Stormworks efficient turbine. Wheels always slip to create forces on vehicles.
Stormworks efficient turbine Spamming them in parallel is also the most efficient method of generating power that I know of though it's space intensive. The fuel efficiency - electrical power out/fuel energy in - is 40-44% for gas engines, more like 35% for diesel, and that includes the mechanical losses. It can run stable on smooth seas at about 100 knots. The best I've been able to make is a Large diesel - 2 Large generator setup that produces 1020 (measured directly from each turbine 509. if you run the boiler with 5 turbines, you wont need so much condenser anymore. If fuel economy is what you are going for though The thought of the large fluid pumps between each turbine comes from the maximum power one turbine can generate. 05 throttle the turbines put out 1307 (!!) units of torque! Feb 27, 2022 · Or rather to keep working. Single boiler can feed 6 turbines when connected to reactor. Stormworks doesn't use real-life units of electricity. Pistons are so much better than turbines! Using only a few gearboxes, you can create some insane speed or torque! Turbines don't generate that much RPS or torque, something that steam pistons do. you need to pump the steam into the turbines with a large fluid pump on each turbine. The system is also simplified, so voltage and amperes are not simulated. 0. Multiple reasons, but primarily torque and efficiency. Don't exceed 200rps for the engine, it will instantly break. Just need one medium turbine to pull the PTO off of for driving stuff. For jets you can add multiple turbines to make it more powerful. Tried all sorts of different ways and configurations, different speed ratios for turbine and generator but despite all, jet engine coupled to a generator does not seem capable of Jet (not with the exhaust, but with the RPS output on the medium turbine) is the go-to choice if you want speed above everything else. each additional turbine you add in parallel provides free power for no additional fuel cost. So I thought I would do some testing of how much energy you can get out of a litre of fuel using a jet engine, and what setup has the best efficiency. You only need one intake, one compressor, one combustion and one medium turbine. Just takes up some space depending on how much power you need. You are right, the mechanical efficiency of engine-driven generators is 95% or better. Running about 30k liter capacity of jet fuel. The increase in efficiency comes from making the same power at lower RPS. Edit: Oh and I forgot to add, adding more turbines to jet engine systems greatly reduce fuel consumption and you can reach target rps a lot more quicker, but thats it - it adds efficiency, not power Share But its more fuel efficient/powerful to go Intake > Compressor > Burner > Split (Cross or T) > A lot of turbines in paralel > Exhaust That way you have the same fuel consumption but the power of however many turbines you put on the engine with some small loss for each additional turbine. 6, and then use the power produced to run electric motors that can be throttled separately for propulsion. add a few 4 way connectors and attatch normal turbines to them. They are more efficient for the same power output. But it seems like that takes a while to start up. If you have any questions This setup provides extraordinary fuel efficiency, but it's quite slow because of the gearing. The takeaway i got is to load your engine with geared-up generators until it drops the engine rps to 6. Because both sides have the same amount of gearboxes, the not diesel-electric related efficiency loses are canceled out. If they all get full air pressure they all make full power with no increase in fuel consumption. yes, but be aware that diesel electric setups are sadly very inefficient in stormworks. Step by step tutorial covering how to build your own basic Jet Engine in Stormworks as of 0. Jul 24, 2021 · They can't take more than 1. Diesel electric isn’t more fuel efficient than direct diesel in real life, converting mechanical energy into electrical and back to mechanical doesn’t create more energy out of nowhere. The generator rps ended up at 687. This 12-turbine subassembly will produce about 18000 watts. For jet engine "efficiency", I keep hearing running turbines in parallel increases efficiency. You will know when this is done correctly because your steam turbines should read 1. Takes up an ungodly amount of space tho, its really only good for large ships Jet intake -> Compressor -> Turbine, multiple turbines in parallelled if you want more torque -> exhaust nozzle. Members Online • Alt_4_My_Alt So now, it seems like the most efficient thing is to use steam via diesel furnace, with lots of turbines and gearboxes. https://steamcommunity. Once you go into 40+ turbines you can get VERY good power efficiency at low RPS (Think 3rps). Wheels always slip to create forces on vehicles. 2 and don't mind about the rest and the large electric motor still delivers enough power with less than full throttle, then you are wasting battery power by spinning a too large motor. Use only one propeller with only 2 blades, which you spin just fast enough to make the plane fly. An engine running 8 turbines in series (one after another) will produce half the power of a similar engine in parallel, along with the engine in parallel burning half the amount of fuel. And if it was that underpowered in real life, no power stations would prefer steam turbines no matter the heating element. May 30, 2021 · When reciving warmth froma nuclear reactor what is the optimal ratio for generating torque in the turbine? Also at what temp should the condenser be to operate correctly? Showing 1 - 1 of 1 comments Posted by u/chrisboi1108 - 10 votes and 5 comments Subreddit in which we discuss & share content about the Steam game "Stormworks: Build and Rescue". No point in using modular engines for ships. They can be used for many things, even boats. Electric Motors consume large amounts of electrical energy and can not (except in very unique cases) be used without another power generating component connected to a generator. Generators measure their output in this unit, and batteries use SWatt I never said your 7. 48 of power. Here is how it goes: turbines -> 4x gearbox with the arrow pointing to the turbines, set to 3:1 -> modular engine 3x3 clutch -> flywheel -> modular engine clutch -> old 2x1x1 clutch -> propeller set the modular engine clutches to 1 and the old 2x1x1 clutch to 0. Unfortunately, ongoing sea trials have revealed that a turbo-electric propulsion is simply nowhere near as efficient as it should be for maritime applications. -Play around with gearboxes, I added a backwards 3:1 gearbox to both of my propeller shafts and that increased the speed from 4. 5rps. For both you will need proper gearing though, so you might want to look into that. Turbines are totally broken in Stormworks, you can make any amount of power (which can be connected directly or into electric geenrators) you could ever want off a single turbine. Bear in mind that if the intake even touches water while it's operating, it will break. Good luck! Its pretty much the most straight foward propulsion system ive ever made I was really surprised, and the most efficient. Aug 20, 2020 · How do I make such mind-bogglingly efficient turbines? I have made a few jet-powered vehicles but generally have shied away from them because of the prodigious cost of jet fuel. The jet T-ducts don't drop pressure across the split, it outputs the same pressure as the input across both exits on the junction. I managed to just barely fit in a third turbine to the jet engine, expecting better power, and being able to keep the same jet rps at a different gearing, but nothing changed. So, only use one of the connections. 00001 0. But the lower the rps of the electric motor is, the less internal resistance it will generate, which in return increases efficiency. The unit of energy used by the game doesn't line up with any real-life unit of measurement, so most people call it "SWatt" (or Stormworks Watt). At the current state of the game smaller motors seem to be more efficient but even several of them will not provide sufficient output for larger vessels. The return of more turbines is diminishing, so the 100th turbine will only give you a tiny little bit of more efficiency, but the 2nd turbine makes a large difference. 5 You can get unlimited power out of turbines at any rps with enough space. You can tie the clutches that go to the fans and the engine throttle into axis 4 on the joystick then just by default it works well. In terms of power you have to use large electrical pumps for steam, to max out turbines at 1. So i was trying around with different setups (diesel and jet) to find an efficient way to produce electricity. 7. I generally use pistons for vehicle propulsion and have a turbine for electrical generation. It doesn't matter how stormworks calculates the brake force in relation to the rps, because its the same for both wheels. The bigger the engine the more fuel efficient it gets. A Flywheel somehow with dark magic increasis their efficiency slightly. 01 Set the throttle lever to a 200 max using the select tool, connect this output to the pid. 30. Thus the engine can charge at a constant rate the battery bank and the electric motors can do the variable adjustment. The trick here are the buggy "torque/black magic" calculations of stormworks. I have 8 turbines in my submarine all fed by the previous turbine. I haven't played SW for almost 2 years and I remember the steam systems being a pain because the turbines produced very little mechanical power. Ship is uploaded to workshop under the name More engines running at 7. I’m working now to determine the most efficient drive setup, but the basic setup works pretty well. There also I added turbines, I'm not certain but I'm sure the way it works is that the combustion chamber uses the same amount of fuel at a specific throttle but if you have two turbines you get twice the power at that specific throttle so you can afford to run the combustion chamber at a lower throttle and still get the required power for flight. Thats not entirely true, i hhave a jet skycrane with one comb. Pros: Better Torque-to-size Ratio compared to a similar sized modular engine Simple to construct requiring only a fuel input and throttle input Quicker to start (Ignites at 0. I run my helis at 10rps for the turbine and 60rps at the rotors. The more turbines you add the more power you get for the same amount of fuel. It doesn't matter what the most efficient or most powerfull rps is, it's the same for both engines. There is a selection of furnaces to choose from: diesel, coal and electric, but there's also the nuclear option. 2 litres of fuel per second, which is insanely efficient compared to my designs. You sorta daisy chain them, so you'd have steam pass into the turbine, then the output steam goes to the input of a pump, the output of the pump goes to the input of the next turbine. That’s why they would be more efficient. You could use electric pumps, but personally, the engine powered ones are so much better for this. Also, for some bizzar reason they are most efficient at a stoichiometric of 0. Apr 29, 2020 · Turbines can make unlimited power at any rps, if you have enough room. btw. 66 rps (at the engine). For more power just use the split ducts after the combustion chamber and split off more small turbines. Nov 17, 2020 · Is it possible to make one and it will charge a battery from the torque of it moving around like how a generator does that but with a generator connected to the moving part so gen somewhere near the top of the turbine then the fan rotates nonstop then it produces electrical charge/ torque like how an engine produces and connected to a generator which has a large bat storage and maybe an Efficiency (Energy generated per litre of fuel): ~20000 swatt / L Fuel Consumption: ~0. 5 Jet (not with the exhaust, but with the RPS output on the medium turbine) is the go-to choice if you want speed above everything else. i stumbled upon the following setup: small intake > compressor > combustion chamber > 45x Jet Turbine Medium > 3x Gearboxes (3:1, 3:1, 3:2) > Large Generator - pic not to scale Using rotors/propellers with higher blade count allows you to lift more weight at the same RPS but also requires more torque. 99 each). Steam pistons are OP. Pros: Better Torque-to-size Ratio compared to a similar sized modular engine An ideal jet engine - as in high fuel efficiency and high power output - is geared to run at ~10 RPS, uses multiple turbines in parallel (not series!), and powers a ducted fan. Oct 26, 2019 · In my setups I don't use clutch (since it's not 100% efficient), and not more than two gearboxes (since they are only 95% efficient). Basically, yeah, as you said. You can do ANYTHING if you have a few steam pistons! Just make sure to set their rotation offsets in equal increments before use! No modular engine can compete with that. To get there I used six 1:2 gearboxes and the clutch slip at 79%. the more turbines, the more fuel efficient, but the returns are deminishing. Turbines can be incredibly efficient (I got like 16k out of a generator while basically consuming no fuel) if you've got a lot of space. Prefab engines are most fuel efficient at 7. My heavy jet heli can lift multiple containers at 8ish rps. 4. I ask kindly we keep it all in, relatively speaking, layman's terms. Bonus points if you use a battery to overrev a Diesel engine with no fuel to get the heat to run the boiler…. Steam propulsion for any use in Stormworks is really that well done or realistic. But if you build a weird Frankstein turbine with Medium turbines (50-60 of these) after the combustor you can gear the output from these and make them insansely efficient on electric production. : that is not how the efficiency curve of electric motors work in real life, this is only true in stormworks. 05 delta of fuel, the most efficient with several times the output. the more turbines there are, the more fuel efficient the jet engine will become. 00001 rps is the most efficient. So I setup a test bench: Jet engine with some turbines attached to a generator (via a clutch). g. Everything with power connections also always slips. It doesn't change the maximum. Considering a large diesel engine can get ~370 power output from a geared up large generator, the steam turbines are the weakes form of propulsion in terms of power/mass. So it might not be 105 ish for single turbine anymore. Firstly you don't need an exhaust. Sep 27, 2023 · Beginners Modular Engine Build Stormworks Tutorial - How ToIn this video I show you how to build and put together a jet modular engine. You'd be better off using large or medium steam pistons with 5-6 1:3 gearboxes to drive a generator and use electric motors for propellers. 8 L/s steam throughput. Also number of props doesnt matter too much. All direct drive from the turbine. They have the basics right: Firebox (coal, diesel, electric) heats water in boiler to make steam, steam goes to turbine or piston engine, then goes directly to the atmosphere or to a condenser to make water to go back to the boiler in theory. Was about to say this as well. This prefab setup can be used just like a normal Like the simple engines, they stall at 2 rps, so 2. The steam stuff is pretty heavy equipment, so you want to get the maximum out of one turbine and you can only achive that by using large fluid pumps (or impellers, but they require way more power to operate than the electric large fluid pumps) between each turbine. This prefab setup can be used just like a normal Jets don't need air for their intake, nor do you need to put on an exhaust. . gg/sxxWjFxW Many things in Stormworks are not directly connected, but act more like they are attached with a rubber band. They dont cavitate or anything. More turbines means less fuel burn for the same amount of torque. If using a nuclear reactor, a separate pump must included to if you want efficiency, you can add turbines parrallel behind the burn chamber. One of these heat sources provides hot fluid to the boiler where fresh water is converted into steam. You've found the most fuel efficient configuration for a diesel engine, not necessarily the most fuel efficient power plant for a ship. Subreddit in which we discuss & share content about the Steam game "Stormworks: Build and Rescue". In stormworks they all rev the same. 2 is approximately 100 Watts (well, stormworks Watts). I saw they added various things for steam systems and I was wondering which is the most efficient way to produce mechanical power, maybe steam systems are decent now. com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2818969496 Jun 1, 2021 · The maximum power you can get out of a turbine in v1. May 6, 2023 · Stormworks gives a few possible ways to heat up some water. Keep the rps to 10 or less and it wont be too loud. Not in size. I use large fluid pumps on the steam ports of turbines and one could use 1 set of pumps for 2 turbines with minimal power loss if the pipes are short. It's the most efficient for prefabs. With infinite steam loops, the efficiency approaches absolute ideal the longer you run it, as fuel input per unit work approaches zero. I was experimenting with large engine and various generators and came to the same conclusion as agrimes - currently, the best setup for large engine is 2:3 gearbox and large generator. Fires are still lit, still have plenty of coal, still have water for the boilers, boilers still have pressure and haven't exploded, but the propellers no longer turn. 2L/s and i had 4 parralell packs of 4 turbines for 16 total drawing the steam 33K subscribers in the Stormworks community. You don't need the exhaust if you're just using turbines to generate torque. 17 L / s Please don't reupload, but feel free to use it for your creation (and be so kind to mention my name) If you really want efficiency then make it turbine powered. This means that a direct drive system outputs 166% of the power compared to a diesel electric system. That means you can run a diesel electric system at the most efficient rps for the diesel engine in real life. only one medium turbine is needed to extract the power. 5 fuel per second (2 jet engines 2 turbines each) 8 RPS in general is an efficient setting for your engine, might need to throttle up at takeoff for planes, though. All the arrows should point toward the rear of the engine. In stormworks, you would either have to use a sliping clutch or a gearbox to keep a diesel engine at its most efficient rps, which defeats all reasons to use diesel electric propulsion This is most efficient, but this is very sluggish to control hence why you would use it at constant turbine speeds ****The new update has buffed the turbines; they might have changed steam consumption as well. Also, if you use jets, feel free to spam medium turbines to get insane torque you can route to props or ducted fans, 8 RPS rule still applies here, just gear it up So I've been trying to find a decent way to generate electrical power a rate greater than a large electric motor can use it. In this video I show the basics of jet turbines in game. then you really do have a zero-fuel-input perfect generator. It will just drain power from your turbine (s). Just need one intake compressor and combustion chamber then just T off more small turbines for unlimited power. I keep hearing a mix of things about turbines, and I was for some clarification, as well as ask a few questions unrelated. I don't know much about jet engines. 2 generating 618. You loose some fraction of the energy in the conversion process. 2. It looks like a turbine, it smells like a turbine, it sounds like a turbine, and that means it's just a very fancy compressor :lunar2019deadpanpig: The reason this is because the turbine is not bound or tapped into anything, so basically it is just driven, through how-ever these jet engines work. Technically, there is no grip in Stormworks. If the boiler exceeds 100 degrees, steam will start to be produced. each turbine is around 100 swatt each, when fully running. just one 5x3x3 air to fluid heat exchanger, to pre cool the steam Stormworks diesel electric systems have a efficiency of about 60%, which is quite lower than real world diesel electric drive systems. Think about it having the efficiency of high way driving all the time. It's possible to get quite effective system if it works at high pressure: this way 747 fuel consumption is achievable at Mach 1+ speeds. I've got about 600 power from 1 boiler/ 6 turbine contraption. A large prefab can output 800sW and you save about 25% of fuel compared to a modular engine that outputs the same power. There's a few thing with jets. gearboxes are good, but you need to adjust your gyro down for roll. I did some testing some time ago and came to the conclusion that diesel electric is 60% efficient compared to direct drive and that is From your description you are going for a build that makes electric energy via diesel engines and then uses that to run a motor that runs the props? Immediately i can tell you that this will never be as efficient as just running the props directly off your diesel engines. chamber and 9 turbines geared up 9:1(2 times 3:1)and it flies with 10 rps ~10%throttle and has almost the same maybe better fuel economy than my friends 1cyl 3x3 helicopter but i use jet because it has more power reserve like when i tried to pick up a container from my friends ship i told him not to disconnect and i was able to It all comes down to how you measure efficiency. They are more efficient with more turbines in parrallel. Use these to heat up a boiler filled with fresh water. 20 RPS on the diesel appears to be the most efficient. Surprisingly enough it only used 0. So far, I have two turbine engines in the most basic setup outputting to two water jets. This extra turbine doesn't need it's own boiler or condenser, it can share with the other turbines. 1 knots to 6 knots. The reason diesel electric trains are a thing instead of direct diesel is because of the problems with transmission at high levels of power, a problem that Steam turbines are super weak. 5 rps for max efficiency. If you use flywheels and clutch slipping you can magnify this power into something that I consider to be much more balanced. Heat source: Steam boilers are used with coal (standard and large coal fireboxes), electric (electric furnaces), diesel (diesel fireboxes), and nuclear-powered (custom reactors with fuel rods and fuel rod assemblies) steam engines. Rotor RPS are only secondary in terms of lifting strength, once the rotors are above 35-40RPS you need plenty of torque to keep them spinning at that RPS. May 6, 2023 · You're limited to turbines and pistons (and a steam whistle). Can run it like sub 10rps and sip fuel. 1 0. In my tests, a turbine only made about 15% the power of a medium steam piston. I've tested small and large engines, both types seem to have a very sharp efficiency peak at 450 RPM (7. MrNJersey's Discord Server Link: https://discord. You only need one medium turbine for the pto, then just branch off more small turbines in parallel for more power. Then just T off small turbines until you get the power you want. More rps more thrust. Many turbines in parallel, feed the exhaust back through the combustion chamber (note that compressors are entirely optional, they just make starting slightly easier) and use the To add to this: generator output scales with input RPS, and based on u/noob7 ‘s data the optimum fuel economy speed for an engine is about 6. There may be setups possible where coal steam makes more power and is more efficient than diesel because if you plumb steam turbines in a series (steam out from one, through a large pump, then into the steam in of the next, and repeated) you can have a large number of turbines run off a single So you just need one intake, one compressor and one combustion chamber. Repeat this at least a few times. 5 RPS figure was wrong, however for a mid/large sized ship I've found any possible diesel setup gets worse fuel usage per km than the turbine hybrid. That is electrical power out/shaft power in. So with one large firebox you can support 5 turbines. 8l/s, so each turbine should get ~160 output from a geared up large generator. The large electric motor is only then most efficient if it runs out of power at your desired battery level. Use a PID to hold jet RPM (I used 3 rpm) This subreddit is an unofficial community about the video game "Space Engineers", a sandbox game on PC, Xbox and PlayStation, about engineering, construction, exploration and survival in space and on planets. Also very efficient for how much power they make. Regular propellers are pretty good, too. With modular engines, efficiency can always be improved by using a bigger engine at lower RPS, but there's a point where you'll have to add another gearbox and the losses from that outweigh the improvement in engine efficiency. They're insanely powerful, especially if you run a lot of parallel turbines for the same combustion chamber. Not in low complexity. “Direct drive” meaning turbines turn the wheels. (not sure what time constant the delta function uses, not actually important) But at 450 rpm, the large engine is ** seven Then take the output steam from the turbine and Large Pump it into the next turbine. 5rps but of course they also scale with the throttle value/load. rps controller: Mar 4, 2021 · Turbines can be crazy efficient, but the fuel is WAY more expensive to buy, and doesn't get refunded when you return the craft. 3 condensers should be enough to turn steam back to water. Posted by u/acestins - 112 votes and 31 comments You can make a boat / ship more fuel efficient by using large engines running at ~7. If you're looking to pull an RPS pipe out of a jet engine, there's a block for that (iirc "jet turbine") and it's used for any non-jet-exhaust-powered creations. Steam turbines have 2 power connections and if you connect pipes (or turbines) to both of these connections, then the turbine will double its internal resistance. 5RPS) At redline RPM, they achieve an efficiency measurement of only 5,000 units power per unit fuel. Jun 1, 2021 · The maximum power you can get out of a turbine in v1. Secondly they have plenty of torque, run them below 16 RPS if possible by using at least one 1:3 gearbox with the arrow pointed at the turbine. I eneded up desigining a train generator car with this setup and got 200minutes of runtime @ max speed with no wheel slip, a large ducted fan @ 72 rps and 1600swats on 2 large stock tanks. Feb 10, 2020 · I made a controller to measure the efficiency of an engine. Turbines run at higher RPS and lower torque while pistons are the opposite: lower RPS and higher torque. Then just spin the props as fast as you can. No cooling required. Burns 0. The key for efficiency with jets is to use one combustion chamber connected to multiple large turbines in parallel (use splitters). 5 l/s. Then connect the rps from the compressor to the processed variable, connect the output from the pid to the combustion chamber then connect the on input from the constant on signal Jul 2, 2023 · Beginners Modular Engine Build Stormworks Tutorial - How ToIn this video I show you how to build and put together a modular engine. I can produce the 3200 charge required to run 4 medium electric motors with around 80% throttle. if you want to use the battery until 0. Personally I would agree with that, and argue that coal steam in stormworks is mostly a novelty. 5 rps and the jet at 25-30 rps, which end up being quite fuel efficient. Whichever one you use depends on the task. As far as I can tell, I have everything hooked up correctly, ship starts, moves maybe 1000 yards out of the dock, then the propellers just stop turning. Just spin the small ones twice as fast as the large ones and get the same thrust. From front to rear an ideal jet engine consists of: Intake -> Compressor -> Combustion Chamber -> Turbine(s) (multiple turbines make more rotational and electric power for the same fuel, but reduce thrust) -> Nozzle. Now, if you can use the heat that becomes an overall efficiency of more than 90%. Further more, steam turbines rev way higher than other types of engines, that's what makes them useful. The devs tried for some time to get rid of perpetual motion machines (infinite energy) and nerfed the heck out of generators in the process. I think it was like 1. e. The lowest scoring jet turbine on this list is equivalent to the best scoring modular engine except in Torque: The modular engine only has 71-ish units of torque at a low rpm for comparison, at 0. If you somehow can, avoid it. If you want diesel then just stack large engines in and keep the rps under 8. 7 to 1. I am building a large quadcopter and I can't decide whether it is more fuel efficient to use jet engine turbines (say 2) to power generators and then electric motors or just use the turbine rps directly to propellers trough a gearbox. If you have any quest Mar 30, 2020 · I found a solution now that included adding a single jet combustion to 16 medium turbines and adding that power to the diesels with a 3:1 gear ratio so the diesels run at 8. Prop size also doesnt really matter. Anyone who wants to argue using a larger generator think of it this way. 5 RPS (which is the most fuel to power efficient RPS for those) or use Jet Engines with multiple jet turbines. Jet Engines are highly versatile and simple compared to Modular Engines as they only require fuel and throttle and can Rev much higher than Modular engines before breaking. The first thing is to keep track of the arrows on parts when assembling it. Maybe some of you have some experience and can suggest which option is better or an even better one. If IRL efficiency for engine-driven generators is anything to go by, over 40% (electrical power out/fuel power in) is good, 44% is very good. Most of the rest of the fuel power goes away in heat. In the recent competition I set up, GrumpyOldMan made a turbine-powered VTOL capable of lifting 20 000 mass while using 0. Personally I like to use them to power (through placing 4 turbines on one engine) 4 generators to in turn power electric engines on impellers (Water jets) - for every single electric motor powering impellers you need about 700 power generation to keep a battery full and the craft going at full power. One boiler can generate about 9-10 l/s steam, regardless how hot water you feed it. It’s just having the right motor size and battery bank for specific needs. Try playing with jet parts position, it's all about combustion chamber and turbines pressure. imhnfhyhdcplxzyfquprhgpjefsuyummztxmcbytdmnpwrddjojijquwyontsjvjreqkbxymrrjnqlxgnwv