Message Board. These castings, although many of the masters are well over a decade old, are still worth serious consideration for anyone planning a C18 army - Imagined or Historical. Europeans can get them directly from Front Rank where battalion packs are also available. Jul 29, 2013 · Wargaming the period would be a major task for me hobbywise which will start with choosing which manufacturer would provide the bulk of suitable miniatures. 25 mm Foundry Napoleonics (purchased several years ago) were used for comparison. Feb 9, 2010 · I haven't seen any comparison pictures, but from what I have seen the Front Rank figures look quite a bit bulkier in their style. Gripping Beast: We have spent the weekend adding the entirety of the Front Rank ranges to the Gripping Beast website so you can now order from both companies at once! There are still tons of images to add but all products should have an image. Sep 26, 2013 · Assembly time is minimal albeit with enough options to have a front rank of each unit fire/charge/etc. Front Rank Figurines ― American War of Independence Continentals (40mm) — Painted Example I have examples of all of the above in my collection and I have mixed the odd Perry figure in a Front Rank French battalion-it seems ok to me but the Perrys are generally of a slimmer proportion to the Front Rank figures. Nov 1, 2010 · Anyway, let's get to the figures. I also made sure to take size comparison pictures with Perry, Conquest and Front Rank so you can see how the ranges differ in size and style. 00, released in 2008, has six more figures due to the six skirmishing miniatures. Nov 30, 2011 · I'll do a detailed review of the CALPE miniatures soon, with VICTRIX and EUREKA miniatures side by side. Shop at Noble Knight Games for Napoleonics - Bavarian (28mm) (Front Rank Miniatures) Miniatures & Games by Front Rank Miniatures - part of our Miniatures & Games collection. Comparisons between Perry,Mirliton and Front Rank 28mm « on: June 04, 2017, 08:04:59 PM » I need some help now as I've posted before I acquired a French 28mm Medieval Army and from what I know it's all Perry miniatures but I'm getting some figures from Front Rank(Mounted Knights)and I might be getting some Mirliton 28mm Medieval figures as well. Shop at Noble Knight Games for Napoleonics - British (28mm) (Front Rank Miniatures) Historical Miniatures by Front Rank Miniatures - part of our Historical Miniatures collection. ) Good News! At last! Gripping Beast has finally completed the purchase of Front Rank! We would like to thank Alec & Angela for their stupendous patience and we wish them a long and happy retirement. Due to the chunkyness of the Front Rank ones they don't work too well together. Sometimes I doubt they were Front Rank as one never hears of them, so it's good to get it confirmed! I bought mine around 1991/92 in a cavalry set, which included harqubusiers, cuirassiers, dragoons, an artillery piece and a general if I recall correctly. Changed title from "40 mm Sash and Saber vs Front Rank Figurines AWI" to "40mm Sash and Saber vs Front Rank Figurines AWI" 18th Century - AWI, Jacobites, 7YW, Spanish Succession & French Indian Wars. frontrank. Nov 19, 2012 · Front Rank are bigger than Perry, which are about the same as Old Glory and GW's LOTR plastic and some metals. The top of a tricorne wearing Dixon figure reaches the eyes of the Front Rank figure and forehead of the Foundry ones I have. The sculpting style of Redoubt Miniatures is very distinct, I could pick these guys out on a picture as well as I could pick out a Front Rank Figures miniature. Mar 20, 2014 · 28mm French Old Guard (Victrix and Front Rank) briansmaller. All have a certain charm, though. com/ Address 'The Granary' Banbury Road, Lower Boddington Daventry, Northants NN11 6XY, UNITED KINGDOM: Phone (01327) 262720 Aug 19, 2020 · Gripping Beast Ltd is very pleased to announce its acquisition of the ranges designed and manufactured Front Rank Figurines. 58. I have already done a size comparison review against most other ranges in 28mm; namely Blue Moon, Front Rank, Old Glory and Crusader Miniatures. If you would like credit for the image(s), please contact us Gripping Beast / Front Rank produce high quality 28mm Metal and Plastic Miniatures for painting and playing, from different eras which include Vikings, Saxons, Saga and from the first crusade. Captain Clegg, May I offer a slight correction on your photo captions? Photo 1: – Dixon, Parkfield, Dixon, Dixon, Parkfield. Sep 6, 2001 · I’m delighted Front Rank has an SYW option. The chunkier metal is also a bit easier to paint than the more realistically scaled Perry miniatures. Shop at Noble Knight Games for Napoleonics - French (28mm) (Front Rank Miniatures) Historical Miniatures by Front Rank Miniatures - part of our Historical Miniatures collection. Buy It Now +$8. Well into its third decade of operation, Gripping Beast are a powerhouse of model manufacturing who recently acquired Front Rank Figurines; a move which further bolsters the company’s position as a leading provider of high quality, highly detailed miniatures, backed with exceptional customer service. 00 worth of samples from Front Rank Figurines and a smaller selection from Dixon Miniatures . 5-8. Call them at +44 (0) 1327 262720. Front Rank (2) Front Rank Miniatures (1) Games Workshop Dec 3, 2024 · Buy British Mounted Figure Cavalry Pack - Historical Mini 28mm - Front Rank Miniatures from Front Rank Miniatures - part of our Historical Miniatures - Historical Miniatures by Era collection. I will include Infantry, cavalry and Artillery with some command bases. I continued to do some digging, and not sure if I'm right in saying this, but it looks like their late medieval figures (Hussites etc) are from the now defunct Kingmaker ranges - and are larger than many other historical 28mm, inc. Front Rank Figurines. The newer Front Rank figures are especially well done. Sponsored. I am also adding photos showing figures from different makers side by side. and you get some really pretty looking officer figures and flags are included. The ranges were acquired by Gripping Beast in October 2021. Jan 31, 2008 · First off they are slimmer and shorter than the Front Rank and Foundry types. Watch for a follow-up on their service and possibly reviews of Mirliton’s 25 mm’s and Elite’s 30 mm’s. m. Sep 17, 2013 · Looking for 28mm historical miniature figures? This blog is a database of manufacturers showing who makes what. Ray Compton of Essex Miniatures has kindly sent a few figures from the extensive War of the Roses range to review. Henry V // Front Rank Figurines Well into its third decade of operation, Gripping Beast are a powerhouse of model manufacturing who recently acquired Front Rank Figurines; a move which further bolsters the company’s position as a leading provider of high quality, highly detailed miniatures, backed with exceptional customer service. New, used, and Out-of-Print. But I really do like the Dixon figures, expecially the League of Augsburg series and army of Louis XIV. Nov 24, 2020 · That is good to see! I have never seen anyone else's Front Rank ECW other than my own. painted by STP- miniatures ; Origalum PLUS Золото December 13th, 2024 00:08 STP- miniatures Большое спасибо! Apr 7, 2019 · "28mm Men-at-Arms from Front Rank Figurines" Topic. While I certainly appreciate the quality of Front Rank figures, not only their 40mm but the extensive 28mm lines, I refuse to pay $6 USD US per figure. Civilians B&B Miniatures 20mm American Revolution Sash and Saber Prussian 25mm Seven Years War Redoubt 30mm Victoriana Artillery Crew Icon/Black Tree Design 25mm Spartan Hoplites Sash & Saber 28mm ACW Line Minifigs 12mm Oct 19, 2009 · Action Log. Grade C - Front Rank Miniatures - Napoleonic - French Line Lancers Store / Preloved Wargames Items - Figures, Flags, Accessories, Scenery, Books & Board Games / Painted Items / 25/28mm Items / 1789 -1815 Buy 28mm Front Rank and get the best deals at the lowest prices on eBay! Great Savings & Free Delivery / Collection on many items Gripping Beast / Front Rank produce high quality 28mm Metal and Plastic Miniatures for painting and playing, from different eras which include Vikings, Saxons, Saga and from the first crusade. Areas of Interest Perry Miniatures-Front Rank-King's Mountain-Wargames Foundry-Dixon-Conquest. Feb 14, 2018 · Thanks for taking a look at what Front Rank Naps have to offer ! Regards Gav . Seven Years War - AW Miniatures, Black Hussar Miniatures, Crann Tara Miniatures, Crusader Miniatures, Dixon Miniatures, Eagle Figures, Elite Miniatures, Eureka Miniatures, First Corps, Foundry Miniatures, Front Rank Figurines, Irregular Miniatures, Minden Miniatures, Miniature Figurines, Old Glory 25s, RSM 95, Sash And Sabre Castings, Login with username, password and session length. Jul 9, 2013 · Some new comparison photos showing Front Rank figures compared to other manufacturers here… 28mmreview. Front Rank Figurines products listed alphabetically. 0 when compared to other Front Rank figures I've seen. At the moment I'm not sure whether to collect 28mm miniatures manufactured by 'Ebor' or 'Front Rank', currently I ordered some samples from Front Rank and below are the results: Front Rank Figurines was founded in 1986 by Alec Brown and produced historical-only 28mm and 40mm figures. Apr 17, 2018 · Here I am again, this time some reviews, Last week I received an order placed on excellent North Star 1672 miniatures, I already have almost all their references, but I wanted the D'Artagnan miniature they produce. This “news” is nearly a week old now but for the unenlightened … Front Rank Figurines are back and available to purchase. Casting and detailling are alright. Oct 19, 2009 · Action Log. May 8, 2013 · Foundry Miniatures (7) Front Rank Figurines (2) Full Metal Miniatures (1) Gorgon Studios (1) Gripping Beast (17) Heroes of the Dark Age (1) Iron Cross Miniatures (1) Khurasan Miniatures (1) Lancer Miniatures (1) Moonraker Miniatures (1) Musketeer Miniatures (13) Napoleonic (21) Newline Designs (6) Offensive Miniatures (6) Old West (1) Outpost Dec 2, 2010 · I am aware that some folks think Front Rank figures are "fat bodied" and have strange faces - I thoroughly disagree. These figures are 7. Henry V // Front Rank Figurines Jun 7, 2022 · Get the latest Warhammer, Flames of War, Wargames and Miniature Soldier News. I have long been a fan of Front Rank, having bought their figures for close on two decades, thus I felt no trepidation concerning the quality of the sculpting and the customer Jul 5, 2014 · Horcata Miniatures Light Cavalryman. Front Rank Figurines ― American War of Independence Hessians (40mm) — Painted Example Austrian: Bavarian: British: Brunswick: French: Hanoverian: Nassau: Netherlands: Polish: Portuguese: Prussian: Russian: Spanish: Württemberg: Cannons & Equipment . The shields for pavisiers from FR even match up well with the shields from the Bretonnian plastic men-at-arms kit. I found the box and instructions extremely useful for putting the figures together, painting schemes, plus the added bonus of paper banners that can be cut out of the instructions and added to spears to give you extra banner men. Four, The. Here you can see the Front Rank officer on the left (from a Peninsular reinforcement pack) and the Warlord Games officer on the right. (possibly) front rank. 100 Years War -Black Tree Design, Claymore Castings, Company D Miniatures, Crusader Miniatures, Depot Battalion, Eagle Figures, Foundry Miniatures, Front Rank Figurines, Lancashire Games, Miniature Figurines, Old Glory 25s, Wargames Design Workshop, Arabs - Essex Miniatures, Fireforge Games, Irregular Miniatures, Old Glory 25s, V&V Miniatures, Mar 9, 2013 · I put together a review of Redoubt Miniatures over at my blog, it was something that I got questions about since I began posting my latest stream of French & Indian War related entries. The size and shape of these figures is like most of the Front Rank range, being slightly larger than true 25mm figures and quite 'chunky' however, given the heavy armour worn in this period they don't appear to be out of proportion. Front Rank Miniatures Excellent figures with lots of detailif anything maybe a little too fat in comparison with other miniatures and all dressed as if on parade I have a couple of battalions of painted Spanish troops they often appear on the table but never do much! so historical accuracy too! Alban Miniatures (6) Artizan Designs (7) Bicorne Miniatures (2) Crusader Miniatures (7) Curteys Miniatures (13) Dark Ages (70) Dixon Miniatures (1) Eagle Figures (1) Emperor Toads Emporium (1) Empress Miniatures (1) Female Miniatures (3) First Corps (1) Fix-Bayonets (1) Footsore Miniatures (1) Foundry Miniatures (7) Front Rank Figurines (2 Jul 25, 2006 · The dixon are compatible with Foundry and Old Glory. Brand New. Size-wise they are about the same height but the Front Ranks are a bit "overweight". Dec 6, 2017 · Part 6 - Finished 40mm Front Rank British AWI Test Figure. Sash & Saber may not be as good as Front Rank or Perry miniatures in quality but they are damn close and their prices are similar to 28mm. uk Front Rank Figurines ― 18th Century: Jacobite Rebellion 1745: Seven Years War: French & Indian War: American War of Independence: War of the Spanish Succession: Gripping Beast / Front Rank produce high quality 28mm Metal and Plastic Miniatures for painting and playing, from different eras which include Vikings, Saxons, Saga and from the first crusade. The quality and style are excellent, as we've come to expect from Front Rank. It would look great to have a front rank lance armed while the second rank firing their bows. The American Revolution is an interesting period and ideally suited for wargaming. The Front Rank are a lot meatier (though I like them very much). Brand Mar 13, 2018 · Gents, If one were to build armies using the Front Rank range of 28mm figures for the forces of the Jacobite and Williamite armies that fought in Ireland, would that range pretty much cover all types of troops needed? Sep 2, 2002 · In the interim, I plan to score figures within the brand itself. Changed title from "40 mm Sash and Saber vs Front Rank Figurines AWI" to "40mm Sash and Saber vs Front Rank Figurines AWI" Jul 9, 2013 · Some new comparison photos showing Front Rank figures compared to other manufacturers here… 28mmreview. Casting detail is raised and crisp, which makes a quality painting much easier. 19 Oct 2009 9:02 a. Photo 2: – Unsure, Foundry, Unsure (possibly Foundry), Parkfield, Parkfield, Foundry Jan 28, 2013 · A relatively new range of miniatures sculpted by Mark Sims and disturbed through Nick Eyre’s Northstar Miniatures, Crusader Miniatures recently expanded the range of British infantry with the newly included grenadier pack (Code RFH003). We Appreciate Your Support More Reviews. You can contact Front Rank at: Front Rank Figurines ‘The Granary’ Banbury Road Lower Boddington Daventry, Northants (there’s more) NN11 6XY Mar 25, 2012 · INTRODUCTION This is a new review for an older product but a product which remains very competitive. Many readers know that different ranges of 25mms will not appear similar in size though all are called 25mms. PST by Editor in Chief Bill. 00 to 20. (The Horse is Front Rank) When visiting SALUTE this year I had arranged to meet up with Czech m Buy Napoleon Bonaparte - Historical Mini 28mm - Front Rank Miniatures from Front Rank Miniatures - part of our Historical Miniatures - Historical Miniatures by Era collection. Jan 14, 2022 · Front Rank Figurines has now been acquired by the folks at Gripping Beast. Jun 14, 2016 · I have ordered several times from Front Rank directly and had excellent service (here to USA). Front Rank Miniatures American Civil War ACW Horse Wagons 4 Packs EAPK3 Metal. It has been developed over at two and a half year period by the Gripping Beast team and an enthusiastic play-test group. My first post, just joined, I'm enjoying reading the forums very much :) Sorry - only verified members can post on the forums. Some of the metal LOTR figures are much bigger, and the very earliest plastic sets are even a little smaller than Perry/OG. Front Rank has now moved to Beast Towers, lock, stock and barrel. Donate. I thought it would be a mixed pack of both. Jan 3, 2019 · Gripping Beast are aiming to reopen the Front Rank website for orders as soon as possible, unfortunately the handover is taking longer than anticipated while the lawyers finalize the deal. There are 27 Government and 27 Jacobite infantry figures and an artillery crew for the opposing sides. Front Rank Figurines ― French Napoleonic Cavalry NOTE: Order horses separately; (S1) indicates saddled horse needed. Together with codes RFH001-2, these figures represent the best quality 28mm figures available for wargaming Sep 29, 2020 · A quick look at the 28mm metal Napoleonic Brunswick Avantagrde Jagers by Front Rank Figures; infantry and command packs of six figures each. Juni 2022 Blogs INT Comments: 0. Opens in a new window or tab. Ken Portner 09 Feb 2010 5:40 a. EN All sections Kits » Reviews » Instructions » Markings Utensils Paints Marketplace --- Books Magazines Walkarounds --- Gallery Projects Mates Brands Shops Sites Topics Gripping Beast Saga Front Rank GBP Plastics Swordpoint Ragnarok Woodbine Jugula Other Swordpoint is a set of “big battle” game rules for fighting actions in the ancient and medieval periods. Since there is no picture on the Old Glory website I cannot give you the answer if you can have a pack of lance armed cavalrymen. blogspot. Well into its third decade of operation, Gripping Beast are a powerhouse of model manufacturing who recently acquired Front Rank Figurines; a move which further bolsters the company’s position as a leading provider of high-quality, highly detailed miniatures, backed with exceptional customer service. Front Rank's metal offerings are more robust than Perry for each nationality, but a bit more expensive. So here it is the painted 40mm Front Rank AWI British Guardsman. Jan 26, 2024 · Front Rank Figurines are go. You would do well to check it out and what Front Rank has Dec 13, 2010 · There were no miniatures of lance armed cavalry, despite the description. Buy Front Rank and get the best deals at the lowest prices on eBay! Great Savings & Free Delivery / Collection on many items Front Rank Miniatures - Superb. I'd be happy for them on the same table but not in the same unit. The size of the armies involved allow for manageable games. I'll review the cavalry and personality figures in a later issue. Similar verbiage is to be found on both the Front Rank Figurines and Gripping Beast news sections … 21ST JANUARY 2022 – WEBSITE NOW OPEN. I like Hicks' work for Brigade Games too. Front Rank 28mm Duchy of Warsaw Grognard Miniatures 28mm Napoleonics WWII Micro Armor from GHQ Calpe Miniatures 28mm Prussian Landwehr Cavalry Baueda 15mm Camp Tents Legions East 15mm WWII Russians TCS Terrain Front Rank Figurines database: All plastic modelling products, news and built models from Front Rank Figurines (GB). They have great detail, go well with foundry, and decent. I hear Imperialist are also compatible at this scale. Additionally there is a marked consistency in Front Rank's Gripping Beast / Front Rank produce high quality 28mm Metal and Plastic Miniatures for painting and playing, from different eras which include Vikings, Saxons, Saga and from the first crusade. Shop at Noble Knight Games for Napoleonics - Equipment (28mm) (Front Rank Miniatures) Historical Miniatures by Front Rank Miniatures - part of our Historical Miniatures collection. Sep 6, 2001 · Needing a respite from the 10 mm’s and 15 mm’s, I ordered some SYW French and Austrian samples from Front Rank Figurines to see how their 28’s stack up against Foundry. In fact the only major thing missing seems to be Prussian troops! Sep 28, 2014 · Based on your photo comparison, I agree, it's Front Rank all the way. Alec & Angela would like to thank all our many loyal customers for choosing Front Rank Figurines over the years. Jul 3, 2017 · URL: https://www. Hello Everyone! WEBSITE NOW OPEN! (But please Apr 14, 2014 · Since posting up my review of the new Warlord Games figures, I've had a few questions regarding their size compared to Front Rank so I thought I'd try and address the issue.