Iphone usb tethering windows 10. What can be the issue here? Appreciate your assistance.
Iphone usb tethering windows 10 Die folgenden Schritte zeigen Ihnen, wie es geht. This made me go back home yet again, this time I took an old Note 8 with me, plugged the note in selected USB-Tethering in the settings menu and the connection was established within a minute. Step 1: Connect Your Smartphone to Your Computer Jul 3, 2020 · Hi all, Any help will be greatly appreciated. You can set up USB tethering from your Android or iPhone. when I closed it, it tells 'tether is running in the background' but actually no access is available to the net. once usb debugging done & usb tethering turn on, my android device shows usb tether is running but it is fails to start on my win 10. Jul 19, 2016 · Check your cellular plan for more details about your plan’s hotspot, or tethering, capabilities. Apr 29, 2017 · With a USB cable, connect your computer to the iPhone or iPad that provides Personal Hotspot. Try updating the driver, remove and rescan. Cannot use wifi. Next, try using a different USB cable to rule out any potential problems with the current cable. Nov 2, 2022 · Windows menggunakan network adapter Remote NDIS based Internet Sharing Device untuk memungkinkan USB tethering pada Windows 10 dan Windows 11. So beheben Sie dieses Problem: Klicken Sie mit der rechten Maustaste auf das Startmenü und wählen Sie Geräte-Manager. Jun 21, 2023 · To use USB tethering on Windows 10 with an iPhone, you need to download and install the latest version of iTunes. I don’t had a chance to use it earlier. WiFi tethering works fine. People often "tether" their computers to their smartphones , sharing the phone's data connection---which you're more likely to have---with their PC. Quindi, accedere alle impostazioni di rete dell’iPhone e attivare il tethering USB. both installation ok. The Iphone is shown in file explorer. Install iPhone drivers in Windows 10/11 via Windows Update. I need internet access to download iTunes, but I don’t have internet access without iTunes! I'm trying to connect my phone (iPhone XS Running On iOS 16. My operator does allow for hotspot In conclusione, collegare l’iPhone al PC per l’utilizzo di Internet è un processo semplice che richiede un cavo Lightning e la possibilità di attivare il tethering USB. " Click on "Ethernet" on the left sidebar. 기기 관리자. Wer wie ich, ITunes zu Hause am Rechner oder Mac installiert hat, und sein iPhone auf einem weiteren PC als Modem für Tethering nutzen möchte, muss laut Apple das Gesamtpaket iTunes installieren. In both cases (Windows and Linux) the network adapter is never created. Aug 29, 2020 · It ensures that your PC can properly recognize and communicate with your iPhone, iPad, or iPod when connected via USB. Aby rozwiązać ten problem: Kliknij prawym przyciskiem myszy menu Start i wybierz Menadżer urządzeń. Una volta abilitato il Tethering USB sull’iPhone, il PC Windows 10 dovrebbe rilevare automaticamente l’iPhone e connettersi a Internet. Необходимые компоненты, возможности работы без установки приложений Устройства Apple или iTunes. My ipad gen 4 on ios 10 has a broken WiFi Antenna so i thought about doing this. USB or Bluetooth for tethering iPhone to windows 10? Can anyone please help me,,? I’ve been working from home and i use my hotspot on my iphone to connect to the internet, but I’ve ran out of mobile hotspot and have been searching for ways to get around the super slow 500kb/s. Usually, there is a prompt available as soon as you connect, saying “Tethering or Nov 8, 2020 · In caso di problemi di connessione, prova a collegare il telefono a una porta USB diversa o prova con un cavo diverso. Na iPhonie włącz Personal Hotspot; w systemie Android włącz USB Tethering Przejdź do ustawień Sieć i Internet na urządzeniu z systemem Pour configurer le partage de connexion USB entre votre appareil mobile et votre ordinateur Windows 10 : Connectez votre appareil mobile à votre ordinateur portable via un câble USB. After that iTunes also recognized the iPhone it seems that you need to have a running connection to establish USB-Tethering on your PC LOL. Gehen Sie zu den Netzwerk- und Interneteinstellungen Ihres Windows 10 Per vedere il vostro iPhone sul PC, potete utilizzare il tethering USB. Gehen Sie a uf Ihrem iPhone z u „Einstellungen“ u nd wählen Sie d en Punkt „Persönlicher Hotspot“ aus. Jun 18, 2024 · Learn how to USB tether on Windows 10 and never worry about connecting to public Wi-Fi again. – Jun 3, 2023 · On Windows 10 and Windows 11, go to Settings > Network & Internet > Mobile Hotspot. Use Speedify for Windows to combine Feb 13, 2020 · While it is easy to use your iPhone’s internet on your PC through USB, the reverse-tethering is not. Device manager shows . Dans la barre des tâches de Windows, ouvrez les Paramètres réseau et Internet de l'ordinateur pour vérifier la connexion. Sep 22, 2022 · Hence, it is easy to tackle the situation of Android and iPhone USB tethering not working on Windows 11 and Windows 10. Pour les téléphones Android, utilisez un connecteur USB vers micro USB ou USB vers USB-C. " Look for "USB settings" and set "USB selective suspend setting" to "Disabled. To fix Windows 10 usb device recognition to the following: Open Devices and Printers -> Right Click Iphone which should be under "Unscpecified" -> Properties -> Hardware Tab -> Propterties -> Change Settings -> Driver Tab -> Update Driver -> Browse My Computer for Local Software -> Browse to the following directory "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Mobile I'm having trouble getting USB tethering to work with iOS 16 on my iPhone 13 Pro. You can also try disabling USB selective suspend. Hi Franco. Solução de problemas de tethering USB do Windows 10 . Then, make sure that you can locate and view your iPhone or iPad in iTunes. Feb 3, 2024 · Connect your iPhone to your Windows PC using a USB cable. You should see a new network connection labeled as your iPhone. How to Use iPhone Internet On Windows 11 or 10 PC. " Sep 26, 2018 · IPhone is able to connect to the Windows 10 laptop. Jan 6, 2025 · Netzwerkpriorität: Stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihr Mac USB-Tethering als bevorzugte Netzwerkquelle verwendet. Wi-Fi personal hotspot works fine, but I'm trying to get USB tethering to work. What do you guys think one should do for this ? Reboot. USB-Tethering auf Android-Smartphones. Even though Windows believed it had the driver for iPhone, it was not the right one. Follow the steps provided by Microsoft to check your Internet connection in Windows 10 or Windows 7 . I then downloaded the latest iTunes through my phone and transferred it to my PC through LAN FTP. 9 or later, or to a Windows device with Windows 7 or later. Se o tethering USB não estiver funcionando no Windows 10, pode ser porque o driver do adaptador de rede está desatualizado. Wie das funktioniert, zeige ich euch in diesem […] Mar 8, 2025 · You can also connect devices to this hotspot through USB tethering or via Bluetooth. The biggest downside of this is that you may have to do it again the next time you update iOS on your iPhone if the tether stops working. Lightning to USB Charg Se você estiver tendo problemas com a conexão, tente conectar seu telefone a uma porta USB diferente ou tente um cabo diferente. Also I doubt it's "retarded" more like, Apple doesn't give a single shit about Windows. What I have tried: *Restarting both devices *Reinstalling drivers *Reinstalling iTunes *Update The Driver Jan 24, 2025 · Aby skonfigurować tethering przez USB i korzystać z niego w systemie Windows 10, podłącz telefon iPhone lub telefon z systemem Android do urządzenia z systemem Windows 10 za pomocą kabla USB. This plan includes personal hotspot usage, and I use it all the time by my pc via USB. Oct 27, 2024 · Особенности использования режима модема iPhone по USB в Windows 11, 10 и предыдущих версиях ОС. Step 2: When you get the “driver not installed” error, navigate to Windows 10 Come attivare tethering USB: Windows 10. Please skip any of the steps that you've already tried. Apr 5, 2024 · USB tethering on the iPhone 13 is a fantastic feature that can bail you out during those times when you desperately need an internet connection for your laptop but don’t have access to Wi-Fi. You can use a cable to directly connect your iPhone to a Mac with OS X 10. In caso contrario, andate in Impostazioni > Rete e Internet > Cellulare e assicuratevi che “USB” sia selezionato come metodo di connessione. Jun 8, 2022 · I figured it out that Windows must have iTunes installed to get USB tethering to work. Per prima cosa, collegate l’iPhone al PC utilizzando un cavo USB Lightning. There is no new internet connection detected. Per attivare il tethering USB su un PC Windows 10, è necessario accedere alle impostazioni di rete del computer e selezionare l’opzione “Modifica le impostazioni dell’adattatore”. My PC doesn’t have a wi-fi card, so I’m connecting to it via the charging cable. Still the same. Arbeiten auf mehreren Geräten mit „Integration“ Verwenden des iPhone auf deinem Mac; Empfangen von iPhone-Mitteilungen auf deinem Mac; Verwenden von AirDrop auf dem zum Senden von Objekten an Geräte Aug 30, 2021 · Tethering Without iTunes - Via USB to WindowsWithout iTunes or third-party software, you can connect your iPhone to a Windows PC via a USB cable directly, wh Aug 29, 2015 · Using Google nexus 2013 tablet, usb tethering - 'clockworkmod tether'. Um USB-Tethering in Windows 10 einzurichten und zu verwenden, verbinden Sie Ihr iPhone oder Android-Telefon über ein USB-Kabel mit Ihrem Windows 10-Gerät. Persönlicher Hotspot oder Tethering auf deinem iPhone aktivieren. Risoluzione dei problemi di tethering USB di Windows 10. I'm able to use USB tethering on my wife's Macbook Air, but not on Windows or Linux. Come attivare il tethering USB: iPhone; Come attivare tethering USB: Windows 10; Come attivare tethering USB: Mac; Informazioni preliminari. 2) to my windows 10 pc, which I recently reinstalled. Aug 5, 2019 · Nicht immer und überall ist eine stetige Internetverbindung unter Windows 10 per LAN oder WLAN möglich. I am in regret. Thus, you can use your iPhone's WiFi to connect and use the USB connection to allow your internet to pipe/bridge it's traffic through the WiFi connection. Ensuite, allez dans Settings sur votre téléphone > activez USB Tethering (Android) ou Personal Hotspot(iPhone). I'm trying to connect my phone (iPhone XS Running On iOS 16. But unable to do it in my Office PC. Click on it. Se il tethering USB non funziona in Windows 10, potrebbe essere che il driver della scheda di rete non sia aggiornato. Il tethering, come probabilmente già saprai, è una funzionalità presente ormai su tutti i dispositivi mobile che permette di condividere la connessione a Internet con altri device che ne sono sprovvisti. Mar 6, 2020 · という事で、今回はiPhoneとWindows PCをUSBで接続(USBテザリング)してインターネットに接続する手順を画面キャプチャ付きで詳しくご紹介します。 通常はWi-Fiテザリングが多いとは思いますが、USBテザリングだと電波干渉を受けない&充電したまま利用できる Aug 7, 2015 · Manually reinstall the drivers. Apr 2, 2016 · Hi, I am having trouble using my personal Hotspot via USB with my iPhone 6s Plus and Windows 10. Then the USB tethering worked straightaway. Powershell script to easily install Apple USB and Mobile Device Ethernet (USB Tethering) drivers on Windows! - NelloKudo/Apple-Mobile-Drivers-Installer. Jul 14, 2022 · In this article, let us look at three methods to use the iPhone internet on a PC running Windows 11 or 10. So far, I’ve enabled Personal hotspot, which works for my laptop and other devices. Here is a list of what I have tried so far: Updated both Itunes, Windows and the Iphone to the latest update patches; Resetting Networks on both windows and the Iphone; Restarting both devices From the vendor's site: One great example is your iPhone may have access to a HotSpot for free that also allows tethering. The portable device MTP USB device has exclamation point. That’s a shame, because iPhone does not offer this easy USB Tethering option. Para resolver este problema: Windows 10 USB 테더링 문제 해결. Starting with the USB tethering details followed by the quick reasons causing issues with USB tethering, it becomes easy to understand the seamless internet connection details. I can tether via my iPhone using wifi. Es gib aber auch einen Weg, nur die benötigten Treiber zu installieren, ganz ohne iTunes. Choose how the hotspot will work and toggle on the switch at the top of the page. But after buying an iPhone 15 pro 256gb Blue Titanium. the USB tethering was working before the reinstallation, but now it doesn't work. With the ability to convert your mobile data into a reliable internet source for any USB-compatible device, the iPhone 13 proves its versatility and Sep 18, 2018 · i used to be able to tether my iphone to my laptop, now i cannot. This guide will show you how to set up USB tethering on Windows 10. As it can easily tether in Mac and windows. Generally USB Tethering as the sole means to connect a computer to the internet doesn't seem like a very reliable solution. A questo punto, è possibile selezionare l’adattatore di rete corrispondente al dispositivo mobile e abilitare la Jan 24, 2025 · Premièrement, connectez votre Android ou iPhone à votre ordinateur portable avec un câble USB. But WiFi tethering is much slower that USB tethering. See full list on techwiser. Schalten Sie auf einem iPhone Ihren persönlichen Hotspot ein; Aktivieren Sie auf einem Android-Gerät USB-Tethering. Personal hotspot works via wifi, iTunes can recognise my device, and so does windows explorer. Once you turn on tethering, just connect your other devices to the iPhone using Wi-Fi, a USB cable, or Bluetooth. If asked to enable file transfer feature, cancel it. Fehlerbehebung bei Windows 10 USB-Tethering. sys and usbaaplrc. If the cable isn’t compatible with the port on your computer, you’ll need to use an adapter (sold separately). dll. I’ve been trying for a while now to let my Desktop Windows 10 PC use my mobile data. Earlier I had use a lot of Premium Samsung’s and other Androids and never had a situation like this. Follow the steps provided by Microsoft to check your Internet connection in Windows 10 or Windows 7. In diesem wikiHow erfährst du, wie du Geräte mit deinem iPhone verbindest, so dass sie die Internetverbindung deines iPhones nutzen können. Windows will set up the connection as “Network X” and you will be able to enjoy Internet connectivity. Mithilfe von USB-Tethering können Sie Ihren PC aber trotzdem mit dem Internet verbinden Sep 23, 2020 · Configure USB tethering on the iPhone, then connect the iPhone to the PC via USB cable and check if you can access the internet in this mode. So I’m a bit stuck. You may need to update the driver for your iPhone in Windows Device Manager. Feb 15, 2024 · Just like many others throughout the last years, I used to face issues like my Windows PC not recognizing. After your computer has restarted, enable Personal Hotspot on your iPhone (select USB only option) and plug in your iPhone using the USB cable. Su un iPhone, attiva il tuo Hotspot personale; su Android, attiva Tethering USB Vai alle impostazioni Rete e Internet del tuo dispositivo Windows 10 per verificare la connessione. Portable Devices> MTP USB Device . To fix Windows 10 usb device recognition to the following: Open Devices and Printers -> Right Click Iphone which should be under "Unscpecified" -> Properties -> Hardware Tab -> Propterties -> Change Settings -> Driver Tab -> Update Driver -> Browse My Computer for Local Software -> Browse to the following directory "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Jul 3, 2020 · OK, I have an iPhone X with a Verizon unlimited plan on it. Jan 24, 2025 · Fehlerbehebung bei Windows 10 USB-Tethering. Dec 4, 2018 · We can use the Windows Update service in Windows 10 to download and install the correct iPhone drivers for Windows 10. Einstellungen: Feb 3, 2024 · Iphone not showing as a Port option for Internet Sharing Hi all, I am trying to connect my iphone 5s to a macbook pro 2012 running latest update of Catalina OS. Per risolvere il problema: (For iPhones, USB tethering should automatically be enabled once you connect your iPhone to the computer). . USB tethering provides a practical solution for accessing mobile internet on your Windows 10 or Windows 11 computer. I cannot tether via USB. Wenn USB-Tethering unter Windows 10 nicht funktioniert, kann es daran liegen, dass der Treiber für den Netzwerkadapter ver altet ist. Oct 4, 2024 · When you set up tethering or create a hotspot on your iPhone, you can easily use your mobile data plan to get your Windows PC, Mac, or other devices online. Wow, thank you so much for this post. All of this happens due to Windows Update not installing Apple Mobile Devices Drivers even though you might have iTunes installed. Now when you are connect with a USB cable and turn your tethering on you should get a new network adapter detected by Windows and be able to use it as the connection. Lastly, Wi-Fi tethering will also drain your phone’s battery more quickly. Using the charging cable for your iPhone, connect iPhone to the USB port on your computer. Jun 20, 2023 · This will prevent power-saving settings from interfering with your USB tethering. If possible, connect your iPhone to a power source--or plug it into your laptop via USB cable--while tethering. Pour les iPhones, utilisez la norme connecteur foudre. You can connect and tether your iPhone’s mobile data to your Windows PC using three ways- Wifi Hotspot, sharing the internet via Bluetooth, and USB tethering. I've successfully upgraded the Asus T100TA to Windows 10. Wenn USB-Tethering unter Windows 10 nicht funktioniert, kann es daran liegen, dass der Treiber für den Netzwerkadapter veraltet ist. Um dieses Problem zu beheben: Klicken Sie mit der rechten Maustaste auf das Startmenü und wählen Sie Geräte-Manager. In questo modo il PC riconoscerà il vostro iPhone come dispositivo di rete e vi darà accesso alla sua Feb 3, 2022 · Connect your phone with Windows 10 using a USB cable. And that’s all there is to iPhone Bluetooth tethering a Windows 10 PC! Now – feel free to toss this tethered iPhone connection into any existing combination of active Internet connections on your PC. In the "Power Options" section of the "Control Panel," select your active power plan and click on "Change advanced power settings. Problem is, apparently I can’t actually tether it unless I have iTunes installed on the PC. You will need to be patient, as what you will be doing is essentially tricking your iPhone and PC into sharing the PC internet with your phone over a USB connection. What I have tried: *Restarting both devices *Reinstalling drivers *Reinstalling iTunes *Update The Driver Mar 20, 2018 · I've upgraded my phone recently, from an Iphone 6 to an Iphone X; for some reason using the new one as a tethered (USB) hotspot does not work anymore. The first step in setting up USB tethering on Windows 10 is to connect your smartphone to your computer using a USB cable. Sep 26, 2018 · IPhone is able to connect to the Windows 10 laptop. Audioinhalte vom iPhone auf einem Bluetooth-Zubehörgerät wiedergeben; Drucker; Verwenden des iPhone mit dem iPad, Mac und Windows-Geräten. Feb 3, 2024 · Iphone not showing as a Port option for Internet Sharing Hi all, I am trying to connect my iphone 5s to a macbook pro 2012 running latest update of Catalina OS. USB Controller> Apple Mobile Device USB Driver - drivers are usbaapl64. Si vous voulez effectuer le partage de connexion USB de votre iPhone avec un ordinateur Windows, suivez les tutoriels détaillés ci-dessous sur Partage de connexion USB de l'iPhone et Partage de connexion en point d'accès/Wi-Fi de l'iPhone! USB tethering allows you to share your smartphone’s internet connection with your Windows computer through a USB cable. OK, I have an iPhone X with a Verizon unlimited plan on it. Method 1 of 3. Go to "Network & Internet. When I activate personal hotspot via usb from my phone though, Windows network doesnt pick it up. Some device drivers will install and then your computer should automatically connect to the iPhone internet connection. After all the hassle, i found out that the "Personal Hotspot" switch in TetherMe is also greyed out like the WiFi lol. Open the "Settings" app on your Windows PC. However, it is not able to tether, the device manager shows the driver with an exclamation mark. This wikiHow will show you how to share your iPhone's internet connection with your Windows 10 or 11 computer using a Personal Hotspot and USB tethering. Successivamente, vai a Impostazioni sul telefono > attiva USB Legatura (Android) o Hotspot personale (i phone). Seguendo i passaggi illustrati in questo articolo, è possibile collegare facilmente l’iPhone al PC e rimanere connessi a Internet. In this step-by-step video, i will show you how to easily share your iPhone's internet connection with your computer using a USB cable. I actually used my iPhone 6 tethered via USB to complete the downloads for the install process. Sch alten Sie auf einem iPhone Ihren Persönlichen Hotspot ein; Aktivieren Sie auf einem Android-Gerät USB-Tethering Gehen Sie zu den Netzwerk- und Interneteinstellungen Ihres Windows 10 Oct 13, 2015 · My computer recognizes my iPhone in iTunes. Faulty cables can disrupt the connection and cause intermittent issues. Welcome to the largest community for Microsoft Windows 10, the world's most popular computer operating system! This is not a tech support subreddit, use r/WindowsHelp or r/TechSupport to get help with your PC Reboot. Maybe you should look into a WiFi card or a LAN cable. Jan 24, 2025 · Um USB-Tethering in Windows 10 einzurichten und zu verwenden, verbinden Sie Ihr iPhone oder Android-Telefon mit einem USB-Kabel mit Ihrem Windows 10-Gerät. Jun 20, 2023 · First, make sure both your iPhone and Windows 10 are up to date with the latest software updates. Step 1: Connect your iPhone to Windows 10/11 PC and launch iTunes. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can successfully set up and enjoy a stable and fast internet connection from virtually anywhere. Innanzitutto, collega il tuo Android o iPhone al tuo laptop con un cavo USB. Step 1: Connect Your Smartphone to Your PC. Aug 7, 2015 · Manually reinstall the drivers. Android-Geräte bieten in der Regel eine sehr benutzerfreundliche Möglichkeit, USB-Tethering zu aktivieren. my iPhone as an internet source when using USB Tethering or iTunes not listing it as a connected device. Then, activate the Personal Hotspot on your iPhone and connect it to your PC via USB cable. This wikiHow article teaches how to activate internet tethering on your iPhone. Post Windows 10 install, iPhone USB tethering no longer works. Oct 12, 2023 · Um Ihren iPhone USB Hotspot u nter Windows 10 z u nutzen, müssen Sie zunächst sicherstellen, d ass Ihr iPhone über e ine ausreichende Mobilfunkdatenverbindung verfügt. Rozwiązywanie problemów z tetheringiem USB w systemie Windows 10. how can i resolve this problem, troubbleshooting Oct 15, 2024 · Comment faire un partage de connexion sur iPhone vers PC via USB . Then, make sure that you can locate and view your iPhone or iPad in iTunes . This method is not only fast and convenient but also saves battery life on your mobile device compared to other tethering methods such as Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. However, recently I plugged my phone in to my pc, turned on my hospot like I always do, but this time the little blue status bar on the top of my iPhone that shows the hotspot connections symbol did Feb 13, 2015 · 6. That’s all! Only for Android phone users, though. Oct 19, 2024 · Then activate USB tethering on your phone. Jeśli tethering przez USB nie działa w systemie Windows 10, przyczyną może być nieaktualny sterownik karty sieciowej. I’ve just put together a new PC, Windows 10, and I had planned to simply tether my iPhone 11 via USB for internet access. 이 문제를 해결하려면: 시작 메뉴를 마우스 오른쪽 버튼으로 클릭하고 선택합니다. On your Windows PC: Once connected, your PC should recognize the iPhone as a network device. My fellow workers who use Android phone simply do that. So when I need Internet, I often ask them to please allow me to use your mobile data. As Microsoft doesn't give a single shit about iOS. Be sure to disable the hotspot when you’re not using it If you are a Windows 10 user, you can take advantage of USB tethering to access the internet on your computer. com May 31, 2023 · Learn how to use your iPhone's Internet connection and share it with your PC using a USB cable. What can be the issue here? Appreciate your assistance. Image Come configurare il tethering USB su Windows 10 Cosa sapere. Jan 24, 2025 · Per configurare e utilizzare il tethering USB in Windows 10, collega il tuo iPhone o telefono Android al tuo dispositivo Windows 10 con un cavo USB. Follow the steps to activate Personal Hotspot on your iPhone and connect it to iTunes on your PC. i have trawled the internet for solutions but it has become apparent that for some reason my windows 10 not only does not have an option to enable usb tethering i dont have the 'NDIS based Internet Sharing Device' network adapter. Part 2: Using USB Tethering on Windows 11/10. Once USB tethering is enabled on your smartphone, you can proceed to connect it to your Windows machine. iTunes is a must. The iphone connects to the mac fine (visible in itunes etc) but I want to turn on internet sharing from the macbook's Ethernet to the Iphone via the USB cable. I've removed and reinstalled iTunes to no avail. Windows 10에서 USB 테더링이 작동하지 않는 경우 네트워크 어댑터의 드라이버가 오래되었기 때문일 수 있습니다. Jadi jika USB tethering tidak berfungsi atau berhenti bekerja untuk anda secara tiba-tiba, maka anda perlu memeriksa metode berikut ini. Apr 2, 2016 · I am having trouble using my personal Hotspot via USB with my iPhone 6s Plus and Windows 10. #3 Connect Apple mobile Devices to PC: Connect your iPhone, iPad or iPod to the USB ports, and Windows will recognize the device and initialize connection settings. kvup wiir rmmf humbud dwzzc fbkhb lbsri yek imtj rbwz sysm mgcps ekoi dcs askhl