Polytopia best tribe polaris. You can also donate directly by tapping the image.
Polytopia best tribe polaris The Polaris, wracked by this internal turmoil, found themselves stretched far too thin. Good economy, not worst at combat, and very organized (unlike me). Polaris would probably be bad against Elyrion, Polaris aren't that good since their nerf and Elyrion get free development time. midjiwan. You could try to eliminate the Mooni's at the very beginning, stopping any growth at all. Cymanti used to be OP but as of this update I think they are fine. This is the official subreddit for The Battle of Polytopia - a cute, award-winning, turn-based, strategic, 4X game. With the might of sleds and Mamoos, the mystical Polaris are determined to entomb the Square in ice and transform the land into a frigid paradise. This is the official subreddit for The Battle of Polytopia - a cute… The Ice Bank is a building unique to the Polaris tribe that costs 20 stars and produces 2 stars per turn for every 20 frozen land or ice tiles in the world (regardless of which Polaris player froze them). IMO, Oumaji is the best way to fight Polaris. Plus their centipedes are more versatile than giants. 10 votes, 15 comments. Go There In celebration […] Mar 10, 2025 · POLYTOPIA BLOG POSTS Android iPhone ∑∫ỹriȱŋ Tribe Week is here: During this week, we will plant one real tree for each sale of an ∑∫ỹriȱŋ item in the game or at shop. 48K subscribers in the Polytopia community. 43K subscribers in the Polytopia community. On Continents you need just any tribe that has good ground power, naval power, economy and can generate troops faster, somewhat like Elyrion 4- Polaris still has knights and swordsman, normal tribe tactics work a lot once you have an economy 5- Ice archers dont do damage but they can technically freeze someone forever same with mooni's. I play crazy difficulty with 16 tribes. Vengir is good in dry lands tiny, 9 players specifically. Since nobody asked, how am I supposed to beat Polaris on archipelago or water world? I have played dozens of multiplayer matches on those maps in the 1400 elo range, and Polaris always came out as the winner. Ai-Mo has no military advantages. You can also donate directly by tapping the image. Incluye 11 artículo(s): The Battle of Polytopia, The Battle of Polytopia - Aquarion Tribe, The Battle of Polytopia - Elyrion Tribe, The Battle of Polytopia - Polaris Tribe, The Battle of Polytopia - Cymanti Tribe, The Battle of Polytopia - Skin Pack #1, The Battle of Polytopia - Skin Pack #2, The Battle of Polytopia - Skin Pack #3, The Battle Going to buy my first tribe, probably one of the special tribes. Vengir is the best on small maps and maps where people are close to each other, Kickoo and Polaris on water worlds and Yâddack on dry worlds. Cymanti has a great economy, especially if you can get fungi down in cities. You will be disappointed if you go with Polaris, because while it is the best tribe in the game (assuming it's a map size of large or larger) it requires a lot of skill and practice. This made Polaris mains, I hope you can enlighten me and give me some advice. This is where price alerts on GG I’ve bought polaris as my 2nd purchase on this game a long time ago, and never got a hang of it. Use this to your advantage if someone tries to rush you early game Polaris is definitely a tribe that ramps up. -Large maps any number of players would be bardur. The differences in the averages between Pre Polaris and Post Polaris tribes can possibly tell us how much we should add to old tribes, and roughly how much we can expect from new ones. Monitoring price trends might offer clues about what kind of The Battle of Polytopia - Polaris Tribe sale one can anticipate in the coming months. Anyone with any skill isn't on this thread anyway, besides the Bug just wanting to give back. Polaris is situational so you wont have fun as often compared to other tribes. Another huge advantage to the Polaris tribe is the ability for extremely quick and cheap travel over water. Buy Aquarion first because it is first and will give you an appreciation for the other special tribes. Setup. The Ice Bank is unlocked with the Trade technology and The Outpost is a building unique to the Polaris tribe that costs five stars, produces one population, and forms city connections with cities or other Outposts no more than three ice tiles away. Dragon eggs really hurt elyrion though, so you have to play perfect. An expansionist tribe could beat them, but only if they meet early and wipe out Polaris immediately. That means Polaris only gets stronger as the game goes on. Polaris doesn’t have the best economy, but the ice bank is just so good if you get that up early. Sanctuaries are just crazy good. Polaris' ability to freeze enemies and the environment is game breaking. So instead what I'm going to do is rank tribes from best early to best late, with 15 being the strongest tribe early and 1 being the strongest late. Once the world is generated, then the Polaris spawn in and freeze over their starting capital and its territory. This extends to the other special tribes who get more special in order: Elyrion, Polaris, and Cymanti. It really is situational, based on your play style and game conditions. Plus, in a 1v1, Polaris will inherit Elyrion's awful resources. These Polaris dissidents followed the path of the comet, splitting off to form the Quetzali tribe. they become very powerful late game. Don't care. The overall best special tribe is probably Elyrion. Considering just how unworkable tribes like vengir quetzal oumaji and aquarion are it is actual slander to accuse ely of being the worst in the game. Go There In celebration […] Tbh, I think aquarion is best. I can’t say Bardur is S anymore due to the following reasons: The options in S tier are just better right now. The Outpost is unlocked by the Frostwork technology and replaces the Port for Polaris. If You are asking about economy, I would suggest Bardur (chooping trees), Luxidoor (big income), Kickoo (fast upgrading cities, custom house rush) and Polaris (ice bank) 120 votes, 10 comments. in particular if you're allied with an Jan 24, 2024 · Few things can live out in the utterly inhospitably frozen land of the Polaris, but the Polaris have adapted. Cymanti is indeed the best drylands tribe, and by quite a large margin at that. Here's the thing about Polytopia, though, is that you can't really just rank tribes from best to worst because different tribes have different strengths. Make a Warrior on Turn 1 and send it in a different direction to your Mooni. These guys have good defence and ice units. Yeah, better than both polaris and Cymanti. In my opinion, they are the second best super unit, besides the giant. And No better tribe to do this than Vengir. If You are asking about economy, I would suggest Bardur (chooping trees), Luxidoor (big income), Kickoo (fast upgrading cities, custom house rush) and Polaris (ice bank) Polaris’ weakness is that it’s slow to start; if you can kill them early that’s your best bet. managed to get 250k. The thing is Polaris is a Mid-Late game tribe i. Personally I love Elyrion's theme, but Quetzali is definitely the best tribe music there is. Polaris terraform and have cool units. [!switch] Polaris and other water units counter each other imo. Normal tribes I searched something different: Yadakk best music in game, Hoodrick I enjoy starting with Archers, Ai-mo best do the early philosophy tech. In answer to your question: Beating Crazy Mode Polaris at Turn 25+ with Vengir is probably the hardest thing you can do in the game, so there is no way to beat them with Vengir in the late game that is. It's not "bad", it's just a bit similar to the regular tribes - though different enough to be a good gateway to special tribes. Mind Benders will not do anything for you, and they have to obtain every military tech like most tribes. Reply r/Polytopia • Day 131: Polaris on late game be like. Not sure about archipelago, but probably Polaris, aquarion, and kickoo are solid. com until January 17th. Also Polaris mainly relies on Gammis(the super unit) so if you could prevent/kill the Gammis fast it makes your job 120 votes, 10 comments. Opponent selection: Quetzali — all Quetzali Anyway. ) Here's a personal tier list: SS: Luxidoor, Bardur, Kickoo S: Zebasi, Imperius Posted by u/Matsu_the_trash_man - 8 votes and 11 comments. Their riders allow them to damage Moonis without being frozen on Polaris' next turn. com May 2, 2023 · On Lakes it would be Kickoo or Polaris, Kickoo because of fishing and Polaris because of the free/easy access to ice, which is important for Polaris. Cymanti pre-nerf is the best tribe PolyT has seen, at least as long as I played. Most tribes wield this power, but I say Bardur because of the economic advantages it possesses. -Massive 4 or less players. · The best case scenario for a city spawn is to be put next to water. e. If your capital has ice on its area, move your Mooni towards it so you can spread the ice because a Mooni can move 2 tiles if it goes on the ice. This is the place for most things Pokémon on Reddit—TV shows, video games, toys, trading cards, you name it! Yadakk is probably the best tribe for games that are not extremely crowded, Their roads tech allows early game expansion faster than all other tribes whilst maintaining a decent economy. The others are more situational, but Elyrion is competitive across a wide range of sizes, maps, and game lengths. 53K subscribers in the Polytopia community. Polaris discounts at shop. Members Online since we're doing tier lists again, here's my second objectively correct one 43K subscribers in the Polytopia community. So I’d like some tips from polaris players as the tribe and it’s gameplay seems fun but I find the tribe very weak when playing it, yet very annoying when against it. They have some pretty glaring weaknesses (many low hp unit, no access to persist, very little ranged damage, no road), and if you know to exploit those weakness they can be pretty handily defeated. Elyrion receives honorable mention. Cymanti are more different and a game between fragile and strong units. Polaris = Po-lar-is Cymanti = Si-Mon-Ti Tribe Nah, the terrain takes forever to get through with the mountains, not a t0 tribe, starting tech is pretty garbage, and late game it just gets stomped by tribes like Polaris, Bardur, or Elyrion. But in all seriousness I got cymanti and Polaris as my first tribes a while ago and has loads o fun, I got elyrion a few weeks later cause it was its tribe moon and I got am planning on asking my mum for kickoo and yaddak tomorrow cause it is my birthday Jan 11, 2021 · POLARIS TRIBE WEEK: The Polaris Ice Bank is built at the site where the Polaris first made contact with the Gaami. (Also don’t discount cymanti just because you don’t like to play against it) I agree that Oumaji is the best tribe on Drylands 196, although I don't think anyone can really compete with Elyrion on 256. (Go to the tribes' individual pages. 33. Ice fortresses are polaris's response to a battleship, and they do the job. I even think that Polaris is the best tribe I'd go with Cymanti just because of how fun it is to play. My advice is to buy a few. Get Yaddak, Kickoo, Elyrion, Zebasi, Cymanti, Polaris, Vengir, Quetzali, and Hoodrick. Polaris is okay, and thrives on water world and archipelago maps too Cymanti is best on small dryland maps with rushing using the shaman boosts Elyrion is best on small or giant maps with either quick rushing or endgame dragons For me the best tribes overall would be Imperius Cymanti Bardur Elyrion Kickoo Zebasi Yaddak Aug 4, 2020 · Polaris is Polytopia’s third Special Tribe! From the frozen wastes emerge the Polaris, servants of the mysterious Gaami, who are hellbent on freezing the Square into a new frigid paradise. I would say this was a fair spot to put them. Also you forgot about cymanti units Jan 16, 2023 · POLARIS TRIBE WEEK: A happy relationship exists between the Polaris and the Gaami. But don't get me wrong, I love polaris. Onto polaris, one of the best mid-late game tribe right now, all they need is ice and the bank then that's it, similar to cymanti, get better sight range and I recommend you to start archers and rush them with riders as well, sleds and battle forts are not what they can afford early game, their archers only freezes you, and they deal 0 dmg, so For maps like continents with more water kickoo is a really good tribe. And honestly considering how well made this game is, my purchase will also be a token of appreciation for the developers. For example Imp is the best for players who are okay with a long game and plan to diversify their tech. So anyway, without further ado, here we go. But, of course, there’s bound to be some of those who aren’t always the happiest with this arrangement. Best of all, they have a great early game. Many Polytopia tribes have a ton of differ You know that in order to unlock the multiplayer option, a tribe must be purchased. Bardur is the best for quick and decisive wins because they can usually get giants quicker than any other tribe and overwhelm players bc they don't need to diversify tech as much. In my opinion Polaris is the best. Gaami are worse giant against cymanti(as cymanti's best way of dealing with giant is to suicide units into it). This is the official subreddit for The Battle of Polytopia - a cute, award-winning, turn-based… Elyrion are more similar to normal tribes but have cool things. r/pokemon is an unofficial Pokémon fan community. Imbued with icy powers granted by their overlords, the Polaris construct adorable Mooni, freeze the waters, shatter their foes, and diligently work their way toward an unforeseen fate… This is the official subreddit for The Battle of Polytopia - a cute, award-winning, turn-based, strategic, 4X game. Elyron has the best economy now, cymanti is generally unstoppable on a mostly land map, and kikoo can get to the water first and wall off opponents with bombers quickly. 5 unique units, 5 unique skills, 3 unique structures, and 1. Polaris is Polytopia’s third Special Tribe! From the frozen wastes emerge the Polaris, servants of the mysterious Gaami, who are hellbent on freezing The overall best special tribe is probably Elyrion. Early game is when you’re most vulnerable, but late game, you’re practicing unstoppable, albeit a bit slow (due to the lack of ranged units with dash). Xin-Xi is just not good in multiplayer especially when you consider the majority of players are prolly bardur which rushes catapults and makes XinXis Yes, Gaamis are REALLY good. polaris's economy depends on expansion (stealing ports and customs), but to expand you first need to go tall, imo, as gaami are very hard to ambush (freeze when moving) and very good at ocean crossing (same speed as 2 moonies) even better if its 2 gaamies with skating, that shit fast. 52K subscribers in the Polytopia community. 50% DISCOUNT on POLARIS on all platforms. Elyrion is harder but also different from regular tribes. However, Polaris isn’t really that good competitively unless you are either playing Archipelago or a very large map, and even then they aren’t the best choice. Aquarion!!! Finally, my favorite tribe gets Jun 17, 2019 · Polytopia Polaris Gameplay / First Look | The Battle of Polytopia BEST TRIBE? Hello everyone, GullYY here and today we are looking at the newest tribe in the Bardur is the best tribe. Personally, I love Imperius. Or, you could choose to disable Cymanti at the start of a match and will never have to vs them again! Depends, how you play the game, If you want your games to go above round 30 and focus on late game, then polaris, if you want a overall decent tribe in early,mid and lategame, then elvriyon, if you want to destroy enemies early game, while maintaining a upper grip in mid and late game, then cymanti, if you want a challenge then aquarion In every match I play against Polaris, my entire frontline gets disabled by moonis or gammis, I get that some tribes are better than others (bardur, luxidoor), but you need a really lucky spawn to not get screwed over by these guys. So if you can stop them Early to mid game then that would be better than struggling to beat Polaris late game. On Continents you need just any tribe that has good ground power, naval power, economy and can generate troops faster, somewhat like Elyrion The Polaris have lain trapped in the far reaches of the freezing tundra for eons, but were blessed by the unknowable Gaami with the power to expand their unnatural icy terrain farther than the weather permits. Polaris isn't that great on land in early-game, they gain strategic power when there is more water to freeze. Elyrion's tempo is very different so even most units and tech are almost identical to regular tribes it plays more different than Cymanti compared to regular tribes. Late game the freezing might help some by letting your knights go up against dragons easier, but oceans are safe from dragons pretty well just by virtue Mar 10, 2025 · POLYTOPIA BLOG POSTS Android iPhone ∑∫ỹriȱŋ Tribe Week is here: During this week, we will plant one real tree for each sale of an ∑∫ỹriȱŋ item in the game or at shop. Which one is the most fun to play as? I don’t really care which is the best/most competitive because I pretty much always play offline. May 2, 2023 · On Lakes it would be Kickoo or Polaris, Kickoo because of fishing and Polaris because of the free/easy access to ice, which is important for Polaris. 5 unique abilities. Ely can expand just as quickly, unless they whiff their polypushes, and they have solid mid game with archery and late game with dragons. Fast expanding with riders and roads might let you get enough of the map to outweigh their late game advantages; also, you might just find them and if you do you could rush them and kill them with your (at the time) superior early game economy. Explosions don't do that much damage anymore, which is the only meaningful advantage cymanti has against regular tribes imo (in late game). Which one off those is the best depends on your play style. This is the official subreddit for The Battle of Polytopia - a cute… Dec 31, 2022 · The Battle of Polytopia may be a streamlined take on the 4X formula, but it certainly isn’t lacking in the playable factions department: you can choose from a total of 16 different Tribes, each with their own strengths and weaknesses, to wage grid-based war against the other claimants to the Square. Artwork […] Hi guys, I was able to score over 200k with every regular tribe — want to share here my tactics and hopefully learn from you all what else I can improve. Polaris and aquarion are probably some of the best for most waterworld maps. Tap see more. The fact roads branches out to trade also encourages expansion through sea as ports are needed for custom houses so this indirectly makes Yadakk a tribe meant Depends on game map. Another thing is that polaris starts of with a mooni, which costs 5 stars, when every other tribe starts with the basic warrior. This is the official subreddit for The Battle of Polytopia - a cute… Personally, I love Imperius. The buy tier (this has nothing to do with tribe strength, just what I would buy first for gameplay fun and usefulness): The best tribes are Vengir, Kickoo, Yâdakk and Polaris. For perfection, Polaris is the best because Polaris mirrors allow you to rush ice bank for a fast economy, and ice bank farming can get you a big economy to spam lots of temples. Edit: Jesus, some Polaris fans are really salty. Also cymanti units are mobile enough to not care about polaris freezes, and cymanti terrain make it difficult for polaris to upgrade their cities. The Ice Bank's maximum level is level 30. That's why kickoo struggles against Polaris. The Best and Most Official Polytopia Tribe Tier List, of course! Prophet did a discussion on the best tribes here, another very good tier list can be found here, and I did a writeup for all the tribes on the wiki. Bardur imo, is the 4th best tribe now and top of A tier. Better than some, but still mediocre, and their super troop does not pay off at all. Played all the tribes and till now, I can say Polaris is like the only beast I can't tame. I’m now playing mostly with other tribes (either Kickoo, Bardur or Hoodrick). Because you can build an outpost right away, you will immediately have a leveled-up city. Not many people are aware of Vengirs greatness so it'd be best to take advantage of it while you can The dragons and whales are great, but in my opinion it is outclassed by polaris. I even lost to my little brother (who is a total noob) in nearly every match where he plays Polaris, just because he has late game economy while I was still defending for my capital. While the Polaris might see them as benevolent saviors, many believe that the Gaami have ulterior motives. Their troops are also relatively mediocre, and in the long run, they aren’t so much different from a regular tribe. We plant the trees via the Canopy Reforestation Project. here's what i would add: knights: knights + glide (from Polarism) turns them into excellent scouting & striking units, especially around the edge of the map, which can let you find out where the ice banks are so you can focus on taking those immediately. A tier probably. What I usually do with any tribe is quick expand get my cities level 2 rush sword or catapult then get free spirit and clear my units if I think they won't make it to the next turn and I don't have another way of saving them, then I just play normally while being careful and it kinda goes well. This is the official subreddit for The Battle of Polytopia - a cute, award-winning, turn-based… So I'm trying to get 100% with all my tribes but can't get even close with polaris. S+: Luxidoor(Aggro - Carry) - After the Bardur and Polaris nerfs, Luxidoor has become nearly unmatched in most game modes. My best non-Polaris score is 221k with all-Quetzali. Another special tribe is the Polaris. Jan 17, 2022 · As mysterious as they are majestic, the Gaami are beings from an alien world of eternal permafrost, and the source of the ice magic that the Polaris society relies on. On drylands maps, Polaris has ice fortresses but other tribes don't have battleships, and other tribes don't have customs houses (or clathri) but Polaris has the ice bank. Roast me. Polaris is an extremely late game tribe. Bardur is strong enough to get to late game against cymanti and build a navy before cymanti makes the sea disappear. Starts strong with Polytaurs and their movement boost, gets a good mid game with Sanctuaries, and a strong late game with Fire Dragons (and more Sanctuaries, lol). TL;DR Polaris I would recommend a special tribe, as you already have 4 standard tribes. Imperius has standard rates for everything, which means that they often have to buy lots of techs just to catch up with tribes like Kickoo, which can specialize in a way. I've tried to look for weaknesses in their faction, but I cant find a single one. From what i heard, Aquarion works best against Polaris(Tridentions and Amphibians). Paired with swordsmen, a tribe with knights can repel most of Cymanti's advances through greater movement. Each Polaris player can only have one Ice Bank, which can be built on field or ice tiles. Polaris has the upper hand in late game fights, while cymanti has a very smooth sailing throughout the game while losing some strength in the later stages of the game. Dec 15, 2024 · Find the best prices for The Battle of Polytopia - Polaris Tribe, see the full price history, and be the first to find out about its next big sale at Deku Deals The Battle of Polytopia - Polaris Tribe - on sale now for 50% off. Polaris is the third special tribe and Dec 31, 2022 · The Battle of Polytopia may be a streamlined take on the 4X formula, but it certainly isn’t lacking in the playable factions department: you can choose from a total of 16 different Tribes, each with their own strengths and weaknesses, to wage grid-based war against the other claimants to the Square. The Gaami is a very useful super unit, and polaris relies on them to expand its ice. Battleships are ranged and get defense bonuses, Polaris has ice and freeze but their only good ranged troop is ice fortress, which lacks both dash and defense bonus. Polaris is good on water maps. Anyway since Vengir is a great tribe I'd recommend keeping that to yourself until you become the number one polytopia player. The first one, the Battlesled, is effectively a less capable Tridention, while their second unit, the Ice Fortress, is effectively a less capable Battleship. Then, continue to spread as you would with any other tribe. After that, I'd go with Elyrion. For glory, Bardur is better simply because they are a t0 tribe with good resources and quick access to forestry. You don’t need See full list on allclash. They could not hold on to most of their positions, and ended up back where they had started, attempting to conquer Barduria. Imbued with icy powers granted by their overlords, the Polaris construct adorable Mooni, freeze the waters, shatter their foes, and diligently work their Bardur is just my favourite tribe, I liked them way before I knew they were meta. Ever since the naval update, the Moonis has become a really annoying threat with the auto-freeze ability. Elyrion is very strong in the early game but their late game is weakened by their inability to do anything with forests. com . The building can only be built on ice. Early you got boosted hexapods, late game doomux, plus a strong economy thanks to their fungi. The first few turns of a Polytopia game are the most important, as the entire rest of the game builds off of them. They do no damage, but freeze a unit, skipping its turn. Polaris and Cymanti on the other hand, have an average of 6. If you get caught early game, you are completely screwed. Bardur: unlike Imperius, Bardur is probably the best T0 tribe and potentially the best tribe in the game. In conclusion, I think Polaris is the best. Jul 17, 2023 · The Polaris are a Siberia/ North Canada based tribe that starts out with the Frost Work technology, and the landscape actually depends on the enemies' resource modifiers. Warm igloos, resilient Mamoos, parkas made with Inqi fur, and magical blessings by the Gaami all help provide the Polaris with the strength necessary to complete their mission to freeze the Square. The key for Polaris is to create as much ice as possible and quickly build an Ice Bank to drastically increase income, since, by the time an Ice Bank is built mid-game decent guide, followed it to learn the ropes and adapted it for my own strategy. This is the official subreddit for The Battle of Polytopia - a cute, award-winning, turn-based… polaris's economy depends on expansion (stealing ports and customs), but to expand you first need to go tall, imo, as gaami are very hard to ambush (freeze when moving) and very good at ocean crossing (same speed as 2 moonies) even better if its 2 gaamies with skating, that shit fast. I LIVE Polaris. -Massive maps 9 players bardur is best. Sadly, they are mediocre in economy. They are versatile, but not versatile enough. Tap to view. And lastly, Aquarion. This is the official subreddit for The Battle of Polytopia - a cute, award-winning, turn-based… And let's talk about other tribes when fighting these 2 tribes. Pros love this tribe in team games because it allows early aggression and tempo at literally no risk, and has access to numerous power-spikes before other tribes can. I enjoyed creating games where you could only choose: Ai-Mo Elyrion Hoodrick Polaris Oumaji Quetzali Aquarion Vengir Xin-Xi -Medium 4 players or less bardur is best. It reminds the Polaris citizens of what they owe to their subzero saviors. Aquarion is considered the worst tribe in the game but has one very strong unit (the tridention). Where do I start? I want to add that my usual Perfection experience so far is against four or five opponents, normal difficulty, and no tribes are disabled, and I don't know if this are good settings for a new Polaris player. In my view they are clearly the 2nd best special tribe and one of the best non t0 tribes. Thanks! Polaris' ability to wage war on the frozen seas reigns supreme among all other tribes. The best The Battle of Polytopia - Polaris Tribe PC price of all time was recorded on December 17, 2022 on G2Play, when it was possible to get the DLC for just $0. Bardur is pretty solid for all of the above map types. When Polaris was released, the Outpost produced two population. Kickoo gets weaker and Polaris gets stronger, at least throughout a battle between the two. So which tribe is the best? For now, I am looking to buy only one tribe, so I am hoping to get the best value from my purchase. I don't play them often anymore though. Members Online since we're doing tier lists again, here's my second objectively correct one Polaris Perfection 200K Guide Map settings: Polaris mirror (all opponents are also polaris), 15 opponents, crazy difficulty Spawn Shopping Strategies: Be very generous, any spawn that doesn’t have visible water towards the center or mountains blocking the center is a great candidate. Tap the image to go there. Unlike every other tribe, Polaris obtains two naval units instead of 1 after they discover Navigation. xokesbkaovxpvjykxmnnfwxnyjbooxtiiwgfxpltxgwpyvstqyazgvnjfqzgzzxacxhthpblcdjpb