Orca mining high sec Orca pilot had the mindlink in, and the cycle time ganglink. Maybe you should stick with Quake… Yes, it is a very formidable solo mining ship. i see you tried to make is bigger but just fyi the boosting top rack will go for 5 hr it would be nice to have at least that big of a tank for water vrs what im doing now an ploping 100k in fleet an 60k in cargo an telling my fleet members they Sep 30, 2018 · I spent the day mining yesterday in a belt full of NPC miners, drones worked wonders at getting “my share” - filled the Orca 3 times and took down over 4 dozen rats - complete with salvage. I like the idea of mining in various ships though. Also hope it was worth the loss of a Pirate BS. Use This Link & Get 1,000,000 Skill Points (Login/Create)https://www. This will eventually fund other escapades but I want to build up the revenue first and I find mining to be incredibly relaxing. Everyone used t2 strippers with t1 crystals except one guy running t1 strips. Jun 7, 2018 · Well, that’s simple. Honestly Hig sec minig is utter ass even ice mining in hig is mostly ass. 7 hours depending on R4 moon. Not only will you be able to mine with relative safety, you'll also have access to Orca and Rorqual mining boosts, and nullsec to high sec logistics sorted out for you. Apr 27, 2018 · hi guys , this is my high sec mining alt. High Sec Ore Mining Fit for Skiff. I have been mining Veldspar with Orca+Hulk (mining with two accounts simultaneously) for months, but seeing that even with 1. Fit the rest of the ship for tank… May 17, 2022 · Fully fit, fueled, and ready to go Orca, located in Gallente space NPC station. Mining ore is way too frustrating in HiSec for ore. mining astroids? They are all asteroids this is why I said t1 or moons. Null sec gets a bit of everything and specializes in zydrine and megacyte. Alpha char, mining high sec jackpotted moon only: between 74 and 122 hours Apr 10, 2021 · Apart from my first experience (newbie mining in a venture, which I didn’t like) and trying it on an alt with a minimum skilled porpoise I have no real idea on actual mining income. High sec produces tritanium, pyerite, some mexallon, and the r4 moon ores. Dec 21, 2016 · As such the Orca and the Porpoise have become the "go-to" choices for high-sec AFK mining in style without leaving a trace and they rack up tons of ISK without worrying about starting and stopping lasers and other mundane, time-wasting micro-management! I'm solo cherry picking best ores in hi sec mining anomalies with a Porpoise (have an Orca but it's too slow for cherry picking and roaming). Any suggestions? Dec 21, 2016 · As such the Orca and the Porpoise have become the "go-to" choices for high-sec AFK mining in style without leaving a trace and they rack up tons of ISK without worrying about starting and stopping lasers and other mundane, time-wasting micro-management! Only the BEST ore for moon mining, jackpotted moons. Mar 27, 2020 · What is a good benchmark to aim for when it comes to EHP in high sec to ward against gankers? The difference between the fit I linked to and the one that Anderson Geten kindly suggested is 496k and 309k. Now, I have those but always thought the orca was more for fleets. 7 space. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! It's a complete fuckin waste of time, u be making like 3-5mil per hour, mining in high sec, worried about getting ganked, and trying to keep range on the damn spread out roids. 000 . We took out 4 hulks and an orca. Lets assume the following set up: Orca with command bursts and 4 Procurers, all maxed out but without silly expensive modules Mar 14, 2022 · Hi just a few things i would like to touch base on that needs to be looked at in the orca . Prescouted ore bookmarks, station bookmarks, Higgs rig, attentive d-scanning at all times (with proper filter), paying attention to local at all times, and staying aligned during the mining And I'm talking about 5/5 mining foreman, mining director skills and 4 warfare link specialist, plus two mining foreman links on the orca. Flying a venture or any mining vessel around null will get you blown up fast. The Orca can’t fit any mining lasers, only mining drones, and you can only use 1 ice mining drone, or 5 ore mining drones. I’m interested in learning though and might be inclined to do it “on the side”. doesn’t work in high sec… there’s mining boosts fit which if you don’t bring out the skiffs are useless but even with them aren’t going to help improve the orca vs trigs, shield hardeners alone simply do not equal a shield tank (@Ortzog, fyi eve uni fit is for max ehp to defend against player ganks) and medium & heavy Support the site. patreon. You can't compress moon ore in a station. What kind of fitting should I have to not screw up and lose the orca? Here’s my idea about the fitting and my plan: High Slots: Improved Cloaking Device II Mid Slots: 500MN Cold-Gas Enduring Mining scored, pyrox and plag is kinda pointless everything they generate is generated by mining trit and a moon. It absolutely is not passive now, and if u do it semi passive u'll be wasting cycles, because the "waste" gets counted first. And fleet boosts don’t work on drones. 5 space, and it must be in an exhumer, my advice is to do proper Higgs rig mining. Whats the high sec ganking scene like nowadays, should i be switching to a more tanky procurer? I run 2-3 hobgoblin IIs as a defence right now for both npcs and gankers. Bonus points if you can tell me potential isk/hr associated w/it :) Going for max yield, not as worried about tank… Oct 3, 2019 · Today in morning, one hour before downtime, i had time to enter. They'll need a very large catalyst swarm or talos gang to kill you in time. Only time ice mining is not as is when the demand if ice is high. Of course also tried Hulk, Mackinaw etc, but now I'm itching for a new solo mining high sec ship, so I'd like to maybe try the Porpoise or Orca. The question is not how many times you increase HP or cost, but how many more isk you can travel with and still be un-profitable. Help me outfit to go low sec mining. You'll make more money with 3 miners than 1 Orca and 2 miners. I'd like to try solo high sec mining in an Orca, with the safest possible fit to minimize the chances of getting ganked. I don’t know why people insist that you’ll lose your ship every single time you undock in high sec. 9: 18647: August 29, 2017 Orca highsec. com/posts/free-1-000-000-111405897Support The Channel & Use Creator Code JAKEL33 Ganking for ideology: Some gankers are offended by the act of high sec mining or will gank someone who talks shit in local. Dec 21, 2016 · As such the Orca and the Porpoise have become the "go-to" choices for high-sec AFK mining in style without leaving a trace and they rack up tons of ISK without worrying about starting and stopping lasers and other mundane, time-wasting micro-management! Maxed orca boosts. I plan on having an interceptor scout alt. good bonuses from Orca, and 2. Guide to fitting a Retriever for high-security ore mining in Eve Online. 0 Pocket system in high sec, yes, max high sec, with my high sec character, and take off and go to a mining belt. Can anyone tell me if an orca with aug mining drones is better than a skiff or hulk if solo mining? Thank you. The prices in eve use to rise and fall, but since 2011 they have just steadily risen. I'm hoping the lack of addit Apr 6, 2021 · One more solo mining Orca fit video before the inevitable nerfs come for it. Long story short, I played a long long time ago. 07 23:10:15 - - Quote. Fair enough. online/ This is what I use. So, because this isn't really clear: X-1+y > X where X is the number of hulks and y is the orca (y=1 ship). Cloak and travel fit included with Mobile Depot for switching in the belts Aug 21, 2023 · Mining in high-sec island with Orca is very chill! This was the gift from the Brave Empire. So kann man locker 3-4b in 15 Minuten machen. Came back. So, that’s the extent of your options. Welcome back pilot o7 Edit: shit. Orca only makes the profit higher once you have 3+ miners. Aug 23, 2017 · Orca - High-Sec Fit for Mining Operations. I’m bored mining in high sec. This has served me well for over a year mining both asteroid and ice belts but I’m now making the move to nullsec so I need to liquidate it. That means that vs nades, if you consider 1B items requires 100k ehp to be For those of you that just want to see the potential isk/hr for compressed ore in High-Sec look here - 8:40Again these are all estimates! Highly depends on y Looking for fits for a high sec solo mining orca. With the extended range of the orca boost effect with the Core On (104k) you can cover a little bit over half of the ore field. Support the site. it is in scope npc corp to avoid war decs and i would like to keep it that way . if you've gone to the effort of owning and defending an r4 moon, you deserve all the rewards that come with it. Will you be mining solo or boosting a fleet? Boosting a fleet, but if you have solo fit as well that would be great! shield command *2 in high, one mining command. But someone told me an orca is just as good if I use augmented mining drones. Es ist hier also zwingend geraten auf das theoretische Mehr an Ertrag zu verzichten und mit einem guten Tank in den Belt zu gehen. Oct 31, 2012 · 1. My cycles and ore amounts are good under the new "prosperity" patch. It seems that people are getting away with just AFK mining in orcas instead of actually playing the game and with the recent nerfs to roids i have had an idea to keep people interested and help people get in fleets and enjoy the social Apr 6, 2017 · Fair enough. While the Orca has a large cargo bay, and a separate ore bay, one of its best uses is giving mining fleet members a longer mining laser range, and a faster mining laser cycle time through the use of Command Burst modules . I'm willing to sacrifice the drone mining yield to achieve this. Recently resumed Eve after many years and trying to setup an Orca for high sec mining but all posts I see are old Tried using cargo expander 2`s and cargo optimization rigs but they don't appear to work Please can anyone offer any setup ideas ???? Bumblefck Kerensky Initiatives 11119: Posted - 2016. 105% Mining/survey range bonus -39. Low sec gets a bit of everything and specializes in isogen and nocxium. And I'm talking about 5/5 mining foreman, mining director skills and 4 warfare link specialist, plus two mining foreman links on the orca. they don't boost the reach of the barges mining with the Core on. 0 sind beim An und Abdocken gefährdet! Orca ganks very rarely happen in anything higher than . Amarr Caldari Gallente Minmatar Ship/Fit Comparisons Notes Spreadsheet Porn Fits Numbers listed here assume perfect Orca Boosts and Type B Crystals, but no Stellar Observatory. 4 days ago · I am not a miner in eve but i have been on worm hole adventures with very low skills with a corp an we made do with a few of us bastar$ fitting ships so we could mine i personally mined with a ferox and a battle ship mined maybe a quarter as good as a mining barge if that looked cool mining but at the time i had very limited skills but eventually got into a mining barge fitting mining lazors Es waren unbeschreibliche Verbesserungen, mit ganzen 150% mehr Ertrag auf das Drone Mining. I am looking to get orca or porpoise bonus in fleet , in return i am prepared to sell all the ore i mine to the boost giver at a percentage lower than jita price equating to half boost given so that we can both First, ice mining is still the same and works great. Sep 20, 2023 · If you must mine, and if it must be in high sec, and if it must be in 0. Get your Omega codes here. Mar 6, 2020 · Hello all i have had an idea that i would like to share with you that could possibly improve the problems we have with AFK mining and in particular Orca’s. I can reach 1M2 ehp ol. :P just a clarification. Mainly want to help defuse the black/white and right/wrong mindset as it pertain Assuming max skills and a T2 fit (ie no expensive storyline / faction modules / implants), a solo max-yield Retriever without boosts pulls 39 m3/sec = 140k m3 / hour. Apr 12, 2022 · Granted, I’m not the high sec carebear that the Orca is apparently designed for, but I was hoping that the new core would give it some sort of niche outside of lazy high sec mining. 6: 817: March 26, 2022 make compression lossy, make losses on rorq like 5-10%, 10-20% on orca, 20-30% on porpoise. In belts amongst a fleet of Hulks, giving them boosts to the range, cap use and cycle time of their mining lasers, they mine and deposit ore into it’s corp hanger, the Orca pilot then moves the ore into the Orca’s Ore bay and cargo hold. Es wurden auch so einige Skills für meinen Mining Char nachgelegt und die Orca hatte danach eine Effektivität wie noch niemals zuvor. We spent 2 hours and cleared out 2 high sec fields - all the veld, plagio, pyrox, and scord we could find. Learn how to dominate level 4 missions in Eve Online using some of the most powerful ships in Eve. it flys a procurer mines pyrox and veldspar with t2 crystals. water tank . with non-expensive fit I can get 600k ehp. NOTE: Copy this to your clipboard and import it to EVE Online to simulate fittings. 4% Mining Modules: Duration & Capacitor Use Bonus -39. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! Jul 30, 2018 · Orca brings boosts to mining yield, to shield value and shield resists, so a neat 30% more ehp. That said solo mining in an Orca is going to be very very slow and you'd probably be better off just hopping in an exhumer if you want to mine solo in highsec. 0 to 0. Also orca can target your mining exhumer and provide it heated L ancil + L T2 rep (with a processor in the low slot). Compressing moon ore requires a sieged up Orca or Rorqual, and you can't bring a Rorqual into high sec. perfect refining skills+high standing for reprocessing, the most I make is about 15 mil ISK/hour, not least because of the lowest possible Tritanium prices. 5 many times. the water tank went from 12. The Skiff Exhumer for mining ore in High Sec fitting is as follows: [Skiff – Ore Mining] Mining Laser Upgrade II Mining Laser Oct 14, 2024 · I’ve also run new player high sec mining fleets: I’ll bring a command ship - a suitable Orca - give them boosts and handle all the commercial “ore to ISK” logistics for them. Implant. Mining & Extraction. Get 1 mil FREE Skillpoints on a new character: https://eve. The Porpoise has an awesome new niche as an affordable compression boat that can effectively operate in wormholes and Pochven, which finally makes it possible to Finally, the mining system rewards miners for spreading out. 500 to 16. 4 and 18. Nov 3, 2024 · Im High Sec haben Mining Barges und Exhumer, bis auf Procurer und Skiff, wenig bis keine Überlebenschance durch Ganker. I have 3 alts (1 Orca, 2 Hulk, former Skiffs). [Orca, Boost & Mine] Damage Control II Reinforced Bulkheads II 500MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive Survey Scanner II Adaptive Invulnerability Field II EM Ward Field II Adaptive Invulnerability Field II Mining Foreman Burst II, Mining Laser Field Enhancement Charge Mining Foreman Burst II, Mining Laser Optimization Charge Shield Command Dec 14, 2021 · Intro stuff Stellar Observatory locations System wide bonus to yield in all empires, plus a bonus to shield HP in Caldaria and Minmatar space. 5k m3 ore hold, compared to the 35k m3 ore hold on the Mack. I’m into the industrial and mining thing. I suppose it's hard to offset that by just mining buffs but I would have liked to have seen more extreme buffs to mining. I'm solo cherry picking best ores in hi sec mining anomalies with a Porpoise (have an Orca but it's too slow for cherry picking and roaming). I’ve been mining in High Sec in just about every empire and I’ve flown my skiff from 1. I usually use a hulk or skiff. You would have to use ships to tug ore around, warp points, or tractor cans. Mining crystals have been simplified, then made more complex. And I’ve been playing for about 5 days now. Explore fitting strategies, tactics, and tips to maximize [Orca, Hauler] Damage Control II Reinforced Bulkheads II 500MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive Cap Recharger II Cap Recharger II Adaptive Invulnerability Field II [empty high slot] [empty high slot] [empty high slot] Large Transverse Bulkhead II Large Transverse Bulkhead II Large Transverse Bulkhead II This is a high sec fit designed to defend you Aug 14, 2018 · Orca - High-Sec Fit for Mining Operations. Only the BEST ore for moon mining, jackpotted moons. 03. Nicht nur im High Sec mit Orca Piloten, auch der Inhalt von Ratting Caps im 0. A cargo-rigged Orca with 2 Expanded cargo m Right now I'm solo mining in high sec. Procurer Notes Hull - 74k EHP / 48. Flying the Orca, and developing the best skill set to do so is perhaps the biggest improvement in a high-sec mining fleet. A bit of a mining noob thread, but would appreciate advices. Therefore, it's not only to your benefit to go off the beaten path to avoid ganks, but you will also find richer mining as well. Alpha char, mining high sec jackpotted moon only: between 74 and 122 hours. The buff too mining still isn't enough to offset the drone land changes though. Don't claim to be invincible and fit a tank, but you don't even need to go full bulkhead fit to beat most ganks in this category (a mining orca wants to fit drone mining rigs). If you want to go into null-sec join a null sec corp. Aug 15, 2017 · As the title says, can you recommend a high sec fit for the Orca? The Orca is a very versatile ship and the fit will vary depending how you intend to use it. To me, it makes very little sense to make compression instant, remote, and Sep 3, 2023 · In die Orca einsteigen, die Skiff/Hulk… in die Orca laden, und das eigene Schiff, idealerweise eine Venture, denn die braucht nur wenig Platz im SMB, einladen und aus dem Belt warpen. So while the hulk may mine more m3 per cycle, it loses the solo mining war against the Mack because it has to go back to station four times as often. PvP Ships & Modules. com/posts/free-1-000-000-111405897Support The Channel & Use Creator Code JAKEL33 Mar 14, 2017 · I am in high sec at the moment, so not super dangerous but do have to contend with gankers potentially. If you have any other questions, let me know. Aber dies ist gleichzeitig auch eine Warnung an Euch. Support the site. 8 m3/s Skiff Use This Link & Get 1,000,000 Skill Points (Login/Create)https://www. Apr 30, 2019 · So let’s suppose I found a cheap Orca in Null sec, right. My game play was supposed to bet mine with two maxed Skiff pilots, and bring a Dominix or nightare to kill recon squads. Oct 3, 2019 · a maxed booster , with max shields, max drones, and non fit. If your barge/exhumer has OL its hardener, that makes it much harder to gank. What doesn't work is the spherical roid fields that can reach over 150km. I have my own corp and two accounts. I have an Orca on one account and then hulk/retriever on the other. Actually, it still is. Nov 25, 2024 · High Sec isn’t near as dangerous as people claim it is. Concord all day. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! Dec 3, 2017 · My Orca Provides the following boosts and services to the mining fleet. Dec 16, 2022 · Use This Link & Get 1,000,000 Skill Points (Login/Create)https://www. I forgot to list my fleet luls! 5 toons 1 orca 4 macks max skills. It’s 6 jumps out from the nearest low sec and it’s 6 jumps out from the nearest high sec area. One Omega (covetor or mackinaw), One Alpha. Extra modules allow for extra Shield Command Burst or Mining Foreman Burst when in normal belts. A proper Orca fit will out-live a single Mach tank vs. Are the exhumers worth using in High Sec mining? I also plan to build into industrial command ships as I am part of CAS But the primary reason to use an Orca is for high sec moon mining. If your using T2 strip mining lasers with crystals your looking at about 10m-13m an hour mining the high yield ores. [Orca, Ritek’s Orca] I multibox 4 mining accounts 1 Orca and 3 miners. I’ve only met bumpers twice and suicide cults once. Here are my results to get omega in high sec: Omega char, mining high sec jackpotted moon only: between 11. 9 m3/s Shield - 83k EHP / 52. A relaxed social bit of life in New Eden. 4% Mining Crystal Volatility My Orca also provides a fleet hanger that fleet members can deposit ore into and can be freighted away with a hauler allowing the mining fleet to “non-stop” mine instead of having to dock every time Nov 6, 2019 · Current Orca price is somewhere around 600M and the fitting goes for around additional 80-90M ISK. 1 ice mining drone and 5 ore mining drones. I started Eve back in the days of Battleship mining but stopped after two months and recently got back into it, my character has a little over 15 million skill points, I can pilot and efficiently fly a Stealth bomber, T3 Destroyer, Almost at Max boost for an Orca (Mining Foreman) as well as most Caldari ships and I'm working on Logi as we speak. Anybody have a high sec orca or mack fit they can share? Wants are - Cap stable - no crazy expensive stuff - Max yield while still running a reasonable tank Orca can boost harmonizers or whatever makes sense. Man I remember when I started eve hig sec mining was decent and Hulk was the end goal now I don´t even care about T2 mining barges over expensive useless shit if your not part of a mining corp. Also wurde die Orca nochmals umgefittet und weiter Optimiert. The command burst modules do effect your ship but the mining optimization bursts don't effect mining drones. Oct 26, 2018 · Good Morning all! So I am working towards what ships I want to do and I recently got my mining barge. com/posts/free-1-000-000-111405897Support The Channel & Use Creator Code JAKEL33 Hi all, recently started solo high sec mining in a retriever. I used to mine in a Rokh back in the day. Pulling approx 2200m3 per laser. … also I hope your Mach has enough tank to survive Concord, oh wait, it doesn’t. Drop the boosts if you're actually solo. Then go to a 1. I did mining as a full-time profession both solo and with an Orca on grid. Ore has been rebalanced. Is that overkill? Gimps my mining output obviously. Technically yes but it wouldn't be worth it. The thing about the hulk is that it has a 8. Jun 7, 2018 · An Orca is not a solo mining ship. Apr 10, 2021 · Apart from my first experience (newbie mining in a venture, which I didn’t like) and trying it on an alt with a minimum skilled porpoise I have no real idea on actual mining income. If you don't compress your moon ore then it is often not worth the time it takes hauling R4 moon rocks more than 1 or 2 jumps mining anything in high sec that isn't an r4 moon already requires a lot of interaction because high sec asteroid belt asteroids are the size of a steroids shrunk testicle. Lets assume the following set up: Orca with command bursts and 4 Procurers, all maxed out but without silly expensive modules Aug 31, 2010 · Last night I was in my first big mining op in a few years. mcpqucfwiimxoksiftuxesdobuhyfhqjsjriccyjhyjkscedhmynvkycsjijgldgohhcdjb