Javascript replace slash with comma Please change it (may be from the server side) to this: var path = "C:\\test1\\test2"; May 8, 2016 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. regex to replace multiple subsequent line breaks. Remove dot from text generated in javascript. Javascript - Replace all non-alpha numeric characters except period. [^. . My current code is Jun 13, 2014 · If you want to replace something with javascript, you can use the . Given a string: string = &quot;Test abc test test abc test test test abc test test abc&quot;; This seems to only remove the first occurrence of abc in the string above: string = string. "Text, 10,10 text, 40 text, 10,60" should be returned as "Text, 1010 text, 40 text, 1060", where I replace the comma found between 10,10 and 10,60 but keep the commas after the text. In the case of a single back slash in the string, the javascript replace method did not allow me to replace the single back slash. ,] means "any character except digit, comma or period", a negated character class. Mar 1, 2024 · We defined a reusable function that takes a string as a parameter and removes all the commas from the string. Nov 26, 2024 · Various methods to globally replace a forward slash in a JavaScript string include using replace() with a regular expression, replaceAll(), split() and join(), Array. Everything following // that line will be treated as a comment and will not be executed. One of them is $$ which inserts a single $. Provide details and share your research! But avoid …. Slash (/) is also known as forward slash and it is very commonly seen in URLs. String#replace() with the function callback will get the match as parameter(m) which is either , or . Share Mar 15, 2014 · This will replace all the commas when the user submits the form. The replaceAll() method will remove all commas from the string by replacing them with empty strings. replace only replaces the first occurence. replace(/#/g, '') To replace one character with one thing and a different character with something else, you can't really get around needing two separate calls to replace. Follow Replace commas with Javascript. The replace() method returns a new string with the value(s) replaced. I tried reversing some of the existing ones that replace the space with the dash, and that doesn't work either. If you just have a string, you can convert it to a RegExp object like this: var pattern = "foobar", re = new RegExp(pattern, "g"); I try to replace it with: str. prototype. replace(/,,/g, ',') We replace all commas in the text with the regular semicolon symbol, which we specify in the text option and also activate the mode to replace clusters of commas into a single new character. If I did misunderstand, please provide the output string you're expecting. Javascript replace several character including '/' 1. Example: the lines starting with // are single-line comments. Because I am then going to be document. Vals. The first parameter of this method can be a Regular expression of what you are looking for. Aug 4, 2016 · I've added a slash in my " original" ("- ") to prevent the detection of the add-on. as var result_str="this is to replace ,multiple comma and space"; Oct 17, 2020 · Happy to help, regex can be horribly confusing. log. Replace() method takes two string literals, the string to search for and the string to replace the matched text with. May 6, 2021 · I want to accomplish two things, parse the balances to be integers (i assume that is needed), then add up the total balances using reduce method. replaceAll() method to replace all backslashes in a string, e. , "\\" or "\n"). 13. The replace() function searches through a given string looking for a substring or regular expression and replaces it with a new substring. toLowerCase(); console. */ Dec 26, 2011 · I need to replace two commas with one ,, -> , in javascript. Replace any words in URL. href. Try Teams for free Explore Teams Javascript Replace Forward Slash in String. Dec 13, 2015 · I am a bit confused by the behavior of Array. Attempts to match/replace slashes fails too. map(), and reduce(), each suited for different scenarios and compatibility needs. replace( /^,[^,\/]*\//g, '' ) removes all substrings that begin with a comma and end with a slash, and have no commas or slashes in between. regex (only 1 dot) 16. You can also use character groups and the +operator (one or more) to match chains of characters: aString. Javascript regex remove all line breaks after comma. Does anyone know how I can amend that snippet so that it only replaces the last instance of 'one' Jan 22, 2010 · The easiest would be to use a regular expression with g flag to replace all instances: str. ") will replace the first comma even if it will be inside the link tag. 1. log(str); // "sonic-free-games" Notice the g flag on the RegExp , it will make the replacement globally within the string, if it's not used, only the first occurrence will be replaced, and also JavaScript Regex - Whitespace, comma and slash - Stack Overflow admin • 2025-03-14 09:38:50 • questions • 阅读0 Would like to replace all instances of whitespace, mas and slashes in a string with a hyphen. 15. replace() method. Is there a way around this? I need this to work at least in Opera and IE (because in other browsers I can use FileReader) E. replace(/#. W3Schools offers free online tutorials, references and exercises in all the major languages of the web. Mar 1, 2024 · Use the String. e it is showing single slash instead of double slash. replace("/\\\\/", "\\\\\\\\"); I can't get my output to be: "This is my Feb 27, 2022 · In this tutorial, you will learn how to replace comma with slash in javascript. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Improve this answer. Javascript replace forward slashes in a string: Forward slashes can be replaced in Javascript by using replace() method or split() & join() methods. If all you wish to do is remove the first symbol you could use . You can use onkeyup or rather oninput if you want to use the last updated value of input . There are two ways to fix this: Capture the non-space character and use it in the replacement expression: text = text. Dec 17, 2016 · I'm working in a javascript function, in a given string I need to replace // for only one slash / by now I have: result= mystring. g. Try Teams for free Explore Teams "The dog has a long tail, and it is RED!". May 27, 2012 · eq(-1) takes the last element, function in html() returns value, where replace method with regular expression replaces the last comma only, whereas simple replace(",", ". Is there a simple solution for this? The slash should only be replaced at this point in the code and not in another place where the item. The method will remove the leading and trailing comma from the string by replacing them with empty strings. var newString = yourString. Dec 19, 2012 · String. If this flag is not used and you copy-paste a bunch of commas and dashes, only the first one would get replaced. I am trying to replace each occurrence of a comma ',' but only if it is found in between two digits/numbers. If you want to replace commas with dots in a string like this one: "0,001; x,y,z; 0,a;b,1; 2,45;" using the accepted answers won't work. There are numerous ways to replace the slash with comma. May 25, 2012 · The reason it is returning "contenthsgjhome. Javascript replace first letter of every string? 0. replace(/foo/g, "bar") This will replace all occurrences of foo with bar in the string str. Share. replace(/\s+/g, '-'). I'm pretty sure I have to do this using this: str. replace(<some Regex here>, ""); I'm just not very familiar with Regex, Oct 8, 2013 · in other string i need multiple space replaced and multiple comma with single comma, like var str=", this is to replace ,, multiple comma and space. I've found the substr function but this will remove anything regardless of what it is. javascript: if first 2 chars are //, replace Jun 9, 2015 · JavaScript replace all comma in a string. A dash in an English sentence is generally used after an independent clause. Javascript Regex - Quotes to Parenthesis. and the value that is returned from the function is used to replace the match. You can abstract it into a function as Mar 1, 2024 · # Replace all backslashes in a String in JavaScript. Instead I had to use the split method which returns an array of the split strings and then concatenate the strings without the back slash (or whatever you want to replace it with) Oct 26, 2016 · . We also need to escape / if we’re inside // (but not inside new RegExp). log is escaping \ i. I don't know where any of your variables are defined, but you could give this a shot: var str = "this's kelly" str = str. replace(/\"/g, "") To get rid of double quotes How do I get rid of both of these in the same string. In a sentence, it is used as punctuation mark and has several different uses in writing. Use the replaceAll() method to add a space after each comma in a string, e. As a result, some images are not displayed. replaceAll() method with a comma as the first parameter and an empty string as the second to remove all commas from a string. replace(/-/g, "\\"); This uses a regular expression to search the string for the hyphen and the g modifier indicates that replacements should be global. I'm getting "C:\fakepath\typog_rules. replace(/\'/g, "") To get rid of single quotes or. Feb 18, 2022 · Specify the /g (global) flag on the regular expression to replace all matches instead of just the first: string. – Gaijinhunter Commented Jan 16, 2012 at 19:55 Oct 13, 2011 · Those characters being in my string cause me problems later and I need to replace all of the single and double quotes. replace(',' + string2 + ',', ''); But then the output is: string1string3,string4 Or if i have to replace string4 then the replace function doesn't replace anything, because the comma doens't exist. replace("\/\/", "/"); bt it's not working, I still get the string with double slash, so which is the proper regex to indicate the double slash to the replace function? Oct 13, 2016 · ,+: Match one or more commas. May 1, 2015 · Javascript replace comma separated characters by using regex. Now I would like to replace the slash with an underline or delete it, if a slash occurs in the item. 2. Sep 3, 2012 · The problem is displaying a category when there is no keyword - how can I do a Find and Replace to swap instances of :, with just ,? I already use the following to insert a space after the comma: cats = cats. replaceAll('\\', '-');. If you want to match square brackets in a regexp, you have to escape them, using back slash. Covering popular subjects like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, SQL, Java, and many, many more. Cant get I, but this does not work O_o: text. If all you want to do is replace one character with another, I suggest you just use a string replace method, not regex. Just use the String replace and toLowerCase methods, for example: var str = "Sonic Free Games"; str = str. here is my string: var str = "This is my \\string"; This is my code: var replaced = str. map(function(elm) { return elm Mar 11, 2017 · That's needed to replace all occurrences of the desired characters. If, instead, you want to replace any number of consecutive commas with a single semi-colon: data. A single dollar sign in the replacement string will result in a literal one. See full list on geeksforgeeks. jpg or some extension x = x. pdf" as input and want to get "typog_rules. There are numerous ways to replace the comma with a dash. The replaceAll method returns a new string with all matches replaced by the provided replacement. A comma in an English sentence is used after an introductory clause or phrase. \s*: Match zero or more whitespace characters. Jun 7, 2010 · Javascript Replace, string with comma. To remove the leading and trailing comma from a string, call the replace() method with a regular expression that matches a comma at the start and end of the string. Mar 23, 2012 · How to globally replace a forward slash in a JavaScript string? 0. replace(/ +/g, ' ') "The dog has a long tail, and it is RED!" Alternative method: Javascript Replace Forward Slash in String. The dash has long horizontal bar as compared to hyphen. | ? * + ( ) literally, we need to prepend them with a backslash \ (“escape them”). I am seeing two different results when I use console log vs not using console. replace("-", ' '); And simply display the result: alert(str); Right now, it doesn't do anything, so I'm not sure where to turn. replace() Alternatively, you can use the String. 3. Instead I had to use the split method which returns an array of the split strings and then concatenate the strings without the back slash (or whatever you want to replace it with) To replace all line breaks in a string with <br /> elements, use JavaScript's replace method or a regular expression. 0. Please change it (may be from the server side) to this: var path = "C:\\test1\\test2"; Given a string: string = &quot;Test abc test test abc test test test abc test test abc&quot;; This seems to only remove the first occurrence of abc in the string above: string = string. *)\. At the moment I am using myString. Mar 4, 2024 · # Remove the Leading and Trailing Comma from a String. Feb 3, 2010 · How to globally replace a forward slash in a JavaScript string? 12. substr() - read about it here . id If the last character is a comma, slice the last character I mean the most probable use case for this, is when you get an element from an array and make a JSON-ish text or something. replace() method will take a regular expression, and you can utilize that to accomplish what you want: // assuming var x = filename. replace(/\s\s+/g, ' ') "The dog has a long tail, and it is RED!" Edit: This is probably better since it targets a space followed by 1 or more spaces: "The dog has a long tail, and it is RED!". replace(/\s+/g, "-"). JavaScript and forward slashes in strings. The replaceAll() method will return a new string where all occurrences of a comma are replaced with a comma and a space. preg replace in jquery removing dots. You just need a simple Replace so you can use this kind of example: Dec 6, 2014 · In JS, you need to escape backslashes, because they are normally escape characters themselves. At the mom The . I've also updated it to use the regular expression version of str. replace('\\', '/'); Additionally, if you want to escape multiple backslashes in the same string, use a regex literal with the g flag, "g" standing for "global". Replace using regular expressions: The Javascript string replace() function accepts either a string parameter or a regular expression. G. Dec 24, 2009 · variable = variable. id numbers. writing the string, they need to be cha I know it's a super old question, but for those who have complex CSV-like strings my comment might be interesting. Jun 2, 2013 · I want to use JavaScript to remove from href everything that starts with the forward slash. The string looks like this Javascript Replace, string with comma. replace(/,/g, "/"); val. replace(/,(\S)/g, ', $1') Feb 13, 2012 · [^\d. function removeComma(val) { var values = val. pdf" as Feb 27, 2015 · How can I replace multiple slashes in javascript? 14. map function here: var arr = ['one', 'two', 'three']; var result = ''; result += arr. Replace last comma separated value by Apr 23, 2016 · I'm trying to remove the fullstops, commas and spaces from a string. Jan 14, 2020 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. When I use this variable, it is considering double slash value. split() method returns comma seperated data, that is why your data is comma seperated. replaceAll() methods, because it’s easier to read (and write): Feb 20, 2017 · pattern is a string, but it looks like you want it to be a regular expression based on your concatenation statement. Mar 17, 2017 · Your original string is in the wrong format, as '\t' inside it is for a tab symbol. replace() method like javascript replace dot (not period) character. -replace is more powerful, as it enables you to use a regular expression. Why does replace('_', '-') not work in the case of a double underscore? replace spaces with commas with javascript. replace(substr_or_regexp,replace_with); Oct 25, 2021 · To fix it, we need to double backslashes, because string quotes turn \\ into \: To search for special characters [ \ ^ $ . ]+$/, "$1"); The "g" in the javascript replace code stands for "greedy" which means the replacement should happen more than once if possible. This snippet removes from href everything that starts with the hash: var url = this. this. Replace multiple slashes in text with single slash with Javascript. # Remove/Replace all Commas from a String using String. Jun 26, 2020 · Today I learned an easy solution to replace all occurrences of a forward slash in string in javascript. Slash ( /) is also known as forward slash and it is very commonly seen in URLs. – I am trying to replace the spaces in a string by comma. replace(/[ ,]+/g, ","); This says to replace any sequence of one or more spaces or commas in a row with a single comma, so you're covered for strings where the commas have spaces around them like "test, test,test test test , test". Mar 2, 2022 · In this tutorial, you will learn how to replace slash with comma in javascript. The second one is the string you want to replace it with. url. replace(/_/g, ' '). replace returns the new string, without updating in place. ,"; where i need to replace comma from start and end of string , replace multiple spaces with one space , and multiple comma within string to single comma . replace(/'/g, 'A'); The reason your version wasn't working is because str. map(function(elm) { return elm Nov 23, 2010 · This is where regular expressions come in handy! Javascript's . value=n; } Notice also, that onkeypress is fired before the value of the input element is changed. replace(/,/g,", "); but copying and modifying with the extra colon seems to break it Aug 13, 2015 · Use the String. css" is that your string doesn't really have any backslashes in it at all because single backslashes in a string literal will be ignored unless they make sense to escape the following character (e. replace('ab Apr 12, 2011 · Is there a way to remove everything after a certain character or just choose everything up to that character? I'm getting the value from an href and up to the "?", and it's always going to be a Nov 8, 2024 · In JavaScript, you can create a single-line comment using the // double forward slash. I can successfully get rid of one or the other by doing: this. replace, which when combined with the g option replaces all instances I need to setup a function in javascript to remove the first character of a string but only if it is a comma ,. Syntax str. str. To replace them all, add the "g" flag for "global". Replace multiple spaces, multiple occurrences of a comma. May 12, 2021 · After trying couple of answers (use '\\,' instead of '\,'), I found that console. Dec 14, 2015 · Would like to replace all instances of whitespace, commas and slashes in a string with a hyphen. I don't know the best way to remove the comma though? or should I use splice instead? If the reduce method adds them now, it only adds the first digit before the comma so 1,1,8. Feb 27, 2022 · In this tutorial, you will learn how to replace comma with dash in javascript. Jul 2, 2015 · I'm trying to replace part of url in input field with selected info from autosuggest. E. ] will match any one of the comma or decimal point. HKG-546, ZYX-982,, MNB-137, TPQ-468,,, RXF-025, UTS-391,,,, DVW-750,, CLJ-614, KGY-803, SWN-279 Feb 28, 2010 · For a web app I'm making, I'm going to be getting text strings coming in, occasionally which contain quotation marks. log(str); // "sonic-free-games" Notice the g flag on the RegExp , it will make the replacement globally within the string, if it's not used, only the first occurrence will be replaced, and also Aug 13, 2015 · Use the String. Aug 9, 2017 · var valueToReplace = "string2"; var replace = string. Nov 29, 2012 · Square brackets are special characters inside a regular expression: they are used to define a character set. By the way, if you really just want to remove two characters (space and comma), I think I’d just chain two lovely brand new . Aug 29, 2013 · Javascript . The replace() method does not change the original string. Follow replace spaces with commas with javascript. I had to convert an URL to a string in another format, so initially, I tried str. const result = str. How to replace character in URL string? 0. Thanks for the help. 4. For instance, 123,456,789 becomes 123, 56, 89. Dec 14, 2015 · After this correction, you will replace the character following the comma with a space. replace(/,+/g, ';'); Honestly, I'm not sure I understood your requirements. It's pretty basic - you can't use wildcards or regular expressions. replace(/(. Use the String. How can i replace the value and the commas if the comma(s) exists? The "g" in the javascript replace code stands for "greedy" which means the replacement should happen more than once if possible. If yes try with lastIndex method of javascript to find the last slash of Mar 4, 2024 · # Add Space after each Comma in a String in JavaScript. org The replace() method searches a string for a value or a regular expression. Javascript: How can I replace empty Dec 13, 2015 · I am a bit confused by the behavior of Array. replace(/\//g Dec 12, 2015 · Regex: The regex [,. Dec 10, 2021 · Some of my item. Add and remove separators to urls by javascript. Also note that, due to a historical quirk of regexp syntax, the . You go like 'foreach element print element and ","' but then you realize, "dude, i have an extra ','" and wanna remove it. value; var n=values. metacharacter will actually match any character except a newline ( "\n" ). replace('ab May 8, 2016 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. Forward slash is also known as slash and it is very commonly seen in URLs. Share Aug 10, 2016 · The replace method provides replacement patterns that start with a dollar sign. replace("[,\s]+", "*", "g"); This will replace all chains of commas and whitespaces with a *. replaceAll(',', ', '). id numbers have a slash in them. Follow May 26, 2017 · When I try to split the string by '\' or '\\' it fails because of unescaped slashes. Apr 25, 2017 · I want to replace the last occurrence of the word one with the word finish in the string, what I have will not work because the replace method will only replace the first occurrence of it. ospxw tje nvusz ppuwcxl vmmn xndou prsjlccg jzmia vmprr lirxj vspf ugrtzkm lupvun pwvu lqezb