Wayside wiki maurecia. Currently, no physical description of Paul has been given.
Wayside wiki maurecia Bebe is the sixth chapter of Sideways Stories From Wayside School. Jewls keeps a close eye on him, leading to him regularly getting his name written on the discipline list and having him sent home early on the kindergarten bus But worst of all, his name wasn't Mark Miller. [7] Wayside is a Nickelodeon series. He only appears in the cartoon. Jewls. He is the skinniest Eric, but due to the other two Erics being fat, (although the cartoon depicts Eric Ovens as being small, contradicting this statement) is nicknamed "Fatso". However, in the cartoon, she was a tomboy who was in love with Todd, but punched him in Maurecia loves being fast and first because of her wheels on her roller skates. Jewls is the teacher on the 30th floor of Wayside. Todd is a student with a somewhat round head, and red hair that styled in a bowl cut. Benjamin Nushmutt is a character who only appears in the books. Where Bell rings for lunch, Maurecia would bring an ice cream cone and Maurecia/Gallery; Dana/Gallery; Fly by the Wayside (Wayside Theme Song) Wayside School; highest_ratings; Wayside Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Wayside is a Canadian animated comedy sitcom developed by John Derevlany and produced by Nelvana Limited. While walking on all fours, Fluffy's limbs are usually obscured, though Fluffy has been seen walking on his hind legs For information on how this character is portrayed in the books, see Todd. [7] "Louis" is the thirtieth chapter of Sideways Stories From Wayside School. Jewls's class So, Todd, Myron, Dana and Maurecia try to help crying John get right-side up, just like the kids who are parallel and are upside down. The chapter starts by introducing Maurecia, a girl who likes ice cream who is sweet and pretty and can beat up any boy in Mrs. Jewls; Todd; Wayside Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Maurecia gets tired of every flavor of ice cream, so Mrs. She has appeared in 44 book chapters, and is mentioned in 3 more, for a total of 47 appearances in the books. He is also mentioned to be one of the smartest students in class. Jewls' Class; Characters; Females; Book-Only Characters; Wayside Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. The show focuses on Todd (Mark Rendall & Michael Cera), a transfer student Paul is a student in Mrs. Throughout the series, he is depicted as having an irresistable urge to pull Leslie's pigtails. In the books, only his brain was flipped upside-down, and he could never stand on his head, but the cartoon shows him being upside-down altogether. Rondi is a student who often focuses on how others feel about her, as shown primarily in "Rondi" and "Teeth. Dana's voice is restored, and she confronts After hearing too many myths of a kid named Nick, Todd wants to get rid of them. Jewls could be considered "mean". Maurecia (Sister Mo by Jenny) is a character in the Wayside School books. In September 2007, the pilot episode of Wayside was released and branded as Wayside: The Movie. Jewels' class on the 30th floor and struggles to adapt and conform to Wayside's offbeat academic structure. Based on the book series Sideways Stories from Wayside School by Louis Sacher, the series follows the exploits of new student Todd, as he adapts to his new life in the top floor of an unusually designed school. He was Benjamin Nushmutt. He also has a strange habit of chewing on pencils, which leads him to wind up "Mrs. She is known to be negative, and she hates everybody, with the exception of Sammy and Mrs. He is voiced by Martin Villafana in the cartoon. Every student receives a gift except Bebe, whose Secret Santa was Myron, who received a crown from Bebe and bought a cheering box for himself, forgetting to get a gift for her. Jewls's class, only behind Joy, who teases him sometimes, but not to the extent of Todd. He had the power to turn students into apples. This chapter introduces the Unbreakables, a four-way friend group consisting of Deedee, Ron, Maurecia, and Joy. Franklin. Bebe draws the fastest out of everyone in the class. Everyone likes Maurecia, except Kathy, but Maurecia only likes ice cream. Also, Maurecia's name was pronounced MAU-REE-SHA than MAU-REE-SEE-UH. Eventually, Todd is placed next to Maurecia. Miss Zarves supposedly signed his cast. His best friend is John. Myron wishes to be free like a wild bird he befriends, whom he names Oddly. Gorf also appears to take her revenge. Trivia [ ] The engine sound of the cotton candy truck is a Nissan Skyline GT-R R34's sound from the game Need for Speed: Underground 2. Jewls makes ice cream for everyone, with one of each flavor named after the children themselves. Sideways Stories from Wayside School is a 1978 children's short story cycle novel by American author Louis Sachar, and the first book in the Wayside School series. Dana) Myron is a student in Mrs. His nickname was Nick on the episode "Myth of Nick". Jewls tells her that the quality of art is more important than the quantity. Gorf" One day, Myron forgot to turn on the lights, and Mrs. Gorf, but quickly turned into a coward when she tried to turn him into a potato. She is from Mama Land and her cooking is terrible. Miss Zarves is the non-existent teacher of the non-existent 19th story. She works with Calvin to create lots of art. In the books, he was previously named Nancy, and was very shy when he had that name. Deedee gets help from her unbreakable group of friends to find her homework. S. The Cloud of Doom is shown to put pressure on friendships, including the Unbreakables, where the other three start to tease Deedee over her enjoyment of Miss Mush's spaghetti and feetballs, which Mrs. He was also the best athlete in Mrs. When Dana loses her voice and Myron takes over, the Erics take her to the nurse and things in Wayside go out of control (including Fluffy coming after Stephen, Maurecia trying to punch Todd, and upside down John's two feet punching each other). Maurecia has fair skin, long blonde Maurecia: I must take Myron! Myron: [Cries on the microphone] Maurecia: [Skates to the office, jumps over the drawer then another drawer hits her and hits the shelf. Jewls to deliver a nonexistent note to the nonexistent Miss Zarves on the nonexistent nineteenth floor. Aside from this, her appearance has never been described. The episode "Daring Love" hints that she may have a huge crush on Myron. Gorf Dameon Todd (mentioned) Louis Ms. In the cartoon, He has a big orange afro, which covers his eyes, which are only shown in a This is about the TV series, If you can't find what Wayside School you are looking for, Go to Wayside School. Mrs. In the books, she has a terribly nice face. They are the second supporting characters on the show to have their own episode. A consistency in Dana's appearance has been her glasses. The story takes place in the fictional Wayside School, a school that was meant to be built one story tall with thirty classrooms all in a row, but was Jason is the twelfth chapter of Sideways Stories From Wayside School. Jewls' class, as well as Myron's campaign manager. The first season was released on August 19, 2008 under the title Wayside School: Season 1. However, originally, she used to be a girly girl with a Southern accent, but after an accident with Mrs. Maurecia as illustrated by Peter Allen. The novel was later adapted into a Nickelodeon television series, Wayside. Jewls's class to organize it, frightening Maurecia and Todd, but Maurecia hatches a plan to get Dana back, while Stephen meanwhile is getting carried away by a vulture. Normy/Age of Aquarium Principles of Principles/Teacher's Parent Conference Channel Kidswater/The Elevator Mad Hot/Mamaland Blues Dana Checks Out/My Biggest Fan Honors Class/Cabbage, My Boy Music Lessons/A Todd and Bull Story After an incident where Maurecia's rollerskates cause her to bump into Principal Kidswatter, Kidswatter becomes so outraged that he bans circles from the school. And he had moved from Hempleton, not Magadonia. Maurecia is a girl who has wavy waist-length hair (as shown in "Todd Falls in Love") that is tied in a ponytail with a red ribbon and wears a pink helmet with blue flames that covers her hair, which is hot pink in the movie, but purplish-blue in Wayside. Categories Categories: Mrs. Bebe subsequently goes home to begin a picture of a cat; she indicates that "Age of Aquarium" is an episode of Wayside. Maurecia started to have a crush on Todd when she saved Todd from a falling object in Pilot and accidently touched noses, much to Todd's embarrassment. She is an annoying tomboyish student who enjoys bugging Todd. Jewls when he does even a very small thing wrong. {{episode | season = | number = | image = | airdate = | writer = | director = | previous = | next = }} </noinclude> While they are playing tag, Dana tells people the various game Genki Girl: Dana and Maurecia both. She is a new student at Wayside School, and came since she heard that at Wayside, she could eat ice cream, draw pictures, and watch movies about turtles. Jewls's class. The cartoon changes her hair from brown to a dark magenta Mrs. He has an average-sized nose and a noticeable gap in his teeth that often sticks out Mac is a boy with big hands and big feet in Mrs. He is also the leader of the "Rescue Dudes. Joy was to be sent home early (without being allowed the usual third </noinclude>"Safety Monitor" is the episode of the second season of Wayside. As a result, Mrs. In Pilot, Maurecia's hair, instead of purple, is pink. during this time. Jewls' class who although originally pretty sweet and friendly, gained a more fiery, tomboyish attitude after the events of Mrs. The series centres on Todd, a student who attends Wayside, an offbeat 30-story grammar school and is befriended by three students there, including Maurecia, a roller-skating tomboy who has a huge crush on Todd, Myron, a student who tries to remember to turn on and off The Three Erics (Bacon, Fry, and Ovens) are three similarly-attired students in Mrs. He does not appreciate the affection Maurecia shows towards Todd, and often acts aggressively towards him. Plot [] When Myron fails at being Safety Monitor, Maurecia takes over, and her habit of hitting people goes a little too far. Maurecia loves ice cream, but after she has tried all kinds of different ice cream flavors, she decides that she no longer likes ice cream. The story is about a bunch of normal kids in other schools, whom the children at Wayside consider weird. Miss Mush: Miss Mush is the cafeteria worker at Wayside. In the books, Allison gets to the 19th floor by accident, and in the show it seems to be nothing more then a boarded up hole in the wall. She owns a dog named "What", and has a particular love for being a daredevil. Jewls tells John, without the help from Todd, Maurecia, Dana, and Myron, that being upside down is not a bad thing. View Mobile Site He Is It! is an episode of Wayside To use this template, enter the following and fill in the appropriate fields. Eric Fry is described as being "fat, but not short" and "The Three Erics This is a list of articles involving photo galleires of characters and episodes from the TV series. Maurecia is very pretty and kind and her friends are Dana Poof! Made you goof, white dove, must be love, stamp it, lock it, no erasies! (Age of Aquarium) Hit you?! When have I ever hit you? (Pull my Pigtail) Hi Todd (one of her 2 catchphrases) Oh Todd (the other one of her 2 catchphrases) Good Morning Todd (Dr. Calvin Mrs. Rondi grows in her missing front teeth and thinks she no longer looks cute. In "Jason," Joy is described as having the biggest mouth in class. Calvin is sent by Mrs. In the books, There are exactly 55,006 hairs on his head, which is more hairs than Dana has. He is one of the many students in Mrs. Jewls Miss Zarves (mentioned, debut) Terrence Myron (debut) Jason Louis Mrs. She additionally appears in 51 cartoon episodes, as well as the animated pilot, for a total of 52 appearances in the Welcome to Wayside School! The only wiki where you can find information about Wayside School's history, or learn about the students that learn here! Meet Todd, Maurecia, Myron, Dana, and many more on Wayside Wiki! Maurecia is quite distraught about her secret crush, Todd, being in love with Mrs. Jewls Maurecia Bebe Eric Fry (referred to as "Butterfingers") Mac Todd Sharie Jenny Teeth is the twenty-third chapter of Wayside School is Falling Down. Although once this does actually save his life, usually it just gets "The Unbreakables" is the fifteenth chapter of Wayside School Beneath the Cloud of Doom. Their last names are items usually found inside a kitchen. In the cartoon, she is named “Elizabeth Todd is a character in the Wayside School books. test to see if he is smart. Miss Mush suddenly asks Myron, Dana, Maurecia and Todd about their future careers. View Mobile Site Mar 5, 2020 · A complete compilation of all of the Todd and Maurecia moments. The narrator Jan 1, 2025 · In the show, Maurecia is a tomboy who is also a huge roller-skate fan, due to the fact that the entire cartoon series, Maurecia wears rollerblades. She has black hair and wears a sweater. Gorf, the substitute teacher, she abandons her persona and gain a new one. Jewls gets a high score in pinball. Todd now needs to get the note back from everyone Maurecia; Maurecia/Gallery; Mrs. While Everyone knows you can't add apples and oranges. Gorf was the meanest teacher in the history of Wayside School and used to teach the thirtieth story. "Maurecia" is the ninth chapter of Sideways Stories from Wayside School. In the books, she was a sweet and sensitive girl who enjoyed to eat ice cream. He has a tendency to often wind up telling on other students, which has become a bad habit for him. In one art class, with the assistance of Calvin, she makes 370+ works of art in one hour (a new personal record), but Mrs. A list of every book chapter and cartoon episode Maurecia appears in. Since she cries so much, the merest suggestion of goodness will make her laugh in hysterics of joy, while the smallest hint of gloom will prompt a tirade of tears. " She dislikes children, and Wayside first premiered on Teletoon from 2007 until the final episode aired in 2008; the series also aired briefly on Nickelodeon in the U. Telling Maurecia, Dana, and Myron about the fake myths, Todd, with a snorkel over his mouth, dives in a can of beans, and comes out, speaking in a muffled voice. Currently, no physical description of Paul has been given. Myron tries to reclaim his position. The episode begin in Mrs. Joy is very tomboyish Maurecia is one of the main characters from Wayside alongside Dana, Todd and Myron. Kidswatter is taming a lion. Aside from being pretty[1] and once wearing a polka-dot shirt, never is Maurecia's appearance described. He is shorter than Myron and Dameon. The books mention that Bebe has big brown eyes, short brown hair, small toes, and a beebee nose. Stephen Jason Jenny Mrs. But after arguing who is the best, Dana and Myron decide not to be Joy is a character in the Wayside School books. She dresses like Evel Knievel the dare devil, and uses her motorcycle to perform amazing stunts like he does. Gorf occured. In the book, he has a moustache. In the cartoon, he also takes care of the cows. But one day when Maurecia and Principal Kidswatter bump into each other (because of Maurecia's wheels), Kidswatter bans all round things from Wayside School including Maurecia's wheels and everything round becomes squared. The Wayside School Wiki started on February 4, 2016 , and now we have a total of 538 pages, and 11,066 contributions have been made! Dana remarks she isn't moving Todd's desk, rather being pushed by the power of love, but Todd can clearly see Dana next to him. Dana and Maurecia find Todd in the kitchen, and Jan 17, 2023 · Wayside, often known as Wayside School, is a Canadian cartoon series created by John Derevlany that lasted from June 2007 to September 2008. She has a Southern accent. He owns at Joe is a student in Mrs. Jewls Mar 16, 2007 · Wayside (also known as Wayside School) is a Canadian animated sitcom developed by John Derevlany for Teletoon and Nickelodeon. Jewls/Gallery; Dana/Gallery; Fly by the Wayside (Wayside Theme Song) Wayside Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Jewls class. Jewls' class on the 30th floor of Wayside School. In Dana hosts a radio advice show that gives people advice. Jewls Dana Eric Bacon (only referred to as "Fatso") Joy Mrs. Jenny can ride a motorcycle better than anyone else in the world (including "Best Friendzzz" is the first half of the fifth episode of Wayside, and the ninth episode segment overall. She can be seen as a kleptomaniac, usually when it comes to others' lunches, though in the case of Dameon, she felt regret afterwards. He has mustache of many colors, whereas he Fluffy is a character in the cartoon Wayside. And based on the Book Chapter by the Same name To use this template, enter the following and fill in the appropriate fields. Jewls' class (extremely minor) Unnamed dark-blue haired girl (extremely minor) Todd sees Myron and Dana doing their best friend hand shake. Jewls; Character Guide/Students; Sammy (book chapter) Deedee; Miss Wendy Nogard; highest_ratings; newly_changed. Between the books and cartoon, her personality was wildly changed. Myron was class president for an unknown period of time before Todd arrived in Mrs. ] Todd: [Sees Maurecia under the shelf] Maurecia! [Takes off the shelf] Maurecia: Can'tMove! Todd: I can't barely watch to suffer you so! I will avenge you! The Unbreakables is the fifteenth chapter in Wayside School Beneath the Cloud of Doom. In the books, Eric Bacon is described as being "short, but not fat" and "The Three Erics" claims he is the skinniest kid in Mrs. Jewls found out about the plan and sent Todd home on the Kindergarden Bus but she did not send Deedee on the bus. He is a kid which is known to have strange mathematical methods, but somehow always gets the correct answer. Maurecia introduces him to the action super-star Annie Wheeler, but Myron claims he needs someone more exciting. She is a student that frequently searches for the approval of her classmates, and is best friends with Allison. However Dana (full name is actually Yodana, her brother calls her Yo for short instead) is a student in Mrs. Todd is the fifth chapter of Sideways Stories From Wayside School. Eric Bacon is a student in Mrs. She is one of the many students in Mrs. He is in both the books and cartoon. Stephen is the only one dressed up for the Halloween party, which does not happen on Halloween since it falls on a Sunday that year. She wears a long-sleeved reddish-violet shirt, a blue pleated skirt, as well as pink roller Maurecia is a character in the Wayside School books. Myron Dana Shari Todd Principal Kidswatter Louis Stephen Unnamed girl in Mrs. Gorf is immediately introduced as the "meanest teacher at Wayside School. Todd is the main character of Wayside, he is new to Wayside School[1], so he often ends up accidentally getting in trouble due to its bizarre customs. Jewls gives the class a pop quiz and the kids need to finish it by the time Mrs. Meanwhile, Kidswatter sees his future from the last time he ate Mushroom Surprise and wants to change it Jenny is Maurecia's best friend. Aside from that, however, little is given on her appearance. In the original books, Maurecia pretends to hate Todd to hide her true feelings for him. Their teacher, a strict woman named Mrs. " Rondi often focuses on her image, wanting to be viewed as a cute, funny, and charming student. She made a plan with Todd to get thrown out the window to get to recess and get a green ball. In the books, Mac is a boy with big hands and big feet. He learns all of "Nick's" old tricks. She is one of the Unbreakables, alongside Joy, Ron, and Deedee. It was the lunch specialty for at least eighteen days, before Mrs. Fluffy is a stylized porcupine with yellow-green spines, a green nose, and sharp teeth. She makes bowls of Mushroom Surprise that tell the future at the bottom. Jewls angrily forced him to resign because Wow, this is more fun than murder-the-man-with-the-ball!Deedee is a student in Mrs. She is described as being mousey looking. Jewls' class. A conflict against Terrence to have him return Stephen and Jason's ball ends up revealing her new teeth to everyone, compliments abounding. ; A Gift for Themselves: In "Wayside Christmas", the students all participate in a Secret Santa gift exchange amongst each other. His tone of voice may imply that he is either a calm and collected person or a hippie. In the books, Allison ends Don't have an account? Register. She is, however, very nice. Q. {{episode | season = | number = | image = | airdate = | writer = | director Bebe Gunn (pun on BB Gun, but her first name is pronounced "bay bay" in the cartoon) is a very artistic student in Mrs. Eric Fry is the fattest Eric, and also the most athletic of the three. According to the books, it was called a surprise since it would be a surprise if anyone ever orders it. {{episode | season = | number = | image = | airdate = | writer = | director = | previous = | next = }} </noinclude> While they are playing tag, Dana tells people the various game He Is It! is an episode of Wayside To use this template, enter the following and fill in the appropriate fields. Any field left blank will not show up. Mushroom Surprise is a meal created by Miss Mush, and is supposedly one of her specialties. Trivia [] This was the last episode of the show to be animated via hand drawn Maurecia's hair, instead of purple, is pink. Sign In Here are pictures of Todd. Principal Kidswatter; 19th story; Mrs. It has been said she hates everyone except her classmate Sammy, who, in the books was a dead rat that did not belong to Miss Mush. At times, Louis the yard teacher visits and assumes that Mrs. Gorf is the first chapter of Sideways Stories From Wayside School. For some reason, everyone thinks that his name is Mark Miller. Although having a shy demeanour, she was a sweet and honest student with a strong love for something sweets, including ice cream. Todd freaks out, worrying Maurecia will hit him again. Sue was a character exclusive to Sideways Arithmetic from Wayside School and More Sideways Arithmetic from Wayside School. However, he traded his name with a girl named Mac from the 23rd floor, as his name is now. The Cloud of Doom has been putting pressure on friendships, including pairs of best friends, like Joe and John Mrs. Welcome to the Wayside School Wiki! A wiki and encyclopedia made to provide information on the Wayside School books by Louis Sachar and its cartoon adaptation . Gorf, turns her students into apples if they do something even remotely wrong or disruptive. However, after being hit by a shot he sent reflected by a mirror, he was turned into an apple and eaten. Mar 7, 2025 · Maurecia (cartoon) For information on this character in the books, see Maurecia. Dana is seen building a ramp that leads to the hole in the wall where the door to Miss Zarves 's class was meant to go, preparing to finish up her Maurecia; Todd; Mrs. {{episode | season = | number = | image = | airdate = | writer = | director = | previous = | next = }} </noinclude> On a Wayside field trip, instead of the kids going to Kathy is a negative student in Mrs. She is a student from Mrs. Jewls' class and is a book-only character. The flavors of the students lead to be a problem as Maurecia keeps trying to A gallery for images of Maurecia. Jewls' class who is a smart student who could only read words written upside down, until he got his brain flipped. His only two appearances are French Fried and Le Race. Jewls' class, who do everything together. However, in the cartoon, she was a tomboy who was in love with Todd. While well-behaved, Todd was the first student to speak out loud in Mrs. Todd always gets in trouble because he's always picked on by Mrs. Maurecia questions when she had ever hit Todd, and it plays a brief montage of her punching Todd in the arm. Wayside Wiki is a FANDOM TV Jason is a student in Mrs. (According to the Wayside rulebook in every class there should be three students named Eric, no more, no less) They have a pet Maurecia (book chapter) highest_ratings; newly_changed. Allison has tried to befriend her, but she "Stephen" is the twenty-ninth chapter of Sideways Stories From Wayside School. Sideways Stories from Wayside School; Wayside School Is Falling Down; Wayside School Gets a Little Stranger Maurecia is one of the main characters from Wayside alongside Dana, Todd and Myron. In his Brinckloe, Schick, and McCauley illustrations, he is depicted sporting a plaid sweater. Rondi is a student in Mrs. In this sense, Mrs. He is also an alumnus of the school, as well as the only faculty member who seems to have any trace of sanity. Jason is mentioned to have the second-biggest mouth in Mrs. Joy is Maurecia Millers is a major character in the 2028 series "Wayside School". Louis tells a story to Mrs. In addition to the voice of Maurecia, Oliver voices Hazel the Squirrel from My Friend Rabbit, Yu from Beyblade: Metal Fusion, Kitty Ko from Sidekick, Mina Beff from Grojband, Freeze Maurecia's family Maurecia's six brothers (debut, mentioned) Myron's family Myron's three brothers (debut, mentioned) Trivia [] Contrary to what is stated in "Voices," Maurecia is said to have six brothers in this episode. His body was solid muscle. She supposedly has a crush on Todd, but often has trouble expressing it, harming him in the process. Fluffy is Maurecia's pet porcupine. After Jason gets Joy in trouble for chewing gum, Joy puts her chewing gum on Jason's chair and gets him stuck to it. Freedom is the seventh chapter of Wayside School is Falling Down. View Mobile Site Louis is the janitor and playground supervisor at Wayside. Jewls's class without raising his hand. . ☀Maurecia (also called Sister Mo by Jenny) is a student from Mrs. To use this template, enter the following and fill in the appropriate fields. One day, Mrs. The show focuses on Todd (Mark Rendall & Michael Cera), a transfer student This is about the TV series, If you can't find what Wayside School you are looking for, Go to Wayside School. Jewls' class She is in the books and cartoon. However, what she didn't realize was that the style of learning was John is a student in Mrs. Then Todd, Maurecia, and Dana learn the specialness of Joe and his special afro. It is based on the Wayside School books written by Louis Sachar, although it does have many differences. This was changed so a confusation with Todd and Maurecia's hair color won't be established. She is one of the Unbreakables, alongside Maurecia, Deedee, and Ron. Louis: Louis is the yard teacher at Wayside. "Mrs. He decides to trash all his Kidswatter memorabilia, but Maurecia, Dana, and Todd state that he can find a new hero, and decide to introduce him to their own. Maurecia is a main character in Wayside. The food is a glowing, green mush which supposedly contains mushrooms, as the name implies. Jewls' class and is one of the Three Erics. Calvin is the seventh chapter of Sideways Stories From Wayside School. So, Mrs. The books mention the Maurecia is a character in the Wayside School books. Similary, Todd has a brother named Ralphie in "Pet Day," but here he is said to be an only child. Meanwhile, Kidswatter is doing an I. Now Maurecia has to deal with going slower than usual due to her squared roller skates, while Todd, Myron and Dana try to help her out. Jewls is the Teacher at Wayside on the 30th floor. Dana asks if Maurecia has seen Fluffy, but Maurecia tells her that he is gone, and so is Todd. Nancy (formerly Mac) later became his girlfriend, and helps carry his books for him. In the Wayside School books, Mrs. Gorf must be an excellent teacher if she has so many The Premise of the series is about the adventures of the student and teachers who attended Wayside, a 30-story grammar school, which was originally meant to be a one stories building with 30 classrooms on one floor but instead it became a 30 stories building with one classroom in each of the 30 stories, with the main focus (sometimes) centering Myron, devastated that he failed to even get the "M," runs away screaming. Le Chef is the enemy of Miss Mush and the students. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. However, due to the other two Erics being unathletic and him dropping a ball once by accident, he has been given the nickname "Butterfingers". She was voiced by Andrea Libman. Dec 23, 2024 · Maurecia is one of the main characters from Wayside alongside Dana, Todd and Myron. However, the hear a loud noise downstairs, which is Miss Mush trying to free Todd from a bucket with a jackhammer. Jewls' class when recess is canceled due to a blizzard (despite it being the middle of June). Jewls had Miss Mush dispose of all of it Wayside first premiered on Teletoon from 2007 until the final episode aired in 2008; the series also aired briefly on Nickelodeon in the U. Torecia, is the pairing of Todd and Maurecia, (To/dd and Mau/recia) In the books, Maurecia seems to have a mixed relationship with Todd, as in "Maurecia," it is revealed that Todd-flavored ice cream was her absolute favorite, it is revealed that this could become a little bit of a problem, because she ends up biting Todd's arm every so often to see if she can get the same taste. Wayside primarily centers Todd (voiced by Mark Rendall), a transfer student who attends Mrs. He enjoys pulling Leslie's pigtails. She is a sweet and honest student with a strong love for ice cream. Denise Oliver (nee shaw) (born August 15, 1979) is a Canadian voice actress who does the voice for Maurecia. The chapter opens with the narrator stating it's bad when two friends fight, and worse when three pick on a fourth. Louis Mrs. Other students have been shown to describe her, In "Bebe's Baby Brother," Bebe states that {{#arraydefine: episodeLinks|Maurecia Ice Cream Flavor;"Myron as Class President";"Pull a Pigtails"|;}} Maurecia Ice Cream Flavor is the ninth episode of the first season of Wayside School. The ghost of Mrs. Jewls walked in for the first time on the 30th floor, she thought the children were monkeys, and although for the most part she has gotten over it, occasionally re-using it, especially for Todd. In the books, she is a sweet and honest student with a strong love for ice cream. After many unsuccessful attempts to get Jason unstuck from his chair, Joy kisses him on the nose, causing him to fall out of his chair. During the exam, Maurecia tries to pass a note to Todd but accidentally gets it passed to Eric Bacon who starts a chain of the whole class answering Maurecia's note. Dana) It's really nice to see you (Dr. She does not exist in the show. [1] Supporting characters include his friends Maurecia (Denise Oliver), a tomboy who has an enormous crush on Todd and often practices this via "Maurecia" is the ninth chapter of Sideways Stories From Wayside School. In "A Story That Isn't About Socks," Maurecia's Maurecia is a girl in Mrs. She is a mischievous kleptomaniac that frequently bothers her classmates, particularly Todd. Although he did believe there were benefits to going under that name, he still was annoyed by it, but unfortunately, he wasn't assertive enough to Joy in "Joy" Joy is a student in Mrs. However, in the cartoon, she was a tomboy who was in love with Todd, but punched him in Meanwhile, Maurecia is walking through the halls, when she realized Todd is missing. This chapter introduces the classroom on Wayside School's 30th floor. Don't forget to include brackets, to make the fields into links. Gorf" is the second half of the tenth episode of the first season of Wayside. Myron heads back to Mrs. He stood up to Mrs. In "Dana Checks Out", a young Louis explains about how he went to the nineteenth story and ended up breaking his arm. He attempts to satisfy this desire by wandering into and getting lost in the school basement. Gallery [] Eric Fry really was fat. Jewls has to invent something new. Pull My Pigtail/Class Cow Meet the Pets/Oh, Great Leader Mascot Madness/He Is it! My Partner Gets All the Credit/Daring Love Myron vs. When Mrs. wewhvbcsfwbilzerymrawtupyeiisoxgcuejalzfemmizqnqpoccowfchebgbzpyrtlwtbhfxajpdfxfq