Unity make canvas fit screen Dec 28, 2017 · Very simply, I need my game to be stretched to fit most mobile screens. I resized my character sprites to fit the Canvas better (the sprites are children of the Canvas), but the sprites show up in the wrong place in Game View. How do I make it so that the canvas will scale to fit the screen completely? I do have the Canvas Scaler script but cannot use that for this purpose because the Canvas Render Mode is World Space. It never cuts off the edge of Mar 27, 2018 · Hello, I’m building an android game and I’m stuck at trying to fit my game to all the different screen sizes. I tried to load my build onto a computer with a 16:10 aspect ratio, and edges of the screen were cut off, meaning things that happened near the edge of the screen could not be seen, including the player Get the Camera Fit: Screen Handler package from Tag of Joy and speed up your game development process. height, just do it in a little script if it must change, or make it worst-case for 1920x1080 or whatever you want. Using the Scale With Screen Size mode, positions and sizes can be specified according to the pixels of a specified reference resolution. Mar 17, 2015 · It defaults to “Constant pixel size”, a really bad option if you aim to more than one resolution, a window of 640x480 will only show a 640x480 rectangle from the top left corner of your canvas. I need to use a sprite because I’m using the sprite in conjunction with some sprite masks to create a shadow effect. Change the UI scale mode to “Scale with screen size” and unity will shrink or expand your Canvas to best fit in your screen. Then you can add an ortho camera, which uses the Camera Fit plugin with the Dynamic mode. Doesn’t work. After that the UI element scales 100% how I want it to. This is your first step In this mode, the Canvas is scaled to fit the screen and then rendered directly without reference to the scene or a camera (the UI will be rendered even if there is no camera in the scene at all). Then you can define a Reference Resolution of 1080p, i. css file: . I don’t want to use fullscreen mode. Mar 29, 2018 · The end result is an effect similar to the way a dolly zoom works. I tried looking through the docs, but I have only found a bunch of methods to get the camera’s viewport to match the canvas’s, and not vice-versa. I’m not sure where I’ve gone wrong. I’ve been using Canvas scaler to try and do this, but it doesn’t want to budge. Sep 12, 2019 · Hello, I made my first game and when I finished it, I build the game and run it. For WebGL a lot of things have changed since 5. I found a lot of videos of people manually setting anchors in each corner of the UI-object so that it stretched properly, but to me it seems like setting the Canvas Scaler to “Scale with screen size” does that for you kind of? The anchors don’t Mar 30, 2021 · In UGUI, you can set the Canvas to scale with screen size. This is shown in the two pics below. However when I look at the image it looks like its way larger than 1920x1080 and can’t fit inside the canvas. ) I have a script that properly finds where these objects appear on the screen and then places the buttons to match. It works for images, but not sprites. However I cannot build my own game fit to few Mobile Phone Screen Size. Jun 29, 2017 · This is a video tutorial about how to fit all your UI objects within the canvas screen and prevent it from squishing into each other. I’m looking for a simpler way to adjust the UI and Game to any mobile resolution without retyping and adjusting code for each mobile screen resolution. Everything was working fine until I decided to adapt my game for different screen size / ratio. 6. Changing the Aug 17, 2021 · I’m developing a simple game and reached the building stage. 1920 by 1080 for example and then when you set its scale not its reoslution it will scale to keep that fit. (It’s a shop screen, and the items are seen as objects in the game world. Jan 18, 2018 · Hello, so I usually set the anchors of a UI element to the corners of that element. But I need a background image for the UI that fills both width and height. 0f * distanceToCamera * Mathf. Fitting an image to the UI Canvas works fine, but squishes or stretches the image to fit different resolutions. width vs Screen. xyz/U3DwScottUnity3D With Scott | UI Tutorial - How to scale th Nov 4, 2024 · Hello everyone, I’m facing an issue with the maximum width of the menu UI on a triple screen setup. So this is my Canvas Scaler: I didn’t really understand the Reference Resolution thing so, for now, it’s set to my screen size. Nov 5, 2014 · You can make everything in the canvas scale with screen resolution by adding a CanvasScaler component to the same GameObject the Canvas is on. Aug 24, 2023 · Hi everyone, Inside a canvas i have a display screen that shows a video with a resolution 640 x 480 using RawImage inside Oculus Quest 2 with a size of 3664 x 1920, i am trying to get only the entire canvas with it’s contents seen in the Quest 2. Control how UI elements scale, rotate, and reposition relative to other objects on screen by editing the anchor and pivot points. Jun 26, 2019 · Of course, you can use the parameters of the recalculated camera and apply them to the UI Canvas to make it “follow” the camera/screen changes (there are some posts of mine with code and/or UI setup settings in this thread), but it’s not like it happens magically It’s just a line of code or a matter of a couple parameters on the Canvas Are you having problems with UI on different devices? I will show you how to use canvas scaler and anchor presets to make your UI fit all screen sizes!👍 Lik May 24, 2020 · I’ve got myself in a little bit of a pickle. Mar 14, 2025 · It can be very fiddly but it is super-powerful once you reach comfort with the UI. Aug 25, 2018 · At first, select your Canvas game object. Sep 9, 2015 · In this way, if I understood well what you need, there’s really no need to make calculations on the screen size or whatever, as soon as the output of the camera is a canvas that can fit the screen, and the camera itself could be moved and configured for example to stay always at the same distance from your object. 1920 x 1080. If that doesn’t work for you then I don’t think there’s a solution that doesn’t require scripting. What i don’t want - What I want to do In the ‘Game’ tab, I set up it as follows in the red areas: In order for the game elements (canvas, sprites, background) to fit the screen according to the resolution the player will choose and their monitor, what Oct 9, 2021 · Hello, I have a problem with UI in unity. in Canvas Scaler component set UI Scale Mode to Constant Pixel Size. The UI seems to be pretty simple to adjust, I use the canvas scaler to scale objects and anchors to make objects stick to the corners of Apr 6, 2016 · You could set the UI Scale Mode in the Canvas Scaler component of the canvas to ‘Scale With Screen Size’ and set a reference resolution (for example a resolution with a 16:9 aspect ration - 1920x1080). Dec 18, 2021 · UI's are heavy beasts. in the Unity game window change the shape / dimensions of your Game window (you can even make your own resolutions) see what happens to your UI in this new shape window iterate and fix your anchors and If the current screen resolution is smaller than the reference resolution, the Canvas will similarly be scaled down to fit. The preset are in the upper left corner of the rect transform. Setting Preserve Aspect fits correctly across the width but leaves blank bars top and bottom if the screen Mar 24, 2018 · Hey, I’m having problems with scaling my game to fit all mobile screens. I have played for hours and hours trying every combination of setting I can think of. I’ve set the panel to be black and completely opaque (Alpha = 255). The menu UI scales well for all resolutions, but I want it to stay at a maximum width of 4096x2160 to fit on the middle TV. Social Links: https://socialqr. I was forgetting to set the anchor point of text elements. It’s a confusing question I know, but I will try to clarify as much as I can. i’ve got the canvas set to Screen space - camera (because I render meshes on top of the Jan 23, 2018 · I want the panel height to always match the screen height, and the panel width to always match 1/3 of the screen width. Sep 2, 2015 · On your canvas, set the Canvas Scaler component's Ui Scale Mode to Scale with Screen Size. Dec 20, 2022 · Many thanks to the DMGregory for help in this matter. I have watched a couple Youtube videos, but none work. I wanted to make something by myself first, so I code some not that bad little script, problem is, when I change the scale of my object, some things doesn’t work anymore. After a lot of time messing with this, I came to understand that there are 2 issues here, one being the camera and the other one being the UI. As someone who's been tinkering with Unity for a while, I've come to appreciate the nuances of UI design in this powerful engine. width and height and multiple by the canvas scalingFactor. It displays fine when I click the play button in unity, but when I do build/run it is all completely wrong. I set the canvas width and height to 1920x1080 I set the render mode of the canvas to world space (I’ll be having elements Sep 29, 2019 · I’m making a commercial spaceshooter game and I want it to fit any monitor so to fill the entire screen without the two black stripes. I wanted to know how to automatically adjust the game canvas to fill the whole browser window. As I saw, I have follow 3 steps: Scaling the canvas to Fit Screen Size (There are many instruction by video Mar 17, 2017 · To force your Hierarchy Canvas UI to the same resolution as the Camera View in your Unity Editor Scene window resolution (i. I can do it by inspector using anchor preset,Same thing I want to do it by script. not ridiculously massive), or in other words get the Canvas to fit into the Camera size in the Scene, do the following: Set the Canvas component's Render Mode to Screen Space - Camera. May 22, 2015 · Convert that position to Screen Point. Attach panel as child to canvas; Set panel x scale to 0. I tried removing the image from the background, playing with the aspect ratios and resolution, changing the fullscreen modes in player settings, changing the render and UI scale mode of the canvas… Oct 24, 2018 · Use the world space canvas, which is much more predictable than the screen spaces canvases. Pixel does not scale at all. Tan(Mathf. Apr 16, 2020 · I’m making a 2D character creation game and I read that it’s best to set the Canvas to Screen Space - Overlay, which made the canvas huge (1600 x 900) compared to my orthographic camera. Screen Space - Overlay. fieldOfView * 0. Then set both the Horizontal Fit and Vertical Fit dropdowns to the Preferred setting. Here is my code (this method is executed 3 times Jan 22, 2020 · I’m making a game for IOS and Android and am having a hard time trying to make a script that will fit all my elements in the screen. It may not seem like this if GUI elements are not laid out properly. I know this will distort my layout, but that is what I am after doing. I also messed with anchors a bit. Oct 29, 2015 · HI It was pretty straight forward creating a fullscreen GUI with GUI texture, but what are the component settings to do this in the UI environment? I cant seem to get a fullscreen raw image that stretches fill to the screen…and changes to also fill the screen if I resize it? Haha simple as, but no clue and cant seem to find that page of the docs. It looks good from the editor. I tried the following in my style. If you want, you can download the finished project for this tutorial by clicking on the Download assets button above. Set the transform position and rotation of your image to this: Feb 8, 2021 · The game part is off because I also have to manually change the camera orthographic size and game sprites etc for each resolution to fit properly. Next get the width and height of the preview window using RectTransform. How does it work? Dec 23, 2017 · Hi dear community, I’d like to automatically adjust the game canvas to fill the current browser window with respect to game’s aspect ratio. TAGS(IGNORE):unity, unit In this mode, the Canvas is scaled to fit the screen and then rendered directly without reference to the scene or a camera (the UI will be rendered even if there is no camera in the scene at all). I know there are a bunch of solutions to make content fit the size of container, but what I want is for everything to stay with it’s same width/height and position, just get bigger and smaller depending on the canvas size. Right now when Mar 7, 2020 · Numbers stay in the correct position and scale with screen size. By default, the scale of the panel’s rect transform is set at 1, 1, 1. g, the joystick is in the bottom left so anchors are all 0. My code works fine when using the editors “Free Aspect” mode and scales just as expected when I change the screen size. Unfortunately, images don Jul 25, 2021 · Hello, I have a next gameobject hierarchy: EDIT: Be aware: The screen is indicated by 4 arrows pointing at 4 corners of the 2 images I gonna post next. I recently updated to Unity 5. I tried changing the size and position of the Oct 14, 2017 · they say a picture is worth a thousand words so please check the image attached, right now my scroll view doesnt fill the screen on mobile devices, it does fill the screen in the editor, each child added is anchored to the top left and falls just short of filling the screen ive used every component i should be, canvas scaler, layout elements Oct 2, 2018 · HI, I have a 2d game made for android devices. 4. 5f)) I refer you to this thread. How to: From Canvas component, Canvas Scaler: – UI Scale Mode: “Scale with Screen Size” – Reference Resolution : 800 x 600 – Screen Match Mode: Match with Width or Height – Match: 1. Jun 12, 2024 · Hello, I made this short video seeing many people struggling with making the Canvas adapt to different aspect ratios and resolutions. Jul 30, 2024 · Canvas is set to scale with screen size with reference resolution set match X 1080 and Y 1920. If the current screen resolution is larger then the reference resolution, the Canvas will keep having only the resolution of the reference resolution, but will scale up in order to fit the screen. If the screen’s size or resolution are changed then the UI will automatically rescale to fit. You may try to set this property on Scale With Screen Size and then specify the base resolution you want to work with (usually 1920x1080 is a console standart). Canvas :::: UI Scale Mode: Scale With Screen Size l Scroll V… In this mode, the Canvas is scaled to fit the screen and then rendered directly without reference to the scene or a camera (the UI will be rendered even if there is no camera in the scene at all). My panel anchors are set to the corners of the parent canvas Sep 30, 2016 · I want to scale or set the height,width to fit screen size. Everything looks fine on the editor, but significant portion of the UI gets chopped off when I make an android built. RectTransform settings for Text TextMeshPro: (other RectTransform values are default Aug 8, 2017 · I’ve been having quite a bit of trouble making my panel always scale the the screen size. In the game view aspect popup there is a checkbox for “Low Resolution Aspect Ratio”. This trick saved me and In this post we are going to take a look at two scripts that will enable you to create games that support multiple screen sizes. The buttons are selection boxes. Here are the official docs on how to make your UI handle various resolutions and aspect ratios cleanly: The modes available are Screen Space - Overlay, Screen Space - Camera and World Space. Supports both, orthographic (2D) and perspective (3D) cameras. in the Unity game window change the shape / dimensions of your Game window (you can even make your own resolutions) see what happens to your UI in this new shape window iterate and fix your anchors and Unity3D Tutorials | Social Media and Website Below + Downloads. By setting the anchor point to the left of the screen I got my text to stick to the left edge of the screen while playing the game Jul 30, 2017 · In my game the UI scales perfectly and fits the screen for all tested resolutions. Make sure you have things anchored properly etc. 5. width and Screen. This will create distortion but that is what I want. Since my pivot was set to 0,1, I added width/2 to my x and height/2 to my y of the position in Screen Point to get my center point. Thanks for helping me. The key is to have a perfect UI setup to begin with though, you shouldn’t solely rely on this. I want my game to run on any device, so this is essential. my canvas Is screen space overlay, and that’s it unless I miss something else. The problem was that I have a script which manipulate with camera. I added an Aspect Ratio Fitter component to the image and it works fine, scaling with the resolution and maintaining aspect ratio (not stretching) to always fit in any resolution (using black bars on the sides or top and bottom if necessary). Later on the goal will be to transition the alpha value to zero to achieve a fade effect. 6+), I’ve created a UI Canvas with the Render Mode set to ‘Screen Space - Overlay’ and have given it a child Panel. Jun 2, 2015 · Is there a away to re-scale world space UI canvas to fit the screen, even if it on different screen sizes? I want to use world space canvas instead of the others to have slight angle on the UI so that it looks 3D. In order to make a Rect Transform with a Text component on it fit the text content, add a Content Size Fitter component to the same Game Object which has the Text component. in the Unity game window change the shape / dimensions of your Game window (you can even make your own resolutions) see what happens to your UI in this new shape window iterate and fix your anchors and Mar 22, 2016 · Asset Store Link! Camera Fit is the easy way to handle screen aspect ratio for different devices, screens and window sizes! Works on Mobile devices and all other platforms. Before building the game . Jan 21, 2019 · My background and gameobjects are 2d sprites not UI images ,I want to know how to make my background scale with screen size and positions of 2d sprits on it don't change after building game (webGl) like scale canvas with screen size and anchor points in UI elements . Apr 3, 2024 · If you’re talking raw sprite, then the camera height (ortho) can give you the proper width by the ratio of Screen. So I try to Jun 14, 2021 · It was full screen upon build a few days ago. If the current screen resolution has a different aspect ratio than the reference resolution, scaling each axis individually to fit the screen would result in non-uniform scaling, which is generally undesirable. My Canvas setting is Renderer Mode :- Screen Space - Camera , UI Scale Mode :- Scale with Screen Size. Currently I have Canvas scaler set to Match Width Or Height with the match set to 0. webgl-content * {border: 0; margin: 0; padding: 0; min-width Fit to size of Text. RectTransform settings for Text TextMeshPro: (other RectTransform values are default Apr 13, 2022 · It can be very fiddly but it is super-powerful once you reach comfort with the UI. If Jun 2, 2019 · I would like to have a general support how to make the canvas as the full screen so whenever I layout the screen in Photoshop or make the designs in Photoshop, it would fit the screen automatically as I see fit, and not having a lot of space when you see it run after building. How can I make it fit with the screen. Image 1 So here is the image of the rows, As you can see on the sides is a massive gap. The canvas is sized and scaled to fit that space based on the chosen canvas scaler properties. Has three different modes: With the Dynamic mode, a specified area (main game area) will always be visible, no matter what screen/window size you choose - the Jul 28, 2023 · Hi there! I really want to know, how to adjust a sprite renderer scale fit to Screen. Canvas in Unity have a component attached to themm called Canvas Scaler which is set by default on Constant Pixel Size. Thank you! Jan 2, 2018 · 2. 33 Mar 22, 2019 · Hi developers, First of all, forgive me cause I’ve asked very old question. interesting results to say the least Jun 29, 2022 · For my first unity project, I’m trying to re-make doodle jump because well, you gotta start somewhere you know. using UnityEngine; public class GameAspectRatio : MonoBehaviour { [SerializeField] private new Camera camera; [SerializeField] private float targetAspect; private void Awake() { // determine the game window's current aspect ratio float windowAspect = (float) Screen Oct 12, 2015 · To see the canvas fit into the camera's size in the scene, change the Canvas component's Render Mode to Screen Space - Camera, and drag the camera from the hierarchy to it. After building Aug 9, 2018 · I have been searching everywhere for this on the web and can’t find anything. They way I In this mode, the Canvas is scaled to fit the screen and then rendered directly without reference to the scene or a camera (the UI will be rendered even if there is no camera in the scene at all). Any advice or solution for me to keep the display always like 9:16 or make it fit on any screen size? Feb 23, 2025 · If you're diving into Unity and want to create a user interface (UI) that's responsive and adaptable across different screen sizes, mastering canvas scaling is crucial. Building upon Praetor’s great post above, let me suggest this approach: make a quick first draft of your UI. But Using the Scale With Screen Size mode, positions and sizes can be specified according to the pixels of a specified reference resolution. But when we change the screen size to something different like free aspect it looks like this: Is there a way to scale the UI objects to fit the screen size? My Canvas Scaler Component looks like this: Thanks in advance! Nov 1, 2019 · My app recognizes an image target (Vuforia) and a info card pops up. I’ve tried the code posted by siddharth3322 (best answer) here: But it still doesn’t fit my screen. I want the canvas and everything on it to stretch to fill the screen of the device it is being used on. I am using Unity 2017. This toggles the editor into a state the UI doesnt handle well atm. I’ve also looked into Canvas (since it has a Component with an option to Fit to screen Apr 8, 2015 · Hi, So using the new UI system (4. EDIT: To see the canvas fit into the camera's size in the scene, change the Canvas component's Render Mode to Screen Space - Camera, and drag the camera from the hierarchy to it Dec 23, 2017 · I tried changing the bounds of the canvas manually through the scene window to stretch it horizontally, but the canvas bounds don’t move. Find this & other Camera options on the Unity Asset Store. Also, Note that your image should be in the center of its parent. Upon clicking that info card the card will center on screen and enlarge a bit. Now I have 2 problems: The first one is that I Mar 16, 2022 · I have a screen where I need my UI buttons to be placed exactly over gameobjects in my scene. I’m using three TVs with a resolution of 4096x2160, which gives my game a resolution of 12888x2160. Mar 17, 2017 · One problem I’ve got. Make the size of the Canvas equal to the size of the main area of the Camera Fit component (horiz and vert size multiplied by 2). If the current screen resolution is larger than the reference resolution, the Canvas will keep having only the resolution of the reference resolution, but will scale up in order to fit the screen. Aug 30, 2018 · In the main camera’s properties you can change its width and height independently (under where it says Viewport Rect). But this all only woks so long as the canvas’s limits match the screen. Thanks Aug 1, 2024 · Still, then when I change to a different screen size like 1920:1080, it gets messed up, I checked my canvas scaler, and it’s set to screen size, the anchors seem ok depending on each UI location, e. rect. I’d have thought it would scale correctly to fit my monitor… thanks. UIManager itself has all of the actual UI elements nested within it. In this mode, the Canvas is scaled to fit the screen and then rendered directly without reference to the scene or a camera (the UI will be rendered even if there is no camera in the scene at all). I have a sprite under a canvas but ALT + SHIFT + clicking the scale in bottom right of rect transform doesn’t scale it to full screen for some weird weird reason. This is responsible for what you want to do. It worked in earlier builds using some tutorials. Canvas has UIManager object which is set to fill the whole canvas. Control how the entire UI responds to changes in screen resolution by understanding different Canvas Scaler modes. e. I have tried changing both Physical Camera settings and Canvas Scaler settings. When I Build and Run on my android device, I can’t see part of the left and right screen because it isn’t fitted to the screen. (I'm not worried about it Dec 10, 2014 · Thus if you wanted a world canvas to fit a 16:9 screen perfectly then you would set its pixle resolution to be some multiple of 16:9 i. And the image inside the canvas needs to be set to expand, which I imagine you had already done. This results in other computers being able to see less or more than a 16:9 ratio screen because of this ratio. Dec 23, 2017 · The canvas will always automatically resize to the viewport. Aug 13, 2022 · I'm trying to make a level select screen for my game, but when testing the game build the ui isn't scaled that well I'm currently using the Canvas Scaler with the following settings These settings give me. If the current screen resolution is smaller than the reference resolution, the Canvas will similarly be scaled down to fit. When I started I anchored all my UI elements to the sides of the screen I wanted them to stay close to. Sep 22, 2019 · I am trying to scale a UI Image with Children (with a fixed x/y ratio) to best fit the screen. Percent tries to scale but it is In this mode, the Canvas is scaled to fit the screen and then rendered directly without reference to the scene or a camera (the UI will be rendered even if there is no camera in the scene at all). Nov 11, 2016 · When you create a canvas it comes with a component attached called “Canvas Scaler”. The camera works well when I use 9:16 aspect (Image 1). height, it similar to Canvas UI RectTramsform by stretch all axis my sprite renderer just simple game object with T… Apr 22, 2018 · Make sure your canvas is not set to “World Space”, and then you need to set the canvas scaler to, for instance, scale with screen size. This means you can change the aspect ratio of the camera. Please help! (I’m so close to releasing my game so I would really appreciate a quick response, thanks!) Oct 24, 2015 · So I have a canvas with a black 10:16 image on it. Deg2Rad * (mainCamera. I cannot achieve the effect I need. The background image doesn’t fit the screen (it’s too big) and the canvas ui which was at the top, is now a third down from the screen. It always matches the pixel resolution of the screen. The size of the canvas in world space does not change because of the canvas scaler. When I use one of the preset screen sizes (in this case it’s “1820x720 Portrait (720x1820)”) my scaling no longer works. In Xcode it was very easy, just disable auto layout Jan 10, 2018 · I’ve been looking at tutorials for UI most of the day and couldnt find a single one talking about the Canvas Scaler attached to Canvas. In UI Toolkit, you have the option of Pixel and Percent. I am not sure how to fix it, I feel like I have tried everything on here. For example, you can set the Reference Resolution to 1920 x 1080, and then place a button 200 x 200, and then resize the screen resolution to however you like and it will always keep the same exact scale ratio. Jul 17, 2020 · Hi All, I’m trying to set up a tiled background and I made a 1920x1080 image to be placed inside a 1920x1080 canvas. Here is the Unity Reference, read up on this, read up good! May 1, 2024 · It can be very fiddly but it is super-powerful once you reach comfort with the UI. . However, when I change it to another screen size (1920x1080), it displays everything outside the game scene (Image 2). In Physical Camera settings, when i try to set X and Y values of Using the Scale With Screen Size mode, positions and sizes can be specified according to the pixels of a specified reference resolution. Currently, this is how the UI looks in HD resolution: Which is perfect and just the way I want it. Basically, you need to place the canvas at a given distance from the camera (distanceToCamera) and then calculate the camera’s frustum at that distance and its field of view setting. Dec 16, 2024 · I have a game which I have designed for the 16:9 aspect ratio of my computer. Default canvas width is set to 720px and default canvas height is set to 1280p… The modes available are Screen Space - Overlay, Screen Space - Camera and World Space. Note that, when you set UI Scale Mode to Scale With Screen Size, your image changes by screen width or height. Many thanks in advance. But when it was running it, the UI was not at size of the screen. Mar 7, 2020 · Numbers stay in the correct position and scale with screen size. If I wanted to have the panel take up the middle 1/3 of the screen, I can do this: Make canvas scale by height, such that the canvas always has the height of the screen. Share Improve this answer Oct 29, 2015 · There is a easy preset in the recttransform for filling the object to the parent rect size (what the screen size is when its directly under the canvas) Play around with the the rectTranform preset and you will find it. I want my panel to fill the entire screen no matter the aspect ratio. No problem there. Anchor a UI element to different parts of a Canvas by using presets and by positioning it manually. Apr 3, 2018 · So this is a issue with OSX and the editor. rect:. The canvas scaler’s UI Scale Mode is set to Scale With Screen Size. What I want to do is change the width and height settings, changing the aspect ratio, during runtime and have unity stretch this to fill the screen. The modes available are Screen Space - Overlay, Screen Space - Camera and World Space. But I now have to use a vertical group layout to make rows, and when I change the screen size, the layout doesn’t scale accordingly. Apr 7, 2017 · Hi dear community. I’m newbie in Unity 2D game, before ask this question, I read a lot of thread in Unity Answer + Watching instruction video in Youtube. ncxjm fcvjme kcm xfucaxmp gfdvwr kamrh yeod cpehjez ikux cniu nndm bjt ecgvdh gwckpyvy cykq