Ios devicecheck api. DeviceCheckサービス証明書.

Ios devicecheck api Notes & tips: set the MinVersion of your iOS App to iOS 11; be sure you have register an explicit App ID; DeviceCheck has no simulator support Jul 3, 2018 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. Apple servers might throttle attestation traffic from a Jun 7, 2019 · I'm attempting to use the DeviceCheck API from Apple. May 10, 2021 · How can we determine whether an HTTP request actually originated from a mobile device? Apple’s DeviceCheck API gives us a way to do this. DeviceCheck ; DCAppAttestService ; DCAppAttestService ; Class DCApp Attest Service. In general, I recommend to start with the examples and fit them to your needs. This project contains a fully working sample app and server to demonstrate DeviceCheck on iOS 11. Aug 18, 2020 · DeviceCheck is an iOS framework, first introduced in iOS 11, that can help developers cut down on the fraudulent use of their apps. Jun 7, 2019 · DeviceCheck API设置位独立于TransID DeviceCheck API - iOS 设备的唯一标识符? iOS DeviceCheck API - GenerateToken给出错误代码0 Apple DeviceCheck API每分钟最大请求数 没有互联网连接时,`DeviceCheck` API 可以生成令牌吗? :iphone: iOS DeviceCheck SDK for Go - query and modify the per-device bits - rinchsan/device-check-go Consider we have an example iOS Application with the following properties: appIDPrefix = "0352187391" (teamID) bundleID = "com. 用途: DeviceCheck APIを利用し、不正防止やデバイスの利用制限を管理するために必要な証明書です。 作成方法: 「Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles > Certificates」でDeviceCheckに対応した証明書を選択し、CSRを提出して作成します。 I switched to production server api. Nov 22, 2019 · iOS DeviceCheck详解. We were trying to uniquely identify the iOS device uuid via nativescript-uuid, but that appears to no longer supported. Sep 30, 2017 · DeviceCheck 允许你通过你的服务器与 Apple 服务器通讯,并为单个设备设置2k左右 的数据。 在设备上用 DeviceCheck API 生成一个 2字节的 token (00, 01,10,11),然后将这个 token 发给自己的服务器,再由自己的服务器与 Apple 的 API 进行通讯,来更新或者查询该设备的值。 Nov 16, 2020 · App Attest APIは、iOS 14以上で使用できる、DeviceCheckの一種です。 たとえばアプリがハックされると、チートや広告の削除、有料機能の不正利用などが行われます。 Jul 9, 2024 · Adding App Attest to your app. In iOS 14, Apple is adding a new API to the framework called App To navigate the symbols, press Up Arrow, Down Arrow, Left Arrow or Right Arrow Jun 7, 2020 · The token you receive from generateToken is a single use value. So how well do DeviceCheck on iOS and SafetyNet on Android help with app authentication? iOS DeviceCheck. Then you use the service to A Boolean value that indicates whether the device supports the DeviceCheck API. Generates a token that identifies the current device. apple. 为保护用户隐私,iOS系统的权限越来越收紧。一直以来开发者都在寻找各种关于设备的唯一标识,包括MAC、IDFV、IDFA、keychain字符串等,但他们都或多或少的有一些缺陷,比如:删除APP、刷机等操作后将失效。 DeviceCheck helps identify a particular device (per development account) and authenticate a request's origin. Protection against man-in-the-middle attacks with dynamic TLS pinning; Protection of third-party API keys with no change to backend APIs; Immediate over-the-air updates and dynamic management of all certificates and API keys Aug 3, 2020 · Part of the DeviceCheck services, the new App Attest API helps protect against security threats to your apps on iOS 14 or later, reducing fraudulent use of your services. This project implemented a 2-bit counter using the DeviceCheck API. Asserting App Integrity. Jun 1, 2022 · The excellence in mobile security has allowed us to develop a ground-breaking enhancement for mobile API security. Unlock the secrets of deploying App Attest by incorporating it into your app to block unauthorized modifications of your app and content. iOS DeviceCheck API call returning 400 all the time. You will need to provide the private key you created in the previous step. Which is getting increasingly difficult with the newer versions of iOS. このページでは、組み込みの DeviceCheck プロバイダを使用して、Apple アプリで App Check を有効にする方法について説明します。 App Check を有効にすると、自分のアプリだけがプロジェクトの Firebase リソースにアクセスできるようになります。 Apr 29, 2019 · iOS APP 這邊透過DeviceCheck API產生一組識別裝置用的臨時Token,傳給後端再經由後端組合開發者的private key資訊、開發者資訊成JWT格式後轉傳給Apple Data Connect, Vertex AI in Firebase, Realtime Database, Cloud Firestore, Cloud Storage, Authentication, iOS için Google Kimliği, Maps JavaScript API ve Places API (Yeni) için App Check istek metriklerini izleyin. Device State This tutorial covers how to use the DCDevice API to: Identify devices while preserving privacy. Counter values are unique for each device and shared among all apps generated by the same developer. framework in the Build Info tab in each project target's frameworks pane. Observed changes are dispatched to the observer’s object ObserveValue(NSString, NSObject, NSDictionary, IntPtr) method. 0 or newer. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Everything has been set up according to the documentation on the Firebase By following these steps, you can effectively test your backend API endpoints using Postman without needing the actual iOS client to send the requests. com—only for testing during development. 以上介绍的是DeviceCheck 接下来 我将介绍App Attest 它同样在DeviceCheck框架之中. . Provide details and share your research! But avoid …. AppiCrypt® Is a New SafetyNet and DeviceCheck Attestation Alternative . Your API service combines this token with an Aug 10, 2020 · 引き続きiOS14ネタとなります。 今回は、DeviceCheckフレームワークに新たに追加された「App Attest API」についてみていきます。 本記事は公開済みのドキュメントを元に作成しています。今後仕様変更などにより記載内容と異なる場合があります。予めご了承ください。 App Attest APIとはなにか App 针对 Data Connect 、 Vertex AI in Firebase 、 Realtime Database 、 Cloud Firestore 、 Cloud Storage 、 Authentication 、Google Identity for iOS、Maps JavaScript API 和 Places API(新版)启用 App Check 强制执行。 为 Cloud Functions 启用 App Check 强制执行。 在调试环境中使用 App Check Oct 5, 2017 · 作為一個 iOS 開發者,如何辨識始用者裝置可以說是基本功課,最近正好被老闆開了一個帳號綁定 Device 的需求,整理了過往的幾種作法,跟各路 iOS Mar 9, 2020 · I am trying to call the Apple DeviceCheck API from an ASP. 0+ visionOS 1. You can’t rely on your app’s logic to perform security checks on itself because a compromised app can falsify the results. I noticed production server works just fine even in development mode of an app. iOS11からDeviceCheckというフレームワークとサーバーサイドのAPIが追加されました。これらを利用することでデバイス毎に紐づけたい情報を簡単に設定・取得することができます。 Fortunately, Apple has introduced DeviceCheck in iOS 11. Like Creeping, Just Legally. This can be used to: Sep 23, 2019 · I am using Xcode10, Swift 5 and SwiftJWT to generate JSON Web token in order to authenticate Device Check API. curDevice. 0 秘密鍵の不正操作が疑われる場合は、まずDeviceCheckを有効にした新しい秘密鍵を作成し、新しい鍵に移行してから古い秘密鍵を無効化させてください。 DeviceCheck APIについて詳しくは、「DeviceCheck 」を参照してください。 必要な役割:Account HolderまたはAdmin。 Jan 13, 2018 · This will change the change the identifier for both DeviceCheck and indentifierForVendor. I'm getting 400 Missing or badly formatted authorization token everytime I call the following API from my local Server ( I tried calling this API from my app itself as well) When you’re ready to transition to a production environment, you must use the production base URL https://api. 0+ tvOS 15. Sep 20, 2023 · 文章浏览阅读1. The functionality is part of the existing DeviceCheck service aimed at minimizing the abuse of code tailored for iOS platform. 0新加入进来的,既然来了就相互了解下吧,下面就让我们一起来了解他。感兴趣的可以参考上面的文章。 1. Hi, I'm getting 400 Missing or badly formatted authorization token everytime I call the following API from my Nov 6, 2019 · 1. Oct 4, 2018 · hope all are doing good. Jan 16, 2019 · I cannot find anything on Device check Api in iOS over here. Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Reduce fraudulent use of your services by managing device state and asserting app integrity via Apple DeviceCheck API with this Python wrapper. generateToken(completionHandler: { (data, error) in if let tok Flutter plugin for using the Apple's DeviceCheck API on iOS. On iOS, we’re given an Sep 18, 2018 · As of iOS 10 Keychain data stored by an app will get reset when the user deletes the app. 1 判断 是否限制了广告追踪IV、IDFV (Identifier For Vendor,应用开发商标识符)V、iOS设备 Uniform Android SafetyNet and iOS DeviceCheck integration creating a powerful threat management framework. App Check yaptırımını etkinleştirme Feb 6, 2025 · Apple's DeviceCheck is a service that lets you verify if a request truly comes from an authentic iOS device running your app. Apple will associate the different values with the same device but you cannot correlate different token values yourself. NET Core API. Reduce fraudulent use of your services by managing device state and asserting app integrity. App Clips is an exciting feature in iOS. I use Jose and BouncyCastle lib for that. DeviceCheck API 允许开发者在苹果服务器上存储每台设备的少量数据(两个位)。这可以用于识别设备是否曾经与您的服务器进行过交互,而无需获取设备的唯一标识符。 DeviceCheck 数据在 App 被删除和重新安装后仍然保持不变。 Aug 6, 2020 · Apple has issued an advisory to iOS app developers, recommending that they make the most of the brand-new application programming interface (API) that will complement their app integrity protection with an extra layer. What Problem Do Apple DeviceCheck and App Attest Aim to Address For full details, see "Assessing Fraud Risk" in the DeviceCheck Framework documentation. It is an API that allows us to access per-device, per-developer data in an iOS device. Like other Secure Enclave work, the app is never given the Private Key. In other words, DeviceCheck allows your backend to ask Apple for proof that an API call is from a legitimate iPhone/iPad and not from an emulator or malicious script. com for development and how it handles query_two_bits. AddObserver(NSObject, NSString, NSKeyValueObservingOptions, IntPtr) Registers an object for being observed externally (using NSString keyPath). Someone who modifies your app and distributes it outside the App Store can add unauthorized features like game cheats, ad removal, or access to premium content. To learn about the DeviceCheck API, visit DeviceCheck . 0新加入进来的,既然来了就相互了解下吧,下面就让我们一起来了解他。 Jan 6, 2019 · On the device side, the DeviceCheck module generates the temporary DeviceToken & sends it to our server - simple. May 23, 2019 · Source: Uniquely identify iOS device using DeviceCheck The DeviceCheck API generates an ephemeral token which uniquely identifies the device to Apple. Feb 27, 2019 · My team has a nativescript-vue application that is targeting the iOS platform. js client for the Apple device check API. 1 通过Safari浏览器获取iOS设备UDID(设备唯一标识符)2. But I don't know how I generate JWT for DeviceCheck. To send a query request, your curl command might look similar to the one shown here: Erfahren Sie, wie Sie einen privaten DeviceCheck-Schlüssel erstellen, um die Kommunikation mit dem DeviceCheck-Dienst für Ihre Software auf Apple-Plattformen zu authentifizieren. Jan 29, 2024 · In August 2020, with the release of iOS 14, Apple added a new API to the framework called App Attest. 0+ macOS 11. On an iOS device you can use Device Check to help reduce fraudulent use of your services by managing: Device State. com, just to see the difference from api. You can read more about DeviceCheck on our blog. This module returns the token in base64 ready for serialization. When your app calls attest Key(_: client Data Hash: completion Handler:) — which you typically do once per user per device — the DeviceCheck framework makes a call to an Apple server to perform the attestation. QueryDevice(jwt, { . Apple is very adamant about apps not leaving any traces when the user deletes them from the device. now() Jul 12, 2023 · Your app creates a cryptographic key-pair using the device check API. - Kylmakalle/devicecheck Overview. Habilita la aplicación forzosa de App Check para Cloud Functions. com here May 16, 2019 · By a long shot, app authentication is the weakest link in the mobile API security chain today. Jul 26, 2018 · As per DeviceCheck API documentation and WWDC video, DeviceCheck bits are per device and per teamID So how can we handle these scenarios?. Responded two bits, mm-yyyy as it was set a week ago. With App Attest, you can generate a special cryptographic key on a device and use it to validate the integrity of your app before your server provides access to sensitive data. I can't seem to craft a request that doesn't fail with a 401 Unable to verify authorization token I've tried a handful of minor variations. Discover how to use App Attest and DeviceCheck, Apple's powerful anti-fraud tools, created to safeguard your apps and content. isSupported { DCDevice. Code: let contents = try String(contentsOfFile: filepath) let headers = Header(kid: key_id) struct MyClaims: Claims { var iss: String var iat: Date var exp: Date } let jwt = JWT(header: headers, claims: MyClaims(iss: iss_id, iat: Date(timeIntervalSinceNow 前言. devicecheck. iOS 14. Cloud Functions için App Check istek metriklerini izleyin. It is an opaque value that you pass through to Apple's server. development. NOTE DeviceCheck is supported on iOS 11. example_app_attest" serverChallenge = "test_server_challenge" After calling generateKey, this example produces the following key Id : A secure proxy service that protects AI API keys using Apple DeviceCheck, enabling safe integration of ChatGPT, Claude, and other AI models in iOS apps Ad Comp AI — The open source compliance automation platform Jul 26, 2020 · iOSのdevice checkで出来ること。端末から取得できるdevice tokenを元に、端末単位で2つのビット値をAppleのAPIに記録、参照できる。端末を初期化、アプリのアンインスト… Jul 22, 2024 · I'm getting 400 Missing or badly formatted authorization token everytime I call the following API from my local Server ( I tried calling this API from my app itself as well) curl --location 'https: Habilita la aplicación forzosa de App Check para Data Connect, Vertex AI in Firebase, Realtime Database, Cloud Firestore, Cloud Storage, Authentication, Google Identity para iOS, la API de Maps JavaScript y la API de Places (nueva). The server-to-server APIs also let you verify that the token you receive comes from your app on an Apple device. If we have multiple apps with trial promotional offer and uploaded under same teamID, DeviceCheck bits will be same for these apps So how can we identify which app has trial period redeemed by user. I tried 2 different key creations and got each time a 401 (Unable to verify authorization token) HTTP status back from the DeviceCheck development v1 API. com. DeviceCheck provides developers a reliable way to identify a device and can store two bits of information about the device per app. . 原创 2019-11-22. In this example our iOS client will generate a token using the DeviceCheck library, then pass it along with credentials to a login endpoint. 今年翻阅苹果的API文档,发现多了一个框架就是DeviceCheck,想了半天也感觉我没见过他,看了下果不其然,是iOS 11. Use the base URL shown in the example curl commands—that is, https://api. To support a seamless upgrade from App Clip to full app, the App Clip and full app share the same app identity in the App Attest context. 当你的服务器接收到一个请求时 可能会很难判断 该请求确实来自你的应用 Jul 18, 2019 · I'm generating device token from Apple DeviceCheck API in swift language with real device and also passing Transaction ID to this php api. 0+ Mac Catalyst 14. co Learn how to create a DeviceCheck private key to authenticate communication with the DeviceCheck service for your software on Apple platforms. Getting a device token func generate Token ( completion Handler : ( Data ?, (any Error )?) -> Void ) If you suspect a private key is compromised, first create a new private key with DeviceCheck enabled. However, let me draw your attention to the fact that, I wanna use and pass Unique ID from my iPhone app to the server always with the pr A Promise-based Node. jwt token generating successfully with this code but further code not working with apple query bit api. What Problem Do Apple DeviceCheck and App Attest Aim to Address Use the decoded object, along with the key identifier that your app sends, to perform the following steps: Verify that the x5c array contains the intermediate and leaf certificates for App Attest, starting from the credential certificate in the first data buffer in the array (credcert). I am working on a device check API now how can I get a unique id when hit the apple server? When sending the device token from mobile to our server then Our server sends the 概述. With App Attest, you can generate a Jan 8, 2020 · I have seen many developers turning to the iOS DeviceCheck to solve this type of issue, but normally they miss the point and goals of DeviceCheck: Apple’s DeviceCheck solution is primarily designed to validate the identity and track record of a physical mobile device without the need to track any personal information about the device or its user: Nov 6, 2024 · 2. The app is responsible for persisting a key Identifier so you can always point the Secure Enclave to the correct Private Key. current. 2 替代方案:使用Keychain 存储UUIDIII、IDFA(Identifier For Advertising,广告标识符)3. Use a token from your app to query and modify two per-device binary digits stored on an Apple server. If you are interested in trying what I've discussed, refer to this link. 通过管理设备状态和声明 App 的完整性,保护你的 iOS、iPadOS 和 Apple tvOS App 免受安全威胁并减少对你服务的欺诈性使用。无论是为你的 App 制定整体反欺诈策略,还是对特定设备进行风险评估,都可以将 DeviceCheck 服务提供的信息整合进去。 Jul 3, 2023 · DeviceCheck API. Now, for this to really affect you, the user needs to get a hold of the ipa. We've added App Attest support to App Clips in iOS 15. A representation of a device that provides a unique, authenticated token. If you have a large user base, consider enabling App Attest in stages. Below is the method let key8 = """ -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- MIGTAgEAMBMGByqGSM49A Dec 26, 2019 · Can the DeviceCheck API generate a token when the device is offline? if DCDevice. Register your apps to use App Check with the DeviceCheck provider in the App Check section of the Firebase console. 为你的 Mac App 选择一个用户界面习惯用法; 为你的 iPad App 创建 Mac 版本; 显示偏好设置窗口; 处理实体键盘上的按键操作; 针对 Mac 优化你的 iPad App Nov 7, 2021 · Apple基于保护用户隐私的原则,开发者不能直接获取用户设备的相关标识信息,iOS 11后,Apple提供了DeviceCheck框架用来提供设备检查功能。 DeviceCheck非常简单,大部分设备检查的逻辑要交给服务端调用Apple提供的接口来实现。 DeviceCheck框架中只提供了一个类:DCDevice。 Jan 17, 2022 · UDID Unique Device ID iOS 6+ 부터 개발자는 UDID 획득 불가 컴파일 후 실행 파일로 만드는 lingking 단계에서 IP주소를 통해 다시 링킹하는 해킹 방법이 있으므로, 소스코드에서 기기의 UDID접근은 위험한 것이므로, 애플은 DeviceCheck API 를 2017년 WWDC에서 제공 디바이스 A에서 사용자가 어뷰징을하여 정지를 먹은 Jul 11, 2023 · @loremipsum We will be using server side for this implementation later on. It's just a temporary solution at mobile end meanwhile the server gets ready. Key generated by App Attest are generated and persisted inside the device’s Security Enclave. 为保护用户的隐私,iOS系统的权限越来越收紧。而从开发者角度来说,能唯一标识一个设备对反作弊,风控的等都非常重要。从iOS 11开始,苹果提供了名为DeviceCheck的Framework来部分解决这类需求。 Oct 6, 2017 · iOS 11: The DeviceCheck API. Store state about the device (2 binary digits per device). 新的 App Attest API 是 DeviceCheck 服务的一部分,有助于防止 iOS 14 或更高版本上的 app 受到安全威胁,并减少对您所提供服务的欺诈性使用。在服务器提供敏感数据的访问权限之前,您可以借助 App Attest,先在设备上生成特殊的加密密钥,并用其来验证 app 的完整性。 了解如何使用 Apple 强大的反欺诈工具 App Attest 和 DeviceCheck 来保护您的 app 和内容。 深入探究如何将其与您的 app 集成来部署 App Attest,从而阻止您的 app 和内容在未经授权的情况下遭到修改。 Mitigate fraud with App Attest and DeviceCheck. Instead, you use the shared instance of the DCApp Attest Service class in your app to create a hardware-based, cryptographic key that uses Apple servers to certify that the key belongs to a valid instance of your app. https://developer. I can imagine there are use cases where you want to prevent against copy-cat or otherwise re-signed clients. 0+ iPadOS 14. As a part of DeviceCheck, it was intended to help to prevent the inappropriate use of developer servers through compromised apps. For update, it will take: device_token, transaction_id ,timestamp , bit0, bit1 I have followed a tutorial written by Marinosoftware. 0 or newer, and AppAttestService is supported on iOS 14. This can be used to: Oct 23, 2024 · I have set up a test app to try out Firebase App Check (DeviceCheck / App Attest) for my iOS / SWIFT Project using Firebase. Jun 17, 2019 · I'm working on DeviceCheck. See full list on developerinsider. Then, after transitioning to the new key, revoke the old private key . When you’re ready to transition to a production environment, you must use the production base URL https://api. Since iOS 11, developers can get the two bits associated with each device. const queryResult = await deviceCheck. This allows you to ensure that your backend logic for verifying the DeviceCheck token is functioning correctly. DeviceCheck allows each developer to assign two bits (2x2) of data per-device (note: not per-app, which means if you have 10 apps, they will all share the same two bits per device!). The key resides in the device's "Secure Enclave" and the operation responds with a reference to that public/private key pair with an identifier string (the key ID string is a SHA256 hash of the public key). To add App Attest to your app in Xcode, you must first include the DeviceCheck. Nov 22, 2018 · When using the device check, it Generates the new token every time like below, Generated Token : Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. DeviceCheck框架详细解析 (一) —— 基本 要在 DeviceCheck JWT 中使用这个标识符,请参阅“访问和修改按设备分类的数据” 。 如果你怀疑某个专用密钥被盗用,请先创建一个启用了 DeviceCheck 的新专用密钥。接着,在转换到新专用密钥后,撤销旧专用密钥。 要了解 DeviceCheck API,请访问“DeviceCheck” 。 想了解更多 关于DeviceCheck的内容 可参考视频 “隐私和你的应用程序” 来自2017年WWDC大会 以及DeviceCheck框架文档. device_token: 'aDeviceToken', // Optional, will be set as Date. To do so I need to create a JWT. DeviceCheck 和 App Attest API. In order to Jan 23, 2018 · 今年翻阅苹果的API文档,发现多了一个框架就是DeviceCheck,想了半天也感觉我没见过他,看了下果不其然,是iOS 11. Part of the DeviceCheck services, the new App Attest API helps protect against security threats to your apps on iOS 14 or later, reducing fraudulent use of your services. now() if omitted. Overview. What is the best approach to use the DeviceCheck API? 新的 App Attest API 是 DeviceCheck 服务的一部分,有助于防止 iOS 14 或更高版本上的 app 受到安全威胁,并减少对您所提供服务的欺诈性使用。 在服务器提供敏感数据的访问权限之前,您可以借助 App Attest,先在设备上生成特殊的加密密钥,并用其来验证 app 的完整性。 DeviceCheck is a new iOS 11 API that gives you access to two bits of data per-device, per-developer that your associated server can use in its business logic. Aug 30, 2018 · DeviceCheck api for Query/validate will take: device_token, transaction_id and TimeStamp. This is my server side code in php : On iOS these errors can be caught in a catch: DeviceCheck is not supported on this device - iOS reports that the device doesnt support the Device Check API (eg iOS less than v11) DeviceCheck token encoding failed - iOS failed to encode the token. 5k次。使用Rest API:OpenAI API提供了REST API,您可以在iOS应用中使用Apple自带的URLSession或第三方网络库,例如Alamofire或AFNetworking等,通过HTTP请求来调用API。请注意,调用OpenAI API需要您有API密钥,如果您还没有API密钥,请前往OpenAI官网提交您的申请。 Jun 4, 2020 · iOS: Description: I think Apple's DeviceCheck API can be used to mitigate app tampering. timestamp: Date. DeviceCheckサービス証明書. The DeviceCheck services consist of both a framework interface that you access from your app and an Apple server interface that you access from your own server. 2 OpenUDID的使用II 、设备唯一标识符获取方案2. To generate JSON web token & I'm using SwiftJWT library. It’s a fair question, and it’s because the client API (iOS or tvOS) only handles half of the transaction. com/documentation/devicecheck/accessing_and_modifying_per-device_data. Usa App Check en entornos de depuración 为你的 iOS 或 Apple tvOS App 构建和管理事件驱动型图形用户界面。 概览; 关于使用 UIKit 开发 App; App 和环境; Mac Catalyst. Check out the Apple Developer Doc for more detail. DeviceCheck is the best solution right now for checking whether the user has redeemed an offer although it is only available on iOS 11+ – Mar 11, 2025 · On the Apple developer site, create a DeviceCheck private key. lrywacc zkjs iun frnbicr pjte yqds pacrqchy obenbv vcrs xujy taayogf vpbzree tiuu pji kiuyrd