Nrf52 set gpio Powered by Zoomin Software. 3. 0\zephyr\samples, and I'm using the nRF52-DK with the nRF52832 chipset. May 2, 2022 · I have configured it as input and for testing I am making it print something to the console when it is triggered. 10. I'm trying to use pins 9 and 10 as general purpose output pins, but they are not working. Are we able to support an option under variants to enable/disable this option and hence free up two additional pins if you aren't using NFC? To use these pins as GPIO you need to #define CONFIG_NFCT_PINS_AS_GPIOS Apr 10, 2018 · First, this is my first microcontroller project in 15 years, and 2nd ever (the first one was an 8051 based toy). I've been toying with the interrupts, and noticed that attaching an interrupt to digital pin 7 (the USR / DFU button) doesn't result in interrupts firing, but running Oct 16, 2017 · I know this adds yet another compile and variant option, but for nRF52 boards PO. In the latter case the driver scans for pins with DETECT bit high and calls the This is related to the SENSE capability of pins, which can only be set to either rising or falling edge sensing. All of these should be able to be toggle an output with a couple instructions. I can use my P0. 23, which has nothing connected other than my scope. About 0. What I did. com DevAcademy DevZone Jul 21, 2018 · GPIO. 2 #define AIN1 3 #define Jan 31, 2017 · I found bits and pieces of code which use GPIO but that is no documentation. As far as I understand it, the nRF52840 is what controls the GPIO on the board, and the nRF9160 has to send its requests through it to interact. When supplied on VDDH, VDD is left unconnected. 2 SPI master example, in uVision Keil. Interrupts are handled via the GPIOTE peripheral in one of two ways: via a GPIOTE channel or via PORT events. This is a gpio driver example supporting the following features: Configuring a pin or group of pins as input pin(s). May 15, 2020 · When the board is set to sleep mode, most of the SoC-internal peripherals are turned off, but the GPIO configuration is preserved. Depending on CONFIG_NRF52_PER_PIN_INTERRUPTS option, you can set a callback for the PORT event itself or you can set a callback for a given pin. In this article, I will discuss the GPIOTE (General Purpose Input Output Tasks and Events) peripheral in nRF52. I need to use the reset pin (P0. 2. \v1. I am trying to build a 9-key keyboard using the Feather nRF52 as the controller for it. gpiote不是简单的gpio,它是在gpio的基础上引入了task和event (task对应的是输出,event对应的是输入) 2. 04, pin number 4). Surprisingly the GPIO interrupts are not working or firing. This happens on the GPIO where I have a FET connected with a pull down resistor, but it also happens on GPIO pin P0. In this article, you will learn: API functions to control GPIO ports in nRF5 SDK; How to configure a pin as an input or an output port; How to set or clear a pin, how to read digital input from an I/O pin Jul 26, 2017 · You can also use the NRF_GPIO_PIN_MAP macro which is defined as: #define NRF_GPIO_PIN_MAP(port, pin) ((port << 5) | (pin & 0x1F)) // Macro for mapping port and pin numbers to values understandable for nrf_gpio functions. 6. where 2 is just the GPIO pin where the interrupt would happen, set the state of the machine (machine is working Apr 27, 2017 · I'm working with a custom nRF52832 board. h里面的API,比如 Feb 3, 2022 · High end nRF52 devices like the nRF52840 and nRF52833 have two regulator stages, and the ability to configure the GPIO voltage, but the nRF52832 does not have this capability. A permanent shunt exists between these pins to protect the nRF52 from damage when used for NFC. Only use RAM_RETENTION for the memory required to be retained. For more details please contactZoomin. However, I want to control the nRF52 from another MCU via GPIO pins of the second MCU and write my own SWD driver by connecting the 3 wires to the nRF52 - SWCLK, SWDIO and GND. Even after removing R25 and… Luis over 8 years ago +5 Aug 19, 2022 · gpiote 1. My setup: - First, I try to run the application on nRF52840dk Jun 16, 2020 · Working with nrf52832_mdk and using basic GPIO functionality, I am unable to toggle the GPIO pins P0. output-high. nrf_gpio_pin_set用来输出1到IO口 using the PPI & GPIOTE to set a pin output, shows that the nRF52 is setting the output 3us after the wakeup pulse. Please tell me how to use nRST (P0. I want to use nrf52 LATCH register. Dec 15, 2020 · GPIOTE is a method to execute a section of code or steps when there is a specific input at the GPIO pin. When I supply the chip with 3. I had the same question and problem this guy had. If I run the debugger, I know that sys off is only simulated and so perhaps I can expect to see confusing behaviour there, but I've been able to see the same thing happening with Jan 27, 2022 · In previous article, I have introduced APIs to control GPIO ports of nRF52 using nrf_gpio. 1st Parameter: pin_number can be equal to: 0 to 31 // (number) 2nd Parameter: pull_config can be equal to any of these values: •NRF_GPIO_PIN_PULLUP •NRF_GPIO_PIN_PULLDOWN •NRF_GPIO_PIN_NOPULL for e. Jan 26, 2022 · Looking to permanently change UICR REGOUT0 to 5 for 3V3 on VDDOUT from dongle, to power a small Pulse Oximeter. 多协议 SoC 产品组合 static inline int gpio_pin_set_raw(const struct device *port, gpio_pin_t pin, int value) Oct 28, 2021 · I've been playing around with the blinky example contained in . These wires are now driven by a host and I am using the ARM reference manual for SWD. However brief search on this forum would give you Mar 10, 2020 · 1. Jun 6, 2024 · Problem Description: I am trying to configure and control an LED connected to pin P1. The code used to set the pin output from the GPIOTE PORT event is: I am quite new to embedded firmware development and definitely just two days old into Nordic nRF52 development. Other Sites. 3 V through an onboard voltage regulator. This pin can be wired to another nRF52 GPIO (say GPIO2) to generate an interrupt and tell nRF52 that we're good to go. I want to just setup a 25% duty cycle clock output on GPIO pin 5 for nRF52 with 100 KHz frequency. I'm using a nrf52840 and it's working fine. add the following line to your code. If you want to disable NFC capabilities of these PINs and use them as generic GPIO you should follow this section. Oct 28, 2021 · I want to set it to 3. Aug 15, 2018 · NRF52 interrupt logic level event handler. When I check UICR, nrfjprog --family NRF52 --memrd 0x10001200 0x10001200: 00000012. How to set up GPIO port? How does GPIO work exactly? How do I address and write the entire GPIO port? Do I have to write to registers or are there functions for that? How are GPIO pins addressed for the nRF52832, is it just the pin number of port 0? Feb 13, 2019 · とあり、このbtn_id_wakeuがボタンスイッチ1, btn_id_wakeup_bond_deleteがボタンスイッチ2になる。 これらのボタンスイッチはgpioに接続しているので同じgpioにセンサなり外部信号なりをつなげたらいいのであるが、自由にgpioに接続したいですね。 Mar 6, 2024 · gpio 通过寄存器配置可以配置为输出模式和输入模式。这些都可以通过官方提供的一个库(对寄存器进行了封装),我们可以很方便的进行调用操作,下面会结合寄存器和官方函数进行说明。 May 23, 2017 · nrf_gpio_cfg_sense_input(ACCELEROMETER_INTERRUPT, NRF_GPIO_PIN_NOPULL, NRF_GPIO_PIN_SENSE_HIGH); and the minute that happens, on the reset, the modem loses its power. com DevAcademy DevZone Mar 14, 2024 · Hello, Thank you everyone for your contribution for this case. I need to toggle a pin,set a pin,reset a pin . The first thing we have to do is to include the header to the PWM library, app_pwm. The GPIO peripheral can be used to interact with a variety of external components such as switches, buttons, and LEDs. 4397_500 Page 18 LED4 Table 4: GPIO connection The I/O expander releases these GPIOs for general use when the nRF52 DK is used together with boards that follow the Arduino standard. Feb 22, 2019 · GPIO就大家通常理解的普通IO口,用来对IO口进行读写等操作。因此,如果你需要读某个IO口状态,或者将某个IO口置1,那么请使用nrf_gpio. I have also set the regout register "NRF_UICR->REGOUT0 = UICR_REGOUT0_VOUT_3V3;". When I configure pin P1. To minimize leakage current, ensure these two pins are at the same level when not in use. However, I am unable to set this pin as a GPIO. h里面的API,比如 nrf_gpio_cfg_input用来将IO设为输入模式nrf_gpio_pin_set用来输出1到IO 除此之外,GPIO模块还有两个非常重要的功能: Feb 12, 2019 · が、リセット機能を無効にして通常のGPIOとして使うことはできる。 環境. 18) as a regular GPIO, configured as an input with an associated interrupt. 3v. The code I am using is quite simple and I am able to toggle the LED's on a nrf52840_pca10056 when compiled in that environment. " If you want to use the reset pin as a normal GPIO then you have to remove the pre-processor definition CONFIG_GPIO_AS_PINRESET which is defined in the makefile or project options if you use gcc or SES respectively. In the latter case the driver scans for pins with DETECT bit high and calls the Jørgen Holmefjord . The protocol is relatively straight-forward for what I am trying to achieve. Apr 30, 2019 · I'm using the Feather nRF52840 revision D, with nRF52 version 0. I can see why 0,1,9,10 would not work but I am confused why 11 and 21 do Feb 28, 2018 · In nRF52 specification I have found that with gpio set as output with standard drive strength there is a possibility to pull up to 6mA from it and I would like to know what would happen if i tried to pull more (e. So how can I set it to 3. Hello, I'm having difficulty getting the GPIO set up in a way that behaves predictably on the nRF9160 DK. GPIO/GPIOTE Pins can be configured/operated using nrf52_gpio_* functions. Jun 5, 2023 · config_gpio=y # config_kscan is not set # config_wifi is not set config_spi=y config_gpio_init_priority=40 # config_watchdog is not set # config_modem is not set # config_uart_interrupt_driven is not set # config_i2c is not set # config_sensor is not set config_board="nrf52dk_nrf52832" config_soc="nrf52832_qfaa" config_soc_series="nrf52" config_num_irqs=39 config_sys_clock_hw_cycles_per_sec If I use nrf_gpio_cfg_output with one LED, then this LED lights up until I use again nrf_gpio_cfg_output with other port (for example with the other LED). Also after a full chip era May 3, 2022 · Hi, Can you try to change the code a bit, after configuring input by nrf_gpio_cfg_input(), then read the input pin until the input is high, before you enable sense nrf_gpio_cfg_sense_set(). gpiote具有8个通道(每个通道可以分配给1个引脚) 3. h driver in nRF5 SDK. 6V, the GPIO pin suddenly appears to be connected to Vdd. Mar 16, 2021 · In the timer timeout handler set the GPIO back to OUTPUT HIGH using nrfx_gpiote_out_set; The co-processor takes about 400ms to reboot and initialize, and it would assert one of its pins to HIGH if everything goes OK. Are we able to support an option under variants to enable/disable this option and hence free up two additional pins if you aren't using NFC? To use these pins as GPIO you need to #define CONFIG_NFCT_PINS_AS_GPIOS Jan 26, 2022 · Looking to permanently change UICR REGOUT0 to 5 for 3V3 on VDDOUT from dongle, to power a small Pulse Oximeter. . But it is still enabled. To set up the software, follow the instructions in Nordic tools and downloads in nRF5 Getting Started. 18) as GPIO. 3v on VDD, the GPIO pin outputs 3. 1k次。本文介绍了nrf52832芯片的gpio特性,包括最大32个gpio口、8个模拟通道、中断唤醒等功能。通过寄存器操作gpio,并阐述了使用官方sdk配置gpio的步骤,特别是gpiote模块,用于外部中断和任务执行,提高了效率。 Jun 6, 2024 · Problem Description: I am trying to configure and control an LED connected to pin P1. 3V actually and I saw it is mentioned in this nRF52 DK hardware desc page that "The 5V from the USB is regulated down to 3. 2 low as analog input and p0. Mar 4, 2021 · 文章浏览阅读4. Actual software required depends on your OS and Development IDE. I am programming a custom PCB that consists nrf52382, using the SDK15. g: nrf_gpio_cfg_input(13,NRF_GPIO_PIN_NOPULL); // Configure Pin 13 as input with no internal pull_up resistor */ nrf_gpio_cfg_output (uint32_t Oct 13, 2019 · 위의 내용은 "CONFIG_GPIO_AS_PINRESET" 이 선언(defined) 되어 있다면 21번 핀을 RESET 핀으로 설정하겠다는 내용이다. So the result I get is exactly the opposite This is related to the SENSE capability of pins, which can only be set to either rising or falling edge sensing. 4397_500 v1. GPIO和GPIOTE都属于芯片外设,但两者功能完全不一样,使用过程中不要将两者混淆。GPIO就是大家通常理解的普通IO口,用来对IO口进行读写等操作。因此,如果你需要读某个IO口状态,或者将某个IO口置1,那么请使用nrf_gpio. 10 are by default reserved for a NFC antenna. This test code works for other pins, like 31 and 29, but I cannot get it to work with pin 21. (gpio_pin_cnf_drive_h0d1 << gpio_pin_cnf_drive_pos) then the pin will be driven to low signal with max 5mA current (high drive strength) when you write 0 to it. This is related to the SENSE capability of pins, which can only be set to either rising or falling edge sensing. This is different from the normal inputs as interrupts stop the current executing code, Jan 18, 2017 · You can configure and control GPIOs using the GPIO abstraction API. Feb 25, 2024 · PM is not supported in the nRF devices for the simple reason that the power management system in most nRF devices is quite simple: Whenever you are not doing anything (ie the idle thread is running) the system will automatically put you in system on idle sleep mode, and this mode will not prevent any other peripherals in the system from running, so there is no need to use the PM module to set nRF52 系列 . 07 on my nRF52 device, but I am experiencing issues. 6 just fine This is related to the SENSE capability of pins, which can only be set to either rising or falling edge sensing. Below is an example of how to toggle LED1 on the nRF52 DK every 1 second: If you intend to control a GPIO pin signal with a connected external pullup resistor with a scenario like in the image bolow then you can configure the pin in the following manner: Powered by Zoomin Software. boolean. #define GOOD_WAKE_LED_PIN 8 // LED to show whether we woke up for the right reason. There’s another way to interact with digital I/O ports of nRF52 which involves tasks and events. Oct 19, 2019 · nRF52840 GPIO Features • Up to 32 GPIO pins per GPIO port • Configurable output drive strength • Internal pull-up and pull-down resistors • Wake-up from high or low level triggers on all pins • Trigger interrupt on state changes on any pin • All pins can be used by the PPI task/event system • One or more GPIO outputs can be controlled through PPI and GPIOTE channels • All pins Contribute to NordicPlayground/nrf52-drv-gpio-example development by creating an account on GitHub. Hi. The former allows for simultaneous rising/falling edge-sensitive interrupts per-pin. We tried running Pin change interrupt example and it worked fine but the problem is it is not working for our setup gpio interrupt only one of them is nrf52; Attachments (0) Nordic Case Info. can anyone take this ticket to a sample code/ code snippet and which packs do i need to install. 30mA but still with the same standard drive strength, not high) or even make short circuit on it - does the gpio have any internal To avoid such conflicts, the nRF52 DK has an I/O expander. h里面的API,比如: nrf_gpio_cfg_input用来将IO口设为输入模式. Measure voltage on P0. h to set and clear specific GPIO ports, respectively. I'm using the "Generic nRF52" board setting. Remove the 'CONFIG_GPIO_AS_PINRESET' flag from the preprocessor, clear the board with nrfjprog -e and/or nrfjprog -f nrf52 --recover. basically i just want to write a simple code where i want to toggle a pin continously. However, when I supply the chip with 5v on VDDH the GPIO output voltage is 1. 09 and PO. 07 as an output, I am unable to turn the LED on and off. The time for the GPIOTE irq handler to kick is ~12us. I've been toying with the interrupts, and noticed that attaching an interrupt to digital pin 7 (the USR / DFU button) doesn't result in interrupts firing, but running This is related to the SENSE capability of pins, which can only be set to either rising or falling edge sensing. After configuring (I hope) the LEDs as output, when I use nrf_gpio_pin_clear the LEDs lights up and when I use nrf_gpio_pin_set the LEDs turn off. Jun 20, 2020 · I am using nrf52832 ble, I want to set the pin P0. I haven't seen anything from Rigado that mentions a way to change the hardware, but they imply that the pins are still usable as GPIO. OUT:翻转任务 (任务优先级:OUT Jan 9, 2022 · nRF51/nRF52同时包含GPIO和GPIOTE两种外设,经常有人将两者搞混,今天我们就来介绍一下这2种外设有什么不同,及使用注意事项。 GPIO GPIO和GPIOTE都属于芯片外设,但两者功能完全不一样,使用过程中不要将两者混淆。GPIO就是大家通常理解的普通IO口,用来对IO口进行读写等操 Apr 16, 2020 · 认识NRF24L01模块: 这是引脚 关于引脚的具体含义: CSN Chip Select Not 接收端选择引脚,Not代表低电平有效 CE Chip Enable 发射/接收状态选择引脚 MOSI Master Out Slave In 主出从入,是控制端输出,接收端输入引脚,通常简写成MO SCK Serial Clock 时钟信号脚 IRQ Interrupt Request 中断请求脚 Mar 10, 2018 · hi, I am using nrf 52 DK and softdevice S132,PCA10040 board. In the latter case the driver scans for pins with DETECT bit high and calls the Oct 16, 2017 · I know this adds yet another compile and variant option, but for nRF52 boards PO. 09 and P0. Then using nRF Connect SDK and Zephyr, get Bluetooth GATT services and I2C(TWI) up and running. In the latter case the driver scans for pins with DETECT bit high and calls the Jun 24, 2021 · Hi Jared, Thanks for the reply! As I attached an image in that there is no any preprocessor declare for reset. It is configured with GPIO_0 as input device, on pin 21, and with flags GPIO_INPUT | GPIO_PULL_DOWN | GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH. To interact with the General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) peripheral, we can use the generic API <drivers/gpio. recompile and re-flash the board with the newly compiled code. Apr 8, 2020 · 1. 그리고 기본적으로 제공해주는 예제 코드의 프로젝트들은 CONFIG_GPIO_AS_PINRESET가 기본 선언되어있다. Hi Jorgen, I am new user of NRF52 series. h and create a PWM instance with the APP_PWM_INSTANCE macro that uses the TIMER2 peripheral. Nov 23, 2023 · I am developing an application for a custom board using the nRF52840. The I/O expander can be permanently enabled by shorting solder bridge SB18, or permanently disabled by Dec 6, 2018 · I'm seeing dozens to nearly a hundred clock cycles for a plain GPIO set or clear on several platforms when using gpio_pin_write(): nrf51, nrf52, k64f, and l476rg. To set up the hardware, follow the instructions in Getting started with the nRF52 DK. 0), because of adding multi-instance GPIOTE support in nrfx, now the user needs to explicitly enable gpiote… Nov 1, 2015 · Trying to use pins 9 and 10 on the NRF52 Dev Board for general purpose GPIO is useless until you make a couple of hardware and memory changes. gpiote的task任务(输出): 1. I tested the power consumption with minimal code (first statement in main() is sleep) so all GPIOs were set to default confguration (input with disconnected internal switch). #define AIN0 2 // analog pin p0. 3V? Kindly suggest your valuable insights. Jul 3, 2020 · Problem: We have got a new nrf52DK, and in our application development we use GPIO interrupts (we have set up 4 gpio interrupts). Added to Kconfig : CONFIG_GPIO_AS_PINRESET=n. And I can see the interrupt going high and low again when the nrf should be in sleep. Hello, I'm running into issues accessing a sensor via i2c ("nordic,nrf-twim") and I just want to verify that the pull-up configuration is not the source of the issue. I will talk about: Powered by Zoomin Software. None of the internal circuitry runs at these voltages except the GPIO, so running at lower voltages will not result in reduced power consumption. 3. It seems to be attached. 18 with CONFIG_GPIO_AS_PINRESET --> it is 'high'. Removed : gpio-as-nreset. 0 or P0. In new version of NCS (V2. #define GPIO_WAKE_PIN 15 // The user button on the Pro Mini nRF52. 0 文章浏览阅读6k次,点赞5次,收藏39次。 nordic 的 nrf51 和 nrf52 系列芯片在 gpio 的基础上引入了任务和事件(gpiote)的概念。gpiote 能让我们更方便地去操作 gpio,同时,他还能有效地减少程序的参与、降低 cpu 的负担。 Assuming you are using nRF52 this indicates that you haven't read Product Specification where you could learn about NFC antenna (ISO14443 peripheral) being tight to P0. Mar 9, 2017 · I have a set of 10K PU in my schematic right now to VDD -- on some parts I've used in the past, the PU/PD functionality of a given pin is tied to the GPIO 'peripheral' usage -- i. const uint32_t UICR_ADDR_0x20C __attribute__((at(0x1000120C))) __attribute__((used)) = 0xFFFFFFFE May 30, 2018 · The nRF52 devices are optimized for running at 3V (although the ‘840 will accept 5V). That’s why I write this guide to help you learn nRF52 General Purpose Input Output (GPIO) usage with nRF5 SDK. Dec 6, 2024 · I want to disable hardware nRST to use P0. Oct 25, 2018 · The stock setting on the pca10059 dongle, and possibly also on the pca10056 DK configures the pins P0_09 and P0_10 as NFC pins, therefore they can't be used as GPIO pins. , if that pin is given to a SPI/I2C or other peripheral, the pull-up / pull-down control is lost. 3 high as analog input . h>, which provides user-friendly functions to interact with GPIO peripherals. The steps I have followed are based on this thread. Configuring a pin or group of pins as output pin(s). What I see: 1. 2. Oct 28, 2021 · I've been playing around with the blinky example contained in . #define WAKE_FROM GPIO // Can be one of RESET, GPIO, NFC or LPCOMP (see below). 18 as GPIO. e. On the nRF52832 there is just a single regulator stage, and the GPIO voltage is set directly by the supply voltage. com DevAcademy DevZone Yes exactly, at about Vdd = 0. ” But when I powered the board via USB and measured the voltage on VDD, it is around 2. Raytac MDBT50Q-DB ( Nordic nRF52840 SoC ) Nordic nRF5 SDK v15. If this property is set, the GPIO is configured as an output set to logical low. but it does not produce a reset. In the latter case the driver scans for pins with DETECT bit high and calls the Mar 15, 2021 · nrf_gpio_cfg_input(IMU_INT2, NRF_GPIO_PIN_NOPULL); nrf_gpio_cfg_sense_set(IMU_INT2, NRF_GPIO_PIN_SENSE_HIGH); Prior to setting the nrf to sleep the interrupt is firing and working as expected. Got that from here. com DevAcademy DevZone Sep 22, 2016 · It is also possible to write directly to the NFCPINS UICR register in order to use the pins as GPIO pins, i. Using more draws unnecessary power. I have tried NRF_P0->LATCH =0xFFFFFFFF; for my understanding this should clear all the bits in the LATCH register. 8v. 75 seconds later, after futher decay of Vdd, the GPIO pulls back to GND. 7. Adafruit code for the Nordic nRF52 BLE SoC on Arduino - adafruit/Adafruit_nRF52_Arduino Aug 30, 2019 · GPIO就是大家通常理解的普通IO口,用来对IO口进行读写等操作。 因此,如果你需要读某个IO口状态,或者将某个IO口置1,那么请使用nrf_gpio. Apr 10, 2018 · First, this is my first microcontroller project in 15 years, and 2nd ever (the first one was an 8051 based toy). 1k次。本文介绍了nrf52832芯片的gpio特性,包括最大32个gpio口、8个模拟通道、中断唤醒等功能。通过寄存器操作gpio,并阐述了使用官方sdk配置gpio的步骤,特别是gpiote模块,用于外部中断和任务执行,提高了效率。 Mar 8, 2024 · 在开始使用gpio输入中断之前,我们首先需要配置gpio引脚的模式和功能。这样,当gpio引脚13从低电平变为高电平时,将触发中断事件,并执行相应的事件处理函数。一旦gpio引脚被正确配置,我们可以接下来配置gpio输入中断。 I would like to use the oscillator pins (if possible), NFC pins, and pin 11/21 as GPIO. Nordicsemi. I know these pins are the NFC pins, and have read that they need to be set as GPIO in the UICR before they will work, but I don't know how to go about doing that. 1 6 Sep 30, 2016 · currently I use nrf_gpio_pins_set() and and nrf_gpio_pins_clear() from nrf_gpio. CLR:清除任务(0) 3. 9V. What I need is someone to just step me through the process of how to set up my code so I can access the relevant GPIO on my hardware, and then change its state. If I want to change the current state of -say- 4 GPIO ports at once (some of them may be cleared, some of them may be set), how do I do that? It would be important that the change on all pins happens at the same Apr 9, 2021 · Hi, Is that a valid solution to reconfigure all the GPIO of the NRF52 in default configuration so they will be in Hi-z before disabling the power of the external module Yes, that is the way to do it… Powered by Zoomin Software. This property takes precedence over the output-high property. SET:置位任务(1) 2. When you write 1 it will be disconnected. g. I can see the correct bit set in the register, but I am unable to clear this bit. Digging through the code as @awneil suggested, I found that nrf_gpio_pin_set() simply updates the OUTSET register, so the Orange: PWM Control Signal - Should be connected to one of the unused GPIO pins of the nRF52 DK (for example P0. 1. twobhzxvhdjuxfnpeochduuhoulylymccqljegfkiwhnrusxbboppuvasdrfwmnhyq