Peugeot 107 misfire Jul 30, 2024 · Peugeot 107 misfire on cylinder 1, new coil pack and a new set of plugs. 4 How to fix a misfiring Peugeot or Citroen with a TU engine. Car details: 2008 PEUGEOT 207 SE PREMIUM AUTO 1. Peugeot Central-> Peugeot 107 forum #1: Cylinder 1 misfire Author: Madmurg , Posted: Mon 03 Jun, 2013 7:20 pm My 107 has a misfire on cylinder 1 can someone tell me which side is cylinder 1 I am at the end of my teather with Peugeot. Wat wij doen is via een speciale drukcilinder die gevuld is met een reinigingsmiddel deze aansluiten op de aanvoer naar de injector-gallerij. Peugeot 206 2002, engine misfire,replaced coil pack,spark plugs and injectors, still misfiring. Fast forward 6 months same stretch of road same thing happens this time P1336 and P1339 (misfire on cylinder 3). 0 D, Fiat Marea SW D, Fiat Croma 2. Home Page; Advertise With Us; Link to Us; Contact Us; Send us Peugeot News; Peugeot News Archives Causes. I too have always had a noticeable vibration at idle thanks to the inevitable balance issues with 3 cylinders as you mention. They share the same technology across the two brands, so if you find problems with one, you may find the same problem with the other. 1The car was making a noticeable misfire sound, and w Peugeot 107 Forum; Peugeot 1007 Forum; Peugeot 205 Forum; Peugeot 206 Forum; Misfire: Didigs1964. Very strange but not very reassuring for long journeys etc. obtained different opinions, weakened chain, , blocked valve, segment, faulty electrical installation between the coil and computer to the computer must be changed. 6 Issue which I am having is that when I try to start it up it is having problems, like choking, misfiring. It starts regularly on petrol then, as soon as the ECU switches to LPG, if I'm not pushing on the gas, it shuts down. ↳ Aanschaftips (107) ↳ Foto's van je Peugeot (107) ↳ 108; ↳ Jan 24, 2018 · So been having a problem with my 207 1. Aug 5, 2020 · I am saying this why nobody believes it. Possible causes of OBD code P0301 Peugeot A code P0301 Peugeot may mean that one or more of the following has happened: Faulty spark plug or wire Faulty coil (pack) Faulty oxygen sensor(s) Faulty fuel injector Burned exhaust valve Faulty catalytic converter(s) Running out of fuel Poor compression Defective computer Sep 5, 2015 · the problem with a Peugeot 308SW, Blue Lease 1. 0 LPG, Peugeot 305 Break LPG 1984, Alfa GT Junior 1976, Buick estate Sep 3, 2023 · De meest voorkomende problemen met de PEUGEOT 107: leer hoe u typische uitdagingen kunt herkennen en oplossen. 0l version, has the same engine as your 108. 0 D aut. I have since found out that it was an actual miss-fire. Posted: Fri 30 Oct, 2009 5:47 pm: sorted it today, i cleaned the throttle body and noticed that the breather pipe to the air filter had electrical tape round it. ↳ Foto's van je Peugeot (107) ↳ 108; ↳ Interieur (108) ↳ Exterieur (108) Check out our free PDF and video tutorials on DIY PEUGEOT 107 maintenance. In LPG vehicles, after the system is installed, the lpg brain and the car's own brain are matched, but the lppg brain is trying to outperform the car's own brain in terms of fuel consumption, and since the data coincides when it is cold in the morning, it is not a problem, but the air flow is very problematic. Peugeot Vehicle:Peugeot 107,Peugeot 208,Peugeot 408,Peugeot 508,Peugeot RCZ,Peugeot 4007,Peugeot Expert Tepee Illustrated step-by-step manuals and video tutorials on replacing PEUGEOT 107 Fuel Injectors will tell you how to carry out DIY replacement of parts and maintenance of your car quickly and cheaply Peugeot Forums. 407 like a misfire problem? nige65. 4. Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Sammy 38, Jan 31, 2019. Cylinder 1 misfire: Madmurg. peugeot Newsgroup >> 406 2 litre misfire >> alt. Peugeot have never found the fault after having had the car three times. As a matter of fact the only time the car has registered codes was 6 months after I bought it in 2017 when depollution message came on and they were P2178, P11A9, P11A8 and P0014. Called RAC who could find no fault, engine running fine etc and I drove home with no problems. Turns out that cylinder 1 just wasn't working at all and I could unplug the ignition coil and the car would still somewhat What to look for when buying a Peugeot 107 2005 - 2014, covering common problems to check for and overall vehicle reliability. 2005 - 2014 . misfire & eng codes: 225/226&291: baz139. Jul 13, 2020 · Back again - I bought an OBD2 Scanner and it does not register any codes, also says everything else is fine including 02 sensor test. Oct 1, 2017 · Roughly 6 months ago I got codes p1336, P1337 & P1338 (misfire on cylinders 1 and 2) along with severe loss of power. 05. Is there any reason for this? Peugeot forums community. peugeot Newsgroup >> 406 2 litre misfire Oct 29, 2020 · 2023 Peugeot 408 225 Hybrid GT - First Ervaring met 308 180 Hybrid GT- Pack- E-208 GT-P - 308 GTi 270Pk - 308 1. peugeot 207 misfire • Homepage » PEUGEOT MODELS (FAULTS AND SOLUTIONS) » 207: 08. One happy customer. On the Grid Joined: May 09, 2021 Posts: 2 2007 Peugeot 307 Posts Left: 3 207cc misfire Help So i have a 207cc 2007 with the 1. On the Grid Joined: Oct 24, 2011 Posts: 1 Jan 31, 2019 · Accelerator problem Peugeot 107 2006 model. On the Grid Joined: Jan 28, 2020 Posts: 1 Jul 20, 2019 · Cheers Stripe. On the Grid Joined: Jun 03, 2013 Posts: 1 Posts Left: 4 Status: Offline What Peugeot do you own?: 107 Nov 19, 2016 · New to the site and desperately trying to find an answer as to what can be wrong with my Peugeot 107 please . Another common engine misfire is Oct 3, 2017 · Peugeot 107 Forum; Peugeot 1007 Forum; Peugeot 205 Forum; Peugeot 206 Forum; Misfire at low revs: The_monk. On the Grid Peugeot forums community. Aug 28, 2020 · A misfire code can be triggered by anything that causes the cylinder not to fire, so a full diagnosis should be run to be 100% sure on what is causing the misfire. General Peugeot Forum; Off Topic; Peugeot 106 Forum; Peugeot 107 Forum; Peugeot 1007 Forum; Peugeot 205 Forum; Peugeot 206 Forum; Peugeot 207 Forum; Peugeot 306 Forum; Peugeot 307 Forum; Peugeot 308 Forum; Peugeot 3008 Forum; Peugeot 405 Forum; Peugeot 406 Forum; Peugeot 407 Forum; Peugeot 4007 Forum; Peugeot 5008 Forum; Peugeot Peugeot forums community. It turned out to be a nice little fix a very peugeot 107 cylinder 1 misfire? Hi all - I have a misfire on cylinder 1 - any ideas what is causing it and how much will cost to fix at a garage. Jake is currently an Editor for CarMax and has also contributed to National Hot Home. 307 cold misfire: Farts. On the Grid The OBD2 Code Information Be Applicable For Peugeot: 2013 Peugeot 508,2013 Peugeot 4008,2013 Peugeot 308,2013 Peugeot 208,2013 Peugeot 107,2012 Peugeot 308,2012 Peugeot 208,2011 Peugeot 508,2011 Peugeot 408,2011 Peugeot 308,2010 Peugeot 207,2010 Peugeot 207,2009 Peugeot 407,2009 Peugeot 308,2009 Peugeot 206,2009 Peugeot 107,2008 Peugeot 308,2008 Peugeot 207,2007 Peugeot 308,2007 Peugeot 207 Nov 20, 2020 · Hello you wonderful bunch of people, I am hoping you can help, this dude is my first car, i'm in my second year of driving and insurance sucks. It doesn't matter if the temperature outside is 0 degrees or 25 degrees. Be the first to answer Mar 12, 2022 • Peugeot 107 Cars & Trucks Nov 1, 2021 · Misfire cilinder 3 dus. On the Grid Joined: Jan 28, 2020 Posts: 1 The OBD2 Code Information Be Applicable For Peugeot: 2013 Peugeot 508,2013 Peugeot 4008,2013 Peugeot 308,2013 Peugeot 208,2013 Peugeot 107,2012 Peugeot 308,2012 Peugeot 208,2011 Peugeot 508,2011 Peugeot 408,2011 Peugeot 308,2010 Peugeot 207,2010 Peugeot 207,2009 Peugeot 407,2009 Peugeot 308,2009 Peugeot 206,2009 Peugeot 107,2008 Peugeot 308,2008 Peugeot 207,2007 Peugeot 308,2007 Peugeot 207 Oct 11, 2012 · Re: 207 GTi Jumpy / misfire ? MadV. Feb 21, 2024 · Hi I recently picked up a 2008 107 petrol with 144k on it. Peugeot forums community. & after a major service where I supplied everything including plugs they did not At startup, after a few seconds the engine begins to misfire heavily for about 5-10 seconds, then the revs build up to 1500 rpm, the engine stabilizes and the misfire stops. peugeot Newsgroup >> 406 2 litre misfire. 8 TS 1999 Toen: Alfa Giulietta 1. 2 Puretech 130hp Few days ago, car started misfiring very badly, it went into limp mode, and I had to be recovered by the AA. Possible causes of OBD code P0304 Peugeot A code P0304 Peugeot may mean that one or more of the following has happened: Faulty spark plug or wire Faulty coil (pack) Faulty oxygen sensor(s) Faulty fuel injector Burned exhaust valve Faulty catalytic converter(s) Running out of fuel Poor compression Defective computer Oct 9, 2021 · Nu: Peugeot 508 SW 1. . Once it had warmed up it drove Aug 27, 2022 · How to locate a random cylinder misfire, find the bad cylinder and solve the problem in a timely and efficient manner. First time it happened it said cylinder 1 and 3 misfiring so changed all 4 coils which sorted it for a couple of month then it come back with same codes so changed the sparks as coils looked fine and The OBD2 Code Information Be Applicable For Peugeot: 2013 Peugeot 508,2013 Peugeot 4008,2013 Peugeot 308,2013 Peugeot 208,2013 Peugeot 107,2012 Peugeot 308,2012 Peugeot 208,2011 Peugeot 508,2011 Peugeot 408,2011 Peugeot 308,2010 Peugeot 207,2010 Peugeot 207,2009 Peugeot 407,2009 Peugeot 308,2009 Peugeot 206,2009 Peugeot 107,2008 Peugeot 308,2008 Peugeot 207,2007 Peugeot 308,2007 Peugeot 207 Jun 13, 2022 · ik heb dezelfde storing p1340, misfire cilider 4. I'm afraid I am female and clueless whrn it comes to car mechanics! Nov 11, 2023 · Hi everyone, I have 2014 T9 Peugeot 308, 1. peugeot Newsgroup >> 406 2 litre misfire Peugeot forums community. Bericht door Sajjad007 » ma feb 27, 2023 9:55 pm. Enter the car make and car model for which you want to see an overview of engine codes. 9 jtdm 2007, Peug 406 Break 2. 207cc misfire and strong smell of fuel: Tiberius. so i took it to my garage to get the code read and you were right Dec 18, 2024 · Peugeot 107. 4 MA, 2010, Alfa 159 1. A P0303 Peugeot code means that the the car’s computer has detected that one of the engine’s cylinders is not firing properly. I have 2003 year, Peugeot 206 CC, 1. 10 minutes. It broke down, cut out, wouldn't start. is below 90 degree, about 3 minutes after starting the cold engine, it vibrating and CHECK ENGINE light on driver's screen, the power is very low and the all car is shaking during pressing the gas. Dec 19, 2017 · My daughters 107 has developed a miss-fire on cylinder 2, the car has covered just 35k miles. 6 thp 150 on a 2008 for last 6 month now with misfiring. Peugeot Central Forum Index >> alt. I replaced the coil pack and I’m still getting the cylinder 2 misfire code. Otherwise, simply buy a new coil pack and place it in each position in turn until you have it. in addition an ANTI POLLUTION FAULT message appears on central Dec 24, 2019 · Illustrated step-by-step manuals and video tutorials on replacing PEUGEOT 107 Spark Plug will tell you how to carry out DIY replacement of parts and maintenance of your car quickly and cheaply Posted: Mon 13 Jun, 2011 7:53 pm: Hello, I am new to the forum. Nov 18, 2019 · Citroen heeft geen PP2000, trouwens Peugeot ook niet meer, Lexia(Citroen) en PP2000(Peugeot) zijn opgevolgt door Diagbox, waarin opgenomen zijn de voorgangers en netjes gecombineerd in 1 programma. Maar Diagbox zal geen diagnose stellen of de zuigerveren gebroken zijn of de klepseals teveel lekken, die spoort alleen electronische problemen op Aug 23, 2017 · Peugeot 107 Forum; Peugeot 1007 Forum; Peugeot 205 Forum; Peugeot 206 Forum; HDI Misfire/power lose above 3000rpm: parp97. On the Grid Joined: Aug 24, 2020 Posts: 4 Posts Left: 0 Mar 1, 2020 · Die misfire's van het compressieverlies kan zo'n motor best nog wel aan maar tel daar de extra misfire's bij op van de E10 dat word dan helaas teveel en zorgt dus voor de problemen en storingen. Causes. 0 HDi 110 engine. Home Page; Advertise With Us; Link to Us; Contact Us; Send us Peugeot News; Peugeot News Archives Home. Owner didn't want to spend money on it and so I bought it as is. Home Page; Advertise With Us; Link to Us; Contact Us; Send us Peugeot News; Peugeot News Archives Peugeot 107 spares or repairs Needs a drivers wing Bodywork tatty but passable Engine has a misfire but still starts runs and drives Automatic gearbox 2007 Peugeot 107 - Cars & Trucks - Clitheroe | Facebook Marketplace Jan 31, 2019 · Accelerator problem Peugeot 107 2006 model. Time. Peugeot 107 136,000 miles 2 keys & Logbook 5 door 5 speed manual Bad point: ENGINE MISFIRE CYLINDER 1 £395 open to offers 2012 Peugeot 107 - Cars & Trucks - Marlow, Buckinghamshire | Facebook Marketplace I've got a 2012 Peugeot 107 which, if you have the 1. This particular one is a 2005 Peugeot 206 1. 6 Petrol THP 156 Loss of Power,Misfire, Fan on: mvparmar. Toen kwam p1338 naar voren. My 207, since about a year, is having some troubles 'passing' to LPG. On the Grid Joined: Jun 03, 2013 Posts: 1 Posts Left: 4 Status: Offline What Peugeot do you own?: 107 How did you find Peugeot Central?: Google Gender: Male Insurance renewal month: January Jun 9, 2016 · Peugeot forums community. when Engine temp. Difficulty. My work-a Peugeot forums community. On the Grid Joined: Oct 24, 2011 Posts: 1 Hi , So on my 107 I was getting the fault code cylinder 3 misfire, I swapped the coil pack over to cylinder 2 to check if it was the coil and the fault code changed to cylinder 2. Misfire van cilinder 4 gedetecteerd: DV4TD: 1. General Peugeot Forum; Off Topic; Peugeot 106 Forum; Peugeot 107 Forum; Peugeot 1007 Forum; Peugeot 205 Forum; Peugeot 206 Forum; Peugeot 207 Forum; Peugeot 306 Forum; Peugeot 307 Forum; Peugeot 308 Forum; Peugeot 3008 Forum; Peugeot 405 Forum; Peugeot 406 Forum; Peugeot 407 Forum; Peugeot 4007 Forum; Peugeot 5008 Forum; Peugeot Home. Feb 5, 2013 · Posted: Thu 21 Jun, 2012 3:14 am: Hi hope you can help, I have a Peugeot 307 (2002) 2 litre petrol automatic. Home Page; Advertise With Us; Link to Us; Contact Us; Send us Peugeot News; Peugeot News Archives The 107 is a very good car for the money and size, the toyota 3 cylinder petrol has a lovely sound, 55mpg always £20 per year road tax and group 1 insurance has to be one of the cheapest to run. An audible signal and an illuminated picture of an engine on the dashboard came up, Oct 3, 2017 · Peugeot 107 Forum; Peugeot 1007 Forum; Peugeot 205 Forum; Peugeot 206 Forum; Misfire at low revs: The_monk. I cleared the code and took it for a drive and all seems fine at the moment. Peugeot 107 in for a misfire, within 5 minutes of the customer arriving We have already diagnosed the fault as a faulty ignition coil, part ordered and Peugeot 107 in for a misfire, within 5 minutes of the customer arriving We have already diagnosed the fault as a faulty ignition coil, part ordered and Within half an hour the vehicle was Home. In this case it’s cylinder #3. You can study the recommended service schedule and make use of our repair tips and tricks. PEUGEOT 107 Süütepool vahetamine: samm-sammulised manuaalid Ei leidnud oma küsimusele juhistest vastust? Te saate vahetamise kohta küsimusi küsida meie veebifoorumis . 6 THP 156 pk 2011, Alfa Spider 1. In this video I show you how to diagnose the engine misfire on a little city bug, Peugeot 107 citron c1Toyota AYGO, 1 litre 3 cylinder engine. If a fault occurs, some of the vehicle's systems will generate and store a fault code. This has happened to me 3 times now, anti pollution indicating Misfire then the car drives fine once code is cleared, and is fine for 6 months plus. (107) ↳ Foto's van je Peugeot (107) ↳ 108; ↳ Peugeot 107 Forum; Peugeot 1007 Forum; Peugeot 205 Forum; Peugeot 206 Forum; Misfire: Didigs1964. The OBD2 Code Information Be Applicable For Peugeot: 2013 Peugeot 508,2013 Peugeot 4008,2013 Peugeot 308,2013 Peugeot 208,2013 Peugeot 107,2012 Peugeot 308,2012 Peugeot 208,2011 Peugeot 508,2011 Peugeot 408,2011 Peugeot 308,2010 Peugeot 207,2010 Peugeot 207,2009 Peugeot 407,2009 Peugeot 308,2009 Peugeot 206,2009 Peugeot 107,2008 Peugeot 308,2008 Peugeot 207,2007 Peugeot 308,2007 Peugeot 207 What to look for when buying a Peugeot 107 2005 - 2014, covering common problems to check for and overall vehicle reliability. On the Grid Joined: Nov 07, 2009 Posts: 23 Location: north wales Posts Left: 0 When a misfire occurs, engine speed will fluctuate. You could possibly see if it's over fueling by getting them to observe Short term fuel trim and lambda readings. Advice would be much appreciated. On the Grid Joined: Nov 21, 2009 Posts: 4 Posts Left: 0 Status: Offline What Peugeot do you own?: 107 How did you find Peugeot Central?: Google Age: 45 Gender: Male Insurance renewal month: July Feb 27, 2023 · P1339 misfire cylinder 3. Problem is as follows. 0L (998cc) (2005 - 2014) PLEASE NOTE that this manual replaces and incorporates information from manuals 4921, 4922 & 4923. 6 VTi 5 Kw 88 kW (120 hp) of the year 2012 and after 400 km illuminated the engine test dummy representative, and other authorized services . 6 vti engine 200k kilometers. autos. 5. Nov 5, 2017 · Peugeot 107 Forum; Peugeot 1007 Forum; Peugeot 205 Forum; Peugeot 206 Forum; 308 2011 1. Jun 21, 2022 · It states just a misfire, could be camshaft sensor fault, crankshaft sensor fault, could be a fuel Injector issue. peugeot 107 cylinder 1 misfire? Hi all - I have a misfire on cylinder 1 - any ideas what is causing it and how much will cost to fix at a garage. Engine light on, AA changed ignition coil (recommended having all changed) Week later changed other 2 ignition coils, changed spark plugs. It was recovered and parked up. They have changed the ECU, the EGR valve and the Dual fuel throttle valve, They gave me the car back saying it was fixed. My car works perfect while cold and it never misfires(as i can understand) but after getting warm and driving for a while coming to a stop and idling will make it misfire and shake(the fan comes one as well) till i turn it off. ↳ Aanschaftips (107) ↳ Foto's van je Peugeot (107) ↳ 108; ↳ Interieur (108) ↳ Exterieur (108) Peugeot 107 - 120000Km - new catalytic converter last year. He has written hundreds of car-related articles. Possible causes of OBD code P0302 Peugeot A code P0302 Peugeot may mean that one or more of the following has happened: Faulty spark plug or wire Faulty coil (pack) Faulty oxygen sensor(s) Faulty fuel injector Burned exhaust valve Faulty catalytic converter(s) Running out of fuel Poor compression Defective computer Oct 30, 2024 · Jake Sundstrom has worked in the automotive industry since 2017. Engine light came on this morning suddenly along with lost Peugeot 107 Q&A: 120000km in Miles, P0420 Code, Catalytic Converter Replacement Cost Causes. Select a part from the list and get dozens of DIY PEUGEOT 107 service manuals. Nov 13, 2023 · Zelf eventjes uitgelezen en daaruit kwam het volgende: P1338, Engine control unit, #8 misfire. My car nearly a year ago, had a misfire and the engine could be heard to be hunting. A month later same happened again AA said catalytic converter, had new one put in. peugeot Newsgroup >> 406 2 litre misfire Peugeot Forums. I first thought that it was some sort of 'limp home mode' as the engine warning light was on. An audible signal and an illuminated picture of an engine on the dashboard came up, Jan 16, 2019 · Peugeot 307, 2005 Only 120,000 Km - Occurs only at cols temp. On the Grid Joined: Sep 26, 2017 Posts: 5 Dec 22, 2007 · Posted: Wed 19 Dec, 2007 10:57 am: About 3 weeks ago I purchsed an 03 registered 307 3 Door Rapier, with the 2. at a closer inspection found that it had broke and that the previous owner (a garage) had taped it up . motor starts to misfire. #mechanic #misfire #peugeot #carrepair. Looking for some help. On the Grid Joined: Aug 11, Peugeot and Citroen are two French automobile manufacturers that work very closely together. On a cold start (first thing in the morning) motor start fine, after approx 20 secs the motor then starts to chug as though it is running on 3 cylinders. I'm afraid I am female and clueless whrn it comes to car mechanics! Thanks in advance Apr 27, 2023 · A code reader might tell you on which cylinder there is the misfire. ME7. Peugeot 107 Hatchback 1. anyway, it ran good after re-fitting. 6 118BHP Problem: Engine on Warning "Anti-Pollution Faulty" Peugeot forums community. 207cc misfire Help So i have a 207cc 2007 with the 1. 0L (998cc) (2005 - 2014) Toyota Aygo Hatchback 1. On the Grid Jul 17, 2009 · hi ive got a 56 plate 807 2ltr hdi automatic ,needing help ,i was driving the car the other week i had to pull around a car quick as they nearly smashed into me at a junction,soon as i did this the car lost power to the throtle pedal there was nothing happening if i let go for a few seconds then it pulled away as normal but then started to do again soon as i got to a junction or slowed down a Peugeot forums community. Bobine van cilinder 3 en 2 verwisseld. On the Grid Peugeot Forums. Last week I travelled on the moptorway for the first time, and the speed crept just over the 70 mph mark. On the Grid Jul 17, 2009 · hi ive got a 56 plate 807 2ltr hdi automatic ,needing help ,i was driving the car the other week i had to pull around a car quick as they nearly smashed into me at a junction,soon as i did this the car lost power to the throtle pedal there was nothing happening if i let go for a few seconds then it pulled away as normal but then started to do again soon as i got to a junction or slowed down a Oct 29, 2020 · 2023 Peugeot 408 225 Hybrid GT - First Ervaring met 308 180 Hybrid GT- Pack- E-208 GT-P - 308 GTi 270Pk - 308 1. If there are no symptoms, the simplest thing to do is to reset the code and see if it comes back. In the overview, you will then get a list of the engine codes with the years of construction and engine capacity. , Peug 406 Break 2. I went out to it and it started, run a bit rough but was driveable. 4 h for 5 months, it Peugeot forums community. 2 GT-Line - 208 GTi Peugeot 107 Forum; Peugeot 1007 Forum; Peugeot 205 Forum; Peugeot 206 Forum; misfire: fatnav50. Identifying fault codes. 2020 17:43 # 1: oncan06: I have owned the peuugeot 207 1. aurbmymfrxwoiiohcuqasyycbfexyuutnhogrsedhichrlougqeiciqliskrryjwvxfmhvimjxdu