Merciless division 2 tu8 ubisoft. push({}); 面具依然為土狼這件裝備全火必備土狼替捷克,10%暴擊傷害GET背包天命禮物與普通天命背包對比,天賦固定完美警戒,中斷 Dark Zone SMG Build! (PvP/PvE) by LiKe BuTTeREnjoy the video? SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE!More information below!Dark Zone SMG Build! (PvP/PvE) The Division 2 - TU8 - If you enjoyed the video pls leave a like & subscribe for more!!! Thank you guys for the love y'all been showing me! It's truly a blessing 🙏🏾😇Want to conn Gorilla Nation Swag - https://teespring. com/#!/en-au/tid=CUSA00572_00 『The Division2』 PTSパッチノート 『ディビジョン2/The Division 2』の開発より、PTSフェーズ3の配信とパッチノートが公開されたので、紹介。 (内容を一部加筆修正して、 #cassie #cassiemendoza #secretvendor #tu8 #level30hope this will help. You can take a beating with this and not worry about much damage (thanks u/Yvng_Mxx). I r Posted by u/Rathelas - 45 votes and 32 comments 《全境封鎖2》TU8奶媽畢業配裝思路及玩法. Feb 25, 2021 · #division2 #merciless #dpsbuild #riflebuild #strikerThe Division 2 | Merciless Monster - Best Build for Merciless RifleBuild formula:-----3 Feb 5, 2021 · **Updated non-Braced version that hits harder: https://youtu. About Press Press The way to use them is to change the skin of both weapons. Got a dps shield build with Liberty that hits 1. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Hallo Agenten,In diesem Video, erkläre ich euch alles über WAFFEN in Division 2 | GEAR 2. 這篇文章我打算分4個部分來講,tu8的電工突出一個字「簡」。 電工作為目前打本輸出的一個高傷害來源,在特定情況下輸出甚至能超越全火大機槍,並且電工在英雄本甚至傳奇本的表現也非常亮眼,所以我建議大家在tu8不管是喜不喜歡電工,都建議配一個以免 About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Merciless is BACK!! This Merciless Build can be better in many ways but CheckMe Out. It is an Exotic Rifle variant of the AK-M, featuring the Talent Binary Trigger. For the Divisi TU8 Lord still sh@tSHAREfactory™https://store. Neste guia ATUALIZADO, contendo as mudanças do mais recente patch, saiba co Does the explosion damage of the Merciless (TU8) can be buffed by explosion damage buff from gears (China Light and Grupo Sombra)? Jan 13, 2023 · セットボーナス(2) セットボーナス(3) セットボーナス(4) チェストタレント バックパックタレント; トゥルーパトリオット +30% 弾薬数 +30% マガジンサイズ 『星条旗』 撃った敵は2秒ごとに赤、白、青の累積するデバフを受ける 赤:敵が受けるダメージを8%増幅 The unofficial home for discussing Tom Clancy's The Division, The Division 2 and The Division 3; online RPGs from Ubisoft and Massive Entertainment. 5 is a client update which will allow us to include more fixes and changes that, for example, require an UI change but it also requires a bit more time to be finished and tested. Sure Merciless rpm is more than twice as high but pulling that trigger that fast on a controller means The unofficial home for discussing Tom Clancy's The Division, The Division 2 and The Division 3; online RPGs from Ubisoft and Massive Entertainment. So if the Merciless got replaced then it is a net loss. https://www. TU8. Posted by u/jjones8170 - 174 votes and 112 comments A complete list of the new Division 2 gear sets for Title Update 8 (TU8), including all of the gear set-piece bonuses and unique talents. 8m for crit headshot and 2. facebook. 0% 在tu8,小怪更喜歡隨意走動,即使躲進掩體,也有控制流照顧他們,你們只需輸出就行了。 控制技能最好選女妖脈沖和鎮暴泡沫,一個范圍廣一個時間長。 I feel bad for all my friends. 11 Tactical: HP +8. youtube. . com/channel/UCkFDRwpGe94X04V-PlKoKZw/joinDonation Hallo Agenten,In diesem Video, zeige ich euch alles über Jahr 2 darkzone in the Division 2. Multiple kills can be seen in the video and minimal armor repair. tv/djticklehttps://www. com/RonsanutI own all t The unofficial home for discussing Tom Clancy's The Division, The Division 2 and The Division 3; online RPGs from Ubisoft and Massive Entertainment. They're nail drivers with the right build. com/watch?v=waolkjOgKk8Gear in Video:Striker Mask - Crit Chance / Crit Chance modOverlord Chest This is my Rifle Build, there are many like it, but this one is mine. Kills allow you to repair up to 100% armor for 4-10s, based on your RED core attribute. ManaWar22 Live Stream Gaming Videos. Since you can't change mods on Merciless, you would need a fair amount of practice, or spec into weapon handling/stability stats to bring it back close to its pre-TU8 firing habits. 7million damage headshot crits, 1 million damage body shot crits, all while still having 14million shield hp and enough skill tiers to have 3 shots for my Riot Foam Launcher (With Technician Specialization), aside from that almost every other exotic I’ve used seems very lackluster. This game is pure comedy, it's like we're in some kind of parody and don't even realize it. gg/jwMRX3N Jan 23, 2025 · 这是受众群特别广的FC25大补名叫FIFER's FC25 Realism Mod也就是FIFER真实大补,现在版本号来到Beta 2。本次除了适配新发布的TU8外,还进行了常规更新,比如带来了更多的脸型、头像和纹身,带来了新款战靴,为很多球队新增了真实门将球衣,修复了不少球衣错误,更新了数据库带来了最新的存档文件 Posted by u/Rathelas - 45 votes and 32 comments 《全境封鎖2》TU8奶媽畢業配裝思路及玩法. adsbygoogle || []). 5division 2 TU8. Ideally fill it out with 1 ceska, 1 grupo, and fox prayer. In this Tom Clancy's The Division 2 Warlords of New York recap video I tried my best to cut out as much useless junk for you and focus on the best stuff. Maybe to get players into Countdown 🤔 If you enjoyed the video pls leave a like & subscribe for more!!! Thank you guys for the love y'all been showing me! It's truly a blessing 🙏🏾😇Want to conn 《全境封鎖2》TU8槍盾流構築思路本文只是一個裝備搭配思路引導,深入挖掘每一件裝備的潛力,當然也可以直接抄作業,大部分裝備都有可替代品 廣告 (adsbygoogle = window. Functionally, it is identical to the Exotic Rifle Ruthless, and can be converted into that weapon at a Crafting Station using a Blueprint. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Mar 16, 2020 · A complete list of the new Division 2 gear sets for Title Update 8 (TU8), including all of the gear set-piece bonuses and unique talents. Mit diesem Statu Mar 24, 2019 · Bei The Division 2 könnt Ihr Jagd auf das Gewehr Merciless, auf Deutsch „Gnadenlos“, machen. I got merciless like 4 hours after I got to WT4 and Lillaby helping my friend level up his WTs. #division2 #hybridbuild #division2pvebuild In my example, I chose a Level 30 Merciless to demonstrate that you can upgrade a Level 30 Merciless to a Level 40 Ruthless if you so choose (in my photo, there's also a Level 40 Merciless - the upper Merciless icon is the Level 30 weapon that was selected for the re-skin/upgrade). php/2212574-Title-Update-8-5-%E2 Apr 6, 2020 · ディビジョン2(TU8)のスキルビルドについて紹介しています。スキルビルドで発動させるタレントや特性値などをまとめていますので、装備構成に迷っている方は参考にしてみてください。 16 votes, 20 comments. 3pc striker + braced. Dieses Upgrade ist erst möglich, wenn der Spieler Levvel 30 erreicht hat und über ein Merciless mit einem Gear Score von 250 oder mehr verfügt. 武器タレント-TU8. Mar 31, 2020 · Learn how to get the merciless!!! This video tells you which missions have the highest drop rate for the merciless. Once you reach max level (30 on base game, 40 on WONY) just wait for a good roll of those weapons then you can change the skin using those level 1 blueprints, I believe are called "conversion" or something like that. Yeah Merciless can be a really fun weapon as long as a little thought is put into the build. be/czaxfDDdDVAExpand for Loadout & Notes on buildMask - Striker | Weapon Handling | Crit Chance Mar 21, 2019 · For players who pre-ordered the Ultimate Edition of The Division 2 prior to launch, they can switch the Merciless to a similar exotic known as Ruthless. Jan 13, 2023 · The Division 2 wiki. Players won't be able to perform this In this video, we will be exploring the best options while making an Immunity PVP Build in 'The Division 2'. It's First load up an all skills build (an Acosta go bag helps), focus on haste. playstation. SUBSCRIBE and don't miss out on my new streams. Have a fixer drone and the Chem launcher with the oxider mod as the other skill. ネームドアイテム-TU8 ネームドアイテム-TU8. com/#!/en-us/tid=CUSA00572_00 About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Mar 22, 2020 · 《湯姆克蘭西:全境封鎖 2》https://store. verschiedene Komponenten und eine Blaupause zusammensucht, mit denen Ihr das Exotic an der Fertigungsstation craftet – wie die Schnatterente; es als About If you enjoyed the video pls leave a like & subscribe for more!!! Thank you guys for the love y'all been showing me! It's truly a blessing 🙏🏾😇Want to conn 《全境封鎖2》TU8槍盾流構築思路本文只是一個裝備搭配思路引導,深入挖掘每一件裝備的潛力,當然也可以直接抄作業,大部分裝備都有可替代品 廣告 (adsbygoogle = window. -----------------My Live streams at Mixer: https://mixer. Title Update 8 and Warlords of New York is finally here and it is also your opportunity to give feedback. 武器タレント-TU8 武器タレント-TU8. com/#!/ch-tw/tid=CUSA12615_00 The unofficial home for discussing Tom Clancy's The Division, The Division 2 and The Division 3; online RPGs from Ubisoft and Massive Entertainment. push({}); 先上我自己這個版本的詳細搭配:面具,道格拉斯+爆頭 SHAREfactory™https://store. 0 Explosive damage was affecting health directly in early patches. I'm at 7/10 Can't speak for TU8, but before that people were complaining that the Ruthless had far more recoil than the Merciless despite theoretically being the same gun. Throwing darts at a board, slapped together a Merciless build using grenadier with 3p providence, fox's prayer, grupo sombra… My first build is broken | Tom Clancy's Division 2 | TU8 |SHAREfactory™https://store. 8m for crit body shot. May 31, 2021 · The Merciless in Division 2 is an exotic semi-automatic rifle with the “Binary Trigger” talent, enabling two shots per trigger pull, granting stacks for hitting the same target. twitter. Members Online For the love of god, stop playing Heroic with all directives on, and then calling for backup https://www. => The Division 2 - Title Update 8 / Warlords of New York - Summary Baker's is 3. Feb 28, 2020 · Obtaining the Merciless in The Division 2 is different to most of the other Exotics, because you have to rely on random drops a lot more, rather than guaranteed drops from tough enemies. Viele Änderungen zu der Jahr 2 Darkzone kommen mit der Expansion W Quick video of my TU8 Striker / Clutch hybrid build with SMG The Grudge. So bekommt Ihr die exotische Waffe. Players won't be able to perform this I'm sure Heroics' have been nerfed and the loot has become worse. Expand user menu Open settings menu Open settings menu division 2 title update 8. This time i'm going to show you what we found on the New Gear/Brand Talents for TU8/W As far as I know the Specialisation Weapons got reduced damage against Named Npcs with TU8/Gear 2. Merciless is an Exotic Rifle in Tom Clancy's The Division 2. At seven stacks, hitting an enemy deals +500% amplified damage and creates a 7m explosion, increasing damage further. Members Online found a new "out of bounds" , short and aparently useless but there is still one secret to find in NY according to the devs , sharing for exploration purposes. Members Online As a continuation of my last post with me completing my first Legendary, I went ahead and did the other original two!!! r/thedivision: The unofficial home for discussing Tom Clancy's The Division, The Division 2 and The Division 3; online RPGs from Ubisoft and Massive … Press J to jump to the feed. 思路早就有了,維護前用10分鐘配出來的,時間太倉促忘記截配裝圖,只有單項裝備和奶蜂巢奶槍的面板,傳奇本是用純火機槍套打的,雖然內蓋夫要削了,但機槍換斯萊普尼爾具名mg5配合8倍鏡輸出是差不多的,大家也不要太過失望,然後講一下奶媽套的配 The Division 2 - TU8: Conflict Gameplay. 0 | TU8. com/showthread. Could 3 Tap heavies with merciless back then :) At some point it got changed to affect the physical armor first and since then it took a while to kill heavies with only Explosive MUST WATCH!!! Currently focusing on Division 2, here to bring you some of the BEST 1v4!!! NO RECOIL!! AIMBOT ENABLED! MERCILESS BUILD! Division 2 - TU14Division 2 by PlumConch836 DISCORD server is now LIVE!!!! - https://discord. Clutch: If you are below 15% armor, critical hits repair 2. You cant just plop any weapon into the meta DPS build and expect it to work and then call it trash because it doesnt. 最終更新日時 : 2023/01/13 TU8のネームド Jan 13, 2023 · ブランド名 発動効果 コア特性 MOD; 1種装備 2種装備 3種装備; 5. com/djtickleMy Division help Discord - https://discord. It’s not a good choice for most of the NYC map (more rushers, tighter spaces). com/#!/en-au/tid=CUSA00572_00 Mar 15, 2020 · Hey guys! It's finally here! The non gear set insane solo PvP Dark Zone Build that makes you a living tank, but also gives you insane healing. Attribute, Hauptattribute, Talente und was man rekalibrieren 2- Builds and pieces used and tested 3- Where does the Exotic stand today and proposals 4- Tl;dr Without further ado, let's dive into this Week's Exotic and raise our glasses to the Merciless that was, the one that could've been but not to the one that is. ネームドアイテム-TU8. Members Online I went drunk and I thought it would be funny, so I made this. For the Divisi 『The Division2』 PTSパッチノート 『ディビジョン2/The Division 2』の開発より、PTSフェーズ3の配信とパッチノートが公開されたので、紹介。 (内容を一部加筆修正して、 《The Division2》#thedivision2#ディビジョン2⤵︎⤵︎⤵︎⤵︎⤵︎⤵︎⤵︎注意点コメント内容はよく考えてください。ほかの方からのコメントが I'm lucky to get 2 primers into a target and detonate them, before the rest of the team, straight up kills the dude I've targeted. Personally it was my favorite weapon until today, when I finally unlocked the Regulus. Along with several other tables that we have created (links below) you can add this table to your collection to help you navigate your way through creating a new build that uses the revamped weapon talents and stats to compliment your active gear talents and brand set bonuses. 5% missing armor. The 2 best ways, in my opinion to build around merciless is. push({}); 先上我自己這個版本的詳細搭配:面具,道格拉斯+爆頭 Mar 15, 2020 · Hey guys! It's finally here! The non gear set insane solo PvP Dark Zone Build that makes you a living tank, but also gives you insane healing. Umwandlung von Merciless in Ruthless Spieler, die die Ultimate Edition von The Division 2 vorbestellt haben, können das Merciless gegen eine ähnliche exotische Waffe namens Ruthless tauschen. Note: verified that base numbers and 2-man scaling factors are still current for TU10 (at Level 40, haven't verified WT5 numbers yet). Members Online Zenkai2121 《全境封鎖2》tu8電工配裝構築指南. 最終更新日時 : 2023/01/13 TU8の武器タレントです Mar 11, 2020 · The Division 2 Weapon Stats and Talents have had a massive overhaul with the release of Title Update 8. 0%: ハザード耐性 10. EDIT: The Bulwark shield skill is a good substitute for the fixer drone. 1- General Comments on build options and Exotic requirements Mar 20, 2019 · How to get The Merciless in Division 2 Full Guide !! 😃 𝗦𝗨𝗕𝗦𝗖𝗥𝗜𝗕𝗘 http://bit. com/stores/gorilla-nation-swagMembership Link - https://www. cheers! I love it, but I’d strongly advise having the Weapon Handling talent on the chest (I forget the name). Nice drop. Enjoy your preorder bonus lol. Note the materials cost in the linked pic, and make sure you Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit. 0%: 味方からの追加治療 10. ly/SUB2WILLIS | ★ Follow me on Twitter [https://twitter Whattup, back again with another with another Division 2 content video. The centerpiece of this build will be the two-pi About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers 《全境封鎖2》TU8三天命玻璃大炮Build推薦無腦3天命+1錘子+1影子+10%自用武器傷裝備,部位不限,核心屬性全武器傷,副屬性火越多越好,往爆率爆傷爆頭方向堆。甲天賦(完美)玻璃大炮,毀滅性破壞;背包天賦犀牛,同伴,泰然自若,震盪;武器天賦最好是增傷天賦來源:全境封鎖2吧 作者:Hydra 目錄面具背包甲手套槍套膝蓋《全境封鎖2》TU8全火步槍Build分享 廣告 (adsbygoogle = window. Another update, currently scheduled for later in April, will have some additional changes that are not quite ready. In The Division 2 kommt Ihr an Exotics, indem Ihr . tv/sleepy01337 If you like my work and want to support me, you can do that here:Donate: https://streamlabs. Feedback, Bug Report. Then you can roll crit chance and damage everywhere. When I get some time I will verify the 3-man and 4-man scaling factors. The unofficial home for discussing Tom Clancy's The Division, The Division 2 and The Division 3; online RPGs from Ubisoft and Massive Entertainment. Expand for buildUpdated version for TU10:https://www. To learn more about the planned builds and get early sneak peaks at the hardware please visit me on Facebook at : http://www. com/madniv Division 2 playlist About Press Press The Division 2 - How To Prepare For TU8! | Best Tips and Trick Guide For TU8!Thanks for watching, if you enjoyed the video, make sure you drop a like and sub Jan 13, 2023 · The Division 2 wiki. gg/mPBESQXaAEJoin o Hallo Agenten,In diesem Video, zeige ich euch mein STATUS EFFEKTE BUILD für heroische und Legendäre Missionen in Division 2 | GEAR 2. com Mar 17, 2024 · MERCILESS RUGGED GAUNTLETS BUILD | THE DIVISION 2 #thedivision2 #thedivision2gameplay MERCILESS RUGGED GAUNTLETS BUILD | THE DIVISION 2 #thedivision2 #thediv May 17, 2019 · Hoje é a vez do guia definitivo da PESTILÊNCIA, a M249 exótica do The Division 2. Right now I'm got a damn good build on an AR (Military P416), Rifle (Police Mk17) based build, using a healing drone and a Chem Launcher with either Firestarter or Oxidiser. They all grind like crazy for Merciless and Lullaby and I pretty much only run missions that are dailies. twitch. 5division 2 update April 7, 2020Patch notes: https://forums. 2 days ago · Show No Mercy With This Merciless Build For Division 2 Year 6 Season 300:00 Introduction with gameplay01:39 Build Breakdown08:37 Modifiers11:23 More Gameplay The talent is good on paper, but the recoil has been increased, making it much more difficult than before to stack shots/primers. idvyjmfxqsuobzdhtlhkxtecxkidxelgfsylnltcmkvbfhfmdmcarqkffizcccxbbpixdawri