Palm beach building department. 1050 Royal Palm Beach Blvd.
Palm beach building department Category: Building 1050 Royal Palm Beach Blvd. Phone: 561-584-8200 Fax: 561-965-0899 Building Division. Administration Greenacres City Permits 5800 Melaleuca Lane, Greenacres, FL. palm beach county planning, zoning and building department building division permit center permit renewal request to be filled out by owner or contractor *if the contractor is different from the original contractor, a change of contractor form must accompany this form. The Building Division processes and reviews building permit applications and oversees inspections for code compliance. New Building - Required Forms 1050 Royal Palm Beach Blvd. 3577 South Ocean Boulevard, South Palm Beach, Florida 33480 . Jog Road, 2nd Floor Suite 2W-61 West Palm Beach, FL 33411 Office (561) 233-5525, option #2 Insurance Certificate Instructions Contractors must use the Online Portal to update the General Liability and Workers Compensation Insurance. | Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411 | (561) 790‑5100 | Fx: (561) 790‑5174 Village Hall 1050 Royal Palm Beach Blvd. Palm Beach County Department of Engineering and Public Works - Traffic Division 2300 North Jog Road, 3rd Floor West Palm Beach, FL 33411 Phone: 561. Link: Building Department Page 2 days ago · CODE COMPLIANCE DIVISION 2300 N. org Zorro, Maria Administrative Technician I 561-233-5573 Mzorro@pbcgob. Phone: Directions Physical Address: View Map 10500 N Military Trail Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410. Department of Business & Professional Regulation Dec 13, 2022 · The City of Palm Beach Gardens has recently implemented a NEW PERMITTING SYSTEM that will allow applicants to manage their permits online (Apply, Pay, Print Permit, Schedule Inspections, Upload Documents, etc. This table is a concise guide to Palm Beach County Building Division Policies and local Building Codes. Fire Plans & Inspections: PBCFR's Plans & Construction Branch handles fire-related plan submissions and construction inspections. Board of County Commissioners . How do I apply for a sub permit 5. Town of Palm Beach Planning, Zoning, and Building Department 360 S. Physical Address 360 South County Rd. South County Office . 00 50110 FBC: Building Code Codes/Plans $125. Hours Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Gigi Hortance, Building Services Administrator Cameron (Cam) Lowe, Building Department Assistant. How do I apply for a revision 6. This fillable form replaces the residential The Village of Palm Springs. 4030 PZB - Building Division Code 50185 FBC: Accessibility Codes/Plans $75. PZB - Building Division. gov Revised 05/5/2022 PPM# PBO-024 Form 100/Page 1 of 2 H:\PPM - WIP\Owner Builder Affidavit (Revised 5-5-22)\Owner Builder Affidavit (Revised 5-5-22). Building Welcome to City of Palm Beach Gardens Community Services Building Department Building Department 10500 N Military Trail Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 (561) 799-4201 Planning, Zoning and Building Department Building Division - Employee Contact List Text/Cell Email Noel, Kelsey Administrative Technician I 561-233-5594 Knoel@pbcgov. Find your application submittal checklist and regulatory programs for building construction in the unincorporated area of Palm Beach County. If you are coming from Okeechobee Boulevard, travel east over the Royal Park Bridge to South County Road. Box 2029 Palm Beach, FL 33480. Contractor Information; Contractor Work in Progress; Forms & Licensing Information Currently selected; Boards & Departments. We are no longer accepting any printed documents larger than 8 1/2 x 11 in size. Planning, Zoning and Building Department Building Division - Employee Contact List Text/Cell Email Building Main Numbers Building - Main Main 561-233-5100 PZB-Bldg@pbcgov. Email PZB. County Rd. PALM BEACH COUNTY BUILDING DIVISION . Website: www. , South Palm Beach, Florida 33480 Phone: (561) 588 - 8889 Building Dept. It also handles business tax receipts and public records requests. Learn how to schedule inspections, get permit questions answered, and access online portal assistance. org Valentino Perez Special parking rates will be effect in City parking garages throughout the Palm Beach International Boat Show. Ph Village Hall 1050 Royal Palm Beach Blvd. | Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411 | (561) 790‑5100 | Fx: (561) 790‑5174 1050 Royal Palm Beach Blvd. 701 U. We have replaced our old paper-based Application Submittal and Plan Review Process with a new electronic-based e-Plan Review System called ProjectDox . 226 Cypress Lane. Building Staff Directory. E-mail: permits The West Palm Beach Fire Department conducts fire inspection services to ensure that buildings and structures within the city comply with fire safety codes and regulations. This code is presented in an interactive, accessible format that will help you navigate with ease the Building Regulations (Chapter 18) and Zoning and Land Development Regulations (Chapter 94) portions of the City of West Palm Beach's Code of Ordinances. In this role, the department reviews construction plans, issues building permits and conducts inspections to ensure safety through building and fire code compliance. 00 50150 FBC: Existing Building Volume Codes/Plans $75. Palm Beach, FL 33480 Phone: 561-838-5400 If you need assistance with the new system and would prefer to speak with a customer service representative from our Building Department, please call (561) 799-4210 and select option 1. org; For Plan Applications . Building e-Permit Most building projects in the Village require a permit before initiating. Hours Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Arias, Yleana Building Division Coordinator 561-233-5548 Yarias@pbc. GOV Click to follow PZB! Page Content 2 In Person: 401 Clematis St. 561-233-5100 . Link: Building Department Page Contractors Certification Division Planning, Zoning & Building 2300 N. Mar 1, 2002 · Building Code Chronologies - Historical ULDC Article 18, Flood Damage Prevention - 12/20/2024 Florida Building Code Amendments PBC Amendments to the Florida Building Code, 8th Edition (2023) - 12/31/2023 Directions Physical Address: View Map 10500 N Military Trail Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410. 561-233-5500 PZBCODE@PBC. Access the EPL and EDEN systems for permits issued after and before April 1, 2024. BUILDING PERMIT GUIDELINES . org. Department Fee Schedule; Building Fee Estimator; Zoning Fee Estimator; West Palm Beach, FL 33411-2741; Phone: 561-233-5000; Fax: 561-233-5212; PBC Mission Statement 1050 Royal Palm Beach Blvd. Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411. 561-588-8889 Building Department E-Mail: permits@southpalmbeach. The department is responsible for historic preservation, Zoning code, building permitting and inspections, business tax administration, and public records related to those activities. Delray Beach, FL 33444 . org Building Administration - Fax Fax 561-233-2200 Addressing Addressing - Main Main 561-233-5323 Cirino, Alison Plans Specialist I 561-233-5316 Acirino@pbc. Jog Road West Palm each, Florida 33411 Telephone (561) 233 the previous contractor/qualifier and hold Palm each City of Palm Beach Gardens 10500 N Military Trail Palm Beach Gardens, FL (561) 799-4201 webmaster AUTHORITY: House Bill 3890, Chapter 74-565, Special Acts, Laws of Florida; amended by Chapter 75-467, 77-623, and Chapter 2001-323, Laws of Florida; amended by Chapter . The smoke is harmless, but residents may see some smoke rising from the ground. Ph: (561) 790-5128 To obtain a Traffic Performance Standards (TPS) Letter, you will need to contact the Palm Beach County Department of Engineering and Public Works - Traffic Division. Congress Avenue, Suite 102 . Building Building. The Building Department Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM Exploring Palm Beach County's Agricultural Heartland On Friday, February 28, 2025, staff members from the Planning, Zoning, and Building Department had the unique opportunity to tour the Everglades Agricultural Area (EAA) in western Palm Beach County, courtesy of the Florida Sugar Cane League. Simply The City of West Palm Beach Public Utilities Department is conducting a test of the wastewater collection system. We provide expert guidance and support to the Village Council , appointed Boards and Commissions , city departments, and citizens. Royal Palm Gigi Hortance, Building Services Administrator Cameron Lowe, Building Department Assistant. Link: Building Department Page Palm Beach County . Jog Road, West Palm Beach, FL 33411 Phone: (561) 233-5100 Palm Beach County Building Division Subject: EXPEDITED RE-ROOF WORKSHEET SFD only Keywords: Town of South Palm Beach . TO 5:00 P. The ePZB Admin webpage provides information and resources related to the Planning, Zoning, and Building Department in Palm Beach County. 561-276-1284 . name: phone: building permit # or nonresidential farm building floodplain EPZB Building portal Palm Beach County, Florida Page 1 “The Best of Everything” FAQs 1. Access www. U:/Building Administration\badmin1\PPM Revisions – Florida Building Code\PPM’s Under 2023 FBC\PBO-090 PALM BEACH COUNTY PLANNING, ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION This form is for the Permit Holder to request approval on changes in the Reviewed Set of Plans for deviations Village Hall 1050 Royal Palm Beach Blvd. org or 561-805-6700. Monday, March 24, 2025. Hours Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Planning, Zoning and Building Department Building Division - Employee Contact List Text/Cell Email Building Main Numbers Building - Main Main 561-233-5100 PZB-Bldg@pbcgov. org . Key Points for a Fire-Safe Project: Permitting: All permits are submitted, reviewed, and issued by your local Building Department. Planning, Zoning & Building; Contractors Certification; Contractor Lookup. This supports the Department’s Next Generation Areas of Focus effort Number 3—“to expand opportunities for postsecondary degrees and certificates. BUILDING DEPARTMENT INTAKE HOURS ARE: Monday - Friday from 8:30 am - 4:00 pm NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY The Building Department is responsible for all building permits and inspections for construction within the Town of Palm Beach Shores. For general assistance, you may contact the main line at: Phone: (561) 805-6700 TTY: (800) 955-8771. 00 50120 FBC: Fuel/Gas Code Codes/Plans $90. South Palm Beach, Florida 33480. , West Palm Beach, FL 33401 - First Floor Building Division; Phone: (561) 805-6700 TTY: (800) 955-8771; Email: ds@wpb. gov Bomford, Sean Information Mgmt System Specialist 561-233-5598 Sbomford@pbc. You are now required to attach electronic copies (PDF format only) of any large Building Division. Revision January 2014 . ds@wpb. org Nadel, Michael Customer Service Specialist I 561-681-3900 Mnadel@pbcgov. Select “Departments” in the header bar Scroll down to and select “Planning, Zoning, Building” Located on the right is the ePZB Interactive portal. The rates will begin at 6 a. Wednesday morning, March 19, 2025, and will remain in effect until 6 a. Hours of Operation: 9:00 am - 2:00 pm Monday thru Friday Town Hall Hours by Appointment: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Monday thru Friday The Building Department is a centralized operation, housing all of the services relating to building and permitting activity for the City of Palm Beach Gardens. Jog Road . In the event of a conflict between this document and a specific rule or regulation, the law shall control. Construction Industry Licensing Board; Construction Licensing Officials Association of Florida, Inc. There’s now a faster way to get your work inspected. Find information and services related to building codes, permits, inspections, and fees in Palm Beach County. Hours Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm The Town of Palm Beach Shores is excited to announce the launch of our newest version of the MyGovernmentOnline (MGO) customer portal platform. After the NOC is recorded, include the permit number in the subject of the email and attach a PDF copy of the recorded NOC and email it to ds@wpb. S. southpalmbeach. What type of permits I can apply online 3. com Welcome to our new permitting portal, MGO! 1324 Seven Springs Blvd Suite, #301, New Port Richey, FL 34655 Apr 1, 2024 · The Planning, Zoning & Building Department is located at 360 S. Special parking rates will be effect in City parking garages throughout the Palm Beach International Boat Show. PO Box 221641 West Palm Beach, FL 33422. This release is a new version of the customer portal brought to you by the same software provider as before, MyGovernmentOnline ( MGO). Departments. If there's a form you need that you don't see, please contact us at businesstax@wpb. Phone No. O. Town of Palm Beach Shores 247 Edwards Lane Palm Beach Shores, FL 33404 Phone: (561) 844-3457 If you should have any questions, please contact the Building Mission Statement. How do I apply for a permit 2. The city adopted the Universal County-Wide / Municipal Building Permit Application Form (PDF) (Please print this form double-sided). gov (we recommend using latest browsers like Chrome, Firefox, & Edge) 2. Phone: 561-588-8889 . Hours Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Departments. gov Thursday, March 6, 2025 2300 N Jog Road, West Palm Beach, FL 33411 Page 2 of 16 On this page you'll find contact information for all city departments. 2300 N. This can be done at the Palm Beach County Recording Department located at the County Courthouse at 205 North Dixie Highway (4th Floor), West Palm Beach, FL 33401 (561-355-2991). Access West Palm Beach's permitting portal to apply for permits, pay fees, schedule inspections, and find information on business tax, special events, and city-wide projects. Apr 1, 2024 · Find information and forms for building permits, plans, licenses, inspections and fees in Palm Beach, FL. To contact Planning/Zoning staff, see the options below: West Palm Beach, FL 33411 available by calling (561) 233-5130 Phone (561) 233-5100 (561) 656-7977 Fax PCF#0026 Revised 2-26-2020 Palm Beach County Planning, Zoning and Building Department DATE: _____ Permit Center Annual Program Decal Online – 2023 Building Official Letter: Annual Forms document Header PSU - Multi-Family Dwellings and Non-Residential Properties Palm Beach County Municipal Building Departments (PDF, 731KB) Business Tax. com . 00 50130 FBC: Mechanical Code Codes/Plans $90. Jog Road 2nd Floor West Palm Beach, FL 33411 MONDAY - FRIDAY, 8:00 A. The PBC Building Division is dedicated to the safety of the residents and believes that the buildings in PBC are safe; We have been ensuring safe buildings in our County since 1957. The Planning, Zoning, & Building Department helps the people of Palm Beach County preserve and create a quality community life through comprehensive planning which responds to the changing needs and values of the community, both in the natural and built environments, and creates opportunities to realize the community's desired vision of the future. Hours Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Department Fee Schedule; Building Fee Estimator; Zoning Fee Estimator; West Palm Beach, FL 33411-2741; Phone: 561-233-5000; Fax: 561-233-5212; PBC Mission Statement Building Department 10500 N Military Trail Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 (561) 799-4201 Building Department McIntosh, Affette Building Division Coordinator 561-233-5542 561-301-0563 Amcintosh@pbcgov. Main County Office . 345 S. Building Department Forms & Documents. Highway 1 Suite 100 North Palm Beach, FL 33408 Map Phone: 561-841-3365, Option 1 Email: permits@village-npb. 401 Clematis Street, Second Floor, West Palm Beach, FL 33401 May 11, 2023 · Palm Beach County's E-PERMITS System will allow you to transact your permitting business from your home or office rather than making a trip to County offices. Apr 1, 2024 · The Planning, Zoning & Building Department is located at 360 S. What permit types can be self-issued 4. Home. Building Code Services is the authority having jurisdiction to enforce the Florida Building Code and the Florida Fire Prevention Code. 3577 South Ocean Blvd. org Patitucci, Richard Commerial Plans Examiner - Coordinato 561-233-5285 561-268-3957 Rpatitucci@pbcgov. Palm Beach County Administrative Complex. org Flood Zone Information The Planning & Zoning and Building divisions of the Development Services department work to promote planning regulation, and the health, safety, and welfare of the community and first responders. Planning, Zoning & Building Department . pbc. We hope you enjoy submitting Permits this way. ) This system is currently being used in many other municipalities in Palm Beach County. Fax: 561-799-4211 View downloadable checklists and forms relating to the Building Department. com The Village of Royal Palm Beach has made streamlining Building Permits and the Planning & Zoning Development Approval Process a priority for homeowners, contractors and design professionals. Business Tax Application (PDF, 101KB) Rental Tax Application (PDF, 173KB) (for renting residential property only) Rental Tax Owner - Sex Offender Affidavit (PDF, 123KB) Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410. Congress Avenue Room 102. m. Planning, Zoning & Building; Building; Boards. Learn about the latest news, updates, and resources for contractors and residents affected by Hurricane Milton. docx Accessing the portal is just a few clicks away from the Palm Beach County home page. Column 1. Palm Springs, FL 33461. Village Hall 1050 Royal Palm Beach Blvd. gov Address: 3577 South Ocean Blvd. Fax: 561-799-4211. Please contact the Building Division at (561) 790-5128 for additional information. M. Phone: 561-799-4210. City Administration. These inspections are conducted by trained and certified inspectors who evaluate fire hazards, building materials, and emergency response systems. Palm Beach County Impact Fees will change. org Valentino Perez Please contact the Building Division at (561) 790-5128 for additional information. ” These agreements are intended to be a minimum guarantee of articulated credit and do not preclude institutions from granting additional credit based on local agreements. Palm Beach, FL 33480 (561) 838-5431 webmaster The Palm Beach County Building Division now offers remote video Inspection Pro! Inspections on Demand. 00 50188 FBC: Energy Code Codes/Plans $35. 684. Find the phone numbers and addresses of the Building Division offices in West Palm Beach and Delray Beach. Building Code Advisory Board; Construction Board of Adjustment and Appeals; Local Construction Regulation Board Dec 13, 2022 · The City of Palm Beach Gardens has recently implemented a NEW PERMITTING SYSTEM that will allow applicants to manage their permits online (Apply, Pay, Print Permit, Schedule Inspections, Upload Documents, etc. As of January 22, 2019, the Building Department will not accept the Town of Highland Beach permit application and will only accept Palm Beach County's Universal Application. 00 50160 FBC: PBC Amendments to FBC Codes Village Hall 1050 Royal Palm Beach Blvd. in the Town of Palm Beach. Directions Physical Address: View Map 10500 N Military Trail Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410. com. After the NOC is recorded, include the permit number in the subject of the email and attach a PDF copy of the recorded NOC and email to us . Apply for building permits online or in person at Vista Center or South County Administrative Complex. For additional information and forms, see the Planning/Zoning page. Phone: (561) 323-7094 Email: info@palmbeachcounty. Hours Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm (Print Name and Provide Signatory’s this _____ day of _____, 20___ (Print, Type, or Stamp Commissioned Name of Notary Public) Jul 3, 2024 · Planning, Zoning & Building Department. PERMIT SUBMITTAL - ALL CONTRACTORS AND SUB-CONTRACTORS When submitting a permit please have the following ready: The NOC must be recorded at Palm Beach County Recording Department located at 205 North Dixie Highway (4 th Floor), West Palm Beach, FL 33401 (561-355-2991). Effective January 1, 2025, at 12:01 A. West Palm Beach, Florida 33411 . 1050 Royal Palm Beach Blvd. org Gauger, Michael Building Division Coordinator 561-233-1157 Mgauger Building Division. Directions. Smoke is being introduced into the lines to determine if there are any leaks. Welcome to West Palm Beach’s Development Services Code Portal. Ph: (561) 790-5128 Fx: (561) 790-5129. All work must comply with all applicable cur rent codes and standards. Greenacres Planning and Zoning Department 5800 Melaleuca Lane, Greenacres, FL A department of the City of Greenacres, Florida, that guides the city's growth and development by implementing and enforcing the Comprehensive Plan, reviewing building permits, and working with the Engineering & GIS Division. org Shores Garcia, Heather Administrative Technician I 561-233-5580 Hgarcia@pbcgov. Download a copy of the City's Organizational Chart (PDF, 56KB). P. Delray Beach, Florida 33445 . The Planning and Zoning Department is dedicated to fostering development that aligns with our Community’s High Standards as outlined in the Comprehensive Plan and Village Code. eetgpcrybsgqvchbhqnvupqhbooaerfbqvdfddalqayimzikjfsradyhefrkzhcausrgitfo