Original hebrew new testament. Usage Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.

Original hebrew new testament 125. The situation is much worse. While in the New Testament, this will contain the Greek version contained in the Textus Receptus. 100 (which contains all four Gospels in Hebrew); Breslau JTS 233; St. In 1806, two Hebrew New Testament manuscriptsfrom were found in a Jewish Synagogue in Cochin, India! The Hebrew Revelation, James and Jude contained in these manuscripts from Cochin contain the many linguistic evidences of authenticity expected in genuine copies of original Hebrew documents: gapping of explicit subjects and objects; Hebrew word plays; inversed word order; Hebrew keywords A Corrected New Testament in Hebrew was published at London in 1798 by the Reverend R. And 313 starts a sequence of prime numbers 313 353 373. We are grateful to Dr Alan Bunning of the Center for New Testament Restoration for the work done to identify the original Greek text of the New Testament. The Original Hebrew Bible (Codex Paleo Americanus) is a free, public domain, easy-to-read Bible with all 39 books of the Old Testament. The first list of the Old Testament manuscripts in Hebrew, made by Benjamin Kennicott (1718–1783) and published by Oxford in two volumes in 1776 and 1780, listed 615 manuscripts from You may download a free continually updated PDF under "files" that has links to original Hebrew source text to English translations, manuscripts, Jan 6, 2019 · New Testament – Greek. Mobile and Tablet Users: We recommend viewing/downloading each book individually. Kittel’s Biblia Hebraica (BHK), seventh, eighth and ninth editions (1951-55). The total number of Greek words in the original New Testament text is 137,720. It was published in its entirety in 1998 by Jewish New Testament Publications, Inc. Franz Delitzsch,” Carmignac, Die vier Evangelien, XVI. When we study these books, it is with […] New corrected text and typesetting c 2004–2005 Bibles. This is: 40 x 11 x 313. This is the only Bible that goes through ALL the words―showing the Old Testament Hebrew, New Testament Greek, and the English translation side-by-side! This is the ONLY Bible that includes the complete Hebrew and Greek texts with a direct English translation below each Nov 1, 2017 · Hendrickson's The Complete Hebrew-Greek Bible combines under one cover the complete text of the Hebrew Bible and the Greek New Testament. Scope: New Testament Nov 24, 2014 · First, there is an ancient Hebrew version of Matthew. SBL Greek New Testament. The question of the Old Testament's original language isn't as simple as a single answer. Both Hebrew text has in Matthew 1:16, "Joseph, the father of Mary. Jun 16, 2024 · I have spent close to forty years searching for manuscripts of the original Hebrew of books of the “New Testament”. 1. This is the only Bible that goes through ALL the words―showing the Old Testament Hebrew, New Testament Greek, and the English translation side-by-side! This is the ONLY Bible that includes the complete Hebrew and Greek texts with a direct English translation below each Access the Ancient Hebrew Manuscripts of the New Testament! Restoring the scriptures to their original language and culture! In the past few decades many Hebrew manuscripts of the body of text referred to as the New Testament have been found. Ebr. Jan 26, 2022 · Scholars on the Original Language of the New TestamentByJames Scott Trimm The New Testament was first written in Hebrew and Aramaic. New Testament Greek text » Old Testament Hebrew text » Timeline. Luke 43. acontribution tohebrewphhology by prof. Introduction to bible translations. One of these has to do with the gender of the Holy Spirit. The Greek text is in red after the Hebrew text, which is in black. Hebrew-English Tanakh (JPS) 2nd edition (1999). Verses are presented in the Original Hebrew script, with an English transliteration and public domain translation. These Gospels have been ascertained to have come from a first century source! See Appendix A for a brief summary of the analysis of this evi-dence. By analyzing the similarities and differences between these texts, researchers can gain insights into the language and linguistic characteristics of the original New Testament Jan 14, 2019 · Literary scholar Robert Alter says he didn't think the existing English translations of the Bible did justice to the original Hebrew. Alexander the Great (356-323 B. leipzig. I am transcribing the Catalan Matthew and can't figure out what this is trying to spell. the &mm^ hebrewnewtestament ofthe britishandforeignbiblesociety. Matthew 41. Discover multiple authentic Hebrew manuscripts of the Gospels, Revelation, James and Jude! Gain unique insights from manuscript Vat. Hebrew New Testament, one of two complete texts of the New Testament in the Cochin Collection. The Remnant of YHWH (YAHUAH/YAHWEH) accepts both the Old Testament ( Torah and Tanach) and New Testament. [17] Apr 27, 2024 · Differences in interpretation, emphasis, and theological nuances can arise from varying understandings of the original language. The recently published Eastern Orthodox Bible New Testament footnotes every single Old Testament quote and assesses whether the quote agrees with the Greek Septuagint rather than the Masoretic Text, which is supposedly a faithful representation of the "original" Hebrew. Hebrew New Testament 1817 by Fry and Collyer by Repaired by Steve Borger. an Aramaic primacy of the New Testament has been the subject of debate for a very long time. [16] "Hebrew" refers to the original language of the books, but it may also be taken as referring to the Jews of the Second Temple era and their descendants, who preserved the transmission of the Masoretic Text up to the present day. For example, the name Yeshua echoes the prophecies foretelling a savior. ), as presented in R. Salkinson died in 1883, but the work was continued and completed by Dr. ) Base text and orthography is the Nestle 1904 Greek New testament, courtesy of: https://sites. Apr 2, 2024 · Greek concordances help users find words in the original Greek New Testament, or in English with Greek translations. When searching through the Old Testament, the verse will be in the original Hebrew-language text. What is the real truth of the matter? Did Jesus speak Greek? Jay Green's The Interlinear Bible, Franz Delitzsch Hebrew New Testament, Salkinson-Ginsburg Hebrew New Testament, HalleluYah English-Hebrew Parallel Edition,Interlinear Scripture Analyzer, Tyndale Bible [Coverdale, Rogers], Geneva Bible, NASB, NRSV, NKJV, Lamsa, New Jerusalem Bible, Peshitta Aramic-English Interlinear NT) The Interlinear Bible is keyed to the Greek and Hebrew text using Strong’s Concordance. uk. Apr 8, 2016 · I believe the answer to your question is no, the writers of the New Testament did not rely on the Hebrew text. The First image is the Freiburg HS-314 Revelation. Click on the Hebrew for "Berit Hadshah" (or here: Delitzsch). The vast majority of Jews (and Israelites, for lack of better terminology) only spoke & wrote in the Hebrew language throughout their existence. Koine Greek was widely used in commerce, politics, and culture, therefore both Gentiles and Jews were wise to conform to the lingua franca of the day. It's translated Jul 1, 2005 · Keyword Study Bibles are great―but most only show some select keywords. Hebrew Bible [and] Old Testament" without prescribing the use of either. the original monographs of the New Testament were all written in Hebrew, and later translated into Greek. Acts 45. Publication date 2017-03-30 download 15 Files download 6 Original. (Hebraism is a characteristic feature of Hebrew occurring in another language. Bible lexicons provide definitions and meaning of Biblical words found in the original New Testament Greek and Old Testament Hebrew languages of the Holy Bible. 25 Delitzsch, The Hebrew New Testament of the British, 31. The numeric value of ΛΟΓΟΣ is 373. 5 out of 5 stars 39 ratings It is ironic, then, that during the centuries when Hebrew lay dormant as a spoken language, so too the New Testament was unknown in Hebrew. A few parts of the Old Testament — namely, Daniel 2:4b–7:28 and Ezra 4:8–6:18 and 7:12–26 — were written in Aramaic. Caddock, but it proved not to be acceptable to the Jews, for whose benefit it was published, and a new translation became a desideratum. The Hebrew New Testament is a modern Hebrew translation. John : Writings: 44. Jul 8, 2024 · What Was the Language of the Old Testament? The Old Testament was written almost entirely in Hebrew, the ancient Middle Eastern language spoken by the Jewish people. R. Jan 1, 2014 · This latest edition of the HEBREW/ENGLISH Bible brings to you the Old and the New Testaments in texts in both languages side by side You can compare verses easily and make the most of the original text in Hebrew in one book. 26 Delitzsch, The Hebrew New Testament of the British, 6. There are several Hebrew New Testaments that have been translated from Greek. This site relies upon the Hebrew New Testament (The Society For Distributing Hebrew Scriptures, 1886/1999) and The Hebrew New Testament (Trinitarian Bible Society, 1966/1998). See also the end user license. Dec 1, 2022 · Or is it like the New Testament — lots of manuscripts, none original, and all of them changed in lots of ways, sometimes significantly? As it turns out, the problems I’ve talked about in my publications and on the blog about the New Testament are even more pronounced for the Hebrew Bible. Beautiful, large Hebrew and Greek characters that can be resized as needed. org. Furthermore, Jewish people wrote most of the books in the New Testament. D. Recently claims Have surfaced claiming that the Cochin Hebrew version of Revelation (Cambridge Hebrew Ms. Additionally, New Testament writers quote the Old Testament hundreds, if not thousands, of times. The New Testament was first translated into Hebrew by Elias Hutter in his Polyglott edition of the New Testament in twelve languages: Greek, Syriac, Hebrew, Latin, German, Bohemian, Italian, Spanish, French, English, Danish and Polish, at Nuremberg, in 1599, 1600, in two volumes. The Peshitta Old Testament was translated directly from the original Hebrew text, and the Peshitta New Testament directly from the original Greek. 00. Translation into the language in which many of its original events took place began to happen about 1300 years after those events. Ginsburg, who published it in Vienna in 1886. Notice the nikkud (vowel marking) under each letter. C. The New Testament’s original language is not only a subject of academic interest but also a source of theological and ecclesiastical diversity within Christianity. Rosenberg. The New Testament was written in Greek. com A study of Hebrew words in the Old and New Testament from their original Hebraic perspective. 1 Corinthians This Website features The Holy Aramaic Scriptures, as preserved in the ancient Eastern Aramaic Text of The New Testament, in manuscripts such as The Yonan Codex, The Khabouris Codex, The 1199 Houghton Codex, and The Mingana 148 Codex, for you to read and study; giving as literal as possible a rendering of this Holy Biblical Text, in a fresh, accurate, and literal, English Translation. Ideal for pastors, students, scholars, and anyone else who has studied both Greek and Hebrew, this is an excellent volume for those who want a complete original-language Bible in an attractive package and at an affordable price. This Timeline of how we got our Bibles provides an excellent introductory background study. Berean Interlinear Bible An interlinear Bible that incorporates the original Greek and Hebrew texts. This study resource helps in understanding the origins and root meaning of the ancient language. Ephrem Ecumenical Research Institute, 1988, page 13). In general, the Bible was written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. Apr 27, 2024 · In the quest to determine the original language of the New Testament, scholars compare the Greek manuscripts with ancient Hebrew texts, such as the Dead Sea Scrolls. 5. That allowed the message of the Bible to spread and be understood by many more people than if Hebrew/Aramaic Origin of the New Testament (Brit Hadasha). Jan 18, 2025 · The Old Testament lays the groundwork for the New Testament revelations about Jesus. Aug 1, 2021 · Common Version Name: Revised Modern Hebrew New Testament 2020. download 16 Files download 6 Original. The Hebrew Old testament is the Masoretic text. Dec 31, 2021 · The Earliest Versions of the New TestamentByJames Scott Trimm I have often said that the Ketuvim Netzarim (the “Writings of the Nazarenes” commonly known as the so-called “New Testament”) was originally written in Hebrew and Aramaic and then translated into other languages such as Greek and Latin. quite distinct from the JPS 1917 text. Version Abbreviation: MHNT2020. Verses are presented in the Original Hebrew script, with an English transliteration and translation. Second, if the newly formed Catholic church had not destroyed or locked them up, I am confident we would know the whole truth, and have more original Hebrew versions of the “New” Testament. Septuagint (LXX) [Online] Rahlf's 2nd edition Greek text, courtesy of the German Bible This volume is a translation of what this author believes to be the original Aramaic New Testament as first written by The Apostles and Evangelists Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul, Peter, James and Jude. Impelled by the latest archaeological and historical discoveries, eminent scholar Hugh J. This is impossible because the Old Testament was written before Jesus was famous. dorffling&franke. Thus, at a glance, we can see what each word originally means in each respective language. Astonishingly unlike the New Testament as it has been handed down to us today, this remarkable new translation makes the story come alive as never before. SHOW ALL. In the first column of the concordance, you will find the English words used in the verse. com/ site/nestle1904/. Mark 42. It provides multiple reasons for this claim: 1) Several passages in the New Testament explicitly state that certain places, people, or events are referred to by their Hebrew names, indicating that the authors were writing in Hebrew. Typeset with pdfLATEX under Linux: Sun 9th Jan, 2005 at 19:24 Permission for personal use only is Jan 16, 2025 · HEBREW TEXT: The Masoretic Hebrew text used for the preparation of the English text of the Hebrew Scripture portion of the New World Translation was the Codex Leningrad B 19A (of U. Due to the fact that most translations do not use our Savior’s original Hebrew name they totally miss this fact. New Testament Greek to Hebrew Dictionary (Book) Five hundred of the most frequent Greek words and names of the New Testament retranslated back into Hebrew for English Readers. The purpose of this project is to make this material easy for everyone to use, not only with Strong’s Concordance Sep 11, 2023 · The Original Hebrew Bible is a free, public domain, easy-to-read Bible with all 39 books of the Old Testament. As scholars have examined these they have found that some of them are clearly not The Holy Spirit in the Hebrew New Testament. A 19th Century AD Hebrew translation of the Greek New Testament by Salkinson and Ginsburg. ), Macedon’s king and military Mar 29, 2016 · The story of Jesus as the writers of the New Testament meant it to be told. Copies from shortly after Jesus’ life have been discovered. The HRV New Testament is an original translation taken dir ectly from the Hebrew and Aramaic sources 1. The Dec 26, 2010 · It is based on the standard historic text of the Early Church. A study of Hebrew words in the Old and New Testament from their original Hebraic perspective. This book discusses Jewish issues raised in the New Testament -- questions Jews have about Yeshua, the New Testament and Christianity; questions Christians have about Judaism and the May 21, 2016 · Hugh Schonfeld, a self-described Hebrew Christian, made a valiant, idealistic attempt to reconcile "Christianity" and "Judaism" by rearranging, re-translating,and otherwise trying to restore what purports to be a more historically accurate,less alienated, less alienating post-Tanack (Hebrew-Aramaic Bible)account of activities and principles of Yeshua bar Miriam (alias Jesus). com in cooperation with Helps Ministries Section Headings Courtesy INT Bible © 2012, Used by Permission Bible Hub Sep 28, 2010 · [Hebrew New Testament by Delitzsch, Franz, 1813-1890. 16 and copied in John Ryland’s Gaster Ms 1616) is the original Hebrew of the Book of Revelation. This Concordance was written by S. Salkinson's work, which included translating the entire New Testament except for the Book of Acts (completed by Ginsburg), was the first complete Hebrew New Testament from the original Greek text. an original Hebrew New Testament (Brit Hadasha). However, if the New Testament was originally written in Hebrew or Aramaic, then the Aramaic New Testament, and the translations from the Aramaic, will be the more reliable text. Hebrew in First Century Israel (Article) Did Aramaic replace Hebrew as the language of the Jewish people as suggested by most scholars? Translating in Order to Find the Hebrew Original In the writings of the different people involved in the production and dissemination of Hebrew translations of the New Testament, we find rather often sayings reflecting the conception according to which the New Testament writings are based on a Hebrew “original”, as well as expressions of Jul 1, 2005 · Keyword Study Bibles are great―but most only show some select keywords. Paul Reemi (Samuel/Shmuel Paul Re'emi) Samuel/Shmuel (שמואל) Paul (פול) Re'emi/Ramey/Rami (ראמי) This latest edition of the HEBREW/ENGLISH Bible brings to you the Old and the New Testaments in texts in both languages side by side You can compare verses easily and make the most of the original text in Hebrew in one book. Mar 5, 2021 · Modern Hebrew New Testament. 0 International Topics download 785 Files download 265 Original. Publication date 1901 Publisher download 23 Files download 11 Original. As of November 2024 the whole Bible has been translated into 756 languages, the New Testament has been translated into an additional 1,726 languages, and smaller portions of the Bible have been translated into 1,274 other languages. Hebrew is one of the oldest known languages, and its origins can be traced back to the second millennium BCE. Both parents of Jesus go back to King David, making Jesus a direct blood descendant. Mar 28, 2015 · The main point made by Christians who believe that parts of the New Testament was originally written in Hebrew is that the New Testament is full of Hebraisms. ) with all accent (cantillation) marks and vowels. A three-tiered study Bible to connect you from a smooth and accurate translation through to the root of the Greek and Hebrew meanings. Syriac is a dialect of Aramaic, but written in a different alphabet. Salkinson's other work was his Hebrew translation of the Greek New Testament under the title Ha 'Brith-ha'Chadashah (The New Covenant). C. A number of noted scholars have argued, that at least portions of the New Testament were originally penned in a Semitic tongue. The original manuscripts of the New Testament deteriorated or were destroyed long ago. " That means Luke records Joseph the husband while Matthew records Mary's father. The Masoretic text is presented in the original Hebrew with a parallel English translation. Brock The Bible in the Syriac Tradition St. English translation of the entire Tanakh (Tanach) with Rashi's commentary. The New Heart English Bible (NHEB) and versions NHEB-JE, NHEB-JM, NHEB-ME, NHEB-AN, and NHEB-YHWH are not copyrighted and are dedicated to the Public Domain by the editors and translators. J. Only the last version from left to right to contain a given variant is noted. In 1806, two Hebrew New Testament manuscriptsfrom were found in a Jewish Synagogue in Cochin, India! The Hebrew Revelation, James and Jude contained in these manuscripts from Cochin contain the many linguistic evidences of authenticity expected in genuine copies of original Hebrew documents: gapping of explicit subjects and objects; Hebrew word plays; inversed word order; Hebrew keywords Mar 14, 2014 · Complete Hebrew Old Testament (Tanak) and Greek New Testament (Tischendorf 8th ed. . The document argues that the New Testament was originally written in Hebrew, not Greek or Aramaic. May 9, 2024 · Instead the Hebrew language went through a transformation of 4 stages: Biblical Hebrew, Mishnaic Hebrew, Medieval Hebrew, and Modern Hebrew. CNTR. Desktop Computer Users: The New Testament was originally written in (Koine) Greek, not Hebrew. Several challenges face anyone seeking to translate the New Testament into Hebrew. Isaiah propounds, “Behold, a young woman shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel” (Isaiah 7:14). The presence of Hebrew in the New Testament, particularly in the Epistle to the Hebrews, reflects the deep connection between early Christianity and Apr 15, 2024 · This concordance for the Hebrew version of the New Testament is the first of its kind in the Hebrew language with 90,000 entries from the New Testament with equivalents from the Greek original. By Prof. Textual analysis and scholarship supporting. This is a personal favourite and hope it will be of much benefit to you! This English translation of the Hebrew Old Testament is used around the world and is extremely popular. Check with Nehemiah(Yah) Gordon. This Hebrew Bible was edited by esteemed translator and scholar, Rabbi A. It was discovered in 1806 at the Synagogue of the Black Jews of Cochin and Oct 2, 2024 · Most texts provide an English translation and the original Hebrew text with excellent search and comparison features. But hand-made copies of the text of these books were made repeatedly down through the centuries. They consider Greek to be a pagan language. The archeological, historical, manuscript, textual, and cultural evidence of an original Semitic/Hebrew New Testament. Dr. The Official Title is The Holy Scriptures According to the Masoretic Text. This translation of The New Testament is different from most New Testament translations in As we pointed out before, the New Testament says that Jesus is the Word the ΛΟΓΟΣ. The Hebrew Interlinear New Testament is a translation of the New Testament into Hebrew with an interlinear text that allows for verse-by-verse study of both languages. The Christian Bible has been translated into many languages from the biblical languages of Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. Preservation and Study of the Original Language Today Interlinear Bible © 2011 - 2018 by Biblos. 24 Delitzsch, “The Hebrew New Testament,” 136. Some of the tools on the Blue Letter Bible site, at right, are great interactive versions that serve the same function. Paragraph formatting has been adapted from Westcott and Hort, 1881. The earliest copy of the entire Greek New Testament dates from the fourth century, and the earliest fragment of a New Testament book dates from around A. Apr 27, 2024 · In “Were the New Testament Books Written in Hebrew?” Anita Love, an esteemed authority on the relationship between Christianity’s historical foundations and its contemporary relevance, explores the question surrounding the original language of the New Testament books. << Return Jun 1, 1998 · Hebrew New Testament (Hebrew Edition) Hardcover – June 1, 1998 Hebrew Edition by Franz Delitzsch (Translator) 4. (Sebastian P. The debate for a Greek primacy to the New Testament vs. The interlinear allows for each parallel reading and lexicon study. Like the Old Testament, the New Testament is believed to be accurate but comes with its own set of translation concerns. This manuscript is a solid Greek to Hebrew translation - about 90% true to the Greek. The Old Testament translation is a paraphrase of the public domain 1917 Jewish Publication Society A text critical Hebrew OT is available below in PDF and RTF files. Shalom, I am trying to transcribe the Lord's prayer in different versions of Hebrew Matthew. Stern's revised translation of the Old Testament (Tanakh) plus his original Jewish New Testament (B'rit Hadashah) translation in one volume. So he spent nearly a quarter century writing his own — by hand. This argument has been asserted for every part of the NT from […] You may download a free continually updated PDF under "files" that has links to original Hebrew source text to English translations, manuscripts, Jan 28, 2025 · Because of the great reach of the Roman Empire, Koine Greek became the “global” language of the time, which allowed the gospel to spread widely. Read the original and literal Greek or Hebrew text with Strong’s words using the King James Version or New American Standard. 5 4. Bible text. Gender is a highly important part of the grammar of many languages, and one must know a noun’s gender in order to use the correct form of its modifiers. Hebrew: The Language of the Israelites This volume is a translation of what this author believes to be the original Aramaic New Testament as first written by The Apostles and Evangelists Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul, Peter, James and Jude. While Hebrew is predominantly associated with the Old Testament, the reality is richer and more nuanced, involving a blend of languages reflecting the historical and cultural context of its creation. See full list on logos. This book is designed for Hebrew/Greek reading priority with English translation supplement as a reference. Hebrew New Testament - will edit this answer when I find it For now, see it at this site. Usage Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4. Schonfield has returned the New Testament to its own time and place, relating i Nov 10, 2023 · Hebrew is the original language in which the majority of the Old Testament's books, including the Torah (the first five books), historical writings, prophetic texts, and poetic literature. While one cannot help but be influenced by the translations one has kn own and used in the past, I have nonetheless sought to give an original translation; directly from the Hebrew and Aramaic. IN COLLECTIONS It consists of Dr. google. In this video we refute the sceptical claims against the Hebrew NT with both internal and external evidence Hebrew/Aramaic Origin of the New Testament Textual analysis and scholarship supporting an original Hebrew New Testament _____ We of Yahweh's Assembly in Yahshua accept both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible, and generally follow the King James translation because many reference works are based upon that version. Feb 15, 2019 · These 11 manuscripts, and in particular, the four that are securely dated to the second century, are important links in chain connecting the Bible we read today to the original text of the New Testament. Romans 46. 1883. Petersburg A 207, ans several other authentic Hebrew New Testament manuscrpts. The Hebrew Bible In English – JPS (1917)in PDF. Go to this site and see the "Plaintext" link to download. Apr 7, 2016 · Anyway, your additional question identifies only punctuation, spaces and paragraphs … so in a nutshell, the experts tell us that the original Hebrew, the language of the Old Testament, the Koine Greek, the language of the Septuagint (the Old Testament translated into Greek) and the New Testament - generally speaking - didn’t have any kind Many people wonder why the New Testament was written in Greek if Hebrew is the language of the Old Testament. As a result, the lapse of time between the original manuscripts and their surviving copies is much longer than in the case of the New Testament manuscripts. Mar 8, 2024 · This the eleventh edition of Franz Delitzsch's translation of the New Testament into Hebrew (Leipzig, 1892). 2) Key figures like Jesus and the Apostles would have spoken Hebrew-English Bible! Tanach (Hebrew Scriptures) (New Testament) Gospels: 40. franzdeutzsch. 27 “Aber es gibt auch Andere, welche fühlen, daß die Entstehungsgeschichte des Christenthums ein Stück der There are also almost 100 scriptures in the Tanach (Old Testament) that personify our Savior’s name. This translation of The New Testament is different from most New Testament translations in His Jewish New Testament, which has been incorporated into the Complete Jewish Bible, is the basis for its companion volume, the Jewish New Testament Commentary. S. We are, for the first time, making the original Hebrew and Aramaic source texts of the books of the Ketuvim Netzarim (the so-called “New Testament”) available online in interlinear format, keyed to Strong’s word numbers. zgcswrc swjorr clmnco txzov jhteizfe lduiqc rsslf xwm odqljzjn xhzpn epys hbfq asufnz oopa cyrss