Mhr raw damage vs elemental 4 raw damage and 9. It depends on your preference in the end, what do you value more. For a more complete rundown on combat with Monsters, see Weapon Mechanics, Defense, and Elemental Resistances. 6 = 216 Elemental Damage = 50 * 1. Let’s say a Dual Blade will apply elemental damage six times the value, while a single Great Sword slash applies Feb 4, 2025 · Elemental damage is calculated separately from raw, and has a different multiplier according to sharpness. Both Raw (Physical) and Elemental Damage dictate the damage any attack does directly, while Status Effects convey damage and debuffs indirectly. After finding out the cap on elemental damage was removed in Iceborne I made a fire based set to try out. Nov 18, 2024 · This is a guide to elemental damage and resistances in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak. There are a few enemies, namely Valstrax, where raw might be better due to the elemental resistances varying based on state, but typically you can just use whichever element is the weakness of the monster and you'll do more DPS over the course of the hunt. Malz for RF May 27, 2023 · Which set is better for hunting horn, a raw damage based set or a elemental set? I'm here to tell you lol. Jun 29, 2022 · Therefore, if a Weapon with an Elemental property deals a critical hit, only the Physical portion deals extra damage. Gais or Gold Rath for Spread 3 build. I’m struggling to really start to understand some of the “deeper” mechanics like raw vs element and sharpness. Is Lance best with Raw or Elemental or can it do both? I'm running a raw build ATM and without Anchor Rage, my standard pokes are doing about 89 (yellow) and ~190 (yellow) on really juicy hitzones. So I've been looking at damage numbers of weapons and I found out elemental damage is significantly lower than it was in MHW, around 1/10 of raw for IG, while in MHW it was around 1/3 of raw damage. Yes because as the game is, raw damage is a lot more powerful. Because of all the buff to raw damage you can give yourself. (3CritElement give 15% Dmg on Crit, only to the elemental part, 3 (more) Attack Boost give you around 5% Damage to everything except your Elemental Part) So now my thought was just use a general build that would work for Raw, and then use a good elemental weapon since LvL1 Slots are basically useless except Elemental Attack Raw is still king for lance. If you have extra level 1 slots, you can fit element in pretty easy for extra damage. But elemental will get the best times if you want to get some speedrun times. But again, it takes a lot of effort and specific mixes to work. Your element is always the same. That said, raw is also completely viable. I recommend Sleep/Paralyze for slower weapons. But that's partially mitigated by the better slots, and again, 33 Blast vs 0 status/element. In addition to the following Damage Types, there are also two Types that are commonly referred to as True Damage and Parts Damage. I know the motion values are low and shelling is it's own separate beast, but how effective is it to use an elemental GL on a monster as opposed to focusing on a higher raw build, in terms of damage output? An important thing to note tho, some monsters have different hitzones on which is better raw or elemental. They do not The answer to if element better is "it's complicated". With Velkhana critical element are we looking at elemental lance now being superior to raw lance? The best “not true” raw lance I can find is the Ruiner Nergigante with 667 raw, and 180 dragon element. It doesn't modify the raw damage at all. Thanks for answer. Total damage is calculated by just adding the 2 together, so if you have, say, an elemental greatsword with 300 water and 1000 attack vs a raw greatsword with only 1000 attack, the elemental damage on the first is obviously going to give the first higher total damage. Hope you find the vid Elemental damage has generally been underwhelming throught series history, with only a few of the weapon types even caring about elements. Fast weapons benefit more from elemental damage due to multiple hits. But if you want to play elemental longsword, Alatreon is the best option for dragon SnS & Lance are in a weird spot. Elemental damage is "on hit" damage and so its more useful if you hit more often. Left hand: 8% raw, 60% element, 40% status Right hand: 10% raw, 60% element, 40% status Assuming that these numbers remained the same in Rise, with 190 raw and 8 water damage you would be looking at 68. Jun 29, 2022 · Elemental Damage or Elements in Monster Hunter Rise (MHR or MHRise) refers to a type of secondary damage dealt by Weapons and Monsters which can be mitigated by specific Resistances. Elemental damage is separate from raw. elemental monsters, vs. You could in theory build a decent elemental set, but because of its design the only element that really benefits is dragon. As always, you can use elemental lances, but you still build them for raw mainly. Swaxe depends on playstyle. Fatalis has so much raw tho that any element would find it hard to beat. Affinity and critical boost affect only the raw damage not elemental. Mar 10, 2023 · I have never played with a Greatsword before but I've always wanted to eventually try out all of the weapons in the game but this is one of the things I'm unsure about regarding the weapon. Element and Raw. At 20 will twice the damage, 23 damage, and this increases the ratio to 0. I just create both and roll with whatever my mood feels like. If there is no right or wrong, when should i go for element over raw and vice versa? Testing whether a GS with 206 more raw attack will do more damage to a Great Jagras compared to a GS with the correct elemental damage. Magnamalo only has 20 natural hits of purple, compared to 50 hits of purple with Royal Order+. During the final computation, it is added on raw damage. 5% effective RAW and wouldn't affect the Elemental damage. E. But for general play, getting really really good times just go for raw IMO. Her attacks are faster and using temporal/rocksteady to flinch shot her to the wall doesnt work anymore, instead you would got pinned and open to punishment. so if all stats are the same except one has an element, then the element is better because both weapons are running the same raw damage calculation but the element weapon also gets the element calculation Total damage is calculated by just adding the 2 together, so if you have, say, an elemental greatsword with 300 water and 1000 attack vs a raw greatsword with only 1000 attack, the elemental damage on the first is obviously going to give the first higher total damage. Slow weapon benefit from raw, due to its high raw amplifier. Fast hitting weapons are great for stacking up elemental damage. For monsters with an accessible hitzone that has 25 or more element hitzone, element would probably do better. Raw vs Element used to be close to another before Iceborne, since the infinite combo only dealt slightly less damage than the scaling slash into the descending shield bash combo, Iceborne added and at some point buffed the Perfect Rush, so now it just hits incredibly hard, to the point where element is basically nonexistant outside of maybe one case, well, two if you count Ebony Odogaron, who I usually just go for elemental damage due to my armor (increase elem damage whenever I crit). But even against a 3* weak monster the damage was about 40ish lower than my physical set. Let’s say that a Dual Blade and a GS both have 100 fire damage. I have two options; Gunlance 1: 470 raw, 270 dragon Gunlance 2: 320 raw, 420 dragon Is there a rule of thumb as to which is better? Yes, elemental LS (and elemental damage in general) is meta over raw for most situations. Feb 23, 2025 · I've played World & Rise, but this concept still eludes me. losing a tiny bit of damage by just always Wish I could give an accurate answer; the MVs spreadsheet I have is lacking info on elemental entirely. Raw affects sonic ‘booms’ of performance and echo waves. I have been a cb main through rise and I'm used to seeing numbers like 50k Ele DMG when total DMG I deal 80k for example. They work well as pure raw and their ele builds are a hybrid of raw & ele focus. I too love SnS elemental but you probably should temper your perspective of raw vs elemental until more data comes out. And with regular raw builds you don't need to run dereliction to get the most elemental you can. Your defense fluctuates because fuck you. Nothing I've said has addressed the raw augment, but yes you'll probably find it to be better if you use weapons with high elemental damage. Be sure to like, comment and subscribe for more MH Think GS swing does 1000+ raw damage vs a DB swing that is lucky to reach 100. But Magnamalo has 33 Blast. Azuros’s hand has fire weakness of 25 That’s 100 x 25% = 25 dmg This 25 value is a direct hit unlike raw dmg has to go through other calculations. At least to me, IG attacks can be kind of hard to aim precisely which is generally what you want if you're going to be exploiting an elemental weakness--it's rare that the elemental and physical weak spot align and you need to do more work on the weakpoint to make elemental worth it usually. Other weapons like long sword, switch axe, and hammer can use either elemental or raw damage, depending on the situation and the preference of the user. be/mRNz11JKgloJoin this Channel's Community Squad in Wilds!Squad ID: 6T3QT9TBPurchase Monster Hunter Wilds (STEAM) IIRC it has to do with motion values modifying raw but all of elemental applying every hit. So hypothetically; I'm going after a monster with a 3 star weakness to dragon type. If you want some sample Courage sets you will find them in the meta compilation (accessible from the pinned megathread). Think of it this way: your damage is made up of two values raw + element. So safer and a little bit more convenient. Read on to learn how you inflict elemental damage, how monsters use elemental damage, elemental resistances, and elements in relation to blights. The elemental damage cap being so low that many weapon types don't have a single weapon that can use <Element> Attack +5 (or even +3), generally higher raw hitzones in monsters and non Try to collect one for every element anyway. If you're new to CB i suggest raw over elemental. So people have been abusing Pierce Shot LBGs against her for a while, since the damage of Pierce scales with the monster's size (or rather how much "meat" the bullet goes through). Except for helm splitter attack of course. element, it is very matchup dependent. Also depend on whichever playstyle u going for. Dragon piercer performs worse on elemental bows because the ratio of its raw motion value to its elemental value is skewed towards its raw value. Both elemental and raw damage apply their own multipliers before the final damage numbers, but, if all of these factors are known, a full damage calculation can be performed on both element and raw components, and these independent components can be compared. Unlike comparing raw vs raw, even comparing two element weapons of the same element can be tricky, because hitzones have both a raw (well, cut, blunt, or shot) value and elemental values AND your attacks have a different ratio of element to raw damage. coolio, give me a speed run with an elemental and power coating bow thenThat's a special case. Is elemental damage still pointless even after the buff it recieved? So is a kjarr bow with elemental damage boosted to the max with 100% affinity or the bow with raw boosted to the max and blast or poison with 100% affinity better? Edit: this isnt for alatreon. I feel as though at this stage in the meta, most agree that elemental damage will outclass raw in many cases, barring those monsters with little-no weakness to elemental damage. Hammer has modestly high MVs and mid-to-low attack speed, but Elemental Courage Hammer outputs DPS on par with Raw Strength Hammer. They attack quickly making them good for ele damage but Offensive Guard, Metsu Shuryogeki, & Anchor Rage only affect raw and are the weapons most powerful attacks & skill. However, there may be Skills that will allow Elemental Damage to benefit from Affinity. yea you are correct in that aspect, as previously stated in the thread the math used to calculate damage on the meta post favors raw pretty heavily, leading to the skewed raw>elemental damage, im assuming it will be updated soon though. 2% more damage vs Rathalos than the presently posted Raw build does, but I thought that 0. If you're dying to the final boss, more damage at the expense of health isn't your answer. Obviously speedrunners get way higher numbers than casual players, but it will give you some idea of how elemental lance plays and builds for it. Thus a high elderseal weapon is the most recommended. You rejigger your sets just so you can do max theoretical damage. 25 = 12. so if all stats are the same except one has an element, then the element is better because both weapons are running the same raw damage calculation but the element weapon also gets the element calculation Feb 4, 2022 · rapid is currently the bow meta with rampage bows to cover each element and chameleos for raw, kushala is good for ice too though. Heyo! Thank you all for your build advice previously but now I'm curious. Every Sword/Axe attack you do gains 30 elemental damage on top of its Raw damage. It's pretty exhausting. Elemental is good now, dmg seems more or less the same, sometimes elemental even beat raw from my usage. The opposite should also be true, 1% more damage for each less resistance. In that case, dark claw demise would be a definate upgrade in raw, element and sharpness. Your hits will never bounce, and sonic attacks ignore armor. Bonking still has huge benefits with the multiple KOs per hunt. I understand the basics like higher sharpness better. Thunder ammo deals more damage, and rightfully so, because elemental ammo is substantially more limited than raw ammos. And looking at the numbers it looks like it is mostly the same for all weapons. For example, you have 100 fire elemental. 5 Total damage = 216 + 12. 50x to 1. Attack Power or Raw Damage is a damage statistic in Monster Hunter Rise (MHR). Since SA has elemental meta and element phial charges much faster than power phial, elemental phial usually ends up being better. Try checking out elemental lance speedruns. Wanted to open discussion here around the state of insect glaive. Would it be better to use a monster elemental weakness or go at them with raw. 5 = 228 As we can see, since elemental damage is mostly static, it helps a lot on fast, low DB are hybrids of element and raw and usually deal greater damage if they find a good balance however not all weapons are made equally so if there is a weapon with way too much element (and I'm sure there is) it will be the way to go. * Is it worth using the Electric weapon over the pure Raw? * What's the breakdown in weakness damage? Like, how does 20 Electric Weakness compare to 15 Electric It increases your raw damage by 25 or 40%, not the combined ele and raw damage of your attack. Monster resistance can completely negate elemental damage. So I've had a look around and can't seem to find an answer to my specific question anywhere, so apologies in advance if this has already been asked. The Scorned Magnamalo Waist is very efficient for Raw builds: Mail of Hellfire 1 Coalescence 1 4-2-1 slots Mail of Hellfire and Coalescence are very efficient 1 point skills; total 27 Raw when both are active. You're still doing mostly raw damage so lots of "good elemental" weapons are still noob traps. almost every weapon has a good elemental build to fit a certain playstyle It seems like you are using element awakens on the safi longsword. I know that Elemental damage is what seems to be the meta right now so it absolutely rocks with some of the faster weapons, but is it better to focus on pure raw damage or do elemental Greatswords still None of the builds are running offensive guard, which could well be the correct way of getting as much elemental damage out of the Lance's, however it's still probably better to be running it as it's a big damage increase overall, and is the first half of why raw is better for lance, the second being the motion values of spiral thrust are . e. While Raw is better for comfort and overall damage, elemental is also viable and effective, totally safe to run if you want it. Elemental- generally elemental will beat out raw by 5-10% hold for some matchups where the flaming espinas lance has some edge over the highest ele weakness. I'm sure you have seen the advice that if you want more elemental damage, attack the forearms and the head is a better spot for raw damage. The way the game calculates raw damage is semi-complex, but basically the length of the animation you're locked into (usually) equates to a higher damage multiplier. WEX2 would give you 7. But if your raw increases, your elemental becomes a smaller percentage of your total damage. Green sharpness is found to have a 33% higher jump from Despite being someone who has been hunting since the PS2 days, I'm wondering how this game works when it comes to using RAW vs Elemental weapons and the different weapon types. With every afflicted monster inflicting Bloodblight, Coalescence is now extremely easy to trigger even without Bloodlust. Combined with th The way the creator of that lance guide weighed up element vs raw was in a rather simplistic way that benefits raw - they took a bunch of common lance attacks and added them together for a total raw MV and total elemental modifier, and then calculated how much damage each lance does with that. Elemental damage calculations don’t really have this. Some say to focus only on raw damage for weapons that don't hit often, like hammer, great sword, and hunting horn. While the stamina skills would help your overall hunt because you always use stamina. Others say to build an elemental version for specific monsters. this is fixed for the most part in iceborne. 6 raw and 34. Still had a small chuckle the first time i opened the HH meta and it was in stack overflow. In terms of elemental resistances for armor, iirc each point of elemental resistance decreases elemental damage dealt by the monster by 1%. your build will have a lot of free lvl 1 deco slots so it's easy to max out elemental damage skills, it will out damage raw usually if you actually use the target monster's elemental weakness. 2% more damage against one particular monster, so I didn't make or post a card. Let's say a SnS weapon does 130 Raw and 15 Electric, yeah? But I could also use a straight Raw weapon with 180 Raw. Impact Phials only benefit from Dango Bombardier, Artillery, and any skills that boost your overall Raw Attack value; even then, the motion-value scaling for Impact Phials isn't too high for the amount of raw damage you need to pump it up with. Compared to raw damage, elemental damage modifiers from sharpness are significantly higher the greater the sharpness level. Elemental requires so much not only with builds but also knowledge on hitzone values and how they change depending on the monster you are hunting. I'm using a gunlance. Elemental wins in single-player against monsters that are very weak to an element (>25 elemental hit zone value). White sharpness damage increase is 12% more vs blue sharpness for raw, and 6% for elemental. Up until now, it's always been my understanding that the slower the weapon attacks(or the lower the number of hits), the better pure RAW is for the weapon (eg. 247 Finally, at a hitzone of 30, the damage is 35 and the ratio 0. Elemental is better for death by 1000 cuts, than via one big hit if that makes any sense. Savage Deviljho is in a similar spot with insane 644 raw and 360 dragon, albeit with 30% less affinity. I know your in HR3, so this may not be relevant for awhile. Critical element is an option, but the rathlos gear is ass. This means your raw damage is doing nearly twice what it will actually do while element is nearly equal. be/7V8yeEOv4j4https://youtu. So if you invest into the sets/weapons/decos for elemental it's definitely worth. Assume the Monster has Electric weakness: 20, on it's body. 2 multiplier of raw damage but same elemental damage: Raw Damage = 300 * 1. 129, a tad worse than raw. And Sunbreak has a lot of ways to boost elemental damage. Plenty of folks still use raw SnS and it’s still very good. That being said I believe when building around your elemental lances you should still be looking to prioritize the raw aspect of the lance before maxing out your elemental damage What is the raw damage? If the raw damage is high enough (e. g. How Attack Power is Calculated At a 10 hitzone the damage will be just 12 damage and the damage per elements hit will be 0. 2 was within rounding error, and it'd be an odd call to recommend people build a set to do 0. Generally, raw. But the nargacuga and diablos lances are what people use. Would running elemental attack up really drive home the damage? For raw vs. Your weapons are better or worse because fuck you. That makes me wonder elemental for SNS / courGe hammer might not be as good Tho it does open up some more variety of playstyles against different monsters with different element but good to know it doesn't bring such a big impact that could be game Did you just use the same sets as were used for the Power Phial options? True Elemental Crit appears to be a multiplier in the 1. All attacks do a portion of the raw damage of your weapon. Any Elemental Phial set without that is very likely to be suboptimal, so ignoring it means the analysis isn't very accurate for those. Longsword just isnt great at dealing element damage. This translates to 15 actual damage added to the raw damage for a swing. https://youtu. And 3/2 slots vs 2/1 slots. 2 * 0. I. 55x range for elemental damage with SA, which is massive. IG and Lance become raw-leaning elemental weapons in late-end master rank, and HH becomes a strongly elemental weapon in mid master rank. Mar 1, 2020 · So I went through all G rank with the same physical damage based armour set. Monsters also use Raw damage calculations, which is mitigated by the Hunter's Defense stat. Shield Bash was a huge bonus for SnS in general, but it’s obviously better on raw than elemental. You will definitely deal more damage on Courage builds with elemental oriented sets rather than raw or status oriented ones unless you're completely ignoring the Courage moveset and just spamming craters and big bangs. Narwa is huge, with the biggest weakpoint in the whole game. In World, Elemental Phials have a higher possible damage when compared to Impact Phials but Impact Phials deal the same damage regardless of where they hit while Elemental Phials deal damage according to the elemental hit zone of the part they make contact with Hey all, I'm a gunlance main in MHW, but one thing that's bugged me is the effectiveness of using elemental gunlances and it's scaling. 0 * 0. I think for most monsters you'd want to focus on raw or a status. Of course, using Raw (As in with statuses like Blast, Para, or Poison) will mean less hassle, but for many matchups (and especially with a fast weapon like Glaive) if you match the Element, you'll get a faster hunt, and a faster hunt means you're less likely to make a mistake that results in a failure. Jan 24, 2020 · in MHW raw damage won on every weapon except dual blades and bow (outside of kjarr kulve weapons). I want to hear numbers, whats gonna be more effective? Taking an element that a monster is weakest to or going straight for the raw damage output. Even my cookie cuter raw cb build can out perform any of my elemental builds in many cases. For example, there was a Dragon (Mid) build that did, like, 0. As for tips? Apr 14, 2020 · Some Elemental SAs will succeed in out damaging Power against the right match ups, and ZSD will do more damage than power in these matchups. Nothing else about the gameplay changes. Ele Phials give a 25% increase in elemental damage. As for elemental damage for weapons, generally yes you would want to match elemental weaknesses with the correct weapon. They changed this in Wanted to open discussion here around the state of insect glaive. This means fast weapon benefits from elemental due to low raw amplifier, high atk speed. Blast is just really strong. To give a ballpark though, expect between 1/10-1/6th of your damage to be elemental. a Diablos weapon) then by negating the negative affinity (weakness exploit, etc) you end up doing a lot more damage because the raw more than makes up for the lack of crits. An elemental weapon does both raw and elemental damage. Don’t worry about that until you get a switch skill called “Silkbind Shockwave,” once you have that, HH pivots hard into element. For casual hunting, it's nice to have options. It's mainly a matter of damage scaling on the Monsters and damage scaling with the right skills. Taking skill ceilings and hitzone values into consideration, are elemental longsword builds as good as pure raw now in sunbreak? If I remember correctly the damage scaling of element on longsword attacks have been rebalanced against raw damage but I don't know if it affects all attacks or only the silkbinds. I understand when doing elemental builds you need more than one so idc about "cheaper and easier" to do raw damage. After that its up to what style you want to use, if you are starting with GL in rise I recommend using the Long type, it is the most versatile and you can learn all the styles with it while having decent damage output. Poison, Sleep, Paralysis, Blast and Stun are Status Effects, which are separate from Elemental Damage and Raw (Physical) Damage. On actual monsters the best hitzones will be more in the range of 60 to 45 for raw shot damage but 25 or 20 for element. All shelling types are better with raw, its just that if you *_HAVE_* to do elemental, only wide will deliver a somewhat decent performance. Some weapons come with element exploit, usually one fire and one water weapon per weapon type, those weapons can really outperform their raw counterparts on specific matchups. All out helmsplitter seems to favor raw iirc. It's actually still very strong even if elemental tends to be a little stronger. Feb 6, 2024 · Elemental damage is more beneficial for fast hitting weapons like dual blades, bow, and charge blade, while raw damage is more preferable for slow hitting weapons like great sword and gunlance. I've so far done well with an elementless build, but I keep getting tempted with all of the other hammer types out there. Blast is better for comfort builds and wins against monsters that aren't too weak to elemental damage. 37 damage per point of element. Malz for RF tl;dr: Elemental wins in multiplayer most of the time due to higher status proc thresholds. 120 damage whenever it procs. Elemental damage is unparalleled for almost every scenario when using dual blades. 6 elemental damage, and with 160 raw and 29 water you would be looking at 57. If you have a 200 raw, 50 fire weapon and use it against a monster that resists fire, that 200 raw is totally unaffected. Worth noting is that only raw damage scales with motion values whereas elemental damage does a flat amount regardless of motion values you just have to be wary of hit zone values, (monsters are weaker to elements and the different types of strikes (blunt, slicing and ranged) depending on where you hit them), what this means is that faster Mar 14, 2025 · Elemental damage works separately from raw damage. this was a balancing issue where they just didnt give any good elemental weapons for lance, insect glaive, charge blade ect. But my raw choices are Kamura, Royal Order and Garangolm, even if their songs aren't the best, they still seem like decent options. GS/Hammer getting a Sleep/Paralyze on a monster is a good way to do a ton of damage in a short time. Generally people say raw is better for longsword. In power axe mode elemental damage matters more and in sword mode raw damage matter raw damage and elemental damage are calculated completely separately, so whether a weapon has element or not doesnt affect raw damage at all. World, however, takes this to whole new levels. You can take two pills on this one, Rathalos deals way more elemental damage but requires protective polish sustenance, and Espinas deals less elemental damage and requires a higher quality charm to work but you get to run Master's Touch. At velkhana's fight mechanics is all about managing her aura. Just in general. One example is alatreon. Magnamalo: 705 Raw Royal Order+: 704 Raw So we're looking at functionally the same values. Now if we keep everything else the same, but change the move to a much slower GS move that has a 1. What I’m wondering is, for specific hunts where the monsters are 3* weak to a certain element, is it better to keep my build (which focuses on boosting crit and raw damage) and use a high raw elemental weapon? I. At least to a much lesser degree. The training dummy heavily favors raw damage with the head having a hzv of 100 but an ehz of 30 from what I've heard. 8 elemental damage per Double Slash. Probably a good thing to try and farm a few element options ahead of time. [Rosengedien] - Medium Raw (320), Low Element (24) Purple (30), Can be expanded via HC, 20% Affinity, no slots. I'd wager there are specific targets with a high ratio of elemental hitzones to raw hitzones where specific playstyles for elemental LS can edge out raw, but playing that way requires you to make six sets and learn to focus different parts of your moveset for your raw vs. Raw til 6. What is the sharpness? Power phial increases your sword's raw damage by 15%, element phial increases your sword's element damage by 45%. For a more complete rundown on combat with Monsters, see Weapon Mechanics , Defense , and Elemental Resistances . Aug 5, 2024 · Yeah, all three of those are raw focused in low-high rank. raw damage and elemental damage are calculated completely separately, so whether a weapon has element or not doesnt affect raw damage at all. using the Anja GS instead of dark of night specifically for 3* weak monsters. HH is usually considered middle of the pack for weapons in terms of speed, so raw is usually better/more important The numbers that I get from the damage calculator on honey hunter's builder make it seem like that the elemental build is overall stronger than the old fashioned raw build. Bigger damage number better. Hopefully, MR Kulve Weapons and AT Armors can help give Ele SA a boost. So basically, element can never be a detriment if the weapons have the same raw. Of course you need to be hitting the elemental weakzones. However I’m using dual blades and from what I can tell I should be trying to use elemental weapons. Most attacks apply 100% of your elemental damage. fdbztaw tcico skaogc nntqe stgklye qzbxolq ocj sodlbv olrtqjs lnvb cqve okypk wtiglquxg kmqc ppttmn