Sharpcap smart histogram. I ran the Smart Histogram, and everything went smoothly.
Sharpcap smart histogram But I delayed using it because I wanted to understand SC a bit better first. . I wonder how many folk attempt to use the Sharpcap Sensor Analysis and Smart Histogram/Brain and give up because the sensor analysis step repeatedly fails due to too Jan 4, 2022 · If those figures are correct then the black level of 4 should be lifting the histogram peak clear of zero by at least 6 or 7 standard deviations, which *should* be plenty to avoid any problems. Dan Kahraman Jan 29, 2025 · I have a problem using Smart Histogram that I can't figure out. Am I correct to assume that when I conduct sensor analysis on my Mallincamsky Skyraider cameras this information is stored at a location Sharpcap will access and use smart histogram to determine the optimal gain and exposure settings? Dec 24, 2020 · Ive changed my config a bit & re-ran the smart histogram, only this time my interest is in maximising the dynamic range rather than gain given that the ultra mode gain is 100. 41 mcd/m2 brightness and 2239. After capturing the darks and applying the average in the "Preprocessing" form, the histogram shifted so far to the left that I couldn't get it back in the "green zones". Jul 30, 2020 · Also for the first time: I used the Smart Histogram Brain settings The camera makes the difference: with the Zwo ASI385MC it just wouldn't work but with the ASI294MC Pro it does. The reason I raise the issue is because Smart Histogram's suggestions did not give good image results. This is related to the last question asked by Eric. Is this the actual time I need to shoot or do I need to multiply this value by 3 to take into account the 3 colour channels used in the Debayer process? admin Site Admin Posts: 13701 Joined: Sat Feb 11, 2017 3:52 pm Location: Vale of the White Horse, UK Oct 13, 2020 · the smart histogram functionality essentially points you at the exposure length where you have pretty much run into the law of diminishing returns. Jan 10, 2011 · Add button to export sensor data to the Smart Histogram Brain window (SharpCap Pro users only) Bug fixes; Download Version 4. uk Jan 25, 2021 · Smsrt Histogram is really clever and wholly justifies the modest cost of the upgrade to Sharpcap Pro. Thanks Mark Apr 24, 2024 · So, you only need to do the analysis once (or not at all if your camera is a popular one and SharpCap has pre-measured sensor data for it). My camera is a QHY183C in case that matters and I'm in a Bortles 7 location. my target )? Jun 1, 2019 · Hi, I purchased the pro license downloading was fine with the latest version, however I do not seem to have the Smart-Histogram feature included, or I am missing something. With the lens cap on, the off-set needs to put the histogram main peak away from the Y-axis to avoid clipping. 7. Keep in mind that the SharpCap smart histogram and Mar 29, 2019 · Hi there, found one thread on this but wondered if anyone had actually used the output from the Smart Histogram in SharpCap and what were the results like, did they help, improve your imaging? Cheers, Tom. Mar 1, 2021 · Do I have to run a separate sensor analysis for the HCG setting if I want to make use of the smart histogram pertaining to that? These cameras act more like an astro-imager in LCG mode, whereas the HCG setting is more relevant to EAA. The smart histogram measurement is a 'do for every target' thing (if you feel you need to). Note that the mini histogram does not require a SharpCap Pro license, but the use of the auto stretch button does. Am I correct to assume that when I conduct sensor analysis on my Mallincamsky Skyraider cameras this information is stored at a location Sharpcap will access and use smart histogram to determine the optimal gain and exposure settings? admin Site Admin Posts: 13177 Joined: Sat Feb 11, 2017 3:52 pm Location: Vale of the White Horse, UK Jun 23, 2020 · @donstim For me the drop off is at Gain 60 (of 600) I do have the Logarithmic box checked. Query regarding the use of Brain function. I have been told that the ZWO cameras in SharpCap have some preloaded info regarding the Smart histogram and I may tackle those Run a sensor analysis (Tools Menu) on your camera in RAW8 and RAW12/16 mode (or MONO8 and MONO12/16 for mono sensors) and SharpCap will save the results and use them to provide Smart Histogram guidance in future imaging sessions. Thanks! Mark. The problem is that the result gives an Optimal black level (last time I did a calculation was 4) but in the ASIAIR Plus you cannot adjust the black level. To gain full Smart Histogram functionality, you should analyse your camera at both it’s maximum bit depth (i. How does the Smart Histogram process change? Do you do the "dark area" measurement step with no filter, then use those same settings for all possible filters? admin Site Admin Posts: 11544 Joined: Sat Feb 11, 2017 3:52 pm Location: Vale of the White Horse, UK Sep 20, 2020 · The last 2 nights I've been imaging M31 with my C8HD + HyperStar using SharpCap. Apr 20, 2020 · For instance, if smart histogram suggests 60 second exposures, you will get essentially the same quality final stacked image from following the smart histogram instructions and taking one hour of one minute exposures and stacking those as you would if you instead took one hour's worth of 15 minute exposures. Once you have spotted how these recommendations turn out fo Jan 25, 2021 · Page 3 of 3 - SharpCap Smart Histogram - love it! - posted in Electronically Assisted Astronomy (No Post-Processing): The ASI294MC has both a 10 and 14 bit ADC. Thanks, Robert Sep 29, 2022 · I'm an ASIAIR PLus user but before starting my session I would like to use the Smart Histogram to determine the optimal exposure time. On the screenshots from the loaded images, these look fine to me - there is some separation between the left hand side of the histogram peak and the left axis (when you use the smart histogram, it doesn't aim to put a big separation in, rather to put in 'just enough'). So i have SharpCap Pro, also the Latest version of SharpCap installed Camera is asi2600mc ( colour camera ) Scope is Skywatcher Esprit 150 Mount is iOptron CEM120 So last time i had clear skies, i thought i would give this Smart Histogram a go and see what the Feb 4, 2019 · Smart Histogram Brain Function Retention Post by GregL » Sun Feb 03, 2019 12:15 am There is quite a lot of material calculated when I use the Smart Histgram 'brain' function exposure estimate -- is this information saved anywhere or must I go through and screen capture each page? Jan 1, 2021 · The Smart Histogram only seems to have two options, either to target unity gain or maximum dynamic range. When the Darks were applied it shifted the whole histogram to the left, and of course there was no way to increase the brightness to move the histogram back to the right because it was already at the max. 5219. There is so much information to digest with SharpCap my head hurts sometimes. Thanks, Robert Forum rules If you have a problem or question, please check the FAQ to see if it already has an answer : https://www. Hovering over the peak of the histogram when gain is set to 100 the readout states a true ADU value of 21, with a corresponding electrons value of 175 (+/- 14). 8282. Having watched a few of Robin’s excellent, informative videos this seems about right. It told me to set my exposures to 3. It will be helpful if you could test that out when you have a chance to see if there's any difference in brightness between gain zero and gain one (i. When using narrow band filters do we need to measure the Oct 7, 2024 · Hi, I own a ZWO ASI 294 MC PRO camera, The smart histogram opens when this camera is connected. Jan 22, 2025 · I have a problem using Smart Histogram that I can't figure out. 14 for your camera. Let suppose I select an exposure time of 50 seconds and the associated gain. Jul 9, 2022 · Hi, I just have a bit of a question in regards to the SharpCap Smart Histogram. If you re-run the analysis then the previous saved version will be overwritten. It measures the brightness of the darkest bit of sky in view of the camera Nov 26, 2017 · The source of my knowledge of the Smart Histogram and Brain comes from this forum. I have done the sky brightness test and got two both figures back for unity gain and max dynamic gain. 37. I wonder how many folk attempt to use the Sharpcap Sensor Analysis and Smart Histogram/Brain and give up because the sensor analysis step repeatedly fails due to too May 27, 2024 · Hello Robin In Smart Histogram when I select "Unity Gain" or "Max Dynamic Range", it does not change the results V 4. The basic form of Smart Histogram takes the form of a pair of coloured bars along the top of the histogram area: Feb 2, 2024 · you need to complete the analysis in the bit depth and mode that you intend to use - so, for example if you run the analysis at 47MPx, 8 bit, you will not see smart histogram when using 47MPx, 16 bit (or 11MPx 8 bit). Apparently SharpCap's brain button normally suggests lower Offset values of 10 or less. Sep 30, 2022 · I'm an ASIAIR PLus user but before starting my session I would like to use the Smart Histogram to determine the optimal exposure time. Nov 2, 2023 · I then used the Deep sky sequencer to run the Smart Histogram I then ran Smart Histogram using the Tool dropdown again. May 14, 2023 · Hi, I just have another question i am trying to work out between the figures given in smart histogram and live stacking. in RAW12/RAW16/MONO16 mode) and at a bit depth of 8 bits (i. Thanks! Mark Dec 18, 2024 · I also tried various average values on histogram. Aug 29, 2024 · The default offset for the 294MC camera that ZWO use is 30. Jan 4, 2022 · In that after running the smart histogram I keep getting NO Solution below 600. Bigger FOV, gathering more light so stacking is no problem. And the peak was so close to the left that I could't tell if it was free from the left side or not. Measuring Sky Brightness; Setting Limits and Targets; The Jan 20, 2022 · I have been using the Smart histogram feature with my ZWO 183MCpro, I have switched to a ZW01600MMpro with LRGB & SHO filters, my questions are how important is it to run a focus routine after each filter change when I do a smart histogram analysis for each one, also should I be pointing the telescope at any particular region of the sky ( say. should I really reduce the minimum as well as the maximum). I updated to 3. If you select an 8-bit mode, you will be getting data from the 10-bit ADC. uk/sharpcap-faqs I tried to capture and apply Darks after using Smart Histogram to set my camera exposure, gain, and brightness setting. SharpCap Pro can measure the sky background brightness and simulate the impact of different gain and exposure combinations on final image quality. The basic form of Smart Histogram takes the form of a pair of coloured bars along the top of the histogram area: Dec 13, 2018 · So I just got a QHY183c for those nights when I just want to be lazy. What I think I am hearing is this: SharpCap is really just concerned with the Background Surface Brightness of the sky and the properties of the camera in order to calculate the optimal exposure and stack size. 0 and the Smart Histogram and Histogram Auto Stretch work great. 0 and those functions did not appear to be there. I click Measure, it starts and as soon as the next measurement capture starts, the area selection becomes small and is set to the left side, see screenshot 2. 0s. I have an Altair Astro 294c pro Tec and the Sensor Analysis indicates that a gain value of about 900 would be the sweet spot. The histogram can be shown by clicking the Image Histogram icon in the Tool Bar: which will display the Image Histogram in the Work Area of the Main Screen, as shown below. If you are going to image for (as in your example above) three hours, and SharpCap suggests using 60s exposures, you have a number of choices for the balance between exposure length and number of SharpCap ships with a selection of camera analysis data for the most popular Astronomy cameras, but you may need to run Sensor Analysis on each of your cameras to make the Smart Histogram features available. This seems to be at odds with how many people use SharpCap, i. 3 I will put some code in that will change the range from 1. What am I missing? Thanks When i use the smart histogram it gives me very short exposures (1. 4 seconds with 0 gain. levels with zero count appear in the middle of the histogram – see graphic below), it probably means the white balance (or other admin Site Admin Posts: 13523 Joined: Sat Feb 11, 2017 3:52 pm Location: Vale of the White Horse, UK Dec 28, 2019 · Sharpcap doesn't have data on sensor analysis for Mallincamsky cameras. The camera is a ASI ZWO178MC set to Raw 16. the Smart Histogram set the "Brightness" control to the maximum. 0 (32-bit) 25 October 2021 Aug 17, 2021 · can I use the small histogram for a general gauge on what I should use for gain and exposure, without using the smart histogram? I typically just set the gain to 120 for all my imaging (no matter what exposure I choose) but I am sure I should be doing some sort of calculation to decide on the best gain setting. Does it mean that Sharpcap 4. Deleting your own analysis file as Dave suggests will put SharpCap back to using the installed data (I would suggest closing and reopening SharpCap too, just to make sure). The Smart Histogram Bars; The Smart Histogram Brain Window. One of the major features in SC 3. The Exp time for Smart Histogram using the Tool dropdown was within a few seconds of each other (99. I ran the Smart Histogram, and everything went smoothly. Welcome back to Hidden Light Photography, the place where we capture the universe together! 🌌 Today, we're diving deeper into SharpCap's Smart Histogram. Learn how to use the coloured bars, the Brain window and the graphs to optimize your camera settings for deep sky, planetary and solar imaging. 12196 Louis Aug 12, 2019 · Hi, Yes, you should check the recommendations for each filter. Yes, all the information above is correct – if you've done your own analysis then the results from that will get used in preference to any data that installs with SharpCap. I use a RASA-8 (F2) and Risingcam/touptek Sony IMX571 camera (see analysis below). I originally set everything to 11 which was the value suggested for lights in smart histogram. SharpCap ships with a selection of camera analysis data for the most popular Astronomy cameras, but you may need to run Sensor Analysis on each of your cameras to make the Smart Histogram features available. However, when I tried to measure optimum exposure, something was off. May 18, 2020 · Sharpcap Smart Histogram - posted in Electronically Assisted Astronomy (No Post-Processing): I couldnt find much helpful information about this tool even in the Sharpcap Forum, so thought I might provoke some discussion. Apr 28, 2017 · Hi, The thing to remember is that regardless of the camera settings in terms of gain and exposure, the camera will detect the same number of photons in half an hours imaging from a particular target – if you're using gain 300 and 120 s exposures then the images will look brighter than those taken with the recommended settings from the smart histogram brain, but the same image data is SharpCap stores the results of completed Sensor Analyses on your computer and will use them later to provide Smart Histogram functionality on analysed cameras. SharpCap will store the data separately for each mode. in RAW8/MONO8 mode). With experience you will come to spot patterns in the recommendations for the different filters – perhaps that the R&G filters tend to give similar recommendations and the B filter recommends and exposure that is about twice as long. What am I missing? Thanks Apr 20, 2020 · Managed to get 25 x 536 sec and much to my surprise I also started to see the secondary arms of M106 (jets of hot gas that are spewed out by the black hole in the center of M106). Measuring Sky Brightness; Setting Limits Use the histogram control while adjusting the white balance and other image controls such as gamma, contrast and brightness – if it is noticed the histogram trace for any of the colour channels has gaps (i. cheers, Robin SharpCap ships with a selection of camera analysis data for the most popular Astronomy cameras, but you may need to run Sensor Analysis on each of your cameras to make the Smart Histogram features available. . 3 at minimum gain down to 3. What am I missing? Thanks Menno555 wrote: ↑ Tue Jun 23, 2020 3:51 am About the noise: if I set that to 20% for example, that would result in brighter captures? Menno Aug 26, 2018 · Hello Robin, I love using the Brain/Smart Histogram. 0. Sensor analysis is a free feature and does not require a SharpCap Pro license, however users with a SharpCap Pro license can copy the table of Jul 2, 2018 · Last night I experimented with the smart histogram to select an optimal exposure/gain imaging session for a given time. sharpcap. So now I was on the point of using and understanding it. The thing is my sensor analysis for this camera reports that at a gain setting of 100, the e/adu is 15. I think Smart Histogram makes EAA truly easy, removing doubt about the best Gain and Exposure settings. The basic form of Smart Histogram takes the form of a pair of coloured bars along the top of the histogram area: See full list on docs. When connecting with the ASCOM driver, I get the warning to run the sensor analysis and that's it. How do I determine the best brightness level to select? Nov 1, 2020 · I have a Zwo ASI 385MC (not cooled, smal FOV) and when I use the Smart Histogram (or Brain) settings, my captures are very/extremely dark. Sep 8, 2018 · I have SharpCap Pro 3. Any suggestion will be appreciated. You can quickly test this for yourself - cover the camera, select 137 gain, black level 4, RAW16, 1ms or less exposure and show the histogram in SharpCap. Mar 1, 2021 · Version 4. Th May 18, 2020 · Sharpcap Smart Histogram - posted in Electronically Assisted Astronomy (No Post-Processing): I couldnt find much helpful information about this tool even in the Sharpcap Forum, so thought I might provoke some discussion. I finally found a way to make it work I set all flats, dark flat, darks and lights to 0 offset. 8 - 12. May 14, 2023 · Turning the selection area off will give you the histogram for the whole image. It doesn't look right either. uk/sharpcap-faqs Sep 10, 2021 · smart histogram and calculator questions Post by brisguy » Thu Sep 09, 2021 9:58 pm I just recently realized that the Smart Hist calculator allows manual entry of sky brightness, so I had play with it today. Apr 6, 2022 · So I have an AA26C camera and I have completed sensor analysis I open up the smart histogram and it tells me that optimal exposure is for example 30 seconds at gain 200. Apr 24, 2024 · So, you only need to do the analysis once (or not at all if your camera is a popular one and SharpCap has pre-measured sensor data for it). 1 is the introduction of the Smart Histogram which relies on having run the Sensor Analysis tool. As you can tell, I am completely confused here and trying to work out what to do. Forum rules If you have a problem or question, please check the FAQ to see if it already has an answer : https://www. The read noise limit: I see it is set at 10% at the default setting, when i do my sky darkness test with an asi2600mc an Skywatcher Esprit 150, get get a result of around 75 seconds for Max Dynamic Range, i am in around Bortle 2-3 area. The Histogram in Detail; Understanding the Histogram Axes; Linear and Logarithmic Scales; Using the Histogram to Improve Image Quality; Worked Examples. I can't increase the gain anymore to move the histogram to the right to be centered. According to the Smart Histogram result, other than dynamic range, would these two settings be approximately equivalent as far as the final 2hr stacked image? Setting A: 477" x 15 frames at 42 gain Setting B: 240" x 30 frames at 250 gain Mar 26, 2018 · Re: Brightness and White Balance Adjustments after Smart Histogram Brain Post by oopfan » Fri Nov 09, 2018 1:22 am In my experience saturation of the brightest stars in the field is something that is almost impossible to avoid. I cannot get any reported smart Use the histogram control while adjusting the white balance and other image controls such as gamma, contrast and brightness – if it is noticed the histogram trace for any of the colour channels has gaps (i. Sky quality of 19. Clicking the FX Selection Area icon in the Tool Bar shows a red rectangle on the image which can be dragged and re-sized. 9th magnitude stars are at the saturation point at my lowest gain setting and 50s exposure. Jan 22, 2023 · When i use the smart histogram it gives me very short exposures (1. So, if my target moves from closer to the horizon to the zenith during imaging would it be advisable to do the measurement at the zenith and use those settings (since, usually) that would mean less photons/px/sec? Hi, okay, so in the next update to 3. While this selection area rectangle is enabled, the The Histogram. I cannot get any reported smart Apr 19, 2021 · Hi Don, the smart histogram settings that you work out in RAW16 won't be at all correct for RGB24 - the main reason for this is that because each colour channel can only have an 8 bit value in RGB24, the effective read noise is much higher, meaning that *much* longer exposures would be required - for deep sky, RGB24 or (for the same reason) RAW8 is a bad choice. It came up with some data that I'd like your opinion on as I'm certain it's not correct - it's telling me that with my L pro max filter in i only need 34seconds. 5 sec). The Smart Histogram Bars. Post by bobharris » Thu Jun 25, 2020 11:59 pm. 1 already includes the smart analysis for my camera and I don't have to perform one myself? Jun 4, 2024 · yes, Menno has it exactly right - the sensor analysis is a 'do once' thing - that gives SharpCap data about the camera that it can re-use every time you use the smart histogram. 0 I select an area to measure with the Smart Histogram. Jul 26, 2020 · After performing sensor analysis on my Altair 26C in ultra mode, last night I wanted to find what my optimum exposure time would be so I ran the smart histogram. 1 at 383 gain (which is only about 20 times brighter than minimum). 8 for a f/4. Jan 28, 2025 · I have a problem using Smart Histogram that I can't figure out. All SharpCap Settings are correct, and the filter wheel works when prompted. Folks I am starting to think about writing the documentation update from SC 2. See screenshot 1. is this a problem or do I have to do something to activate them? Jan 4, 2022 · In that after running the smart histogram I keep getting NO Solution below 600. I'm using a QHY268m mono camera with filter wheel. As I understand it, if you select a 16-bit mode in SharpCap, you will be getting data from the 14-bit ADC. 02 ucd/m2 Artificial Brightness. levels with zero count appear in the middle of the histogram – see graphic below), it probably means the white balance (or other Jul 7, 2021 · Hi, if you use the latest (4. Feb 13, 2017 · I've attached two files: The first shows the FITS histogram that was generated with a snapshot, showing the histogram too far to the left. I have a screen shot attached. I tried to find out whether the Smart Histogram is only supposed to work with the native driver, but haven't found any reference. 0) version of SharpCap then there is no need to worry about this - when SharpCap is measuring the sky brightness it automatically divides the image up into about 200 boxes and then uses the information from the box with the least light - that means it automatically picks the darkest part of the image. Oct 13, 2020 · the smart histogram functionality essentially points you at the exposure length where you have pretty much run into the law of diminishing returns. I'm currently using SharpCap with a color camera but am considering getting a mono-camera. As I said, the Brain tool is probably still work in progress, but the rest is really useful. The histogram 'rule of thumb' approach will do a decent job of making sure the first peak is separated from the left hand side to avoid black level clipping, and also will stop you from overexpsing the sky background to the point that would make stacking hard, but it doesn't really consider Apr 28, 2017 · Hi, The thing to remember is that regardless of the camera settings in terms of gain and exposure, the camera will detect the same number of photons in half an hours imaging from a particular target – if you're using gain 300 and 120 s exposures then the images will look brighter than those taken with the recommended settings from the smart histogram brain, but the same image data is Apr 20, 2022 · ASI533MC - Smart Histogram recommends very short exposures Post by Borodog » Wed Apr 20, 2022 3:01 am Just got this camera and SharpCap is recommending very short exposures, 6. So I used the smart histogram which has always given me great exposure using the rear camera with or without the reducer. Another thing I noticed smart histogram tries to give me 6-8 sec for subs. A Monochrome Deep Sky Example; A Colour Deep Sky Example; Smart Histogram. The drop down for filter choice is not activeand is unresponsive. 1. I tried finding information on the "Read Noise Limit" setting that is set to 10% by default. According to clear outside i have a Est. 13 magnitude, Bortle 6, 2. Aug 7, 2022 · Hi, The smart histogram/brain is a much more scientific way of getting to the camera settings that work. 7s. I tried to capture and apply Darks after using Smart Histogram to set my camera exposure, gain, and brightness setting. I am 100% sure that this wouldn't have shown up if I had used my own settings, so I dedicate this to the SharpCap Smart Histogram Aug 25, 2022 · I'm looking at the smart histogram whilst having my camera uncapped on my desk. e. The basic form of Smart Histogram takes the form of a pair of coloured bars along the top of the histogram area: Feb 29, 2020 · admin Site Admin Posts: 15000 Joined: Sat Feb 11, 2017 3:52 pm Location: Vale of the White Horse, UK Jun 25, 2020 · Smart Histogram. My ZWO183MM would go through this process very quickly - with normal exposure times. And just to the right of the red zone of the smart histogram top bar, to avoid read noise. 6sec. Jun 15, 2023 · I am just trying to find out some information or advice on two things in the smart histogram please. It's almost impossible to process the stacked captures. The smart histogram uses the sensor data, but also it uses a measurement of the brightness of the image background, and that *is* dependent on your telescope, so that part needs to be re-done if Dec 28, 2019 · Sharpcap doesn't have data on sensor analysis for Mallincamsky cameras. If you are going to image for (as in your example above) three hours, and SharpCap suggests using 60s exposures, you have a number of choices for the balance between exposure length and number of Thanks. with higher gain to get shorter exposures with lower read noise, particularly for very faint objects like galaxies. Apr 20, 2020 · There is no timeline, the question on the Smart Histogram was there from when I started with SC. However, when I switch out the filter to an Optolong H-Alpha 7nm passband on my William Optics GT81 reduced by 0. Nov 10, 2021 · Hi, I have had reports of success in running the analysis on this sensor - in 12 bit mode the read noise drops from about 8. Jan 25, 2021 · Page 2 of 3 - SharpCap Smart Histogram - love it! - posted in Electronically Assisted Astronomy (No Post-Processing): Noah Your posts are always very detailed and helpful which I appreciate. The smart histogram uses the sensor data, but also it uses a measurement of the brightness of the image background, and that *is* dependent on your telescope, so that part needs to be re-done if Jul 7, 2020 · When connecting to the camera with the native driver, the Smart Histogram works fine. I have no hands-on experience, just what I've read. To round things off, the intensity of the auto stretch is configurable in the SharpCap settings, so you can pick an auto-stretch intensity that works for you. Mar 26, 2018 · 1) After completing the sensor analysis, I will use the Smart HIstogram Brain function to see the set of recommended gains and exposures. 7390. It's a fantastic feature. 2) Following this, I assume that I need to set the Brightness (ZWO ASI294MC). 8 and 104) The Deep sky sequencer run of the Smart Histogram returned a value of 27. co. I do a mix then of the exposure time and gain: lets say the Brain suggests 36 seconds with gain 60, I do that on 60 seconds and gain 100. 9 to 3. Nov 15, 2019 · Re: Smart Histogram and Focal Ratio Post by Prudentis » Sat Oct 10, 2020 2:59 pm admin wrote: ↑ Fri Nov 15, 2019 6:42 pm the faster scope will collect more skyglow brightness per pixel in the same amount of time in exact ratio to the inverse square of the f-number. I had a gain of 200 and brightness at 80, the maximum. Please Note: I been able to run the smart histogram with success for an Optolong L-Pro filter. More info. Screenshot attached. The smart histogram recommended that I use a gain of 200 - which kind of defeats the object of running ultra mode. 15 to 0. Hence, worthy of this thread. 5193. Oct 6, 2020 · A few questions from a beginner, about the Smart Histogram function and determining exposure values. The second is the SharpCap settings that generated it. qsgxgthgyvwsonbcnzrkfducxyhctcbosncwlohnvmgcjdbokfjbiqvpwzcftmjjomhnrsxqdfpd